Wednesday, October 12, 2016

The Upper Room Daily Devotionals in Nashville, Tennessee, United States "WITH GOD’S HELP" for Wednesday, 12 October 2016 with Scripture: Romans 4:16-21

The Upper Room Daily Devotionals in Nashville, Tennessee, United States "WITH GOD’S HELP" for Wednesday, 12 October 2016 with Scripture: Romans 4:16 The reason the promise is based on trusting is so that it may come as God’s free gift, a promise that can be relied on by all the seed, not only those who live within the framework of the Torah, but also those with the kind of trust Avraham had — Avraham avinu for all of us. 17 This accords with the Tanakh, where it says, “I have appointed you to be a father to many nations.”[Romans 4:17 Genesis 17:5] Avraham is our father in God’s sight because he trusted God as the one who gives life to the dead and calls nonexistent things into existence. 18 For he was past hope, yet in hope he trusted that he would indeed become a father to many nations, in keeping with what he had been told, “So many will your seed be.”[Romans 4:18 Genesis 15:5] 19 His trust did not waver when he considered his own body — which was as good as dead, since he was about a hundred years old — or when he considered that Sarah’s womb was dead too. 20 He did not by lack of trust decide against God’s promises. On the contrary, by trust he was given power as he gave glory to God, 21 for he was fully convinced that what God had promised he could also accomplish.
I know that you can do all things; no purpose of yours can be thwarted.[Job 42:2 (NIV)]
When Moses told the Hebrew leaders all that God had promised to accomplish, “They believed. And when they heard that the Lord was concerned . . . they bowed down and worshiped” (Exod. 4:31). How excited the Israelites must have been, knowing that God would deliver them! Perhaps they imagined a quick, easy exodus. Instead, their predicament got worse. Pharaoh wasn’t about to release them simply because Moses told him to; in fact, he imposed tougher demands on them. So rather than bowing down and worshiping God, they complained.
Sometimes I’m like the Israelites. I trust God’s leading and joyfully worship. Then the path gets rocky; and instead of turning to God, I complain. Instead of seeing the obstacles as opportunities to trust God, I get discouraged.
Many times in the Bible, circumstances got worse before God’s promises became reality: Joseph was imprisoned before becoming a leader; Abraham was asked to sacrifice his son before becoming the father of nations; Paul was blinded before becoming an apostle to the Gentiles. But God continued to work in the lives of these people and continues to work in ours. Knowing that God is always present, we can rejoice and worship even in hard times.
The Author: Georgia Bruton (North Carolina, USA)
Thought for the Day: With God’s help, I can overcome obstacles.
Prayer: Dear Lord, thank you for your faithfulness. When we struggle, help us to see that you are still at work in our lives. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.

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