Greetings RezDowntowners,
It has been a great week in Kansas City, however, I was out of town for the first part of the week (twice a year I travel to Durham, NC to serve on Duke’s National Alumni Council). However, while I was gone I was able to keep up with things happening in our community and one of the things that has got me so excited is your level of participation in our small groups and community groups. Within the past week we have launched four new small groups (home-based groups) and four new community groups (short-term Bible studies at the church). The energy has been great. In addition, I had the privilege of leading one of these groups (the Young & [un]Professionals) on Wednesday night. We had over 40 people gathered together to do a study called, “More Than Sunday.” We talked about what our life of faith looks like, we are exploring the formative Christian texts, and asking the question how is God calling me to a life of faith that involves more than Sunday.
We work really hard at building up community life at RezDowntown as a way of facilitating and cultivating a faith that seeks deeper understanding about who God is by connecting you with others in holy conversation and community. If you haven’t participated in a small group or community group, I want to invite you to consider taking a step of faith by joining one of our upcoming classes or small groups. If you have any questions about specific groups and/or times please email Kelly Sisney, our Director of Community Life and Operations.
Finally, this weekend in worship we are continuing our sermon series on The Power of Words. We’ll be focusing on the words we use when it comes to politics. It is Labor Day weekend so we’ll be holding a Family Friendly Worship Weekend, which means that we won’t have KiDSCOR on Saturday or Sunday, but our Nursery will be available for infants to 4 years of age. Additionally, our Church offices and buildings will be closed Monday, Sept. 1, in observance of the Labor Day Holiday.
I can’t wait to see you all this weekend in worship and I hope you have a great Friday!
In the meantime, here are several ways to connect to the life of this community:
Love to Serve! Register now for our Volunteer Celebration on Sept. 2nd.
Amazing Bus Challenge – Saturday, September 6th.
Coffee With the Pastor – Sunday, September 7th at 1:30pm.
RezLIfe Middle School Begins on Sunday, September 7th.
Men’s Breakfast Series Kick-off with Pastor Adam Hamilton.
Matthew’s Ministry Downtown – Parents’ Night Out.
Women’s Breakfast Series Kick-off on Saturday, Sept. 13th at 9:00am.
RezMoms Starting up on Tuesday, Sept. 16th from 6:30 to 8:30pm.
Register Now for our “Love to Serve” Volunteer Celebration as we join together on Tuesday, Sept. 2, at 7 pm to celebrate our current volunteers and welcome new ones. Volunteers make all the ministries happen and are a blessing to the church. This will be an evening for “thank yous” and community building! Join us to hear from Pastor Scott, meet the team leaders, have some fun, enjoy treats and get an awesome t-shirt! If you currently volunteer or you’ve been considering taking this step, we’d love to have you there. Please let us know you’re coming at For more information, contact
Amazing Bus Challenge – Each day nearly 50,000 people in Kansas City depend on the bus for transportation. Many people who attend Rez Downtown ride the bus, but others have never used The Metro Bus System. We will be holding an Amazing Bus Challenge with participants meeting on Saturday, Sept. 6, 9 am at 1522 McGee to provide an opportunity for us to see firsthand this vital transportation system in our city. After coffee and donuts, teams will receive a list of three stops: one of our city’s public libraries, one of our mission partners and, time permitting, a retail provider. Team members will work together to plan a pedestrian and bus route to these three sites. Each participant should bring $3 (exact change) to obtain a bus pass for the day. After stopping at each of their assigned sites, teams will meet back at the church for pizza and conversation. Donations will be collected after arriving back at church to purchase bus passes to be distributed by one of our mission organizations. Please register at If you have questions, contact Ellen Pantaenius at
Want to Learn More About Resurrection? Considering membership? The first step is to attend Coffee with the Pastors with Scott Chrostek and Todd Maberry. Our next Coffee is Sunday, Sept. 7, 1:30 pm at 1522 McGee. Learn more about the church, get to know our pastors and review expectations regarding membership. Free childcare is available. No need to register for the event, but if you need childcare, registration is required by contacting
rezlife Middle School will begin regular weekly programming Sunday, Sept. 7 at 10:45 on the 2nd floor of 1508 Grand. Come ready for fun, food and faith. If you have questions about High School programming or rezlife Middle School, please contact Ashley Vaughn at
Men’s Breakfast Series Kick-Off – Wednesday, Sept. 10, 7-8 am, 1508 Grand, Our first speaker is Rev. Adam Hamilton, Resurrection’s Senior Pastor. Come for a light breakfast and a chance to gather with other men – including our senior pastor. Resurrection is one of the fastest growing, most highly visible churches in the country. In 2013, Adam was invited to deliver the sermon at the National Prayer Service in Washington’s National Cathedral as part of the presidential inauguration festivities. A master at explaining questions of faith in a down-to-earth fashion, he will be sharing his vision of how the lives of others and our own can be changed within the church and outside its walls. No registration is required. Bring a friend! For any questions, contact
Matthew’s Ministry Downtown Parents Night Out – On Friday, Sept. 12, 5:30-8:30 pm at 1522 McGee, RezDowntown is offering a night out for parents who have children with special needs. Please join us for games, crafts, music, dinner and movies! Children of all ages with special needs and their siblings are welcome! Registration is required – RSVP to Hannah Hamilton at If you are interested in volunteering, please contact Ashley Keller at
Women’s Breakfast Series Kick-Off – Saturday, Sept. 13, 9-10:30 am at 1522 McGee, speaker is Laura Snapp, Kansas City Missouri Police Officer. Join other women in our community to share breakfast and hear from Laura about her experiences working in vice, on patrol, as an internal affairs detective and as a body guard for Mayor Kay Barnes. She currently serves for Mayor Sly James and as a property crimes detective. Oh, and you might recognize her as one of our church police staff on weekends! Come find out how women can thrive in a male dominated profession, and how Laura uses her Christian faith in herprofession. Bring a breakfast item to share – but if you don’t have time to make or buy something, please come anyway as we always have plenty! For questions, email Jan Burchett at
Rez Moms Kick-Off – Tuesday, Sept. 16, 6:30-8:30 pm at 1522 McGee, speaker is Grant Wood, Marriage & Family Therapist. Spend an evening with moms and hear from Grant who helps individuals, couples and families with emotional, relational, social and spiritual development. Grant operates the Resonate Relationship Clinic with his wife, Emma. Feel free to bring another mom or a whole group of them to share in some community-building time and to hear a great presenter! To register for childcare and for questions, contact Kristen Sayers at
I am so blessed to be a part of this community and I am so proud to serve Christ with you in this city. I am so thankful to be a part of such a dynamic and life-giving community of people like you. I'm looking forward to seeing you in worship this weekend, but until then, have a great and God-filled weekend!
Grace and Peace,
Congregational Care and Support
If you need pastoral care, call 816-979-1330 or for after hours emergencies, 816-875-0267.
To submit a prayer request, contact
If you need pastoral care, call 816-979-1330 or for after hours emergencies, 816-875-0267.
To submit a prayer request, contact
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Visit our website
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Kansas City, MO 64108 United States
(816) 979-1330
Reverend Scott M. Chrostek, Campus Pastor
Reverend Scott M. Chrostek, Campus Pastor
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