San Diego, California 92106, United States
San Diego First Church of the Nazarene
Our Mission: To Lift Up Christ
through teaching, preaching, and healing
Sunday, April 30, 2017
Text: Luke 24:31Scripture for Luke 24:31 Then their eyes were opened, and they recognized him. But he became invisible to them.
John Wesley's Notes-Commentary for Luke 24:31
[31] And their eyes were opened, and they knew him; and he vanished out of their sight.
Their eyes were opened — That is, the supernatural cloud was removed: And he vanished - Went away insensibly.
Speaker: Pastor Matt Wilson
9:00am: Classic Service in Ellipse Chapel
10:30am: New Celebration Service in FLC
Dear wonderful people of SDFC,
Most of you know that I was asked to serve as your pastor for four more years. That is such a generous invitation and a sacred trust. I am humbled by the invitation and honored to accept.
Consequent to that a love offering was taken and your kindness and generosity poured out again. Kay and I received about $4,000. I am speechless. Kay and I are continually blessed by being a part of this church community. We look forward to the coming years and covet your prayers as we continue on this journey at First Church.
Dee and Kay
2017-2019 Board Members
Your church board members:
Cheree Adey
Dianne Anderson
Kerry Fulcher
Becky Havens
Ed Holly
Will Hooper
Ashley Johnson (NMI President, 1 year term)
Ryan Kessler
Karl Martin
Kelli McCoy
Monique Sawyer
Gene Shea (Treasurer, 1 year term)
We are thrilled to celebrate this international couple at our post-church BBQ on Sunday, May 7! Charlie Merritt served for years as a senior high volunteer and then joined our church staff before moving to the UK to receive her MA in theology. While there, she met Graham Meiklejohn, a theology professor in Glasgow, Scotland and PhD student. Some of their favorite shared activities are: hiking (preferably with a dog), trying to cook Chinese food, playing Bananagrams in coffee shops, and watching marathons of The West Wing. Charlie will be moving to Scotland before the wedding and to make this trans-Atlantic move easier, you can either:
contribute online to their honeymoon/ moving fund:
purchase directly from their Amazon UK registry and select option to ship directly to Graham Meiklejohn: //
Saturday ● May 13 ● 2-4pm ● Ellipse
$10 suggested donation
All women ages 10+ are invited to our annual Women's Tea! It is a truly special time for all our women to gather around a special meal, hear thoughtful reflection from women in our church, and connect with each other in meaningful ways. This year, Wendy Kessler and Melissa Mann will be sharing with us about Christian unity. Please visit the Women's Ministry page of our website for more information and to RSVP as an individual or group ( If you are interested in hosting a table, you may indicate this on the RSVP form (hosting involves facilitating a welcoming atmosphere and setting your table - we have items available, if needed!).
COCAL GRACIAS: All are invited to join a mission team to Puerto Cortez, Honduras to work alongside Brian and Rina Ruark and their ministry, Cocal Gracias. Team members will help with the end-of-semester party, teach workshops, and assist with various community projects. The trip is from July 6-17 and cost is roughly $1,850 (including airfare). If you're interested in going to Honduras this summer, contact Amy Caffarella at: or (619) 602-1423.
BORDER TOUR: Curious about this border region we live in? Want to understand the border wall's impact in our region? Interested in the complex issue of immigration? Then join us on our first-ever Border Tour, May 20-21, where we will experience the border wall, learn from experts, engage in meaningful discussions, and tour Tijuana. The San Diego-only experience is Saturday from 9am-1pm and includes presentations and visiting the wall on the U.S. side. The San Diego-Tijuana experience is Saturdayfrom 9am to Sunday at 4pm and includes presentations, visiting both sides of the border wall, an overnight stay, and church. San Diego-only Tour = $20 / San Diego-Tijuana Tour = $50. Learn more & RSVP by visiting the home page of our website.
