TODAY IN JUDAISM: Tuesday, April 25, 2017 from in New York, New York, United States - Omer: Day 14 - Malchut sheb'Gevurah
Today in Judaism
Today is: Tuesday, Nissan 29, 5777 · April 25, 2017
Today's Laws & Customs
• Count "Fifteen Days to the Omer" Tonight
Tomorrow is the fifteenth day of the Omer Count. Since, on the Jewish calendar, the day begins at nightfall of the previous evening, we count the omer for tomorrow's date tonight, after nightfall: "Today is fifteen days, which are two weeks and one day, to the Omer." (If you miss the count tonight, you can count the omer all day tomorrow, but without the preceding blessing).
The 49-day "Counting of the Omer" retraces our ancestors' seven-week spiritual journey from the Exodus to Sinai. Each evening we recite a special blessing and count the days and weeks that have passed since the Omer; the 50th day is Shavuot, the festival celebrating the Giving of the Torah at Sinai.
Tonight's Sefirah: Chessed sheb'Tifferet -- "Kindness in Harmony"
The teachings of Kabbalah explain that there are seven "Divine Attributes" -- Sefirot -- that G-d assumes through which to relate to our existence: Chessed, Gevurah, Tifferet, Netzach, Hod, Yesod and Malchut ("Love", "Strength", "Beauty", "Victory", "Splendor", "Foundation" and "Sovereignty"). In the human being, created in the "image of G-d," the seven sefirot are mirrored in the seven "emotional attributes" of the human soul: Kindness, Restraint, Harmony, Ambition, Humility, Connection and Receptiveness. Each of the seven attributes contain elements of all seven--i.e., "Kindness in Kindness", "Restraint in Kindness", "Harmony in Kindness", etc.--making for a total of forty-nine traits. The 49-day Omer Count is thus a 49-step process of self-refinement, with each day devoted to the "rectification" and perfection of one the forty-nine "sefirot."
Links:How to count the Omer
The deeper significance of the Omer Count
Daily Quote
The day begins with Modeh Ani ("I acknowledge before You, living and eternal King, that You restored my soul to me; great is Your faithfulness"). This is said before the morning washing of the hands, even while the hands are ritually impure (and all other prayers cannot be said). The deeper reason for this is that all the impurities in the world do not defile a Jew's "I acknowledge" before G-d; he might lack one thing or another, but his Modeh Ani remains intact. - The Lubavitcher Rebbe (Hayom Yom for Shevat 11)Daily Study
Chitas and Rambam for today:
Chumash: Tazria-Metzora, 3rd Portion Leviticus 13:40-13:54 with Rashi
• English / Hebrew Linear Translation | Video Class
Leviticus Chapter 13
40If a man loses the hair on [the back of] his head, he is bald. He is clean. מוְאִ֕ישׁ כִּ֥י יִמָּרֵ֖ט רֹאשׁ֑וֹ קֵרֵ֥חַ ה֖וּא טָה֥וֹר הֽוּא:
he is bald. He is clean: Clean of the uncleanness of nethek lesions (Torath Kohanim; Baraitha of Rabbi Ishmael 1:5). I.e., this case is not judged by the signs of the head and beard, which are places of hair (see verses 29, 37). Rather, [it is judged] by the signs of a lesion on the skin of the flesh, namely: 1) white hair, 2) healthy flesh, and 3) spread. קרח הוא טהור הוא: טהור מטומאת נתקין, שאינו נדון בסימני ראש וזקן, שהם מקום שער, אלא בסימני נגע עור בשר בשער לבן, מחיה ופשיון:
41And if he loses his hair on the side toward his face, he is bald at the front. He is clean. מאוְאִם֙ מִפְּאַ֣ת פָּנָ֔יו יִמָּרֵ֖ט רֹאשׁ֑וֹ גִּבֵּ֥חַ ה֖וּא טָה֥וֹר הֽוּא:
at the front of his head: [The area] from the slope of the crown toward one’s face is called גַּבַּחַת 82 “forehead,” and included in this are the temples on either side as well. [The area] from the slope of the crown toward one’s back is called קָרַחַת, the “back of the head.” - [Torath Kohanim 13:144] ואם מפאת פניו: משפוע קדקד כלפי פניו קרוי גבחת, ואף הצדעין שמכאן ומכאן בכלל. ומשפוע קדקד כלפי אחוריו, קרוי קרחת:
42If there is a reddish white lesion on the back or front bald area, it is a spreading tzara'ath in his back or front bald area. מבוְכִי־יִֽהְיֶ֤ה בַקָּרַ֨חַת֙ א֣וֹ בַגַּבַּ֔חַת נֶ֖גַע לָבָ֣ן אֲדַמְדָּ֑ם צָרַ֤עַת פֹּרַ֨חַת֙ הִ֔וא בְּקָֽרַחְתּ֖וֹ א֥וֹ בְגַבַּחְתּֽוֹ:
a reddish-white lesion: blended [of red and white]. How do we know [that the lesion is also unclean if it has] other colors? Because Scripture says, “like the appearance of tzara’ath on the skin of the flesh” (verse 43), i.e., appearing like the tzara’ath dealt with in the passage of [lesions of the] skin of the flesh, [which begins with] “If a man has [se’eith, sapachat or bahereth] on the skin of his flesh” (verse 13:2). And what is stated regarding it [i.e., regarding a lesion on the skin]? That one becomes unclean through [it, if it appears as one of] four shades [namely: 1) the snow-white of bahereth ; 2) the white as “lime of the Holy Temple” of the secondary form (sapachat) of bahereth ; 3) the white as white wool of se’eith; and 4) the white as a “membrane that covers an egg” of the secondary (sapachat) form of se’eith (Nega’im 1:1), and that it is judged with [a possible] two weeks [of quarantine], and not like the appearance of tzara’ath stated concerning inflamed areas and burns, which is judged with [only] one [possible] week [of quarantine], and is also unlike the appearance of nethek lesions, [which are tzara’ath found] in hairy places, which do not become unclean through the four shades [as above]. נגע לבן אדמדם: פתוך. מנין שאר המראות, תלמוד לומר כמראה צרעת עור בשר כמראה הצרעת האמור בפרשת עור בשר (פסוק ב) אדם כי יהיה בעור בשרו. ומה אמור בו, שמטמא בארבע מראות ונדון בשני שבועות, ולא כמראה צרעת האמור בשחין ומכוה, שהוא נדון בשבוע אחד, ולא כמראה נתקין של מקום שער שאין מטמאין בארבע מראות שאת ותולדתה, בהרת ותולדתה:
43So the kohen shall look at it. And, behold! there is a reddish white se'eith lesion on his back or front bald area, like the appearance of tzara'ath on the skin of the flesh, מגוְרָאָ֨ה אֹת֜וֹ הַכֹּהֵ֗ן וְהִנֵּ֤ה שְׂאֵֽת־הַנֶּ֨גַע֨ לְבָנָ֣ה אֲדַמְדֶּ֔מֶת בְּקָֽרַחְתּ֖וֹ א֣וֹ בְגַבַּחְתּ֑וֹ כְּמַרְאֵ֥ה צָרַ֖עַת ע֥וֹר בָּשָֽׂר:
44He is a man afflicted with tzara'ath; he is unclean. The kohen shall surely pronounce him unclean; his lesion is on his head. מדאִֽישׁ־צָר֥וּעַ ה֖וּא טָמֵ֥א ה֑וּא טַמֵּ֧א יְטַמְּאֶ֛נּוּ הַכֹּהֵ֖ן בְּרֹאשׁ֥וֹ נִגְעֽוֹ:
His lesion is on his head: I know only that [these laws apply to those stricken with] nethek lesions [the tzara’ath of the head]. From where [do I know] to include other afflicted people? Therefore, Scripture says: טַמֵּא יְטַמְּאֶנּוּ, shall surely pronounce him unclean. [The double expression comes] to include them all. Concerning them all, Scripture says: “ his garments shall be torn…” (verses 45-46). - [Torath Kohanim 13:154] בראשו נגעו: אין לי אלא נתקין, מנין לרבות שאר המנוגעים, תלמוד לומר טמא יטמאנו, לרבות את כולן. על כולן הוא אומר בגדיו יהיו פרומים וגו':
45And the person with tzara'ath, in whom there is the lesion, his garments shall be torn, his head shall be unshorn, he shall cover himself down to his mustache and call out, "Unclean! Unclean!" מהוְהַצָּר֜וּעַ אֲשֶׁר־בּ֣וֹ הַנֶּ֗גַע בְּגָדָ֞יו יִֽהְי֤וּ פְרֻמִים֙ וְרֹאשׁוֹ֙ יִֽהְיֶ֣ה פָר֔וּעַ וְעַל־שָׂפָ֖ם יַעְטֶ֑ה וְטָמֵ֥א | טָמֵ֖א יִקְרָֽא:
torn: Heb. פְרֻמִים, torn. — [Mo’ed Katan 15a] פרמים: קרועים:
