Izzy Alvaran izzy@rmnetwork.org
Black Lives Matter!
How do I learn to be an ally of my black sisters and brothers as a brown gay man also trying to learn how to appreciate my brown-ness and fully embrace my gay identity? (Read the rest of my reflection here)
Black History Month: Reflections of a Brown Gay Ally by Rev. Dr. Izzy Alvaran
Reconciling ministries is intersectional in approach, strategy, and advocacy. We cannot separate our struggle for full inclusion of all people in the life of the faith community from matters of racial and economic inequality. The task of reconciliation stands the intersections of injustice, always seeking to connect the dots to reconcile all oppressed people with the liberation that comes from grace and love.I covet your prayers as I travel to Mozambique this month to participate in The UMC Connectional Table's third and final "Panel on Human Sexuality" which will focus on perspectives from our Central Conferences. I have come out officially to my bishop in the Philippines and will do so at the panel. A video recording will be made available online on February 15, 2015. (Read the press release here)
We have exciting news and ministry opportunities in this monthly update. I invite you to read on and share this email with others.
In solidarity,
Rev. Dr. Israel I. Alvaran
Western Jurisdiction Organizer
Phone: 510-717-4894
Learning Opportunities
Register Now! "Building an Inclusive Church" Trainings
We have confirmed trainings in California, Arizona, and Colorado. These events are free, and donations are welcome. Please register online or contact your jurisdictional organizer, izzy@rmnetwork.org.
March 7, 2015 (Saturday, 10am – 4pm)
Wesley UMC – San Jose, CA
Register here
March 28, 2015 (Saturday, 9am – 3pm)
Iliff School of Theology – Denver, CO
Register here
April 18, 2015 (Saturday, 10am - 3pm)
Redding First UMC - Redding, CA
Register here
April 25, 2015 (Saturday, 10am - 4pm)
Desert Southwest Conference Center - Phoenix, AZ
Register here
We are also looking forward to confirm training dates in Alaska, Honolulu HI, and Salt Lake City UT. We will have more information in the coming months. Check here for training events across the country.
Email Izzy to host a training in your area
Bishop Melvin Talbert @ PNW-RMN's Annual "Gathering"
"Biblical Obedience and Inclusion: Learning, Engaging, Taking Action"
Bellevue First UMC, 1934 108th Avenue NE, Bellevue WA 98004
March 21, 2015 / 9:00am - 6:00pm
The Pacific Northwest - Reconciling Ministries Network's (PNW-RMN) "The Gathering", is an annual event for learning and fellowship.
Keynote speakers:
- Bishop Melvin Talbert, retired UMC Bishop and member of the RMN Board.
- Jennifer Bird, author of a forthcoming book "Permission Granted: take the Bible Into Your Own Hands."
Workshop offerings include:
Helping Families with Coming Out Issues
Beyond Marriage: Queer Issues in the 21st Century
Sexuality: What we Don't Discuss - Looking at the Rest of the Spectrum
Living Your Welcome
Transgender 101
Stepping Up as an AllyClick here to register online, or download the registration form here. If you have inquiries, please contact Jane Brazell, m.jane.brazell@gmail.com.
Email Izzy with conference or local church updates and news
The State of our Movement in Numbers
The reconciling movement in our denomination is an ever-growing body of believers in the full inclusion of all people in the life and ministry of The United Methodist Church. The charts below show the current state of our movement in the number of reconciling communities (RCs) and reconciling United Methodists (RUMs) in the Western Jurisdiction.
Reconciling Churches/Communities and RUMs by Annual Conference
1,000 new Reconciling United Methodists in 2015!
RMN encourages reconciling leaders to do a RUM sign-up drive in your church. Online sign-ups can be done here, or you can download and print RUM sign-up cards here and mail them to RMN at 123 W. Madison Street, Suite 2150, Chicago IL 60602.
Together, we are building power as we head to General Conference 2016 in Portland, OR!
Our Witness @ Intersections of Ministry
Inspiring us and challenging us to remain faithful to our witness are prophets crying out in the wilderness of injustice. Opportunities to be in intersectional ministry offer fresh ways we can be in solidarity with the LGBTQIA community.
What affects one, affects us all: an MLK Day reflectionBy Gheeta Smith, Salt Lake City UT
The list goes on and on and often I find myself asking how it will end. Why do I stay in the movement particularly on days when the news is so grim? Click here to read more
What affects one, affects us all: Preparing for MLK Day by Gheeta Smith
A Wall of Love by Colleen McClain, Portland OR - originally posted by Portland First UMCA wall of love by Colleen McClain, Originally posted by First UMC of Portland
Got Rainbow Stoles?Connect with Your Local Team
Contact your conference's reconciling team leaders below to know how you can participate in local activities and witness.
Alaska: Rev. Cindy Roberts
Desert Southwest: Rev. Stephen Govett
California-Nevada: Beth Synder
California-Pacific: Jason Takagi
Pacific Northwest: Rev. Vince Hart
Oregon-Idaho: Deborah Maria
Rocky Mountain: Rev. Jaime Nieves
Yellowstone: Mary Maheras
Sign up as a Reconciling United Methodist (RUM):
Download RUM cards here, print and sign up your congregation!
Email Izzy with questions on how to get connected to your local team
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