Saturday, March 10, 2018

"Devotional" Gateway Church of the Nazarene in Murrieta, California, United States for Saturday, 10 March 2018

"Devotional" Gateway Church of the Nazarene in Murrieta, California, United States for Saturday, 10 March 2018
GATEWAY E-News - 121
Gateway Church Family, Date: Saturday, 6 March 2018
I hope your week is off to a great start! We saw God doing amazing things this past weekend at Gateway Nazarene. I want to take a moment to just say thank you! Thank you for your faithfulness to Gateway and most importantly, thank you for your faithfulness to Christ.
This past weekend at 520 on Saturday and both services on Sunday, I preached on the importance of living out our faith. I have come to believe that our daily actions should be the evidence of our faith that we have in Christ. Many people wondered after service about some practical ways that we can show our faith through our actions.
In Sunday’s bulletin, I listed practical everyday ways that we can live out our faith but I also wanted to share them for my devotional this week. Here are 10 practical ways that you and I can show our faith through our actions.
1. Buy someone’s lunch
2. Carry someone’s groceries out to their car
3. Write a letter or make a call
4. Share your faith with someone
5. Be present for someone when no one else is
6. Give someone a hug
7. Stop by just to visit
8. Be an encourager to someone who is down
9. Serve in the ministry that God has called you too
10. Live a sacrificial and compassionate life
I am sure that you can think of many more but I thought this list might be helpful!
I hope you have a wonderful week this week!
God bless you! (Pastor Kevin)
5twenty – A Very Special Event - Local attorney, Nada Higuera, will be sharing her testimony at 5twenty on March 10th. Mrs. Higuera was featured on the cover of the Focus on the Family magazine in January for her emotional triumph in the courtroom. Fighting on constitutional grounds for pro-life clinics, Higuera was the only attorney in the US to win this case. Her arguments are currently being used at the Supreme Court level for a trial scheduled for March 20th. Not only does Mrs. Higuera have a powerful legal career, but the path God chose for her arrival at this particular location is inspiring and unique. A victim herself of sexual abuse, a forced abortion, and now raising her first child, she finds the Lord working in mysterious and powerful ways in and through her. Come hear how she is “Fighting the Good Fight” on March 10th at 5:20pm.

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