Wednesday, July 27, 2016

"Meditation – 60 Days of Prayer" for Wednesday, 27 July 2016 from The Upper Room Nashville, Tennessee, United States

Friday, July 29th

"Meditation – 60 Days of Prayer" for Wednesday, 27 July 2016 from The Upper Room Nashville, Tennessee, United StatesPraying with our hands can take many forms, today we invite you to use your hands in prayer. Turning our palms upward toward heaven is one simple way to create a more receptive posture. As we kneel, sit, or stand, we can turn the palms of our hands upward to receive the good things God has to give. Likewise, turning our palms downward is a simple way to embody the desire to release or give up something that we have been holding or carrying for too long.
As we continue our prayer for the Annual Conference Staff members and the District Superintendents that make up the appointive cabinets–what are some of the things that this prayer community can pray for our Conference leaders? What is it that they should release or let go of? Turn your hands, palm down, and pray that things like this might be released: anxiety, fear, dread, uncertainty, (add other words and feelings that come to you here).

Hands upturned
Now, turn the palms of your hands upward. What are the thoughts, attitudes, and feelings that you might pray for the Annual Conference Staff members and the District Superintendents that make up the appointive cabinets to receive from God? Perhaps God is calling us to pray that they might receive: peace, hope, confidence, love, joy, (add other words and feelings that come to you now as you pray).
The Holy Spirit is the ultimate teacher and guide. With the first disciples, we can ask, “Lord, teach us to pray” (Luke 11:1f).

Our mailing address is:
The Upper Room Strategic Initiatives
PO Box 340007

Nashville, Tennessee 37203, United States

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