Sunday, October 9, 2016

Your Weekly E-blast from Torrey Pines Church: Essence Series Part 4 from Torrey Pines Church of The Eastlake Church in LaJolla, California, United States for Friday, 7 October 2016

Your Weekly E-blast from Torrey Pines Church: Essence Series Part 4 from Torrey Pines Church of The Eastlake Church in LaJolla, California, United States for Friday, 7 October 2016
Sunday, October 9, 2016
When you describe someone’s “essence,” you aren’t just detailing whether they like rolled tacos or carne asada fries better. You are drilling down to the core of who they are and what they stand for. In the same way, following Jesus isn’t about a style of music, a special language or knowing a specific ritual. The essence of following Jesus is about our identity, our new life in him, his presence within us and his purpose for our lives.
Live wisely among those who are not believers, and make the most of every opportunity. Let your conversation be gracious and attractive so that you will have the right response for everyone.[Colossians 4:5-6 (NLT)]
Every mom needs a little encouragement. Gather together as we talk about "Mom Guilt" .Come join us on Sunday Evening at 7pm in the Canyonview Room. Guest Speaker, Karen Stubbs, will be sharing her passion in challenging moms to experience motherhood in the way God intended it for them and their families.
Our Mid-week High School Student and Jr. High Student Growth Groups have launched and meet every Wednesday from 7:00-8:30pm in Wyle Chapel. You do not want to miss!
There will be a Kids Costume Carnival on Sunday Oct 30th during and after both services. Until then, we will be collecting Candy Donations at collection bins at the Sanctuary Reception area, Hashinger Hall, and in the office. So BRING A BAG and help us sugar up some kids :) interested in helping out with this? or mark the back of your Connection Card on Sunday.
Celebration of Life
We express our deepest sympathy to:
Kay and Richard Slater and their family. Dorothy Ross, a long time member of TPC, and had just turned 97, passed away very peacefully 2 weeks
ago. Dorothy was Kay’s mother. The Memorial Service will be on Wednesday, October 12th at 1:00pm at Torrey Pines Church. A reception will immediately follow in the Canyonview Room.
Connie Fraser is leading a group of people to pray. This group will be praying for
everyone who submitted prayer on the Connection Cards and for other needs. Come and join Connie and her team. They will be meeting in the Canyonview Room starting 10/19/16 At 12:30pm and will continue every Wednesday at the same time and same place.
Our next big service will be the beautiful “Hanging of the Greens” on November 27th at 7:00pm. Our choir has always played a large part with singing Christmas anthems. So, we are asking you to please consider serving in the choir. You’ll be blessed in a wonderful way. Rehearsals are on Thursday evenings at 7:00pm.
We have 2 services on Sunday mornings. They both share the same message and communicator, but with a varied worship context and expression:
THE SANCTUARY meets at 9:00am and is traditional worship setting that embraces historical hymns and liturgical traditions with an authentic faith.
THE AUDITORIUM meets at 10:30am and is a worship experience where the music is louder, led by a live band, and authentic faith is celebrated.
Kids (birth - 5th grade)
Torrey Kids meet in the Berry Center and the Admin Buidling during both services.
Youth (6th - 12th grade)
Torrey Youth meet at 10:30am in Wyle Chapel.
TPC Choir Rehearsal
Thursdays at 7:00pm
Canyonview Room
Next rehearsal, October 13th
Surf Ministry
Thursdays at 8:00am-1:00pm
17th Street in Del Mar
Saturdays at 7:00am-6:00pm
La Jolla Shores
Email: Bob Bishop
We care about you and want
you to know that you are not
alone in your situation. Please
email your request to our prayer
team @
and they will join you in prayer for
your specific needs and concerns.
Are you interested in joining the
First Impressions, Kitchen Crew,
Campus Team? Please send an email to
Online Giving:
Click here to give online
EastLake Church
990 Lane Avenue
Chula Vista, California 91914, United States

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