Friday, March 9, 2018

"Find a Speaker for Your Next Event" Transform Network in Asheville, North Carolina, United States - Please share the Transform Roster with your church and conference/events planners that you know!

"Find a Speaker for Your Next Event" Transform Network in Asheville, North Carolina, United States - Please share the Transform Roster with your church and conference/events planners that you know!
Announcing the Transform Roster
Speakers Bureau
We're excited to announce that Transform Network has launched a new Speakers Bureau called the Transform Roster, featuring some amazing prophetic voices including Anthony Smith, Kathy Escobar, Vahisha Hasan, Amy Cantrell, and others.
The vision for the Transform Roster is to center the voices of those who have traditionally been marginalized -- women, people of color, and LGBTQIA. We believe the body of Christ needs to hear dispatches from these folks at the margins, or else it will continue to have a spiritual form of leprosy (as Alexia Salvatierra says), not feeling and not sensing what the Church needs to feel and sense in these trying times!
These folks are amazing practitioners and teachers, as well, who can help others connect faith and social justice on many topics. We see the need to exponentially train and mobilize more and more people of faith to join God in the streets for moral resistance, and we believe the Transform Roster of prophetic trainers can do just that.
Will you please help us let others know about the Transform Roster?
Will you share the Transform Roster on your blog/social media? We need help getting the word out about this awesome resource! Here's a sample tweet/FB status you can use:
Transform Network has launched an exciting new speakers bureau, featuring some truly prophetic and important voices for the Church today. Check it out and consider inviting some of these folks to come speak/preach at your next conference/church event:
Do you know anyone who is an amazing, talented practitioner and voice for faith and justice? If you know of other amazing prophetic voices that the body of Christ needs to hear from, folks who are ready to get out and speak and train and who have capacity but who need the support of a network and a platform to help them get out there and do it, will you please share the Transform Roster with them and encourage them to contact Holly Roach Knight at to inquire about joining the Roster?
Learn More and Find a Speaker for Your Next Event
"Lent Devotional for Dismantling White Supremacy Available Now" Transform Network in Asheville, North Carolina, United States - Order the new Lent devotional for dismantling white supremacy from the Transform Network bookstore!
Resipiscence: A Lenten Devotional for Dismantling White Supremacy
The 2018 Lent season began today, Ash Wednesday! A new Lent devotional is available now to download and/or order in print online now at
Resipiscence: A Lenten Devotional for Dismantling White Supremacy follows the Lenten lectionary for Year B. It is a collaborative project of Movement In Faith, Transform Network, Seminary of the Street, and Showing Up For Racial Justice (SURJ)--Faith.
“Resipiscence” is defined as “a change of mind or heart, reformation, a return to a sane, sound, or corrected view or position” (Merriam-Webster). The contributors within these pages are absolutely calling for a change of both mind and heart in the way we love or do not love our neighbor, a reform in oppressive structural institutions, and in light of the national political tone, a resolute call for a return to a corrected view of what and who made, makes, and will make this country great.
This Lenten devotional is our collective sacrificial offering. It is our hope that these expressions of lament, vulnerability in being seen and heard, call to actively love the least of these, challenge to consider alternative perspectives, wrestle with the Biblical text, and examination of sacrifice, inspire you as they have inspired us, to move in faith.
Learn More and Order Online Now
Vahisha Hasan, executive director of Movement In Faith, is one of the editors of Resipiscence: A Lenten Devotional for Dismantling White Supremacy. Learn more about her work with Movement In Faith, and find out how you can invite her to come speak to your church or group through the new Transform Network Speakers Bureau.

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Copyright © 2018 Transform Network, All rights reserved. 
Our mailing address is: 
Transform Network
P.O. Box 16702
Asheville, North Carolina 28816, United States

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