HAITI 2018: Mark your calendars now...we're in the early stages of planning a mission trip to Jean Rabel, Haiti to join Antony & Mariette Duclos' vibrant ministry there. Tentative dates are June 15-25, 2018 and cost is $1,600. If you'd like to be added to the update list, contact our mission president, Ashley Johnson, and she'll provide more information as it becomes available!
Southern California
District Assembly at SDFC
Saturday ● June 3 ● 8am-3:30
9:00am: Classic Service in Ellipse Chapel
10:30am: New Celebration Service in FLC
Dear wonderful people of SDFC,
Most of you know that I was asked to serve as your pastor for four more years. That is such a generous invitation and a sacred trust. I am humbled by the invitation and honored to accept.
Consequent to that a love offering was taken and your kindness and generosity poured out again. Kay and I received about $4,000. I am speechless. Kay and I are continually blessed by being a part of this church community. We look forward to the coming years and covet your prayers as we continue on this journey at First Church.
Dee and Kay
2017-2019 Board Members
Your church board members:
Cheree Adey
Dianne Anderson
Kerry Fulcher
Becky Havens
Ed Holly
Will Hooper
Ashley Johnson (NMI President, 1 year term)
Ryan Kessler
Karl Martin
Kelli McCoy
Monique Sawyer
Gene Shea (Treasurer, 1 year term)
We are thrilled to celebrate this international couple at our post-church BBQ on Sunday, May 7! Charlie Merritt served for years as a senior high volunteer and then joined our church staff before moving to the UK to receive her MA in theology. While there, she met Graham Meiklejohn, a theology professor in Glasgow, Scotland and PhD student. Some of their favorite shared activities are: hiking (preferably with a dog), trying to cook Chinese food, playing Bananagrams in coffee shops, and watching marathons of The West Wing. Charlie will be moving to Scotland before the wedding and to make this trans-Atlantic move easier, you can either:
contribute online to their honeymoon/ moving fund:
purchase directly from their Amazon UK registry and select option to ship directly to Graham Meiklejohn: //
Saturday ● May 13 ● 2-4pm ● Ellipse
$10 suggested donation
All women ages 10+ are invited to our annual Women's Tea! It is a truly special time for all our women to gather around a special meal, hear thoughtful reflection from women in our church, and connect with each other in meaningful ways. This year, Wendy Kessler and Melissa Mann will be sharing with us about Christian unity. Please visit the Women's Ministry page of our website for more information and to RSVP as an individual or group ( If you are interested in hosting a table, you may indicate this on the RSVP form (hosting involves facilitating a welcoming atmosphere and setting your table - we have items available, if needed!).
COCAL GRACIAS: All are invited to join a mission team to Puerto Cortez, Honduras to work alongside Brian and Rina Ruark and their ministry, Cocal Gracias. Team members will help with the end-of-semester party, teach workshops, and assist with various community projects. The trip is from July 6-17 and cost is roughly $1,850 (including airfare). If you're interested in going to Honduras this summer, contact Amy Caffarella at: or (619) 602-1423.
BORDER TOUR: Curious about this border region we live in? Want to understand the border wall's impact in our region? Interested in the complex issue of immigration? Then join us on our first-ever Border Tour, May 20-21, where we will experience the border wall, learn from experts, engage in meaningful discussions, and tour Tijuana. The San Diego-only experience is Saturday from 9am-1pm and includes presentations and visiting the wall on the U.S. side. The San Diego-Tijuana experience is Saturdayfrom 9am to Sunday at 4pm and includes presentations, visiting both sides of the border wall, an overnight stay, and church. San Diego-only Tour = $20 / San Diego-Tijuana Tour = $50. Learn more & RSVP by visiting the home page of our website.
HAITI 2018: Mark your calendars now...we're in the early stages of planning a mission trip to Jean Rabel, Haiti to join Antony & Mariette Duclos' vibrant ministry there. Tentative dates are June 15-25, 2018 and cost is $1,600. If you'd like to be added to the update list, contact our mission president, Ashley Johnson, and she'll provide more information as it becomes available!
