Sunday's Sermon, August 28, 2016
Pastor Tara Beth Leach
Scripture Text for Acts 17:16 While Sha’ul was waiting for them in Athens, his spirit within him was disturbed at the sight of the city full of idols. 17 So he began holding discussions in the synagogue with the Jews and the “God-fearers,” and in the market square every day with the people who happened to be there.
18 Also a group of Epicurean and Stoic philosophers started meeting with him. Some asked, “What is this babbler trying to say?” Others, because he proclaimed the Good News about Yeshua and the resurrection, said, “He sounds like a propagandist for foreign gods.” 19 They took and brought him before the High Council, saying, “May we know what this new teaching is that you are presenting? 20 Some of the things we are hearing from you strike us as strange, and we would like to know what they mean.” 21 (All the Athenians and the foreigners living there used to spend their spare time talking or hearing about the latest intellectual fads.)
22 Sha’ul stood up in the Council meeting and said, “Men of Athens: I see how very religious you are in every way! 23 For as I was walking around, looking at your shrines, I even found an altar which had been inscribed, ‘To An Unknown God.’ So, the one whom you are already worshipping in ignorance — this is the one I proclaim to you.
24 “The God who made the universe and everything in it, and who is Lord of heaven and earth, does not live in man-made temples; 25 nor is he served by human hands, as if he lacked something; since it is he himself who gives life and breath and everything to everyone.
26 “From one man he made every nation living on the entire surface of the earth, and he fixed the limits of their territories and the periods when they would flourish. 27 God did this so that people would look for him and perhaps reach out and find him although in fact, he is not far from each one of us, 28 ‘for in him we live and move and exist.’ Indeed, as some of the poets among you have said, ‘We are actually his children.’ 29 So, since we are children of God, we shouldn’t suppose that God’s essence resembles gold, silver or stone shaped by human technique and imagination.
30 “In the past, God overlooked such ignorance; but now he is commanding all people everywhere to turn to him from their sins. 31 For he has set a Day when he will judge the inhabited world, and do it justly, by means of a man whom he has designated. And he has given public proof of it by resurrecting this man from the dead.”
32 At the mention of a resurrection of dead people, some began to scoff; while others said, “We want to hear you again on this subject.” 33 So Sha’ul left the meeting. 34 But some men stayed with him and came to trust, including the High Council member Dionysius; there was also a woman named Damaris; and others came to trust along with them.
-------Student Ministries
Six Flags Christian Night | Friday, September 9
Come join Student Ministries for a night of roller coasters on Friday, September 9! Tickets and transportation are available to students for $38, which is due Sunday, September 4. Students traveling with PazNaz will meet at the church at 4:30 pm and return at 1:30 am. Please bring extra money for dinner at the park. Tickets can also be purchased online for those who wish to attend the event separately. For more information, contact Pastor Heather Handley at 626.351.2477.
Contact Heather Handley
Contact Heather Handley
Give by Kiosk
The power of giving is now at your fingertips! PazNaz is excited to introduce this modern, convenient way to make offerings and donate to the church. It's faster and more secure than having your checks manually processed and it's easy to use. Look for the kiosk this Sunday in the church foyer and try it out.
Give by Text
Your donations to PazNaz are now just a text away. This is a simple and efficient way to make one-time or recurring gifts to the church. In less time than it takes to write a check, you are now able to offer up your tithe with just your thumbs. Start by texting your dollar amount to 626.986.3397. You will receive a registration link where you will enter your payment and contact information. When registration is complete, you will receive a verification text and a receipt via email. For future giving, simply send a text with the amount you wish to give and it will process automatically.
Kick off fall the right way on Wednesday, September 7, at 6:30 pm in Gilmore Hall with an evening with the Carney family.
Barry and Charlie Carney have been serving in Paraguay and Bolivia (Central Field) in the South American Region since 2011. Barry is the Field Strategy Coordinator and Charlie works with finances and local ministries, especially Nazarene Youth International. They also work with Work & Witness, Church development, and the Jesus Film.
Barry and Charlie both attended Mid America Nazarene University and have 3 children: Andrew (23), Alex (20) and Alyssa (18). They have had a passion for missions for many years and have a deep desire to serve God and to share his love wherever he may lead them.
Barry and Charlie Carney have been serving in Paraguay and Bolivia (Central Field) in the South American Region since 2011. Barry is the Field Strategy Coordinator and Charlie works with finances and local ministries, especially Nazarene Youth International. They also work with Work & Witness, Church development, and the Jesus Film.