unshorn: Heb. פָּרוּעַ, with hair grown long. — [Mo’ed Katan 15a] פרוע: מגודל שער:
He shall cover himself down to his mustache: like a mourner. — [Torath Kohanim 13:154] ועל שפם יעטה: כאבל:
mustache: Heb. שָׂפָם, the hair on the lips (שְׂפָתַיִם) [i.e., the mustache], grenon in Old French. שפם: שער השפתים גירנו"ן בלע"ז [שפם]:
and he shall call out,“ Unclean! Unclean!”: He announces that he is unclean, so that everyone should stay away from him. — [Torath Kohanim 13:155] וטמא טמא יקרא: משמיע שהוא טמא ויפרשו ממנו:
46All the days the lesion is upon him, he shall remain unclean. He is unclean; he shall dwell isolated; his dwelling shall be outside the camp. מוכָּל־יְמֵ֞י אֲשֶׁ֨ר הַנֶּ֥גַע בּ֛וֹ יִטְמָ֖א טָמֵ֣א ה֑וּא בָּדָ֣ד יֵשֵׁ֔ב מִח֥וּץ לַמַּֽחֲנֶ֖ה מֽוֹשָׁבֽוֹ:
He shall dwell isolated: [meaning] that other unclean people [not stricken with tzara’ath] shall not abide with him. Our Sages said: “Why is he different from other unclean people, that he must remain isolated? Since, with his slander, he caused a separation [i.e., a rift] between man and wife or between man and his fellow, he too, shall be separated [from society].”- [Arachin 16b] [This rationale is based on the premise that a person is stricken with tzara’ath as a result of his talking לְשׁוֹן הָרַע, i.e., speaking derogatorily of others, although he may be telling the truth.] בדד ישב: שלא יהיו שאר טמאים יושבים עמו. ואמרו רבותינו מה נשתנה משאר טמאים לישב בדד, הואיל והוא הבדיל בלשון הרע בין איש לאשתו ובין איש לרעהו, אף הוא יבדל:
outside the camp: Outside the three camps [of Israel, namely: 1) the camp of the Shechinah, in which the Mishkan was located; 2) the Levite camp, and 3) the camp of the Israelites]. — [Torath Kohanim 13:157, Pes. 67a] מחוץ למחנה: חוץ לשלש מחנות:
47[And as for] the garment that has the lesion of tzara'ath upon it, on a woolen garment, or on a linen garment, מזוְהַבֶּ֕גֶד כִּי־יִֽהְיֶ֥ה ב֖וֹ נֶ֣גַע צָרָ֑עַת בְּבֶ֣גֶד צֶ֔מֶר א֖וֹ בְּבֶ֥גֶד פִּשְׁתִּֽים:
48or on [threads prepared for the] warp or the woof of linen or of wool, or on leather or on anything made from leather. מחא֤וֹ בִשְׁתִי֙ א֣וֹ בְעֵ֔רֶב לַפִּשְׁתִּ֖ים וְלַצָּ֑מֶר א֣וֹ בְע֔וֹר א֖וֹ בְּכָל־מְלֶ֥אכֶת עֽוֹר:
of linen or of wool: Heb. וְלַצָּמֶר לַפִּשְׁתִּים, of linen or of wool. [Here the ל, usually meaning “to,” means “of.”] לפשתים ולצמר: של פשתים או של צמר:
or the leather: This [refers to] leather upon which no work has been performed. או בעור: זה עור שלא נעשה בו מלאכה:
or anything made from leather: This [refers] to leather upon which work has been performed. או בכל מלאכת עור: זה עור שנעשה בו מלאכה:
49If the lesion on the garment, the leather, the warp or woof [threads] or on any leather article, is deep green or deep red, it is a lesion of tzara'ath, and it shall be shown to the kohen. מטוְהָיָ֨ה הַנֶּ֜גַע יְרַקְרַ֣ק | א֣וֹ אֲדַמְדָּ֗ם בַּבֶּ֩גֶד֩ א֨וֹ בָע֜וֹר אֽוֹ־בַשְּׁתִ֤י אֽוֹ־בָעֵ֨רֶב֙ א֣וֹ בְכָל־כְּלִי־ע֔וֹר נֶ֥גַע צָרַ֖עַת ה֑וּא וְהָרְאָ֖ה אֶת־הַכֹּהֵֽן:
deep green: Heb. יְרַקְרַק, the greenest of greens. — [Torath Kohanim 13:161] ירקרק: ירוק שבירוקין:
deep red: אֲדַמְדָָּם, the reddest of reds. — [Torath Kohanim 13:161] אדמדם: אדום שבאדומים:
50The kohen shall look at the lesion, and he shall quarantine [the article with] the lesion for seven days. נוְרָאָ֥ה הַכֹּהֵ֖ן אֶת־הַנָּ֑גַע וְהִסְגִּ֥יר אֶת־הַנֶּ֖גַע שִׁבְעַ֥ת יָמִֽים:
51And he shall look at the lesion on the seventh day. [If] the lesion has spread on the garment, or on the warp or woof [threads], or on the leather or on any article made from leather, the lesion is a malignant tzara'ath; it is unclean. נאוְרָאָ֨ה אֶת־הַנֶּ֜גַע בַּיּ֣וֹם הַשְּׁבִיעִ֗י כִּֽי־פָשָׂ֤ה הַנֶּ֨גַע֙ בַּ֠בֶּ֠גֶד אֽוֹ־בַשְּׁתִ֤י אֽוֹ־בָעֵ֨רֶב֙ א֣וֹ בָע֔וֹר לְכֹ֛ל אֲשֶׁר־יֵֽעָשֶׂ֥ה הָע֖וֹר לִמְלָאכָ֑ה צָרַ֧עַת מַמְאֶ֛רֶת הַנֶּ֖גַע טָמֵ֥א הֽוּא:
a malignant tzara’th: Heb. צָרַעַת מַמְאֶרֶת, an expression similar to “a pricking briar (סִלּוֹן מַמְאִיר), (Ezek. 28: 24),” point in Old French, stinging, pricking. The midrashic explanation is: Place a curse (מְאֵרָה) upon it [the item afflicted with tzara’ath], that you shall not derive benefit from it. — [Torath Kohanim 13:166] צרעת ממארת: לשון סילון ממאיר (יחזקאל כח כד). פוינינ"ט בלע"ז [דוקר]. ומדרשו תן בו מארה שלא תהנה הימנו:
52And he shall burn the garment, the warp or woof [threads] of wool or of linen, or any leather article which has the lesion upon it, for it is a malignant tzara'ath ; it shall be burned in fire. נבוְשָׂרַ֨ף אֶת־הַבֶּגֶ֜ד א֥וֹ אֶת־הַשְּׁתִ֣י | א֣וֹ אֶת־הָעֵ֗רֶב בַּצֶּ֨מֶר֙ א֣וֹ בַפִּשְׁתִּ֔ים א֚וֹ אֶת־כָּל־כְּלִ֣י הָע֔וֹר אֲשֶׁר־יִֽהְיֶ֥ה ב֖וֹ הַנָּ֑גַע כִּֽי־צָרַ֤עַת מַמְאֶ֨רֶת֙ הִ֔וא בָּאֵ֖שׁ תִּשָּׂרֵֽף:
of wool or of linen: Heb. בַּצֶּמֶר אוֹ בַפִּשְׁתִּים, of wool or of linen. [The ב, which usually means “in,” here means “of.”] This is its simple meaning. Its midrashic explanation is, however: [The words, בַּצֶּמֶר אוֹ בַפִּשְׁתִּים וְשָׂרַף אֶת בֶּגֶד, can be understood literally, as: “And he shall burn the garment…in the wool or in the linen.” Thus,] one might think that [when burning the unclean garment,] one is required to bring wool shearings and stalks of flax and burn them along with it. Scripture, therefore, says [at the end of this verse], “for it…; it shall be burned in fire. ” [I.e., it alone] it does not require anything else [to be burned] along with it. If so, why does Scripture say, “in the wool or the linen”? To exclude [from the requirement of burning] the edges (אִימְרִיּוֹת) if they are of another material (Torath Kohanim 13:167). אִימְרִיּוֹת means “edges,” like אִימְרָא, border. בצמר או בפשתים: של צמר או של פשתים, זהו פשוטו. ומדרשו יכול יביא גיזי צמר ואניצי פשתן וישרפם עמו, תלמוד לומר היא באש תשרף, אינה צריכה דבר אחר עמה. אם כן מה תלמוד לומר בצמר או בפשתים, להוציא את האימריות שבו, שהן ממין אחר. אימריות לשון שפה, כמו אימרא:
53But if the kohen looks, and, behold! the lesion has not spread on the garment, the warp or woof [threads], or any leather article, נגוְאִם֘ יִרְאֶ֣ה הַכֹּהֵן֒ וְהִנֵּה֙ לֹֽא־פָשָׂ֣ה הַנֶּ֔גַע בַּבֶּ֕גֶד א֥וֹ בַשְּׁתִ֖י א֣וֹ בָעֵ֑רֶב א֖וֹ בְּכָל־כְּלִי־עֽוֹר:
54the kohen shall order, and they shall wash what the lesion is upon, and he shall quarantine it again for seven days. נדוְצִוָּה֙ הַכֹּהֵ֔ן וְכִ֨בְּס֔וּ אֵ֥ת אֲשֶׁר־בּ֖וֹ הַנָּ֑גַע וְהִסְגִּיר֥וֹ שִׁבְעַת־יָמִ֖ים שֵׁנִֽית:
what the lesion is upon: One might think that [one need wash] the area of the lesion alone. Scripture, therefore, says, “what the lesion is upon,” [meaning, the garment upon which the lesion is found. But if so,] one might think that the entire garment requires washing. Scripture, therefore, says, “[after] the lesion [has been washed],” (verse 55) [teaching us that only the lesion must be washed, not the entire garment]. So how [do we reconcile this apparent discrepancy]? He must wash part of the garment with it. — [see Torath Kohanim 13:169] את אשר בו הנגע : יכול מקום הנגע בלבד, תלמוד לומר את אשר בו הנגע, יכול כל הבגד כולו טעון כבוס, תלמוד לומר הנגע,
הא כיצד, יכבס מן הבגד עמ
Tehillim: Chapters 140 - 144
• Hebrew text
• English text
The Tithe of the Herd
"And all the tithe of the cattle and livestock, the tenth shall be holy to G‑d"—Leviticus 27:32.