Southern California
District Assembly at SDFC
Saturday ● June 3 ● 8am-3:30
Nazarene Missions International Convention
(Murietta Gateway Church of the Nazarene)
Sunday ● June 4 ● 5-7pm
(Murietta Gateway Church of the Nazarene)
Sunday ● June 4 ● 5-7pm
Opening Celebration Service & Fellowship (Brown Chapel)
Monday ● June 5 ● 8:30am-4:30pm
Monday ● June 5 ● 8:30am-4:30pm
Business Meeting Begins (Brown Chapel)
● 7-9pm Ordination Service & Fellowship (Brown Chapel)
Tuesday ● June 6 ● 8:30am-12pm
● 7-9pm Ordination Service & Fellowship (Brown Chapel)
Tuesday ● June 6 ● 8:30am-12pm
Training with Rev. Scott Daniels (Ellipse)
If you are a church member and would like to be a delegate to the Saturday NMI Convention and/or the Business Meeting on Monday, please let the church office know. 619.849.3100 /
Children's Ministries:
SDFC KIDS CAMP: June 25-29 at Forest Home Camp
SO CAL DISTRICT KIDS CAMP: July 24-28 at Pine Valley Christian Conference Center
V.B.S. SPORTS CAMP: July 17-21 from 1-4pm at SDFC. VBS Sports Camp is for kids who are 4yrs. old by Sept. 1through kids entering grade 6. Registration ( opens May 22. $50 per child (scholarships are always available).
WACKY WATER NIGHTS: August 2, 9, 16, 23 from 5:30-7:30. Wacky Water Nights is a potluck dinner and swimming at Shelle James’ house. It's for the whole family!
· V.B.S. VOLUNTEERS: Please let Shelle know if you can help July 24-28. Volunteer applications available in the Children’s Building.
· ROOT BEER FLOAT FUNDRAISER: Donate vanilla ice cream, 2 liter bottles of root beer, or cups for our Elevate fundraiser. Items needed by May 21.
· RECYCLING: We recycle glass & plastic bottles to raise funds for camp. Drop these in the can outside the Children’s Building in a clear plastic bag.
MID-HIGH CAMP: July 24-28 at Pine Valley Christian Conference Center
SENIOR HIGH CAMP: July 30- August 3 Palomar Christian Conference Center
* Applications for all the above
now available in youth room! *
Young Adult News:
“ 1722 & April YAZ Event”
All young adults invited to
the Ellipse, Sunday night, from 6-8pm
for a time of worship followed by, of course, waffles.
20s & 30s Dinner & Documentary
Our new monthly dinner and documentary night is a time for our post-college/20s/30s population to get together, eat great food, and think great thoughts. Our next gathering is Friday, April 28, at Melissa's house. Dinner (baked potato bar) happens from 6-7pm and then we'll watch "White Helmets" at 7pm. Come by for just dinner, just the documentary, or all of it!
Tithe & Offering Counter
Mid High Volunteer Staff
Classic Service Greeters & Ushers
Parking Lot Greeters
Childcare for MOPS first Friday of the month
3rd Sunday Mornings in Kitchen
BBQ Team
If interested in serving, sign up at the Hub on Sundays or email Melissa at:
Ellipse Chapel
Wednesdays, 11am - 5pm
Come and go prayer time.
Feel free to come alone or with a prayer partner(s), for a few minutes,
or as long as you need.
● Frances Boles: Home now after suffering a stroke
● Trey Gurga: Recovering from a broken femur
● Sally Motsenbocker: Pray for health and encouragement
● Dan Croy: Recovering from back surgery
● Linda Sunderman: Recovering at home
● Janice Lodahl: Recovering from knee replacement surgery
● Katia Brown (Cathy Brown's daughter-in-law) Doing amazingly well with chemo
● Stephen Harvey (Lois Bell's nephew)
● Mark Morgan: Recovering from broken leg
● Jerri Morgan: Recovering from back surgery
● Barbara Nelson
● Chris Phillips: Prayer for continued healing for stage IV breast cancer
● Richard "Ricky" Silverman: Recovering at home
● Tim Caffarella: Chemo treatment for cancer in liver
● Mark Mann: Thank you for continued prayer
If you would rather not receive these emails, simply reply
“Thanks, but no thanks” and they will stop coming your way.
