"The Battle Within" by Gary Huff
1 Samuel 26:1 The people from Zif went to Sha’ul in Giv‘ah and said, “David is hiding himself on Hakhilah Hill, across from Yeshimon.” 2 Then Sha’ul set out and went down to the Zif Desert with three thousand men chosen from Isra’el, to search for David in the Zif Desert. 3 Sha’ul pitched camp on Hakhilah Hill, across from Yeshimon, near the road. David was staying in the desert, and he saw that Sha’ul was coming into the desert after him. 4 So David dispatched spies and determined that Sha’ul had definitely come.
5 David set out and went to where Sha’ul had pitched his camp. He saw where Sha’ul and Avner the son of Ner, the commander of his army, were sleeping. Sha’ul was lying inside the barricade with the troops asleep all around him. 6 David said to Achimelekh the Hitti and Avishai the son of Tz’ruyah, Yo’av’s brother, “Who will go down with me to Sha’ul in the camp?” Avishai said, “I will go down with you.” 7 So David and Avishai went to the soldiers by night. Sha’ul was lying there asleep inside the barricade. His spear was stuck in the ground next to his head, with Avner and the troops asleep all around him. 8 Avishai said to David, “God has handed your enemy over to you today; so now, please, let me pin him to the ground with just one stroke of the spear. I won’t strike him a second time.” 9 But David said to Avishai, “Don’t destroy him! Nobody can raise his hand against Adonai’s anointed without becoming guilty!” 10 David then added, “As Adonai lives, Adonai will strike him down, or the day will come for him to die, or he will go down to battle and be swept away. 11 Adonai forbid that I should raise my hand against Adonai’s anointed! But now, we’ll take the spear by his head and the jug of water, and get out of here.” 12 So David took the spear and the water jug from Sha’ul’s head and got away. Nobody saw or knew about it, and no one awoke, because they were all asleep — a deep sleep from Adonai had fallen over them.
One of the difficulties of life is to see injustice unchecked. I remember as a child seeing my neighbor, who was my age, get what I considered to be a grandiose Christmas present–an electric racetrack with super-cool cars. It was cooler than what I could even imagine asking Santa to bring me.
The problem was not with my neighbor getting this cool toy, but with him being a scoundrel of the worst order. How could Santa bring such a wonderful gift to such a rotten child? I felt that Santa clearly had made a mistake. I even considered “accidently” stepping on his toy to bring justice to the situation. To this day, I still feel that rotten kid shouldn’t have received such a great gift!
David understood this predicament and knew the battle was not so much with Saul but with himself. He had to overcome the desire to make things “right.” Our biggest battles in life are not trying to right the world, but overcoming our desire to assume the position of God.
God is the ultimate justifier. We can count on Him to bring all things to order in His time. He doesn’t need our help.
Hymn for Today: "Day by Day" by Caroline V. Sandell-Berg translated by Andrew L. Skoog
1. Day by day and with each passing moment,
Strength I find to meet my trials here;
Trusting in my Father's wise bestowment,
I've no cause for worry or for fear.
He whose heart is kind beyond all measure
Gives unto each day what He deems best--
Lovingly, its part of pain and pleasure,
Mingling toil with peace and rest.
2. Ev'ry day the Lord Himself is near me
With a special mercy for each hour;
All my cares He fain would bear, and cheer me,
He whose name is Counselor and Pow'r.
The protection of His child and treasure
Is a charge that on Himself He laid;
"As thy days, thy strength shall be in measure,"
This the pledge to me He made.
3. Help me then in eve'ry tribulation
So to trust Thy promises, O Lord,
That I lose not faith's sweet consolation
Offered me within Thy holy Word.
Help me, Lord, when toil and trouble meeting,
E'er to take, as from a father's hand,
One by one, the days, the moments fleeting,
Till I reach the promised land.
Thought of the Day: Luke 6:37 “Don’t judge,
and you won’t be judged.
Don’t condemn,
and you won’t be condemned.
and you will be forgiven.
Please Pray: That many people in Martinique will come to know Yeshua the Messiah and receive the fullness of the Ruach HaKodesh.
and you won’t be judged.
Don’t condemn,
and you won’t be condemned.
and you will be forgiven.
Please Pray: That many people in Martinique will come to know Yeshua the Messiah and receive the fullness of the Ruach HaKodesh.
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