We are commanded to separate a tenth of the kosher cattle and livestock born to us each year. Their blood and fats are sprinkled and offered on the altar, and the rest of the flesh is consumed in Jerusalem by the animals' owners.
According to biblical law, this mitzvah applies both in the land of Israel and outside of it, whether the Temple is standing or not [i.e., we are commanded to separate and sanctify the animals even though we cannot sacrifice them]. The Rabbis, however, instituted that we not perform this mitzvah when the Temple is not standing in Jerusalem—for fear lest someone consume the sanctified animal (before it becomes blemished and technically unfit for sacrifice).
When the Temple will be rebuilt, however, this mitzvah will be practiced in all locations.
Full text of this Mitzvah »
The Tithe of the Herd
The Tithe of the Herd
Positive Commandment 78Translated by Berel Bell
And the 78th mitzvah is that we are commanded to separate a tithe from all the kosher animals1 which are born to us each year.2 We must sacrifice their fat and blood, and eat the remainder in Jerusalem.
The source of this commandment is G‑d's statement3 (exalted be He), "All tithes of the herds and flocks that are counted under the rod; every tenth one shall be consecrated to G‑d." This is known as the tithe of animals [ma'aser beheimah].
The details of this mitzvah are explained in the last chapter of Bechoros.4
It is explained there that this commandment applies even outside Israel and even when the Temple is no longer standing. This is by Torah law, but by Rabbinic decree our Sages said, "It only applies when the Temple is standing," because, since we have no Temple, someone might come to eat it even though it has no blemish.5 When the Temple will be built, it will apply both in Israel and outside Israel. Footnotes
1.I.e. cattle, sheep and goats.
2.Before Rosh Hashanah, one collects all the animals born that year, and separates one from every ten.
3.Lev. 27:32.
5.When the Temple was standing, the unblemished animal could be brought as a sacrifice, with the meat consumed by the owner. Without a Temple, once the animal is consecrated by being, "counted under the rod," nothing may be done with it unless it becomes blemished. In order to avoid it being eaten accidentally, our Sages prohibited it from being consecrated in the first place.
Today in Judaism
Today is: Tuesday, Nissan 29, 5777 · April 25, 2017
Today's Laws & Customs
• Count "Fifteen Days to the Omer" Tonight
Tomorrow is the fifteenth day of the Omer Count. Since, on the Jewish calendar, the day begins at nightfall of the previous evening, we count the omer for tomorrow's date tonight, after nightfall: "Today is fifteen days, which are two weeks and one day, to the Omer." (If you miss the count tonight, you can count the omer all day tomorrow, but without the preceding blessing).
The 49-day "Counting of the Omer" retraces our ancestors' seven-week spiritual journey from the Exodus to Sinai. Each evening we recite a special blessing and count the days and weeks that have passed since the Omer; the 50th day is Shavuot, the festival celebrating the Giving of the Torah at Sinai.
Tonight's Sefirah: Chessed sheb'Tifferet -- "Kindness in Harmony"
The teachings of Kabbalah explain that there are seven "Divine Attributes" -- Sefirot -- that G-d assumes through which to relate to our existence: Chessed, Gevurah, Tifferet, Netzach, Hod, Yesod and Malchut ("Love", "Strength", "Beauty", "Victory", "Splendor", "Foundation" and "Sovereignty"). In the human being, created in the "image of G-d," the seven sefirot are mirrored in the seven "emotional attributes" of the human soul: Kindness, Restraint, Harmony, Ambition, Humility, Connection and Receptiveness. Each of the seven attributes contain elements of all seven--i.e., "Kindness in Kindness", "Restraint in Kindness", "Harmony in Kindness", etc.--making for a total of forty-nine traits. The 49-day Omer Count is thus a 49-step process of self-refinement, with each day devoted to the "rectification" and perfection of one the forty-nine "sefirot."
