"May the nations praise you, O God. Yes, may all the nations praise you."(Psalm 67:5, NLT)
Levi Crouch
On June 19 NMI received an urgent request to pray for two-year-old Levi Crouch who was suffering a severe asthma attack. The church went to prayer. On June 20, we received this message from Papua New Guinea (PNG):
"There is, right now, a cautious OPTIMISM flooding through the mission-station PNG that God has just directly answered ours prayers. Dr. Erin Meier describes a major, sudden, and unexplainable change early this morning in the condition of Levi Crouch. The two-year-old boy had suffered a severe asthma attack and went from total exhaustion, hours of shallow panting, low oxygen levels, and decreasing strength to suddenly sitting up, alert, awake, "jabbering" on and on and breathing good."
Oh God we praise Your Holy Name! Please continue to pray for little Levi as X-rays show he has pneumonia but he is doing better. Please pray also for his parents, medical missionaries Mark and Esther, who serve at the Nazarene hospital in Kudjip, PNG.
Taxi Ride
When Mesoamerica regional coordinators met recently, God planned something unexpected during the team’s free time. On the taxi ride to dinner one night, the team engaged the driver, Daniel Cid, in conversation. On the trip back to the hotel after dinner, conversation continued and before the evening was over, Daniel Cid prayed to ask Jesus into his heart. Praise the Lord for the unexpected times He provides for us to share the Gospel. Read Daniel Cid’s story of new life and beach baptism in the NCN News story.
Baptism on the beach
Mesoamerica Region
While the Mesoamerica Global Mission coordinators met recently, God planned something unexpected during the team's free time.
Mesoamerica Communications recently received the following report from María Eugenia Rodríguez, Mexico North Field Global Mission coordinator:
What do the Global Mission coordinators do during their free time in a retreat?
Many times, churches are waiting for someone to arrive with a good strategy to evangelize, ignoring that every day God gives us many opportunities to share the good news of salvation.
The first time I got in the taxi that took us to the restaurant for dinner, I realized that there was an identification card hanging from the driver rearview mirror and I read the name, Daniel Cid. The biblical name and Spanish last name were the opportunity God gave me to establish communication with the driver. Thereafter, I let him know that I liked his name because it was biblical and also because his last name was the same as my father. Due to his Spanish accent, I was able to break the barrier and I decided to call him uncle, because of the colloquial form of treating each other, between Spaniards.
After dinner, on the way to the hotel, we asked Daniel about his religious beliefs; it surprised us the number of biblical passages that he knew by heart. Then we asked him whether he had been saved. By his answer, we realized that he wasn't yet. We noticed that he had a misconception of baptism, saying that in the future he would make the decision to be baptized. After listening to him recite the Word of God for a few minutes, we confronted him with the following questions, which he couldn't answer. How long will it take you to make that decision? Who guaranteed that you would live tomorrow to make that decision? Why wait until tomorrow when you can do it today? Would you like to make a decision for Christ right now? He answered: "Yes, I would."
We got to the hotel and right there without getting off the taxi, we did the prayer of faith, which he repeated with audible voice. We asked him where Jesus was and he confessed to have Him in his heart. Each of us embraced him and welcomed him to the family of faith.
The next day was our free morning; we invite Daniel to go with us on the beach to "praise the Lord together." Daniel Cid came to the beach when we were in the water, we got out to say hello and noticed he was well dressed, with well-shined shoes and perfumed. We asked if he knew of any song, he remembered one, which we sang right then and there. We moved to the shade of a tree to continue praising the Lord as we had promised. Rev. Milton [Gay] began to share about the story of the Philippine jailer, and how believing in Jesus Christ saved him. In the same way, Daniel was saved and he could be used for his entire house to be saved as well. The jailer was baptized … What prevented Daniel from being baptized? There was plenty of water there! Daniel recalled the passage of Philip and the Ethiopian; we briefly reviewed it and made the invitation to be baptized. He accepted and said, "Let me just change my clothes, here in the van I have some." We waited a few minutes for him. We had to do the baptism quickly because we had to return to Santo Domingo.
Daniel returned ready to be baptized. Milton, Absolu, and Daniel got in the sea. The waves were coming hard, but this did not stop Daniel from being baptized. We sang, "I've decided to follow Jesus" and each of us shared a text of hope, security, and strength with Daniel.
Daniel is now a new creature in Christ. Near where he lives, we have a Nazarene church and we have initiated the contact for him to continue his growth in Christ. It was the best resting day we have had in our lives. We had joy on earth and in heaven as well!
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/4BXxthGoeII" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>--Church of the Nazarene Mesoamerica Region
June Missionary Prayer Focus
Thank you for keeping Nazarene missionaries in your prayers. The following requests have been received from missionaries who are part of the June Prayer Focus:
Brian and Julie Woolery, serving in Japan
•Pray for us as we seek to develop a culture of discipleship at our local church where everyone is both actively seeking to be a disciple of Jesus and also to help make disciples of Jesus.
•Pray for our language learning as we live between English and Japanese world and relationships.
•Pray for our work with Japanese friends, both believers and non-believers to come to know Jesus better and be a part of what He is doing around them.
•Pray for our boys to understand and respond to Jesus’ love for them
•Pray for Julie and I during the slow, discouraging, or disappointing moments in ministry.
