Sunday, March 11, 2018

Reflecting God – Embrace Holy Living - The Global Church of the Nazarene's The Foundry Publishing in Kansas City, Missouri, United States - "True or False" by Karolyn Parsons - Proverbs 22:17-29 for Sunday, 11 March 2018

Reflecting God – Embrace Holy Living - The Global Church of the Nazarene's The Foundry Publishing in Kansas City, Missouri, United States - "True or False" by Karolyn Parsons - Proverbs 22:17-29 for Sunday, 11 March 2018
"True or False" by Karolyn Parsons - Proverbs 22:17 Pay attention, and listen to the words of the wise;
    apply your heart to my knowledge;
18 for it is pleasant to keep them deep within you;
    have all of them ready on your lips.
19 I want your trust to be in Adonai;
    this is why I’m instructing you about them today.
20 I have written you worthwhile things
    full of good counsel and knowledge,
21 so you will know that these sayings are certainly true
    and bring back true sayings to him who sent you.
22 Don’t exploit the helpless, because they are helpless,
    and don’t crush the poor in court,
23 for Adonai will plead their case for them
    and withhold life from those who defraud them.
24 Don’t associate with an angry man;
    make no hot-tempered man your companion.
25 If you do, you may learn his ways
    and find yourself caught in a trap.
26 Don’t be one of those who give pledges,
    guaranteeing loans made to others;
27 for if you don’t have the wherewithal to pay,
    they will take your bed away from underneath you.
28 Don’t move the ancient boundary stone
    set up by your ancestors.
29 Do you see a man skilled at his work?
    He will serve kings, not obscure people.
Perhaps you have heard the comment, “I saw it on the internet so that must make it true!” Or, maybe you have seen an article or email that you thought was true, only to find out it was a scam. Have you ever received a phone call warning you that your account has been hacked or that you won a trip to a tropical paradise? What is true? What is a lie? How can we tell the difference?
We are constantly receiving messages, and we are constantly challenged to consider them for accuracy and truth. Just because the words were spoken or written down, on the internet, radio, or television, we ca not always take them as truth. Instead of taking everything at face value, we must look to other methods to determine what is true.
These words from Solomon’s teacher reminding him that being open to instruction and teaching from the Lord is the way to find truth. We have to open our ears to learn and hear truth, and use our lips to speak the truth to others. Through wise counsel and teaching, which the Lord uses to guide, we can find the truth that we need in life.
Hymn for Today: "'Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus" by Louisa M. R. Stead, c. 1850-1917.
1. 'Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus, 
and to take him at his word; 
just to rest upon his promise, 
and to know, "Thus saith the Lord." 
Refrain: Jesus, Jesus, how I trust him! 
How I've proved him o'er and o'er! 
Jesus, Jesus, precious Jesus! 
O for grace to trust him more! 
2. O how sweet to trust in Jesus, 
just to trust his cleansing blood; 
and in simple faith to plunge me 
neath the healing, cleansing flood! 
Refrain: Jesus, Jesus, how I trust him! 
How I've proved him o'er and o'er! 
Jesus, Jesus, precious Jesus! 
O for grace to trust him more! 
3. Yes, 'tis sweet to trust in Jesus, 
just from sin and self to cease; 
just from Jesus simply taking 
life and rest, and joy and peace. 
Refrain: Jesus, Jesus, how I trust him! 
How I've proved him o'er and o'er! 
Jesus, Jesus, precious Jesus! 
O for grace to trust him more! 
4. I'm so glad I learned to trust thee, 
precious Jesus, Savior, friend; 
and I know that thou art with me, 
wilt be with me to the end. 
Refrain: Jesus, Jesus, how I trust him! 
How I've proved him o'er and o'er! 
Jesus, Jesus, precious Jesus! 
O for grace to trust him more! 
Thought for Today: you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”(John 8:32).
Please pray: That many people in Guam will come to know Yeshua the Messiah and receive the fullness of the Ruach HaKodesh.
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