Links:How to count the Omer
The deeper significance of the Omer Count
Daily Quote
The day begins with Modeh Ani ("I acknowledge before You, living and eternal King, that You restored my soul to me; great is Your faithfulness"). This is said before the morning washing of the hands, even while the hands are ritually impure (and all other prayers cannot be said). The deeper reason for this is that all the impurities in the world do not defile a Jew's "I acknowledge" before G-d; he might lack one thing or another, but his Modeh Ani remains intact. - The Lubavitcher Rebbe (Hayom Yom for Shevat 11)Daily Study
Chitas and Rambam for today:
Chumash: Tazria-Metzora, 3rd Portion Leviticus 13:40-13:54 with Rashi
• English / Hebrew Linear Translation | Video Class
Leviticus Chapter 13
40If a man loses the hair on [the back of] his head, he is bald. He is clean. מוְאִ֕ישׁ כִּ֥י יִמָּרֵ֖ט רֹאשׁ֑וֹ קֵרֵ֥חַ ה֖וּא טָה֥וֹר הֽוּא:
he is bald. He is clean: Clean of the uncleanness of nethek lesions (Torath Kohanim; Baraitha of Rabbi Ishmael 1:5). I.e., this case is not judged by the signs of the head and beard, which are places of hair (see verses 29, 37). Rather, [it is judged] by the signs of a lesion on the skin of the flesh, namely: 1) white hair, 2) healthy flesh, and 3) spread. קרח הוא טהור הוא: טהור מטומאת נתקין, שאינו נדון בסימני ראש וזקן, שהם מקום שער, אלא בסימני נגע עור בשר בשער לבן, מחיה ופשיון:
41And if he loses his hair on the side toward his face, he is bald at the front. He is clean. מאוְאִם֙ מִפְּאַ֣ת פָּנָ֔יו יִמָּרֵ֖ט רֹאשׁ֑וֹ גִּבֵּ֥חַ ה֖וּא טָה֥וֹר הֽוּא:
at the front of his head: [The area] from the slope of the crown toward one’s face is called גַּבַּחַת 82 “forehead,” and included in this are the temples on either side as well. [The area] from the slope of the crown toward one’s back is called קָרַחַת, the “back of the head.” - [Torath Kohanim 13:144] ואם מפאת פניו: משפוע קדקד כלפי פניו קרוי גבחת, ואף הצדעין שמכאן ומכאן בכלל. ומשפוע קדקד כלפי אחוריו, קרוי קרחת:
42If there is a reddish white lesion on the back or front bald area, it is a spreading tzara'ath in his back or front bald area. מבוְכִי־יִֽהְיֶ֤ה בַקָּרַ֨חַת֙ א֣וֹ בַגַּבַּ֔חַת נֶ֖גַע לָבָ֣ן אֲדַמְדָּ֑ם צָרַ֤עַת פֹּרַ֨חַת֙ הִ֔וא בְּקָֽרַחְתּ֖וֹ א֥וֹ בְגַבַּחְתּֽוֹ:
a reddish-white lesion: blended [of red and white]. How do we know [that the lesion is also unclean if it has] other colors? Because Scripture says, “like the appearance of tzara’ath on the skin of the flesh” (verse 43), i.e., appearing like the tzara’ath dealt with in the passage of [lesions of the] skin of the flesh, [which begins with] “If a man has [se’eith, sapachat or bahereth] on the skin of his flesh” (verse 13:2). And what is stated regarding it [i.e., regarding a lesion on the skin]? That one becomes unclean through [it, if it appears as one of] four shades [namely: 1) the snow-white of bahereth ; 2) the white as “lime of the Holy Temple” of the secondary form (sapachat) of bahereth ; 3) the white as white wool of se’eith; and 4) the white as a “membrane that covers an egg” of the secondary (sapachat) form of se’eith (Nega’im 1:1), and that it is judged with [a possible] two weeks [of quarantine], and not like the appearance of tzara’ath stated concerning inflamed areas and burns, which is judged with [only] one [possible] week [of quarantine], and is also unlike the appearance of nethek lesions, [which are tzara’ath found] in hairy places, which do not become unclean through the four shades [as above]. נגע לבן אדמדם: פתוך. מנין שאר המראות, תלמוד לומר כמראה צרעת עור בשר כמראה הצרעת האמור בפרשת עור בשר (פסוק ב) אדם כי יהיה בעור בשרו. ומה אמור בו, שמטמא בארבע מראות ונדון בשני שבועות, ולא כמראה צרעת האמור בשחין ומכוה, שהוא נדון בשבוע אחד, ולא כמראה נתקין של מקום שער שאין מטמאין בארבע מראות שאת ותולדתה, בהרת ותולדתה:
43So the kohen shall look at it. And, behold! there is a reddish white se'eith lesion on his back or front bald area, like the appearance of tzara'ath on the skin of the flesh, מגוְרָאָ֨ה אֹת֜וֹ הַכֹּהֵ֗ן וְהִנֵּ֤ה שְׂאֵֽת־הַנֶּ֨גַע֨ לְבָנָ֣ה אֲדַמְדֶּ֔מֶת בְּקָֽרַחְתּ֖וֹ א֣וֹ בְגַבַּחְתּ֑וֹ כְּמַרְאֵ֥ה צָרַ֖עַת ע֥וֹר בָּשָֽׂר:
44He is a man afflicted with tzara'ath; he is unclean. The kohen shall surely pronounce him unclean; his lesion is on his head. מדאִֽישׁ־צָר֥וּעַ ה֖וּא טָמֵ֥א ה֑וּא טַמֵּ֧א יְטַמְּאֶ֛נּוּ הַכֹּהֵ֖ן בְּרֹאשׁ֥וֹ נִגְעֽוֹ:
His lesion is on his head: I know only that [these laws apply to those stricken with] nethek lesions [the tzara’ath of the head]. From where [do I know] to include other afflicted people? Therefore, Scripture says: טַמֵּא יְטַמְּאֶנּוּ, shall surely pronounce him unclean. [The double expression comes] to include them all. Concerning them all, Scripture says: “ his garments shall be torn…” (verses 45-46). - [Torath Kohanim 13:154] בראשו נגעו: אין לי אלא נתקין, מנין לרבות שאר המנוגעים, תלמוד לומר טמא יטמאנו, לרבות את כולן. על כולן הוא אומר בגדיו יהיו פרומים וגו':
45And the person with tzara'ath, in whom there is the lesion, his garments shall be torn, his head shall be unshorn, he shall cover himself down to his mustache and call out, "Unclean! Unclean!" מהוְהַצָּר֜וּעַ אֲשֶׁר־בּ֣וֹ הַנֶּ֗גַע בְּגָדָ֞יו יִֽהְי֤וּ פְרֻמִים֙ וְרֹאשׁוֹ֙ יִֽהְיֶ֣ה פָר֔וּעַ וְעַל־שָׂפָ֖ם יַעְטֶ֑ה וְטָמֵ֥א | טָמֵ֖א יִקְרָֽא:
torn: Heb. פְרֻמִים, torn. — [Mo’ed Katan 15a] פרמים: קרועים:
unshorn: Heb. פָּרוּעַ, with hair grown long. — [Mo’ed Katan 15a] פרוע: מגודל שער:
He shall cover himself down to his mustache: like a mourner. — [Torath Kohanim 13:154] ועל שפם יעטה: כאבל:
mustache: Heb. שָׂפָם, the hair on the lips (שְׂפָתַיִם) [i.e., the mustache], grenon in Old French. שפם: שער השפתים גירנו"ן בלע"ז [שפם]:
and he shall call out,“ Unclean! Unclean!”: He announces that he is unclean, so that everyone should stay away from him. — [Torath Kohanim 13:155] וטמא טמא יקרא: משמיע שהוא טמא ויפרשו ממנו:
46All the days the lesion is upon him, he shall remain unclean. He is unclean; he shall dwell isolated; his dwelling shall be outside the camp. מוכָּל־יְמֵ֞י אֲשֶׁ֨ר הַנֶּ֥גַע בּ֛וֹ יִטְמָ֖א טָמֵ֣א ה֑וּא בָּדָ֣ד יֵשֵׁ֔ב מִח֥וּץ לַמַּֽחֲנֶ֖ה מֽוֹשָׁבֽוֹ:
He shall dwell isolated: [meaning] that other unclean people [not stricken with tzara’ath] shall not abide with him. Our Sages said: “Why is he different from other unclean people, that he must remain isolated? Since, with his slander, he caused a separation [i.e., a rift] between man and wife or between man and his fellow, he too, shall be separated [from society].”- [Arachin 16b] [This rationale is based on the premise that a person is stricken with tzara’ath as a result of his talking לְשׁוֹן הָרַע, i.e., speaking derogatorily of others, although he may be telling the truth.] בדד ישב: שלא יהיו שאר טמאים יושבים עמו. ואמרו רבותינו מה נשתנה משאר טמאים לישב בדד, הואיל והוא הבדיל בלשון הרע בין איש לאשתו ובין איש לרעהו, אף הוא יבדל:
outside the camp: Outside the three camps [of Israel, namely: 1) the camp of the Shechinah, in which the Mishkan was located; 2) the Levite camp, and 3) the camp of the Israelites]. — [Torath Kohanim 13:157, Pes. 67a] מחוץ למחנה: חוץ לשלש מחנות:
