Personal Songs
Booking information
Email Ken
Small Church Event Assistance
entity was established 7 years ago with a 3 fold purpose. They are:
1) Retreats
To sponsor retreats for church musicians in mid career2) Small but Mighty Church Weekends
To provide financial assistance to small churchesbut mighty churches to be able to sponsor a Medema event but can not afford the entire price of doing one.
3) Workshops
We plan to conduct a yearly conference for pastor/musician teams to address issues that affect their working together and a conference for songwriters.
I would love for you join with us in this exciting adventure and to become a partner with us. Of course we need the monetary gifts, but we also treasure ideas and encouragement. Perhaps you will be a part of creating an event such as a conference or workshop. Perhaps you might hold a home concert to help us raise funds and spread the word about Interlude. Perhaps you might spread the word among friends and associates about what Interlude is doing and secure their support. Become a part of the Interlude community working together to help churches use this wonderful gift of music in the most creative ways possible. If churches are to survive and serve people well in these times, they must be open to change. Music and the other arts are uniquely able to facilitate the conversation about change on many levels.
Help us reach our annual goal of $165,000 now and continue to support us in the years ahead. If you decide to help, checks are payable to:
Interlude Retreat Corporation,
4324 Canal Avenue SouthWest
Grandville, Michigan 49418, United States
If you are interested in participating in any one of these three programs, Contact Beverly Vander Molen at 415-637-4493
or email at
Bookings Now Available
If you are in the leadership of a, Small but Mighty Church, and would like more information on scheduling a possible event, contact Beverly at the information below.
If you are a regular Medema fan and would like information on either scheduling a concert, retreat, or event . . .
Contact Beverly Vander Molen at
OR call 415-637-4493
We still have dates available in December and most of 2017.
Medema Brings Message of Hope
It is difficult when listening to the local or national news not to despair about violence, destruction, killings and unrest in many parts of the world and our nation. During this election year, when there is such indecision and confusion, we look to the Giver of Hope for a definite sign as to how to deal with the challenges ahead. Ken, through the songs on his album, Songs for the Hopeful Heart, may be a way to assist in the conversation.
Oasis: Songs for the Hopeful Heart
Song titles are:
Brethren We Have Met to Worship, Take A Look at the Lilies, Come to this Place, Face to Face, I Could Dance for a Week, Wonderful Words of Life, I Am Bound for the Promised Land, Shalom, l See America, Listen to My Heart $15
Click here to listen to sample songs
Ken Medema Music
4324 Canal
Grandville, Michigan 49418, United States
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