Wednesday, October 12, 2016

You're Invited to Unlock Second Chances from Prison Fellowship of Lansdowne, Virginia, United States "ADVOCACY ALERT" for Wednesday, 12 October 2016

You're Invited to Unlock Second Chances from Prison Fellowship of Lansdowne, Virginia, United States "ADVOCACY ALERT" for Wednesday, 12 October 2016
Did you know that there are more than 44,000 legal barriers that inhibit formerly incarcerated men and women from living a successful life and contributing to society after their release? The 65 million Americans with a criminal record need advocates like you to help them succeed. Here's a way you can support second chances in California!
Randy Haskins, an entrepreneur and passionate Prison Fellowship volunteer, is convening a group of Californians committed to supporting people with criminal backgrounds at a luncheon on Oct. 22. As a sponsor of the event, Prison Fellowship would like to invite you to join. It's free and open to the public, so please consider inviting your friends and family as well! You can check out the details below.
When: Saturday, Oct. 22, 2016, noon-2 p.m.
Where: Community Bible Church, 601 Natoma St., Folsom, CA 95630
For more information or to RSVP, please contact Jordan at 831-383-1333.
I hope you'll attend and join with others who are passionate about ending the second prison in America!
Craig DeRoche
Senior Vice President, Advocacy & Public Policy
Prison Fellowship
Join Prison Fellowship in advocating for justice that restores as we seek to recognize and advance the dignity and value of human life.
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44180 Riverside Parkway
Lansdowne, Virginia 20176, United States

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