47[And as for] the garment that has the lesion of tzara'ath upon it, on a woolen garment, or on a linen garment, מזוְהַבֶּ֕גֶד כִּי־יִֽהְיֶ֥ה ב֖וֹ נֶ֣גַע צָרָ֑עַת בְּבֶ֣גֶד צֶ֔מֶר א֖וֹ בְּבֶ֥גֶד פִּשְׁתִּֽים:
48or on [threads prepared for the] warp or the woof of linen or of wool, or on leather or on anything made from leather. מחא֤וֹ בִשְׁתִי֙ א֣וֹ בְעֵ֔רֶב לַפִּשְׁתִּ֖ים וְלַצָּ֑מֶר א֣וֹ בְע֔וֹר א֖וֹ בְּכָל־מְלֶ֥אכֶת עֽוֹר:
of linen or of wool: Heb. וְלַצָּמֶר לַפִּשְׁתִּים, of linen or of wool. [Here the ל, usually meaning “to,” means “of.”] לפשתים ולצמר: של פשתים או של צמר:
or the leather: This [refers to] leather upon which no work has been performed. או בעור: זה עור שלא נעשה בו מלאכה:
or anything made from leather: This [refers] to leather upon which work has been performed. או בכל מלאכת עור: זה עור שנעשה בו מלאכה:
49If the lesion on the garment, the leather, the warp or woof [threads] or on any leather article, is deep green or deep red, it is a lesion of tzara'ath, and it shall be shown to the kohen. מטוְהָיָ֨ה הַנֶּ֜גַע יְרַקְרַ֣ק | א֣וֹ אֲדַמְדָּ֗ם בַּבֶּ֩גֶד֩ א֨וֹ בָע֜וֹר אֽוֹ־בַשְּׁתִ֤י אֽוֹ־בָעֵ֨רֶב֙ א֣וֹ בְכָל־כְּלִי־ע֔וֹר נֶ֥גַע צָרַ֖עַת ה֑וּא וְהָרְאָ֖ה אֶת־הַכֹּהֵֽן:
deep green: Heb. יְרַקְרַק, the greenest of greens. — [Torath Kohanim 13:161] ירקרק: ירוק שבירוקין:
deep red: אֲדַמְדָָּם, the reddest of reds. — [Torath Kohanim 13:161] אדמדם: אדום שבאדומים:
50The kohen shall look at the lesion, and he shall quarantine [the article with] the lesion for seven days. נוְרָאָ֥ה הַכֹּהֵ֖ן אֶת־הַנָּ֑גַע וְהִסְגִּ֥יר אֶת־הַנֶּ֖גַע שִׁבְעַ֥ת יָמִֽים:
51And he shall look at the lesion on the seventh day. [If] the lesion has spread on the garment, or on the warp or woof [threads], or on the leather or on any article made from leather, the lesion is a malignant tzara'ath; it is unclean. נאוְרָאָ֨ה אֶת־הַנֶּ֜גַע בַּיּ֣וֹם הַשְּׁבִיעִ֗י כִּֽי־פָשָׂ֤ה הַנֶּ֨גַע֙ בַּ֠בֶּ֠גֶד אֽוֹ־בַשְּׁתִ֤י אֽוֹ־בָעֵ֨רֶב֙ א֣וֹ בָע֔וֹר לְכֹ֛ל אֲשֶׁר־יֵֽעָשֶׂ֥ה הָע֖וֹר לִמְלָאכָ֑ה צָרַ֧עַת מַמְאֶ֛רֶת הַנֶּ֖גַע טָמֵ֥א הֽוּא:
a malignant tzara’th: Heb. צָרַעַת מַמְאֶרֶת, an expression similar to “a pricking briar (סִלּוֹן מַמְאִיר), (Ezek. 28: 24),” point in Old French, stinging, pricking. The midrashic explanation is: Place a curse (מְאֵרָה) upon it [the item afflicted with tzara’ath], that you shall not derive benefit from it. — [Torath Kohanim 13:166] צרעת ממארת: לשון סילון ממאיר (יחזקאל כח כד). פוינינ"ט בלע"ז [דוקר]. ומדרשו תן בו מארה שלא תהנה הימנו:
52And he shall burn the garment, the warp or woof [threads] of wool or of linen, or any leather article which has the lesion upon it, for it is a malignant tzara'ath ; it shall be burned in fire. נבוְשָׂרַ֨ף אֶת־הַבֶּגֶ֜ד א֥וֹ אֶת־הַשְּׁתִ֣י | א֣וֹ אֶת־הָעֵ֗רֶב בַּצֶּ֨מֶר֙ א֣וֹ בַפִּשְׁתִּ֔ים א֚וֹ אֶת־כָּל־כְּלִ֣י הָע֔וֹר אֲשֶׁר־יִֽהְיֶ֥ה ב֖וֹ הַנָּ֑גַע כִּֽי־צָרַ֤עַת מַמְאֶ֨רֶת֙ הִ֔וא בָּאֵ֖שׁ תִּשָּׂרֵֽף:
of wool or of linen: Heb. בַּצֶּמֶר אוֹ בַפִּשְׁתִּים, of wool or of linen. [The ב, which usually means “in,” here means “of.”] This is its simple meaning. Its midrashic explanation is, however: [The words, בַּצֶּמֶר אוֹ בַפִּשְׁתִּים וְשָׂרַף אֶת בֶּגֶד, can be understood literally, as: “And he shall burn the garment…in the wool or in the linen.” Thus,] one might think that [when burning the unclean garment,] one is required to bring wool shearings and stalks of flax and burn them along with it. Scripture, therefore, says [at the end of this verse], “for it…; it shall be burned in fire. ” [I.e., it alone] it does not require anything else [to be burned] along with it. If so, why does Scripture say, “in the wool or the linen”? To exclude [from the requirement of burning] the edges (אִימְרִיּוֹת) if they are of another material (Torath Kohanim 13:167). אִימְרִיּוֹת means “edges,” like אִימְרָא, border. בצמר או בפשתים: של צמר או של פשתים, זהו פשוטו. ומדרשו יכול יביא גיזי צמר ואניצי פשתן וישרפם עמו, תלמוד לומר היא באש תשרף, אינה צריכה דבר אחר עמה. אם כן מה תלמוד לומר בצמר או בפשתים, להוציא את האימריות שבו, שהן ממין אחר. אימריות לשון שפה, כמו אימרא:
53But if the kohen looks, and, behold! the lesion has not spread on the garment, the warp or woof [threads], or any leather article, נגוְאִם֘ יִרְאֶ֣ה הַכֹּהֵן֒ וְהִנֵּה֙ לֹֽא־פָשָׂ֣ה הַנֶּ֔גַע בַּבֶּ֕גֶד א֥וֹ בַשְּׁתִ֖י א֣וֹ בָעֵ֑רֶב א֖וֹ בְּכָל־כְּלִי־עֽוֹר:
54the kohen shall order, and they shall wash what the lesion is upon, and he shall quarantine it again for seven days. נדוְצִוָּה֙ הַכֹּהֵ֔ן וְכִ֨בְּס֔וּ אֵ֥ת אֲשֶׁר־בּ֖וֹ הַנָּ֑גַע וְהִסְגִּיר֥וֹ שִׁבְעַת־יָמִ֖ים שֵׁנִֽית:
what the lesion is upon: One might think that [one need wash] the area of the lesion alone. Scripture, therefore, says, “what the lesion is upon,” [meaning, the garment upon which the lesion is found. But if so,] one might think that the entire garment requires washing. Scripture, therefore, says, “[after] the lesion [has been washed],” (verse 55) [teaching us that only the lesion must be washed, not the entire garment]. So how [do we reconcile this apparent discrepancy]? He must wash part of the garment with it. — [see Torath Kohanim 13:169] את אשר בו הנגע : יכול מקום הנגע בלבד, תלמוד לומר את אשר בו הנגע, יכול כל הבגד כולו טעון כבוס, תלמוד לומר הנגע,
הא כיצד, יכבס מן הבגד עמ
Tehillim: Chapters 140 - 144
• Hebrew text
• English text
Chapter 140
David composed this psalm against his slanderers, especially the chief conspirator Doeg. Anyone confronted by slanderers should recite this psalm.
1. For the Conductor, a psalm by David.
2. Rescue me from the evil man, protect me from the man of violence,
3. who devise evil schemes in their heart; every day they gather for wars.
4. They sharpen their tongues like a serpent; the spider's venom is forever under their lips.
5. Guard me, Lord, from the hands of the wicked, protect me from the man of violence-those who plot to cause my steps to slip.
6. Arrogant ones have hidden a snare for me, and ropes; they spread a net by my path, they set traps for me continually.
7. I said to the Lord, "You are my God!" Listen, O Lord, to the voice of my pleas.
8. God, my Lord, the strength of my deliverance, You sheltered my head on the day of armed battle.
9. Grant not, O Lord, the desires of the wicked; fulfill not his scheme, make it unattainable forever.
10. As for the head of my besiegers, let the deceit of their own lips bury them.
11. Let burning coals fall upon them; let it cast them down into the fire, into deep pits, never to rise again.
12. Let not the slanderous man be established in the land; let the evil of the man of violence trap him until he is overthrown.
13. I know that the Lord will execute judgement for the poor, justice for the needy.
14. Indeed, the righteous will extol Your Name; the upright will dwell in Your presence.
Chapter 141This psalm teaches an important lesson: One should pray for Divine assistance that his mouth not speak that which is not in his heart. The gatekeeper only allows the gate to be opened for a purpose; let it be the same with one's lips.
