Prayer Tip:
This week's GPS welcomes us to the beginning of Election Season. Soon the TV ads will invade our baseball games (we already saw some before the primary voting in August), flyers will be on our doors, cars, and flying around littering the sidewalks, and social media will become one large campaign argument. Sounds festive, doesn't it? The GPS this week will give us a lot of good things to think about as we approach this season as Christ's people.
And how do we pray during the time of issues and name-calling, and true concern about how we are governed and the welfare of all the people in our neighborhoods, towns, cities, states and our nation?
Maybe this is the time to unite with our friends and neighbors of all political views and pray together for our leaders and major issues. One great thing about praying together and praying for each other is that when we pray with someone and pray for them, it is much harder to be deeply angry with them or to let outside influences keep us from remembering Christ's commandment that we love each other.
Perhaps this week we can talk to friends, neighbors, family members and coworkers about forming a prayer group to carry us through the election cycle. We could promise to meet with this group at least once a week over the coming months to pray for our leaders, the issues that matter to us most, and each other. Let's be sure to invite people of all political persuasions. One big rule for this group: No praying for any certain outcome other than God's perfect will for all. No praying for your choice to win. No praying for one side of any issue to prevail. Gather to pray that God will surround this election with love and wisdom. No sneaking a campaign message in to your prayers! Pray for open hearts and minds and God's wisdom above all.
Also pray for each other, by name, every time you meet and on days when you are apart. Pray that you will all make Christ the center of every relationship. Pray for unity, not necessarily in politics, but in love for each other and for everyone around you.
You could begin or end your prayer time with this prayer from the United Methodist Book of Worship:
Almighty God, you rule all the peoples of the earth. Inspire the minds of all women and men to whom you have committed the
responsibility of government and leadership in the nations of the world. Give to them the vision of truth and justice, that by their counsel all nations and peoples may work together. Give to the people of our country zeal for justice and strength of forbearance, that we may use our liberty in accordance with your gracious will. Forgive our shortcomings as a nation; purify our hearts to see and love the truth. We pray all these things through Jesus Christ. Amen (Jennifer Creagar, Coordinating Assistant - Prayer)
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