Great Plains Conference of the United Methodist Church "Congregational Excellence presents ReThink Home - Stories from the Mission Field at Your Doorstep - Volume 1, Number 6 for Monday, 30 June 2014
After the moving truck leaves
Bringing change to the small membership church
The global village at your doorstep
Celebrate recovery - a promising ministry in the Five Rivers District
Rethink Church
Change is coming
No matter what, congregations change. The only question is how.
All organizations, including churches, have a natural lifecycle. Just as a human being is born, develops, grows, declines and dies, so goes the life cycle of a congregation. Our faith, however, teaches us that, in Christ, death has been defeated. By the power of the Spirit working in our midst, this is just as true for congregations as it is for individuals.
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Change is coming
No matter what, congregations change. The only question is how.
All organizations, including churches, have a natural lifecycle. Just as a human being is born, develops, grows, declines and dies, so goes the life cycle of a congregation. Our faith, however, teaches us that, in Christ, death has been defeated. By the power of the Spirit working in our midst, this is just as true for congregations as it is for individuals.
Congregational lifecycle
When a congregation is born, the community is full of hope, vision and energy. Church planters typically have a deep passion for the mission field and work long hours to cast a vision and build community. As the congregation grows, it develops into a more complex organization. Structure, staff and programs are added to help the vision become reality. In time, programs and structure (maybe even some staff) become deeply embedded traditions, and the vision and passion that energized the birth grow dim. In many ways, the most critical time for a congregation is the “plateau” that occurs when things seem to be going just fine. If nothing changes, decline will inevitably occur. It is at this point that traditions and structure become the reason for existing. The mission is left far behind, and the congregation is almost totally internally focused. Far too many of our congregations have failed to act during this critical period, and they find themselves in decline or even near death. The more the congregation worries about dying (and thus focuses on saving itself), the more quickly death is likely to come.
Self examination
It’s not unusual for different people in the same congregation to see the church’s lifecycle stage differently. Here is an exercise to try with a group of leaders. Give a brief explanation of the lifecycle of an organization. Then draw an empty curve line on a flip chart or white board. Ask each person to make a mark (or place their initials) at the point they believe best describes the congregation as it currently exists. Then listen carefully to one another as each person explains his or her reasoning. The conversation which follows is a great beginning to understanding what the church must do to get growing again. Once an organization knows where it is, it’s easier to get where it needs to be.
Rev. Evelyn Fisher, director of Congregational Excellence
Lynette Lacy talks about healthy pastor/parishioner relationships
June is a time of transition for many United Methodist church communities around the Great Plains. Lynette Lacy, faculty member for the Kansas Leadership Center (KLC) and member of Trinity UMC, Hutchinson, Kan., offers tips from the KLC competencies on how to manage self and begin to think about trustworthy processes to build a healthy partnership between parishioners and pastors.
Camp changed me
Great Plains Camps Inc., is where faith and fun come together. Together we are living into becoming a conference-wide camp ministry spread across Kansas and Nebraska. Our guide for programming all six camps focuses on building relationships. Relationships with God through bible studies and camp community worship; relationships with nature by learning about the great outdoors and caring for the environment; relationships with each other by living together as a camp community and discovering just how a solid, loving Christian community works; and through building relationships with ourselves by learning new skills, taking pride in our work, and growing closer to God. The video “Camp Changed Me” takes a look at how camp changes peoples lives every day.
Each month, through video, blogs, stories and links to helpful resources, we’ll explore a different topic related to your mission in your local mission field. Please share your response with us at
Here’s the lineup for the coming months:
July – Fruitfulness, August – Conflict. If you have other suggestions, send them along. The conversation is only beginning.
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