1. A psalm by David. O Lord, I have called You, hasten to me; listen to my voice when I call to You.
2. Let my prayer be set forth as incense before You, the raising of my hands as an afternoon offering.
3. O Lord, place a guard for my mouth, keep watch over the door of my lips.
4. Do not incline my heart to a bad thing-to perform deeds in wickedness, with men, doers of evil; let me not partake of their delicacies.
5. Let the righteous one strike me with kindness and let him rebuke me; like the finest oil, let my head not refuse it. For as long [as I live], my prayer is [to preserve me] from their harm.
6. For their judges have slipped because of their [hearts of] rock, though they heard my words and they were pleasant.
7. As one who chops and splinters [wood] on the ground, so have our bones been scattered to the mouth of the grave.
8. For to You, God, my Lord, are my eyes; in You I take shelter; do not pour out my soul.
9. Protect me from the hands of the snare they laid for me, and from the traps of the evildoers.
10. Let the wicked fall into their own nets together, until I pass over.
Chapter 142
David composed this psalm while hiding from Saul in a cave, at which time he had cut off the corner of Saul's garment (to prove that he was able to kill him but did not wish to do so). He declared, "Where can I turn, and where can I run? All I have is to cry out to You!"
1. A maskil1 by David, when he was in the cave, a prayer.
2. With my voice I will cry out to the Lord; with my voice I will call to the Lord in supplication.
3. I will pour out my plea before Him; I will declare my distress in His presence.
4. When my spirit is faint within me, You know my path. In the way in which I walk, they have hidden a snare for me.
5. Look to my right and see, there is none that will know me; every escape is lost to me. No man cares for my soul.
6. I cried out to You, O Lord; I said, "You are my refuge, my portion in the land of the living.”
7. Listen to my song of prayer, for I have been brought very low. Deliver me from my pursuers, for they are too mighty for me.
8. Release my soul from confinement, so that it may acknowledge Your Name. Because of me, the righteous will crown [You] when You will deal graciously with me.
Footnotes1.A psalm intended to enlighten and impart knowledge(Metzudot).
Chapter 143
1. A psalm by David. O Lord, hear my prayer, lend Your ear to my supplications. With Your faithfulness answer me, and with Your righteousness.
2. Do not enter into judgment with Your servant, for no living being would be vindicated before You.
3. For the enemy has pursued my soul; he has crushed my life to the ground; he has set me down in dark places, like those who are eternally dead.
4. Then my spirit became faint within me; my heart was dismayed within me.
5. I remembered the days of old; I meditated on all Your deeds; I spoke of Your handiwork.
6. I spread out my hands to You; like a languishing land my soul yearns after You, Selah.
7. Answer me soon, O Lord, my spirit is spent; hide not Your face from me, lest I become like those who descend into the pit.
8. Let me hear Your kindness in the morning, for have I trusted in You. Let me know the way in which I should walk, for to You I have lifted my soul.
9. Deliver me from my enemies, O Lord. I have concealed [my troubles from all, save] You.
10. Teach me to do Your will, for You are my God. Let Your good spirit lead me in an even path.
11. For the sake of Your Name, O Lord, give me life; in Your righteousness, take my soul out of distress.
12. And in Your kindness, cut off my enemies and obliterate all those who oppress my soul, for I am Your servant.
Chapter 144
After triumphing in all his wars, David composed this psalm in praise of God.
1. By David. Blessed be the Lord, my Rock, Who trains my hands for battle and my fingers for war.
2. My source of kindness and my fortress, my high tower and my rescuer, my shield, in Whom I take refuge; it is He Who makes my people submit to me.
3. O Lord, what is man that You have recognized him; the son of a mortal, that You are mindful of him?
4. Man is like a breath; his days are like a passing shadow.
5. O Lord, incline Your heavens and descend; touch the mountains and they will become vapor.
6. Flash one bolt of lightning and You will scatter them; send out Your arrows and You will confound them.
7. Stretch forth Your hands from on high, rescue me and deliver me out of many waters, from the hand of strangers,
8. whose mouth speaks deceit and whose right hand is a right hand of falsehood.
9. God, I will sing a new song to You, I will play to You upon a harp of ten strings.
10. He who gives victory to kings, He will rescue David, His servant, from the evil sword.
11. Rescue me and deliver me from the hand of strangers, whose mouth speaks deceit and whose right hand is a right hand of falsehood.
12. For our sons are like plants, brought up to manliness in their youth; our daughters are like cornerstones, fashioned after the fashion of a palace.
13. Our storehouses are full, overflowing with all manner of food; our sheep increase by the thousands, growing by the tens of thousands in our open fields.
14. Our leaders bear the heaviest burden; there is none who break through, nor is there bad report, nor outcry in our streets.
15. Happy is the nation for whom this is so. Happy is that nation whose God is the Lord.
Tanya: Likutei Amarim, beginning of Chapter 43
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David composed this psalm against his slanderers, especially the chief conspirator Doeg. Anyone confronted by slanderers should recite this psalm.
1. For the Conductor, a psalm by David.
2. Rescue me from the evil man, protect me from the man of violence,
3. who devise evil schemes in their heart; every day they gather for wars.
4. They sharpen their tongues like a serpent; the spider's venom is forever under their lips.
5. Guard me, Lord, from the hands of the wicked, protect me from the man of violence-those who plot to cause my steps to slip.
6. Arrogant ones have hidden a snare for me, and ropes; they spread a net by my path, they set traps for me continually.
7. I said to the Lord, "You are my God!" Listen, O Lord, to the voice of my pleas.
8. God, my Lord, the strength of my deliverance, You sheltered my head on the day of armed battle.
9. Grant not, O Lord, the desires of the wicked; fulfill not his scheme, make it unattainable forever.
10. As for the head of my besiegers, let the deceit of their own lips bury them.
11. Let burning coals fall upon them; let it cast them down into the fire, into deep pits, never to rise again.
12. Let not the slanderous man be established in the land; let the evil of the man of violence trap him until he is overthrown.
13. I know that the Lord will execute judgement for the poor, justice for the needy.
14. Indeed, the righteous will extol Your Name; the upright will dwell in Your presence.
Chapter 141This psalm teaches an important lesson: One should pray for Divine assistance that his mouth not speak that which is not in his heart. The gatekeeper only allows the gate to be opened for a purpose; let it be the same with one's lips.
1. A psalm by David. O Lord, I have called You, hasten to me; listen to my voice when I call to You.
2. Let my prayer be set forth as incense before You, the raising of my hands as an afternoon offering.
3. O Lord, place a guard for my mouth, keep watch over the door of my lips.
4. Do not incline my heart to a bad thing-to perform deeds in wickedness, with men, doers of evil; let me not partake of their delicacies.
5. Let the righteous one strike me with kindness and let him rebuke me; like the finest oil, let my head not refuse it. For as long [as I live], my prayer is [to preserve me] from their harm.
6. For their judges have slipped because of their [hearts of] rock, though they heard my words and they were pleasant.
7. As one who chops and splinters [wood] on the ground, so have our bones been scattered to the mouth of the grave.
8. For to You, God, my Lord, are my eyes; in You I take shelter; do not pour out my soul.
9. Protect me from the hands of the snare they laid for me, and from the traps of the evildoers.
10. Let the wicked fall into their own nets together, until I pass over.
Chapter 142
David composed this psalm while hiding from Saul in a cave, at which time he had cut off the corner of Saul's garment (to prove that he was able to kill him but did not wish to do so). He declared, "Where can I turn, and where can I run? All I have is to cry out to You!"
1. A maskil1 by David, when he was in the cave, a prayer.
2. With my voice I will cry out to the Lord; with my voice I will call to the Lord in supplication.
3. I will pour out my plea before Him; I will declare my distress in His presence.
4. When my spirit is faint within me, You know my path. In the way in which I walk, they have hidden a snare for me.
5. Look to my right and see, there is none that will know me; every escape is lost to me. No man cares for my soul.
6. I cried out to You, O Lord; I said, "You are my refuge, my portion in the land of the living.”
7. Listen to my song of prayer, for I have been brought very low. Deliver me from my pursuers, for they are too mighty for me.
8. Release my soul from confinement, so that it may acknowledge Your Name. Because of me, the righteous will crown [You] when You will deal graciously with me.
Footnotes1.A psalm intended to enlighten and impart knowledge(Metzudot).
Chapter 143
1. A psalm by David. O Lord, hear my prayer, lend Your ear to my supplications. With Your faithfulness answer me, and with Your righteousness.
2. Do not enter into judgment with Your servant, for no living being would be vindicated before You.
3. For the enemy has pursued my soul; he has crushed my life to the ground; he has set me down in dark places, like those who are eternally dead.
