Thursday, June 2, 2016

"God Pause Daily Devotional" The Luther Seminary in Saint Paul, Minnesota, United for Saturday, 28 May 2016 "Lord Jesus Christ, Be Present Now" (ELW 527)

Students sitting outside Bockman
"God Pause Daily Devotional" The Luther Seminary in Saint Paul, Minnesota, United for Saturday, 28 May 2016 "Lord Jesus Christ, Be Present Now" (ELW 527)
1. Lord Jesus Christ, be present now;
our hearts in true devotion bow.
Your Spirit send with light divine,
and let your truth within us shine.
2. Unseal our lips to sing your praise
in endless hymns through all our days;
increase our faith and light our minds;
and set us free from doubt that blinds.
3. Then shall we join the hosts that cry,
"O holy, holy Lord Most High!"
And in the light of that blest place
we then shall see you face to face.
4. All glory to the Father, Son,
and Holy Spirit, Three in One!
To you, O blessed Trinity,
be praise throughout eternity!
The second stanza of this hymn again recalls Psalm 96 and its talk of praise: "Our voices tune to sing your praise, our hearts in true devotion raise." The matter of tuning our voices brings to mind the tuning that goes on with an orchestra. For the listener, the tuning process might sound more like screeching, but once tuned, and when the conductor lifts the baton, the sounds, whether sweet or strident, are in order and the sounds come out as intended by the composer. Today's hymn seeks to serve as our invocation, calling forth the presence of Jesus. Whenever we are brought into this state of awareness, we also know what our response is to be. We are invited to tune our voice and join in the singing of new song after new song.
Lord Jesus Christ, you invite us to sing your praises. You are the reason for our singing and we pray that each and every day our hearts will raise in true devotion. Amen.
Chris Quello
Master of Divinity, 1966

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