Dear Friend,
On Yom Kippur we will each beg G-d to give us life—healthful life, meaningful life, productive life, good life—life as G-d alone can provide.
Each of us will repeat these requests with increasing urgency throughout this holiest day of the year:Please G-d, give me life! Give my family life! Give the Jewish People life! Give the world life!
Our Sages inform us that G-d's response often mirrors our own initiative: When we perform a good deed G-d performs similar good deeds in return.
In our urgent quest for life, we open the floodgates of G-d's life-blessings by Giving Life.
And if we are to expect G-d to overlook our shortcomings, to ignore the 'rulebook' and apply His boundless compassion to grant us bountiful good, then —
It is crucial that we don't simply give a little, within our comfort zone, or as fits our budget.
Rather, we must give Life to others in a manner far beyond our means, way beyond our perceived limits. We must reach deep inside ourselves to give our hard-earned means—our life!—freely to others.
There may be no greater way to prepare for G-d's endless blessings on Yom Kippur.
As team members of, a cause dependent exclusively on your donations, we'd like to ask you to partner with us this year to Give Life.
Our reach is growing, our Life Giving services are expanding, our budget is bursting, our dreams are actualizing—and we rely on you.
You are our partner; you are the one who holds the keys to our future.
Our Inbox overflows with messages of deep gratitude for the meaningful Life that our dedicated staff helps provide to so many every day, and for the many Life-Giving good deeds that flow across the globe from their work.
Together we can supply nourishing food for the soul and give tools for living to young and old, to rich and poor, to millions who seek insight into life. No effort should be spared, no person considered insignificant.
There is one thing, though, that limits our work: Funding!
The more life-affirming funding we are afforded, the more people we can serve, the more Life we can give.
(Conversely, when our efforts to expand these services are frustrated by lack of funds, we feel acutely the awful burden of (G-d forbid) denying life. People who need to be reached who are not... Families who need to be helped are not...)
So it is your partnership that can make all the difference to countless people's lives!
As we prepare to ask G-d to Give us Life, we ask you: Please become a full partner in our work and Give Life to others.
Or mail a check to:
Chabad.ORG High Holiday Appeal
770 Eastern Parkway, Suite 405
Brooklyn, New York 11213, United States
(You can contribute via Credit Card, PayPal, E-Check (ACH) or Bank Wire / Transfer.)
In this merit, may G-d reciprocate to you and your loved ones in an overflowing manner, to be sealed in the Book of Life for the very best of life, for all things material and spiritual.
May yours be a year overflowing with life's blessings for yourself and for everyone around you.
The Team
P.S.— Some links of interest:
- Yom Kippur
- Charity
- High Holidays with the Rebbe (courtesy Jewish Educational Media)
- Distributing honey-cake
- Worldwide Yom Kippur Services
Also, if you are unable or do not wish to contribute, please note that this but is a humble request, not a requirement for enjoying and benefitting from the site. It is simply an appeal to those who are able to help us continue this work. You are always welcome to enjoy our website and subscriptions, regardless of whether or not you make a contribution.
Looking for last minute High Holiday presents?
- These books make great ones: My Rebbe (Even Israel-Steinsaltz), and the New York Times bestselling Rebbe: The Life and Teachings of Menachem M. Schneerson, the Most Influential Rabbi in Modern History (Telushkin) (updated paperback edition).
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