In This Issue:
- The Dreaded Speech!
- Strange Cats
My daughter has to give a speech in her class this week. We have been working on the text for a few days. Today we started working on the delivery. She is still fairly wedded to staring at the text on the page and she rocks a tiny bit during while reading. It covers the assigned topic, however, and fits within the time limit.
As I try to think back to giving speeches in school I still remember a bell being rung in Mrs. Henry’s every time we said “um” or “uh”. I recall being a bit nervous before having to speak in front of the class. I know in seminary it was a bit intimidating giving a part of my sermon in Dr. Demaray’s preaching class . . . and I was one who strongly felt called to preach.
It would be wrong for me to judge my daughter’s public speaking ability by comparing it to mine. I have been trained to preach, I have preached over a thousand times and I have presented hundreds of training and group coaching sessions. It is better for me to help her improve her technique and find her own presenting style than it is for me to try to force her into mine.
A similar thing is true when it comes to getting people involved in the life of the church and helping new people find a meaningful place of service. They do not necessarily know how we do things. They may have different gifts, talents and skills. Their calling may be different. Our job is not to force them into our image but, instead, help them live out God’s call on their life.
We are responsible for sharing the life-giving mission, vision and values which drive our work and the passion which gives us energy and strength. We are called to mentor and coach people so that they can be effective and use the gifts given to them by God. And we need to be open to their thoughts, perspectives and ideas as they may have much to teach us.
The goal is fruitfulness. Let’s have an aim that those in whom we invest will become more effective in ministry even if they do the work in different or new ways.
Strange CatsWe have two cats (now that the “foster kitten” has gone back to the rescue shelter to be adopted and my daughter received 96 hours of community service for caring for it). As I describe them, see if any people pop into your head.
The first is socially awkward. He tends to find a quiet place to curl up in a closet or under furniture and is not seen for long stretches of time. When he wants attention, however, he wants it then and in a particular way. He is persistent and will not take “no” for an answer. He can be, what’s the word – annoying! He is quick to come see visitors to the house in order to obtain some attention and then he disappears. Basically he shows up when he wants something and fusses until he gets it.
The second loves the people she knows and hides from those she does not. A knock on the door sends her running to her safe spot under our bed. When she is with her family, however, it is a different story. She wants to be held like a baby and sleep. She could lick you until your skin came off. She cuddles with one of us at night. She seems to want to give and receive love within a very small group of people she trusts.
People, like cats, are different. Until you get to know them it is hard to understand them. Until you understand them it is hard to connect with them. And until you connect with them it is hard to have influence with them. This means in most cases we should be doing less telling and more asking, less talking and more listening and less judging and more grace-giving. Certainly there is the truth of a Gospel message which we need to share. Today, however, the invitation to do so is less likely to come from our credentials and claiming to have all of the answers than it is from the degree of our connection. This is great news for some of us and terrifying for the rest of us!
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