4. Then my spirit became faint within me; my heart was dismayed within me.
5. I remembered the days of old; I meditated on all Your deeds; I spoke of Your handiwork.
6. I spread out my hands to You; like a languishing land my soul yearns after You, Selah.
7. Answer me soon, O Lord, my spirit is spent; hide not Your face from me, lest I become like those who descend into the pit.
8. Let me hear Your kindness in the morning, for have I trusted in You. Let me know the way in which I should walk, for to You I have lifted my soul.
9. Deliver me from my enemies, O Lord. I have concealed [my troubles from all, save] You.
10. Teach me to do Your will, for You are my God. Let Your good spirit lead me in an even path.
11. For the sake of Your Name, O Lord, give me life; in Your righteousness, take my soul out of distress.
12. And in Your kindness, cut off my enemies and obliterate all those who oppress my soul, for I am Your servant.
Chapter 144
After triumphing in all his wars, David composed this psalm in praise of God.
1. By David. Blessed be the Lord, my Rock, Who trains my hands for battle and my fingers for war.
2. My source of kindness and my fortress, my high tower and my rescuer, my shield, in Whom I take refuge; it is He Who makes my people submit to me.
3. O Lord, what is man that You have recognized him; the son of a mortal, that You are mindful of him?
4. Man is like a breath; his days are like a passing shadow.
5. O Lord, incline Your heavens and descend; touch the mountains and they will become vapor.
6. Flash one bolt of lightning and You will scatter them; send out Your arrows and You will confound them.
7. Stretch forth Your hands from on high, rescue me and deliver me out of many waters, from the hand of strangers,
8. whose mouth speaks deceit and whose right hand is a right hand of falsehood.
9. God, I will sing a new song to You, I will play to You upon a harp of ten strings.
10. He who gives victory to kings, He will rescue David, His servant, from the evil sword.
11. Rescue me and deliver me from the hand of strangers, whose mouth speaks deceit and whose right hand is a right hand of falsehood.
12. For our sons are like plants, brought up to manliness in their youth; our daughters are like cornerstones, fashioned after the fashion of a palace.
13. Our storehouses are full, overflowing with all manner of food; our sheep increase by the thousands, growing by the tens of thousands in our open fields.
14. Our leaders bear the heaviest burden; there is none who break through, nor is there bad report, nor outcry in our streets.
15. Happy is the nation for whom this is so. Happy is that nation whose God is the Lord.
Tanya: Likutei Amarim, beginning of Chapter 43
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The Alter Rebbe explained in the previous chapter that every Jew has the ability to attain yirah tata‘ah, the lower level of fear of G‑d. This enables him to perform all the positive commandments and refrain from transgressing all the negative commandments. In the present chapter the Alter Rebbe goes on to explain the two levels of fear of G‑d, yirah tata’ah and yirah ila‘ah, the lower and higher levels of fear respectively.
This distinction clarifies a seeming contradiction. The Mishnah first states:1 “If there is no wisdom, there is no fear [of G‑d].” Wisdom must precede fear. But the Mishnah then goes on to say: “If there is no fear [of G‑d], there is no wisdom.” Fear must precede wisdom!
The explanation is as follows: The Mishnah refers to the two above-mentioned levels of fear. The first statement — “If there is no fear, there is no wisdom” — refers to the lower level of fear, yirah tata‘ah. Without this level of fear, it is impossible to attain wisdom, i.e., the performance of Torah and mitzvot. (This is deemed wisdom, since the ultimate purpose of wisdom is repentance and good deeds.) The second statement — “If there is no wisdom, there is no fear” — refers to the higher level of fear, yirah ila’ah. This level of fear must be preceded by wisdom, i.e., the performance of Torah and mitzvot. Only thus is one able to attain the higher level of fear.
The Alter Rebbe also explains in this chapter that just as there are two general levels of fear of G‑d, there are also two general levels of love of G‑d.
והנה על יראה תתאה זו, שהיא לקיום מצותיו יתברך, בבחינת סור מרע ועשה טוב
Concerning this level of yirah tata‘ah of which it was said in the previous chapter that it is in the province of every Jew, which is [necessary] for the fulfillment of His commandments, in both areas of “Turn away from evil and do good,” i.e., in the performance of the negative and positive commands,
אמרו: אם אין יראה, אין חכמה
it was said, by our Sages, “If there is no fear, there is no wisdom.” If fear of G‑d is lacking, then one cannot properly fulfill the Torah and mitzvot.
ויש בה בחינת קטנות ובחינת גדלות
It (this lower level of fear) comprises a quality of “smallness” and a quality of “greatness”.
The quality of “smallness” describes the fear which is experienced as a result of a Jew’s innate fear of G‑d, and which is merely revealed through meditating upon matters that lead to the fear of G‑d. Since it does not result from contemplating G‑d’s greatness it is deemed “small”. The quality of “greatness” characterizes the fear of G‑d that results from contemplating G‑d’s greatness as it can be discerned from creation.
דהיינו, כשנמשכת בחינת יראה זו מההתבוננות בגדולת ה׳
This means i.e., fear has the quality of “greatness” when this category of the lower level of fear is a result of contemplation on the greatness of G‑d as it is perceived through His providing life to creation —
דאיהו ממלא כל עלמין
that He fills all worlds,
G‑d provides all worlds with vitality by vesting Himself in them. This life-force is attuned to the innate spirituality of the particular world or created being in which it is vested; the higher the world or created being, the loftier its life-force.
ומהאר׳ לרקיע מהלך ת״ק שנה וכו׳, ובין רקיע לרקיע כו׳
and2 from the earth to the heavens is a distance of 500 years,... and the distance from one heaven to the next... is also a journey of 500 years,
רגלי החיות כנגד כולן וכו׳
[and] “the feet i.e., the lowest level of the angels called chayyot measure up to them all...”
The lowest level of the chayyot transcends all the other levels.
וכן השתלשלות כל העולמות, למעלה מעלה עד רום המעלות
and similarly with one’s contemplation on the evolvement of all the worlds, one above the other to the topmost heights of the most spiritual worlds.
When a person contemplates and gains a deep understanding of the divine life-force that provides life to all worlds and spiritual levels, and hence achieves a fear of G‑d, then this understanding may be described by the term “greatness”. However, if this is the case, why then is this level considered part of yirah tata‘ah, the lower level of fear?
The Alter Rebbe answers this by explaining that since this fear derives from contemplation of G‑dliness as it “fills all worlds” and thus is bound up with them, it is necessarily a lower level of fear. For this life-force is concealed in the worlds in such a way that they are still able to be aware of their own existence and being. As this level, the worlds merely nullify their being and existence in deference to their life-force. This is termed bittul hayesh, the self-nullification of a being that is aware of its own existence.
The fear which results from this contemplation can only belong to the level of bittul hayesh, and not the higher form of nullification known as bittul bimetziut, which is total and complete nullification of self. It is for this reason that even the fear which has the quality of “greatness” is still only on a level of yirah tata‘ah, the lower level of fear. And this is what the Alter Rebbe now says:
אף על פי כן נקראת יראה זו יראה חיצונית ותתאה, מאחר שנמשכת מהעולמות
Nevertheless, this fear is called an external and inferior fear, yirah tata‘ah, since it is derived from the worlds i.e., from understanding the greatness of G‑d as a result of meditating upon the divine life-force which animates them,
שהם לבושים של המלך, הקב״ה, אשר מסתתר ומתעלם ומתלבש בהם, להחיותם ולקיימם, להיות יש מאין וכו׳
for they are “garments” of the King, the Holy One, blessed be He, Who conceals and hides and clothes Himself in them, in these worlds, to animate them and give them existence, that they may exist ex nihilo,....
Before the worlds were created they did not exist at all; they were in a state of non-being. Through their creation they became “beings”, entities whose existence could be experienced. This is the manner in which the divine life-force animates (and clothes itself in) creation: that created beings should be able to perceive themselves as existing entities which, nevertheless, are nullified to their divine life-force. Therefore, as explained earlier, this contemplation can only result in the level of bittul hayesh and not in bittul bimetziut, which is the level of yirah ila‘ah, the higher level of the fear of G‑d.
רק שהיא השער והפתח לקיום התורה והמצות
It is only that this fear serves as the gate and entrance to the performance of Torah and mitzvot.
