Pray for
the Africa West Field as it
deals with the ebola virus in Liberia, Sierra Leone, Guinea, Nigeria and Senegal. (Contribute to
the relief fund, here.)

Pray for Madagascar as it deals with locusts.The Miller's video of the
District Center, here.
Pray for continued interest in the message of holiness and
transformed lives as a result.
the Africa Region
to Overcome
Dayblay is one of the communities in Gbao District in Liberia
with about 300 inhabitants. It is about 81 kilometers from Zwedru.
The JESUS film
showing took place in this community for three nights. After the second
night, a couple who formerly practiced another religion and did not believe
in resurrection became convicted and knew t hat
Christ rising from the dead was to overcome death, gaining power over sin and
redeeming mankind. The couple made a public testimony and said,
"We regret the time wasted in the past, but we strongly believe that it
is still not too late for us to accept Christ. From today, we are true
Christians." They promised to worship with the newly established
preaching point in Dayblay. As we pray for the
countries affected by the Ebola virus, remember to pray for those who are not
spiritually prepared to die. Pray also for the Africa Region JESUS film ministry.
Assemblies in Angola
The 2014 district assemblies in Angola were times of welcoming
special guests, business sessions, challenging sermons, and lively praise and
worship. A lot of people went to the airport to pick up Dr. Duarte. The national
television and radios did interviews and he preached tremendous holiness
of General Superintendent Dr. Duarte to the Central Highlands, Huambo. The
ladies put their cloths on the ground to serve as a walkway.
The Cunene District Assembly began on Friday evening, August 8, in Xangongo
with the arrival of special guests Dr. Paulo Sueia, Lusophone Field Strategy
Coordinator, and Dr. Eugenio Duarte, General
Superintendent. Pastors and delegates lined the main road to welcome the
special guests and walked with them to the Xangongo Church. The church was
full and the guests were greeted with singing and clapping. Business sessions were held on Saturday, August 9. On Sunday morning the
worship service included special music by youth groups from several churches.
Dr. Duarte preached to the crowd of over 500 and the service ended with
prayer around the front of the church.
That afternoon, a delegation from the Lubango churches held a reception
service for Dr.Duarte at the Lubango Xioco church since Dr. Duarte would not
be able to attend the Lubango Assembly. The Centro district assembly was held in Huambo. The guests arrived on Monday
evening, August 11, and were welcomed in a special service. Business sessions
were held on Tuesday with Dr. Duarte speaking in the closing worship service. Drs. Duarte and Sueia flew to Luanda on Wednesday, August 13. A short asse mbly
was held that evening for the Luanda Sul district. Dr. Duarte flew out of
Angola on Thursday morning. It is unanimous that his visit brought great
impact to Church of the Nazarene in Angola. We thank God for his life and his
wisdom. On Saturday, August 16, delegates for the Lubango District gathered in the
Lubango Central. Dr. Sueia chaired the business sessions of that assembly. On
Sunday morning, there was a special farewell service for Dr. Sueia who is
retiring from the field strategy coordinator position in September. Special
music was provided by several groups and gifts were presented to him. Dr.
Sueia brought the message and the service ended with prayer around the front
of the church. Thanks to Danilo Carvallo
and Paula Troutman for contributing to this report. Three short videos,
beginning on August 12, have been posted to the lusophone Nazarene Facebook
page- Noticias Nazarenas (here)
Us Again, Oh Lord! - by Rev. Chinsinsi A. Phiri
Leonard Ravenhill once
said "In revival God is not concerned about filling empty churches; He
is concerned about filling empty
hearts." This was true when the Malawi Church of the Nazarene gathered together at the
Nazarene Theological College of Central Africa, Lilongwe for the Re-Focus for
Health Church Conference from August 10-15, 2014. Two hundred leaders
including all the district superintendents and district superintendent
emeritus took it as an opportunity to bring revival to the church. On the
first night of the conference, the Missions Coordinator, who is also the
Evangelism and Church Growth coordinator for Africa Central Field, preached
from 2 Chronicles 29:1-11 and introduced the theme of the conference
"It's Time For Revival: Let It Start With ME." Many leaders
reconnected themselves with the Lord.
