Good Morning RezDowntowners!
What a great week few weeks it has been at Resurrection Downtown. With 65 kids in Vacation Bible Camp last week and then another 60 at Basketball Camp this week, it has been a whirlwind couple of weeks to say the least. Seeing all of the new life and energy within the youngest members of this church has been just short of amazing. And what’s more amazing is that so many of you made this possible. Whether by prayer, volunteering or even donating the funds for our kids to participate, you allowed God to use you to make for a great experience of God for a whole bunch of kiddos. For many of our kids, these days will become very special memories that will last throughout their lifetime, which, in turn, helps them understand who God is and what church is all about! Please know how grateful the staff and I are for everything you’ve done to make these two special events happen in the heart of our city! I also want to offer a special word of thanks to Kris Drummond, our Director of Children’s Ministry, for leading and coordinating two of the best week’s we’ve had in the life of our church!
This week, I am excited to return to Resurrection Downtown after our four-week sermon series on W*RK! I have missed being downtown with all of you, but I’m looking forward to seeing you all this weekend in worship. This weekend in worship Pastor Adam will be preaching a message about leading beyond the walls of the church. He’ll be casting vision and reminding us about Resurrection’s story, including our mission and vision! It is going to be a great weekend in worship and I’m excited to spend it with you at Resurrection Downtown.
In the meantime, here are some ways to connect to the life of the church:
Thank you for Blessing the School!
Singles With a Twist (SWAT)
Attention All Boomers!
No KidsCOR on 4th of July Weekend, Family Friendly Worship.
Dinner and a Concert Downtown – July 12th
Thank You to more than 600 people who served through Bless the School last week fixing up the school and serving refreshments. To learn about other ways you can support our Education & Life Skills Ministry, visit
SWAT (Singles with a Twist) This is a new group for singles 35 (or whatever age) and over, focusing on community service, social gatherings and faith study. Come to our next gathering, Sunday, June 29, 12:15 pm, for the monthly Lunch and Learn Potluck in the Loft at 1522 McGee. For more information, contact either Gina Bowman at, Renae Gonner at, or Philip Krause at
Attention All Boomers! Join us Saturday, July 5, at 5 pm for an evening of fun, food and fellowship! We will gather at the home of Don Carrel and Chris Curry in Mission, KS. All you have to do is bring a salad, dessert or side dish to share! Let us know if you are coming by contacting Genease at and we will provide Chris and Don’s address via email.
KiDSCOR 4th of July Weekend – Next weekend will be a family friendly worship. Nursery will be available for children 4 years old and younger. Please enjoy this time in worship with your children.
Dinner and a Concert! We have the perfect evening for you! On Saturday, July 12, at 5:10 pm, come to our Resurrection Downtown worship service followed by a hot dog dinner and an amazing concert by our own Glory Revival Band. It’s free, fun and a great way to build community. Bring your friends and family! For more information, send an email to
I am so blessed to be a part of this community and I am so proud to serve Christ with you in this city. Vacation Bible Camp was a blast and so was Basketball Camp. I am so thankful to be a part of such a dynamic and life-giving community of people like you. I'm looking forward to seeing you in worship this weekend, but until then, have a great and God-filled Friday!
PS. Here are a few pics summarizing the last two weeks!
Congregational Care and Support
If you need pastoral care, call 816-979-1330 or for after hours emergencies, (816)875-0267.
To submit a prayer request, contact
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For more information:
Visit our website
1522 McGee Street
Kansas City, MO 64108 United States
(816) 979-1330
Reverend Scott M. Chrostek, Campus Pastor
The United Methodist Church of the Resurrection Downtown |
The United Methodist Church of the Resurrection Downtown
13720 Roe Avenue
Leawood, KS 66224 United States
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