Friday, December 30, 2016
Hello Resurrection Blue Springs!
I hope you are enjoying this final week of 2016!
We are very encouraged by last week’s 4 Christmas Eve services and the 10:45 am Sunday morning service. I don’t know the total attendance yet but I do know we had 355 at our 3:00 family service! Thank you to Diane and her crew for a great Christmas presentation from the kids. We’re so grateful to everyone who volunteered and provided radical hospitality for all the services!
Personally I’m looking back at this past year with gratefulness and praying into the New Year with a sense of hope. I’m reminded that Emmanuel, which means “God with us” is true the whole year! Jesus is with us, the Holy spirit is in us and God is for us giving us the strength, courage and comfort we need to face the new year with joyful optimism.
The best way to kick off the New Year is by joining us in worship this Sunday. We will have our regular 9am & 10:45 am services. The two services will be family-friendly worship with childcare for kids 4 and under!
I want to remind you about–Year-End Contributions
To be deductible in 2016, contributions must be physically received at Resurrection (Leawood Campus Bldg. C) by 5 pm, Friday, Dec. 30, or mailed with a postmark of Dec. 31, 2016, or earlier. You may also donate online through Pushpay no later than 11:59 pm CDT, Saturday, Dec. 31. If you give through RezAccess or PayPal—these choices of giving end on Dec. 31, 2016, and all gifts given through these methods will stop. Please use our new option Pushpay, which is accessible at for all future gifts.
For this new year I want to encourage you to making a commitment to grow in knowing, loving and serving God. You can do this in a variety of ways by attending a study, serving and giving your time and talent. Take a look below at some of the upcoming opportunities.
Make sure to take a look at what's coming up . . . Sign Up Soon to Serve in Dallas March 13-17 may seem far away, but if you’re interested in joining our first trip to Dallas to serve with Connect to the Kingdom (aka C2K ministries), you should sign up before January 5. A brief team training is required onTuesday, January 10. For more information on this ministry setting, the training, trip details and costs, go to or email Partial scholarships available. Timed to match spring break, this trip is for young and old, for individuals and families – but is limited to 12 people, so hurry!
JOY in Serving – If you did not have a chance to bring back the Cleaning Bucket filled with cleaning supplies or Joy Bag with toys and items for the students at Phillips at Attucks, don’t fret. We can deliver them later. Feel free to bring these items to the church and we will deliver them. Thank you!
Mini Music & By Request – Stephanie Myers will host two music events each Thursdayfrom Jan. 5 – Feb. 23, 2017, at Benton House, 1701 NW Jefferson St., Blue Springs. Preschool Mini Music class for toddlers, preschool children and their families. Features singing, movement, instruments and storybooks. E-mail Stephanie Myers to register so she can bring enough instruments.
By Request – From 7-7:30 pm, Stephanie will play the grand piano at Benton House and take requests from residents. If you would like to perform with Stephanie (either singing or with another instrument), email her at
Make First Fridays Your Fave! Hey all you Kindergarten – 5th graders, join us for TGIF on the first Fridays of each month, 7-8:30 pm – next one is Jan. 6. Register
Mark your calendars for “The Moore Organized Life” Tuesday, Jan. 10, 6:30-8 pm. Do you want to be more organized? Start the New Year off right and learn from a professional organizer. Melodye Moore is the founder of “The Moore Organized Life” consulting firm. A love offering will be taken (suggested $10) as our guest has waived her regular speaking fee. Childcare will be available upon request by email to Sponsored by RezMoms Blue Springs.
The Marriage Course – Tuesdays, Jan. 10 – Feb. 21, 6:30 pm. The greatest achievements in life take practice, training and dedication. It is the same with marriage. A strong, loving and lifelong relationship doesn’t happen by chance. It takes effort and dedication to keep the fun and romance alive. We can all learn how to make even the happiest marriage better. The Marriage Course is seven sessions designed to help strengthen relationships. Join other couples in a relaxed atmosphere as you listen to practical talks that are informative, fun and will equip you to have a healthy marriage. Whether you’re newly married or have been together for a long time, this course is designed for any couple who desires a long joyful relationship. Cost for materials $15. Register online now. For questions, contact
Jesus Apprentice – Sundays, Jan. 15 – Feb. 5, 6:30 pm. When Jesus taught the disciples, his message was simple and clear. This illuminating 4-week study by Resurrection pastor Jeff Kirby and led by Mike Ash sweeps aside the clutter of our daily lives and takes us to the heart of Jesus’ message. With Jesus as our teacher, we’ll explore Christian belief through Christian action, following in the footsteps of our Lord. Cost for materials $10. Register online now. For questions, contact
Waypoint Men’s Group – Starting January 18, “Gather” online each week to navigate your life’s journey using the GPS, Resurrection’s Grow. Pray. Study. Guide – all from the comfort of wherever you are! For more information, email
Coffee/Pizza with the Pastor – If you’re thinking about becoming a member at Resurrection Blue Springs, then come to this event on Sunday, Jan 22 12:15 pm. Meet Pastor Penny and learn more about us! Sign up at Guest Services or
I pray you’re blessed with God’s peace this week and hope to see you in worship this Sunday!
For our Resurrection Blue Springs Campus Calendar: click here
Contact Our Staff
Church Office Phone: (816) 389-8900
Rev. Penny Ellwood, Campus Pastor
Mike Ash, Worship Leader/Director of Community
Mark Maschger, Ministry Associate
Diane Enlow, Director of Children's Ministry
Riley Ledford, Technical Producer
Heather Sooley, Operations Coordinating Assistant
Stephanie Weigel, Guest Services Coordinating Assistant
Caitlin Willis, Nursery Coordinator
Lori Wolverton, Nursery Staff
The United Methodist Church of the Resurrection Blue Springs
601 NorthEast Jefferson Street
Blue Springs, Missouri 64014, United States
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