One story that I would like to share with you is about something that happened early on in the week. We were learning all about who we say Jesus is - a question that Jesus asks his disciples in Scripture. The theme for this particular day was "Jesus is Healer." To end our day full of activities and conversation on this theme, we had the opportunity for the children to gather around the campfire, sing together, and then invited them to come down to the front of the worship space to share with a member of the leadership team something that was hurt, or broken, or in need of healing in the world or in their own lives. They could then choose to be anointed with oil in the shape of a cross either on their forehead or on their hand, and one of us would pray with them.
The kids responded in an amazing way! Each one of them had something meaningful to pray about. From family members who were sick, to their hopes for the new school year. From difficult home situations, to prayers that just wanted to say thanks. And remember, these were elementary-aged children, ages 3rd to 5th grade. It was a poweful and beautiful experience - and a humbling one, to receive these precious prayers and offer them up to God, our healer.
As I look back on this experience, I realize that this was likely the first time that many of these children had ever been prayed for individually. No wonder it felt so significant! I will never forget it, and I hope and pray that it is a memory that these young followers of Jesus treasure throughout their lives.
Thanks be to God, who listens to our prayers and is the Healing One in our midst.
Blessings, Pastor Jessica
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