Edwin and Wendy Lopez, serving in Panama
•Adjustment to new ministry assignments for both Edwin and Wendy
•Joshua (14) as he starts high school in a few months
•Our church in Panama – that we would help minister to the community in Samaria
•Our family – salvation and commitment to the Lord
Jennifer Staudt, serving in Ecuador
•Nazarene International Language Institute (NILI) – We are praising the Lord because we have eight students here and we know that God is going to do great things in and through them during their semester here at NILI.
•Pray that God would continue to send students here to study Spanish. Pray that while they are here, He would be at work in their lives and they leave NILI not only with a better knowledge and ability to speak Spanish but that they also can tell about their experience with God during their time here in Quito, Ecuador!
•Teens of Carcelen- My husband, Harrison, and I are the youth pastors at the Carcelen Church of the Nazarene in Ecuador. Our prayer request is that God would be at work in the lives of our teens, that they would have a desire to know more about Him and that they would want to get more involved in the church.
•Pray for Harrison and me as we lead the youth at church, that the Lord would guide us in how to lead them well, that He would show us in a specific way to get them more involved and to give them opportunities to really have a true God experience.
July Missionary Prayer Focus
The following are the names of missionaries Verne Ward, director of Global Mission, is praying specifically for during the month of July. Please join Dr. Ward and pray for:
Denise and Phil Anderson, South Africa
Greg and Marla Armstrong, Commonwealth of Independent States
Linda Braaten, South Africa
Greg and Amy Crofford, South Africa
Ruben and Monica Fernández, Costa Rica
Katie Fitch, Denmark
Whitney Fry, Kenya
Mikki Goss, South Africa
Andy and Sarah Kearney, Asia-Pacific
Bruce and Cinda McKellips, Portugal
Jessie Mendez, Ecuador
Jennifer Moore, Cambodia
Jessica Morris, Bulgaria
Rusty and Diane Robbins, United States/JESUS Film Harvest Partners
Roberto and Rhesa Rodriguez, USA/Mexico Border Initiative
Dave and Lora Seymore, New Zealand
Grace Shelby, Zambia
Jay and Teanna Sunberg, Hungary
JoAnn Vinyard, South Africa
Please remember to pray also for missionaries who serve in creative access areas and whose names we are unable to list.
30 Days of Prayer for the Muslim World
Please join Nazarene Missions International in praying for our Muslim neighbors during the 30 Days of Prayer for the Muslim World emphasis, June 28-July 27, 2014. The objective of this international, annual call to prayer is to learn about the Muslim faith and ways to pray. Excellent resources to help you and your congregation structure a meaningful time of prayer for Muslims can be found at www.worldchristian.com.
District Superintendents
Over the next several months, NMI will publish the names and place of ministry for Nazarene district superintendents. Please join us in praying for these individuals who God has called to shepherd pastors and churches around the world.
Today's district superintendents are from countries on the Africa Region:
Geoffrey Kamando, Tanzania North
Jumanne Mwambinga, Tanzania South
Nuneto Ferramingo, Mozambique Quelimane
Joaquim Mafunga, Mozambique Rio Zambeze
Alberto Caetano, Mozambique Sofala Central and Sofala Marromeu
Laitane Bonga, Mozambique Tete
Simiao Muhlanga, Mozambique Vilanculos
Simiao Chiponde, Mozambique Xai-Xai
Edmundo Tembe, Mozambique Zavala
May the Lord add His blessing to the work of these district superintendents.
NMI is starting something new, asking for prayers for upcoming NMI conventions and the NMI leader of that convention. We hope to include dates and names for global NMI conventions throughout the year. We begin today with the following nine districts. Please pray for those who will gather to hear God’s story that is playing out through Nazarene missions and for the leaders of each meeting:
Southwestern Ohio, July 6, Elaine Mehaffey
Iowa, July 8, Sharon Meek
Dallas, July 9, Cheryl Adams
East Tennessee, July 9, Teresa Hodge
Lord, encourage the people who attend these NMI conventions, be present and work in mighty ways among them, for your glory.
Board of General Superintendents
Please pray for the ministry and safety of the general superintendents as they travel this month:
Jerry D. Porter
J. K. Warrick
Eugénio Duarte
David W.Graves
David A. Busic
Gustavo A. Crocker
Jim Radcliffe- UPDATE
Your continued prayers are appreciated for Jim Radcliffe. An evaluation of his heart has revealed the need for open-heart surgery. Further evaluations are being done and Jim should know in a few days what the final plans for surgery will be. In the meantime, the doctor feels Jim's condition is stable. Pray for the doctors as they determine the timing for surgery, for Jim as he undergoes surgery, for his complete recovery, for his family, and for God’s presence to be felt by all. The Radcliffs serve in Papua New Guinea.
Peter A. Robinson
Please pray for Peter A. Robinson who is recovering at home following a heart attack. Pastor “Robby” is one of the few remaining pioneers of the Church of the Nazarene in Australia.
Thank you for praying.
"Thank God for the unknown future…How merciful God is to lift the curtain on today; and as we get strength today to meet tomorrow,
then to lift the curtain on the morrow."(E. Stanley Jones (1884-1973) American missionary and theologian)
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