Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Help Us Demand Open Debates for the Green Party! Add Your Voice Now! from The Green Party of the United States for Tuesday, 13 September 2016

Help Us Demand Open Debates for the Green Party! Add Your Voice Now! from The Green Party of the United States for Tuesday, 13 September 2016
Believe it or not, two men—one a Democrat, the other a Republican—stand in the way of Jill Stein's participation in the Presidential Debates.
I'm talking about Frank J. Fahrenkopf, Jr., a Republican, and Michael D. McCurry, a Democrat best known as Bill Clinton's press secretary.
These two men are the co-chairmen of the private Commission on Presidential Debates.
These two men are the definition of what's wrong with the presidential debates, because the debates are now designed and run to keep out third party candidates.
They're designed to keep new voices and new choices away from voters.
These two men are arguably, one of the greatest impediments to Green Party presidential ticket gaining exposure through the debates forum.
They’re blocking us and marginalizing us at every turn. We’re using every tool at our disposal to force the privately-controlled Commission on Presidential Debates (the CPD) to include credible candidates like Jill Stein and Libertarian Gary Johnson.Why? Because it’s the biggest prize, the highest level of great press a candidate can get. It’s a complete game-changer, and the two establishment parties know it.
And that's why I'm writing today—to ask you to give generously so we can continue our efforts to break the debates wide open.
Much of the media agrees with us, but the truth is it will take the media and public opinion expressed in letters to the editor and to our elected officials to get the Commission to change its arbitrary rules for including alternative political party candidates.
Currently, the bar for inclusion is for the candidate to poll at least 15% in 5 national polls.
The problem, of course, is to get those kind of polling numbers, you need exposure through the debates, which are arguably the single most important media event of the presidential race.
Frankly, it's up to us to create the public outcry for open debates. You can help today by donating to our media campaign.
You can count on this: If a Green Presidential candidate stands on the stage with the GOP and Democratic nominees, the discussion will be far, far different than focus-group tested 20 second sound bites!
But we have as usual, an uphill battle: The Commission has hoodwinked most voters into thinking it's above partisan politics.
The official-sounding commission is privately run and funded. It was established in 1987 when the Republicans and Democrats shoved aside the League of Women Voters, the traditional sponsors of the debate.
The commission is run entirely by Democrat and Republican insiders! They’re so determined to keep the Green Party candidates out, that in fact the 2012 GPUS Presidential candidate Jill Stein and VP Candidate Cheri Honkala were arrested for just trying to ATTEND the 2012 debates!
That's why we need you to donate today -- WE NEED TO CREATE A FIRESTORM OF PUBLIC DEMAND FOR OPEN DEBATES!
Your gift can make a real difference to GPUS as we fight daily - conducting our own media campaign designed to get the word out and increase public awareness.
The good news is, public pressure to open the debates is gaining momentum!
To donate to our “Open The Debates” media campaign to ensure more voices and more choices for the American voter, click here. Your donation helps us fund direct media action to restore real democratic debate and choice to our nation.
As Reason magazine's Matt Welch suggests, the commission should change it's rules, “if for no other reason that to fulfill its stated mission, which reads in part 'to ensure that debates, as a permanent part of every general election, provide the best possible information to viewers and listeners.'”
We agree. Help us today to make that a reality.
Starlene Rankin
National Fundraising Director
P.S. Presidential Campaign Update: Jill and Ajamu have opened up 4 regional organizing offices and have coordinators in every state to work on our ground game! GPUS is helping in every way possible. Your donation today not only helps with our media campaign to “Open the Debates”, it will help with the ground games of our candidates including Jill and Ajamu. Please give today and consider becoming a monthly sustainer.
Green Party of the United States
Green Party of the United States · PO Box 75075, Washington, DC 20013, United States.


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