Copyright © 2017 San Diego First Church of the Nazarene, All rights reserved.
Our mailing address is:
San Diego First Church of the Nazarene
3901 Lomaland Drive
If you are a church member and would like to be a delegate to the Saturday NMI Convention and/or the Business Meeting on Monday, please let the church office know. 619.849.3100 /
Children's Ministries:
SDFC KIDS CAMP: June 25-29 at Forest Home Camp
SO CAL DISTRICT KIDS CAMP: July 24-28 at Pine Valley Christian Conference Center
V.B.S. SPORTS CAMP: July 17-21 from 1-4pm at SDFC. VBS Sports Camp is for kids who are 4yrs. old by Sept. 1through kids entering grade 6. Registration ( opens May 22. $50 per child (scholarships are always available).
WACKY WATER NIGHTS: August 2, 9, 16, 23 from 5:30-7:30. Wacky Water Nights is a potluck dinner and swimming at Shelle James’ house. It's for the whole family!
· V.B.S. VOLUNTEERS: Please let Shelle know if you can help July 24-28. Volunteer applications available in the Children’s Building.
· ROOT BEER FLOAT FUNDRAISER: Donate vanilla ice cream, 2 liter bottles of root beer, or cups for our Elevate fundraiser. Items needed by May 21.
· RECYCLING: We recycle glass & plastic bottles to raise funds for camp. Drop these in the can outside the Children’s Building in a clear plastic bag.
MID-HIGH CAMP: July 24-28 at Pine Valley Christian Conference Center
SENIOR HIGH CAMP: July 30- August 3 Palomar Christian Conference Center
* Applications for all the above
now available in youth room! *
Young Adult News:
“ 1722 & April YAZ Event”
All young adults invited to
the Ellipse, Sunday night, from 6-8pm
for a time of worship followed by, of course, waffles.
20s & 30s Dinner & Documentary
Our new monthly dinner and documentary night is a time for our post-college/20s/30s population to get together, eat great food, and think great thoughts. Our next gathering is Friday, April 28, at Melissa's house. Dinner (baked potato bar) happens from 6-7pm and then we'll watch "White Helmets" at 7pm. Come by for just dinner, just the documentary, or all of it!
Tithe & Offering Counter
Mid High Volunteer Staff
Classic Service Greeters & Ushers
Parking Lot Greeters
Childcare for MOPS first Friday of the month
3rd Sunday Mornings in Kitchen
BBQ Team
If interested in serving, sign up at the Hub on Sundays or email Melissa at:
Ellipse Chapel
Wednesdays, 11am - 5pm
Come and go prayer time.
Feel free to come alone or with a prayer partner(s), for a few minutes,
or as long as you need.
● Frances Boles: Home now after suffering a stroke
● Trey Gurga: Recovering from a broken femur
● Sally Motsenbocker: Pray for health and encouragement
● Dan Croy: Recovering from back surgery
● Linda Sunderman: Recovering at home
● Janice Lodahl: Recovering from knee replacement surgery
● Katia Brown (Cathy Brown's daughter-in-law) Doing amazingly well with chemo
● Stephen Harvey (Lois Bell's nephew)
● Mark Morgan: Recovering from broken leg
● Jerri Morgan: Recovering from back surgery
● Barbara Nelson
● Chris Phillips: Prayer for continued healing for stage IV breast cancer
● Richard "Ricky" Silverman: Recovering at home
● Tim Caffarella: Chemo treatment for cancer in liver
● Mark Mann: Thank you for continued prayer
If you would rather not receive these emails, simply reply
“Thanks, but no thanks” and they will stop coming your way.
Copyright © 2017 San Diego First Church of the Nazarene, All rights reserved.
Our mailing address is:
San Diego First Church of the Nazarene
3901 Lomaland Drive
San Diego, California 92106, United States
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