Spring break is upon us and the Gant family is out camping, fishing, and hiking this week! Nature always rejuvenates me and connects me closer to God? What is it for you? Music? Community? Solitude? Pastor Adam spoke of the importance of Sabbath, modeled by our creator in last Sunday’s message. He will continue the ‘In The Garden’ series this Sunday with a message about the forbidden fruit plus more powerful music by our worship team! You won’t want to miss it! All KiDSCOR Sunday School programs resume for each service with 6 weeks through 5th grade available at 8am, 9:30am, 11am, & 5pm - 6th-8th grade Rezlife Sunday School at 9:30am & 11am.
Rezlife youth groups resume on Wednesday night March 22nd. Middle School Youth Group 6-7:30pm, and High School Youth Group 7-8:30pm. More info about our ministry to teens can be found at cor.org/west/students. You will also see below the summer mission trips have opened up for teens to serve in KC and Colorado!
It was a joy last Sunday to welcome Yolanda Byers, Guest Connections & Communications Director, upfront to help lead us in worship. Yolanda is not only a full-time staffer at RezWest, but also a declared candidate for ordained ministry. In the United Methodist Church declared candidates work through prayerful interviews, examination, and preparation for their journey toward pastoral leadership. To be a declared candidate is to hear a calling from God to serve in this way. You may have felt this nudge. If so, I’d love to meet and pray with you about it. Feel free to connect with my assistant Debbie Dietz at debbie.dietz@cor.org to schedule a time together. God may be calling you and we want to support you in that call!
Below are some upcoming opportunities to know, love, and serve God.
- Lent is underway!
- Sports Camp | Summer 2017
- Vacation Bible Camp| Summer 2017
- Youth Mission Trips| Summer 2017
- Financial Peace University| Begins March 20
- Interested in joining RezWest? Coffee with the Pastors | April 23
- Take a tour of the NEW Sanctuary at our Leawood campus!
- Maundy Thursday | April 13 | 7 pm Worship Service
- Good Friday Day of Prayer | April 14 | 7am–7pm
- Saturday Easter Egg Hunt | April 15 | 3-4:30 pm |
- Saturday Easter Worship | April 15 | 5 pm
- Sunday Easter Worship | April 16 | 8 am, 9:30 am, 11:15 am, 5 pm
Vacation Bible Camp 2017 – The Secret Life of Jesus! That’s the theme for VBC 2017. You and the kids in your life will definitely want to be a part of this spy- filled exploration of the parables of Jesus! June 26-30, 1-5pm. Camp is for current K-5th graders. Volunteers and their kids can register now, all other children may register beginning April 14. The cost is $25. Contact christie.walker@cor.orgfor more details. Campers may also participate in Sports Camp for a full-day experience. Visit cor.org/west/signup for these activities and more!
5th-7th Grade Mission Trip to Downtown KC
Head to the inner city of Kansas City July 10 –14 and spend time serving in several ways throughout the community! Student lodging will be at The Church of the Resurrection Downtown Campus. Students currently in 5th-7th grade during the 2016-2017 school year are eligible to serve. The cost is $200 per student. Seating is unlimited until June 1. However, registration is closed after June 1, and space will then be limited. CLICK HERE TO REGISTER
8th-12th Grade Mission Trip to Calhan, CO
Travel to Calhan, CO (outside of Colorado Springs) June 12 –18 and serve with the Community OutReach Center! Students will work closely with the rural community to help those in need by assisting with home projects and vacation bible schools at two churches. Student lodging will be at the county fairgrounds in air conditioned buildings. Students currently in 8th-12th grade during the 2016-2017 school year are eligible to serve. The cost is $275 per student (this includes graduated seniors); $140 for College-aged students (Post HS-Age 21); and free for adults. Seating is unlimited until May 1. However, registration is closed after May 1, and space will then be limited. CLICK HERE TO REGISTER
Financial Peace University – Register today for FInancial Peace University! Class begins Monday, March 20, from 6:30-8:30 pm at RezWest. Participants purchase books through the Financial Peace University website. The class is eight weeks and childcare is available. Register at cor.org/west/signup.
Coffee with the Pastors – Sunday, April 23, 3-5 pm. Are you considering joining Resurrection? Then consider attending the upcoming Coffee with the Pastors. Learn more about the church, get to know our pastors and review membership expectations. Childcare available. Register at cor.org/west/signup or email debbie.dietz@cor.orgfor more information. All are welcome!
Take a Guided Tour of Resurrection Leawood’s new building so the tour guides can practice before the Grand Opening. Tours available March 27 – April 3. Sign up at cor.org/tourRSVP.
In grateful service,
Pastor Jason
The United Methodist Church of the Resurrection West
24000 West Valley Parkway
Olathe, Kansas 66061, United States
West office - 913-538-7800
For an after hours urgent pastoral care need call 913-338-9477
Resurrection West Staff
- Travis Morgan - Director of Staffing and Operations
- Chris Holliday - Associate Pastor, Care and Missions
- David Robertson - Director of Community Life
- Lindsay Hefner - Director of Worship Arts
- Yolanda Byers - Guest Connections and Communications
- Rick Webb - Director of rezlife Student Ministries
- Christie Walker - Director of KiDS COR Children's Ministries
- Lynnlea Nelson - Early Childhood Program Director
- Malerie Luttrell - Nursery Coordinator
- Debbie Dietz - Coordinating Assistant to Pastor Jason
- Carol Townsend - Coordinating Assistant for Programs and Ministries
- James Wear - Technical Producer Media and Graphics
- Vince Weston - Facilities Technician
- David Boss - Audio Engineer
The United Methodist Church of the
Resurrection West
24000 West Valley Parkway
Olathe, Kansas 66061, United States
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