Hello Resurrection Blue Springs Family and Friends,
Many of you have been asking for news about our beautiful new granddaughter Lula June born on June 23rd. It's been a roller coaster of a week. She was taken to Children's Mercy Monday evening after she was born because of multiple concerns with her health. The test results have led to some hard news this week that changes all our expectations for this child and little Lula is still not out of the woods yet. We put a caringbridge site together yesterday for anyone who would like to follow Lula's journey and to give you more specific information for your prayers for her, Amanda and Zack. Here is the site: http://www.caringbridge.org/visit/lulajunearndt.
We have no idea what the journey ahead is going to look like for Lula, except that Lula is most likely going to be a high level special needs child. We're all heartbroken at this news but readjusting our dreams and plans now to be the best parents and grandparents this child could ask for. We all love her so much. Parenting is always an unknown journey for anyone who chooses to take it but even in the hard stuff there is joy and hope. The best thing you can do for us right now is to keep Lula, Amanda and Zack in your prayers. It looks like Lula may be in Children's Mercy for a couple more weeks. There are some important markers she needs to pass yet before she can come home. Pray that she is able to accomplish these and don't be afraid to ask us about her. We've got some pretty sweet pictures we're ready to show you!
I wanted to mention our Summer Outdoor Baptism service to be held at Janet and Cully Scott's home on July 13th again. This gathering is for anyone, adult or child, who has not been baptized or who would like to reaffirm their baptism vows. We'll offer baptism by immersion or sprinkling in the Scott's pool and then celebrate these special commitments with a potluck dinner on the Scott's patio. Everyone is invited, as we want to offer our congregational support for those taking this important step of faith. I will be holding a short baptism meeting this Sunday immediately after our 10:45 am worship for anyone who is considering making this step of faith. If you are interested in being baptized and cannot make this meeting, please let me know and we will schedule another time. This was a very special occasion last year so I hope you'll mark your calendars to attend.
This weekend in worship Pastor Adam will be back preaching a message about leading beyond the walls of the church. He’ll be casting vision and reminding us about Resurrection’s story, including our mission and vision! I hope you'll invite a friend and plan to join us.
Upcoming Summer Activities:
July 6 Family Worship
Head for the Cure Royals Game
Teams are Forming
Summer Hospitality Team
Women's Summer Class Starting
VBC 2014-The Gift of CHRISTmas
Family Fun Night
Special Baptism Service-July 13
Willow Creek Leadership Summit
July 6 Family Worship Sunday – We will be providing breakfast from 8–8:45 am. Volunteers needed to help cook or clean up; please sign up at Guest Services.
Head for the Cure Royals Game – Sunday, July 13, 1:10 pm, Royals vs. Tigers. Tickets are $25 with $5 from each ticket going directly to the Head for the Cure Foundation. Sign up at Guest Services or email Laura Ward at lauratuttle02@gmail.com to purchase tickets.
Teams are Forming to provide support for members of our Resurrection Blue Springs family. To join the Household Fix-It Crew and perform household chores and fix-it jobs, contact Jim Barber. To Provide a Meal for a family in need when life events get in the way (injury, hospitalization, new baby etc.) contact Sherri Moore. You can also sign up for either of these opportunities at Guest Services on Sunday.
Summer Hospitality Team. Summer is upon us and we have a lot of folks in and out on vacation so we're finding we have some holes in our hospitality line up. If you'd be willing to volunteer as an usher, greeter, coffee host or communion server this summer or if you would be willing to place your name on a substitute list we would be so grateful. We'll provide whatever training you need. We want to be able to provide great hospitality all summer long as we've got a great line up for worship. Contact Jennifer Palmer if you'd be willing to serve.
Harvesting Your Wonderful Godly Self! A Biblically-Based Motivational Bible Study for Busy Women led by Patricia Sanders-Hall, M.A., Mondays, July 7-August 4 , 6:30-8 pm. This study uses gardening and farming terms as metaphors for ways we can achieve a closer relationship with God.
Week 1: Women’s Bible Study Retreat – Monday, July 7, 5:30–8.30 pm, Lake Lotawana
Weeks 2-5: Women’s Bible Study – Mondays, July 14, 21, 28 & August 4, 6:30–8pm, Resurrection Blue Springs.
If you’re helping with VBC, feel free to jump in starting week two of this study. Sign up online or at Guest Services on Sunday.
The Gift of CHRISTmas-Vacation Bible Camp - July 7-11 from 5:30-8:30pm. We will start out with a dinner from 5:30-6:00. Then we will have music, fun, crafts, games and of course learn about the Gift of CHRISTmas. All children from PreK-5th grade are welcome to attend. Invite your friends, family and neighbors. Cost will be $15 per child. That includes all the fun, meals and a t-shirt. Register online NOW or sign up at the KiDSCOR desk on Sunday. Contact Diane Enlow for more information or to volunteer.
Family Fun Night! Don't forget that the last evening of VBC is open to our whole community. We'll celebrate the conclusion of an incredible week at Vacation Bible Camp with a Family Fun Night. We'll start with a short presentation closing VBC, which includes a missions report, and highlights from the characters our kids have grown to love all week. Then we'll have some dinner and open it up for the final fun with a water inflatable and more! Kids (and adults who want to join in the water play) will need to bring swimsuits and towels.
Special Baptism Service – Sunday, July 13. This special Baptism Services is an opportunity for people of all ages to receive the Sacrament of Baptism and for anyone who is feeling a desire to reaffirm their baptismal covenant and commitment to discipleship. Anyone desiring baptism by immersion or sprinkling is invited to participate, along with their families and members of our church family. The service will be held at the Scott’s backyard pool (1308 NE Hilltop Dr.) Sunday, July 13, 5 pm. We’ll celebrate the evening with some food and fellowship. Sign up at Guest Services on Sunday. A brief pre-baptism meeting with Pastor Penny is a prerequisite to this event. Contact Penny.Ellwood@rezbluesprings.org for more information.
Discover, Equip, Inspire Your Inner Leader! Willow Creek Leadership Summit is coming to Resurrection’s Leawood Campus August 14-15. You’re invited to participate in this exciting leadership training event via satellite link from Willow Creek Church. As a host site, Resurrection is offering a discounted rate for those who register by July 15. Just visit the website at www.cor.org/willow and use password: LEAD14HS when you register.
Looking forward to seeing you in worship this Sunday.
Abundant Blessings,
For our Resurrection Blue Springs Campus Calendar: click here
Contact Our Staff:
Church Office Phone: (816)389-8900
Rev. Penny Ellwood, Campus Pastor penny.ellwood@rezbluesprings.org
Mike Ash, Worship Leader/Director of Community mike.ash@rezbluesprings.org
Diane Enlow, Director of Children's Ministry diane.enlow@rezbluesprings.org
Clark Johnson, Technical Producer clark.johnson@rezbluesprings.org
Heather Sooley, Operations Coordinating Assistant heather.sooley@rezbluesprings.org
Lori Wolverton, Nursery Staff lori.wolverton@rezbluesprings.org
Visit us on the web:
For upcoming and ongoing programs and events at our Leawood Campus, visit www.cor.org.
Campus enotes: Leawood, Downtown, West
Resurrection Blue Springs
Resurrecton Blue Springs
13720 Roe Avenue
Leawood, KS 66224 United States
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