Dear Friend,
As we take final stock of this past year and look ahead to the one upcoming, we reflect on our achievements and our disappointments, our hopes and our fears, both personal and global.
But some of us cower in fear: "This world is a very scary place!" we cry out. "I feel too small andinsignificant to make a real difference!"
Incredibly, though, Rosh Hashanah weighs in with a resounding response: "Do not despair! It's G-d's world," the holiday tells us, "and He won't let it falter."
But He wants us to be His partners. So He gives us each the power to turn our world upright, to perfect it. "You CAN change the world!" our High Holiday prayers and teachings tell each of us encouragingly.
"Moreover," they proclaim to us all assuredly, "together, we WILL change the world!"
We each have a unique role to play in G-d's grand orchestra. And He holds the baton.
The Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson, of righteous memory, would frequently quote the Maimonidean adage: Each person should see himself as though the entire world is in delicate balance and, with but one deed, he or she can tip the scales for good.
Every good act, every expression of kindness and love, acts like a thousand antibodies to neutralize the viruses of evil and, more importantly, to germinate the world with holiness.
Let us each do our share. And then G-d will surely do His.
*With the above in mind, and in final urgent preparation for Rosh Hashanah, we'd like to ask you:
Would you please partner with to help spread the teachings of goodness and kindness, of hope and holiness, to as many people across the globe as we possibly can?
We guarantee you: Your partnership with will make a difference — a big difference! Not only to one life — which is equivalent to saving the world — but to many, many lives. Far too many to count.
You can contribute via Credit Card, PayPal, E-Check or Bank Transfer/Wire or by mailing a check payable to to:
Chabad.ORG • 770 Eastern Parkway • Brooklyn, NY 11213
Your generous charitable gift will also surely help ensure that G-d opens His gates wide to accept our prayers.
May He grant you and your loved ones a year filled with light, joy and every blessing, and peace and tranquility for our entire world.
Shanah Tovah!
The Team
For last minute holiday how-to's and insights, along with games, recipes and more, check out our High Holiday site.
To catch a rare glimpse of the High Holidays as they were celebrated with the Rebbe and to apply lessons to your service this year, check out this priceless presentation of High Holidays with the Rebbe from Jewish Educational Media's archives.
Looking for last minute High Holiday presents? These books make great ones: My Rebbe (Even Israel-Steinsaltz), and the New York Times bestselling Rebbe: The Life and Teachings of Menachem M. Schneerson, the Most Influential Rabbi in Modern History (Telushkin) (updated paperback edition).
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