Barry and Charlie both attended Mid America Nazarene University and have 3 children: Andrew (23), Alex (20) and Alyssa (18). They have had a passion for missions for many years and have a deep desire to serve God and to share his love wherever he may lead them.
Join Pastor Tara Beth Leach on Wednesday nights this fall as she leads PazNaz through her curriculum Kingdom Culture: The Sermon on the Mount. This series begins September 14 at 6:30 pm in Lee Chapel. You can purchase a workbook for $5 from HeBrews on the patio this Sunday.
The Sermon on the Mount is nestled into the Bible's grand narrative and gives the reader a glimpse of what it looks like to live in the already-but-not-yet Kingdom of God. The words of Jesus are piercing, and push the people of God to live the Kingdom life. After studying the Sermon on the Mount, you will discover that Jesus is the ultimate authority for the life of the disciple, and as the people of God, the invitation is to embody the culture of God's Kingdom.
Regular Wednesday evening programming will also be available for children, students, and those with special needs. Contact Melody Bundy with questions at626.351.2425.
Contact Melody Bundy
The Sermon on the Mount is nestled into the Bible's grand narrative and gives the reader a glimpse of what it looks like to live in the already-but-not-yet Kingdom of God. The words of Jesus are piercing, and push the people of God to live the Kingdom life. After studying the Sermon on the Mount, you will discover that Jesus is the ultimate authority for the life of the disciple, and as the people of God, the invitation is to embody the culture of God's Kingdom.
Regular Wednesday evening programming will also be available for children, students, and those with special needs. Contact Melody Bundy with questions at626.351.2425.
Contact Melody Bundy
Starting September 13, Women in the Word is a group of over 100 ladies who study the Bible together working through different themes on Tuesday mornings at 9:30 am in Gilmore Hall. There is a $20 fee for materials. This fall the group will be studyingExodus: A Threefold Grace led by Kelli Slattery. For more information, contact Bonnie Jakeway at Please register online
Contact Bonnie Jakeway
Mothers of Preschoolers starts Friday, September 9
Contact Bonnie Jakeway
Mothers of Preschoolers starts Friday, September 9
MOPS meets on alternating Fridays from 9:15-11:45 am in Gilmore Hall and provides moms with a hot meal, relevant teaching, support from Mentor Moms, companionship, and childcare. Women who are pregnant or have children up to kindergarten are invited to attend beginning Friday, September 9. This year’s theme is “We Are the Starry Eyed.” Cost per semester is $125 for moms with children in Moppets, $75 for moms only. Contact Sarah Edgbert at for more information.
Contact Sarah Edgbert
Contact Sarah Edgbert
Please prayerfully consider a special offering to help missions on September 18. This offering goes toward building churches, medical facilities, and schools in the mission field. Alabaster Offering boxes are a good way to collect change for this special offering and are available at the missions’ kiosk in the Sanctuary foyer.
Join Men’s Ministries as they assist Central City Church of the Nazarene during their Karaoke Coffee Club service on Wednesday, September 21. The group will depart PazNaz at 5:30 pm and will return at 10:00 pm. Limited space is available so sign up today. Contact Pastor Joe Halbert to sign up and for more information at626.351.2421.
Contact Joe Halbert
Contact Joe Halbert
If you are age 55 or better, come enjoy an evening with Pastor Tara Beth Leach, and special music by Pastor Scott Anderson on Thursday, September 22, at 6:00 pm in Gilmore Hall. The cost for the evening is $17. Sign up at HeBrews on Sundays or contact Sylva Hekimian at 626.351.2426 during the week.
Contact Sylva Hekimian
First Church of the Nazarene of Pasadena
3700 East Sierra Madre Boulevard
Pasadena, California 91107, United States
Valley Center: A Campus of PazNaz
5119 North Valley Center Avenue
Covina, California 91724, United States
Service TimesSundays
8:00 am - PazNaz's Lee Chapel
9:00 am - Valley Center Sanctuary
10:30 am - PazNaz Sanctuary
6:30 pm - PazNaz Campus
Contact PazNaz
Phone: 626.351.9631
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Contact Sylva Hekimian
First Church of the Nazarene of Pasadena
3700 East Sierra Madre Boulevard
Pasadena, California 91107, United States
Valley Center: A Campus of PazNaz
5119 North Valley Center Avenue
Covina, California 91724, United States
Service TimesSundays
8:00 am - PazNaz's Lee Chapel
9:00 am - Valley Center Sanctuary
10:30 am - PazNaz Sanctuary
6:30 pm - PazNaz Campus
Contact PazNaz
Phone: 626.351.9631
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