From Monday to Friday, Rev. Lonnie Bullock and Rev. Larry L.
Cook, leaders of the New Church Specialties
taught on the following themes: (i) The 12 Challenges the Church faces, (ii)
The Pastor/Leader as a Person, (iii) The Pastor/Leader as a Leader and (iv)
The Pastor/Leader as a Planner. During the meeting, many leaders received
tools for their ministry and discovered who they really are as a person,
leader and planner.
On Thursday during the evening
devotion, the Missions Coordinator introduced the new Malawi North District
Superintendent, Rev. Robert Chinula who left the country 19 years ago to
pastor in South Africa. He returns to the country with vast experience. That
night, he preached on the importance of doing what Christ says from Luke 5:
1-11. The conference ended on Friday with testimonies from
participants. The former DS of one of the districts in Malawi confessed that
his church was dead but the teachings and the fire that was rekindled in him
will help resurrect his church. The National Board represented by Rev.
Gershom Kwerakwera said "the teachings are valuable and a prayer
answered to the whole church in Malawi. This material is rich, feasible, and
relevant and it is scratching where it is itching." He then appealed to
all pastors and leaders to go and implement what they learned. At the end of
everything was the Lord's Supper and graduation. We thank God for those who prayed, organized, and supported the
conference. Keep on praying for this revival to keep on burning in our hearts
and in our local churches. Malawi will never be the same. 
Verde on a mission to the World
Before the meetings of the district assembly began, the NMI
organized a missionary conference. The theme was "Let's love as Christ
loved us." The speakers at the conference were District Superintendent
Rev. David Araujo, Field Strategy Coordinator Rev. Daniel Gomis, General
Superintendent Dr. Duarte and Regional Director Fili Chambo. The aim of the conference was to celebrate the impact that the Cape Verd e
Church of the Nazarene has made and continues to make in Portuguese
communities in the United States, Africa, Europe, and Brazil, where leaders
from Cape Verde are serving as pastors and missionaries. Secondly, to
challenge the Church in Cape Verde, to reach the unreached people in the
islands of Cape Verde and also to partner with the region to send
missionaries to other Portuguese-speaking nations in Africa.
The District Superintendent emphasized the need to reach the unreached. He
said that we should not lose our passion to reach the lost. The call for us
to reach the lost is urgent. We have a wonderful message to share with the
people in all nations.
Dr Chambo emphasized the need for prayer for the persecuted
church and the call to go where the church is not yet in Africa or around
the world.
Rev. Gomis spoke about the role of the Church of the Nazarene in Cape
Verde, in missions,
and in Africa. He issued a call for the Cape Verde church to send and support
missionaries, a call to partner with the field and region to develop the
church in new areas.
Dr. Duarte, reminded all of the need for clarity of identity and message.
As a result of this conference 24 people responded to a call to missionary
assignment. The district is planning to follow up on these and also to
organize a seminar to equip those who are sensing a call to missions.
On the last day, Antero Fontes was ordained. He was a lay preacher in Dakar,
Senegal for many years. He was FSC Dany Gomis' first pastor and the father of
the current pastor of that church, Rev. Antero Fontes. The father completed
his studies through the extension center in Praia. Both his son and Rev.
Gomis were able to attend the ordination service.
The assembly also provided a setting for the 32nd graduation ceremony of the
Seminário Nazareno de Cabo Verde (SNCV). Dr Chambo preached a powerful
sermon. The class of this year was. Paulo Patrick, Edson Dany, Eneida Duarte
and Davidson Oliveira. All of them are already in their first church
pastoring.. Please pray for them.-- Dr Chambo, Rev Dany
Gomis and SNCV Principal Gastão Correia contributed to this report
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