For, as mentioned earlier, yirah tata‘ah leads to the performance of Torah and mitzvot. And it is concerning this lower level of fear that our Sages have said, “If there is no fear, there is no wisdom”; fear of G‑d must precede the performance of Torah and mitzvot.
אך היראה עילאה, ירא בשת
However, as for yirah ila‘ah, a fear stemming from a sense of shame before G‑d’s greatness,
Fear of G‑d stemming from a sense of shame is similar to the shame and total sense of abnegation a person feels when he is in the presence of a truly outstanding tzaddik.3 His shame is not from that great man’s external and revealed powers, as would be the case when one fears a king.
Fearing a king only involves fear of his externality, which finds expression in his rule. (Generally, the more extensive the king’s domain, the greater will be the fear of him.)
The same is true of the fear of G‑d which results from contemplating the “garments” and revelation of G‑dliness in all worlds. It is therefore termed yirah tata‘ah, a lower level of the fear of G‑d, inasmuch as it does not evoke the same degree of shame and self-nullification as is evoked by recognizing the greatness of a truly righteous person. There, the shame and fear is prompted by the great man’s essence; the nullification and shame will therefore be total. Thus, yirah ila’ah is a fear which stems from a sense of shame when one is confronted by G‑d’s greatness.
ויראה פנימית, שהיא נמשכת מפנימית האלקות שבתוך העולמות
and an inner fear that derives from the inward aspects of G‑dliness within the worlds,
wherein the person is cognizant of the inward and essential aspects of G‑dliness and not only of the external qualities of G‑dliness which are clothed in all the worlds. The worlds are wholly nullified before this inward aspect of G‑dliness with a complete and total nullification, bittul bimetziut. Awareness of this higher level of nullification leads to the higher level of fear, yirah ila‘ah.
עליה אמרו: אם אין חכמה, אין יראה
concerning this level of fear it was said by our Sages, “If there is no wisdom, there is no fear.” This level of fear must be prefaced by wisdom.
דחכמה היא כ״ח מ״ה
For4 Chochmah is ko‘ach mah, the level of nullification which is termed mah (“What?”), as the verse says,5 “...and we are mah” — a phrase that expresses the complete and total nullification which is termed bittul bimetziut,
והחכמה מאין תמצא
ואיזהו חכם, הרואה את הנולד. פירוש: שרואה כל דבר איך נולד ונתהוה מאין ליש, בדבר ה׳ ורוח פיו יתברך, כמו שכתוב: וברוח פיו כל צבאם
and our Sages said, moreover,7 “Who is wise? He who sees that which is born [and created].” That is to say, that the wise person is he who sees how everything is born and created from non-being to being by means of the Word of G‑d and the breath of His mouth, as it is written,8 “...and by the breath of His mouth all their hosts [were created].”
ואי לזאת, הרי השמים והאר׳ וכל צבאם בטלים במציאות ממש בדבר ה׳ ורוח פיו, וכלא ממש חשיבי, ואין ואפס ממש, כביטול אור וזיו השמש בגוף השמש עצמה
Therefore, the heavens and the earth and all their hosts, i.e., all of creation, are truly nullified out of existence within the Word of G‑d and the breath of His mouth — the level of their nullification is thus not that of bittul hayesh but of bittul bimetziut — and are accounted as nothing at all, as naught and nothingness indeed, just as the light and brightness of the sun are nullified within the body of the sun itself.
Once sunlight has left the sun one can perceive actual rays and illumination. However, when the light of the sun is found in its source, the body of the sun itself, it is completely nullified and does not exist in a luminous state; all that exists there is the source of light, the sun itself.
So, too, are all created beings nullified in their source, the Word of G‑d that creates them ex nihilo. When a person ponders this matter, it will so affect him that his nullification to G‑d will be at the level of bittul bimetziut.
ואל יוציא אדם עצמו מהכלל
And no man should except himself from this principle — from the principle governing all created beings, about which he understands that they are totally nullified to G‑d. He should realize:
שגם גופו ונפשו ורוחו ונשמתו בטלים במציאות בדבר ה׳
that also his body and Nefesh, Ruach and Neshamah are utterly nullified in the Word of G‑d that created them,
ודבורו יתברך מיוחד במחשבתו כו׳ וכנ״ל פרק כ׳ וכ״א באריכות, בדרך משל מנפש האדם, שדבור אחד מדבורו ומחשבתו כלא ממש כו׳
and His Word is united with His thought... and G‑d’s thought in turn is one with G‑d Himself. Thus, the nullification is not only to G‑d’s Word, but is a total nullification to G‑d Himself, as has been explained above at length (9chs. 20 and 21), by analogy with the human soul, one utterance of whose speech and thought are veritably as nothing..., when compared to the power of speech which is limitless.
Surely, one word pales utterly in comparison to man’s thought, which is the source of speech. Even more so when a single utterance is compared to the source of thought — the power of intellect or emotion, depending on whether the individual is thinking about intellectual or emotional things. Surely, then, this spoken word cannot in any way be compared to the soul itself.
There is, however, a difference between man’s speech and G‑d’s. When a human being speaks, the sound emitted from his mouth departs from its source and becomes a separate entity. G‑d’s creative speech, however, never departs — heaven forbid — from its source, that source being G‑d Himself, Who is omnipresent. Thus, divine speech is always found within its source.
It now becomes even more clear that G‑d’s Word, the source of creation, is truly and totally nullified to and unified with G‑d. Thus all of creation is completely nullified to G‑d.
וזה שאומר הכתוב: הן יראת ה׳ היא חכמה
For as explained earlier, the level of yirah ila‘ah and bittul bimetziut is the same as “wisdom”; it, too, is essentially bittul bimetziut.
אך אי אפשר להשיג ליראה וחכמה זו אלא בקיום התורה והמצות על ידי יראה תתאה החיצונית, וזה שכתוב: אם אין יראה, אין חכמה
However, one cannot attain this fear and wisdom except by means of the fulfillment of the Torah and mitzvot through yirah tata‘ah, which is an external fear. And this is what is meant by the statement, “If there is no fear, there is no wisdom.”
First must come yirah tata‘ah and the resulting performance of Torah and mitzvot; only then can one attain “wisdom” — yirah ila’ah and bittul bimetziut.
* * *
Positive Commandment 78The Tithe of the Herd
"And all the tithe of the cattle and livestock, the tenth shall be holy to G‑d"—Leviticus 27:32.
We are commanded to separate a tenth of the kosher cattle and livestock born to us each year. Their blood and fats are sprinkled and offered on the altar, and the rest of the flesh is consumed in Jerusalem by the animals' owners.
According to biblical law, this mitzvah applies both in the land of Israel and outside of it, whether the Temple is standing or not [i.e., we are commanded to separate and sanctify the animals even though we cannot sacrifice them]. The Rabbis, however, instituted that we not perform this mitzvah when the Temple is not standing in Jerusalem—for fear lest someone consume the sanctified animal (before it becomes blemished and technically unfit for sacrifice).
When the Temple will be rebuilt, however, this mitzvah will be practiced in all locations.
Full text of this Mitzvah »
The Tithe of the Herd
The Tithe of the Herd
Positive Commandment 78Translated by Berel Bell
And the 78th mitzvah is that we are commanded to separate a tithe from all the kosher animals1 which are born to us each year.2 We must sacrifice their fat and blood, and eat the remainder in Jerusalem.
The source of this commandment is G‑d's statement3 (exalted be He), "All tithes of the herds and flocks that are counted under the rod; every tenth one shall be consecrated to G‑d." This is known as the tithe of animals [ma'aser beheimah].
The details of this mitzvah are explained in the last chapter of Bechoros.4
It is explained there that this commandment applies even outside Israel and even when the Temple is no longer standing. This is by Torah law, but by Rabbinic decree our Sages said, "It only applies when the Temple is standing," because, since we have no Temple, someone might come to eat it even though it has no blemish.5 When the Temple will be built, it will apply both in Israel and outside Israel. Footnotes
1.I.e. cattle, sheep and goats.
2.Before Rosh Hashanah, one collects all the animals born that year, and separates one from every ten.
3.Lev. 27:32.
5.When the Temple was standing, the unblemished animal could be brought as a sacrifice, with the meat consumed by the owner. Without a Temple, once the animal is consecrated by being, "counted under the rod," nothing may be done with it unless it becomes blemished. In order to avoid it being eaten accidentally, our Sages prohibited it from being consecrated in the first place.
• 1 Chapter: Sechirut Sechirut - Chapter 2 English Text | Hebrew Text |
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• 3 Chapters: Bechorot Bechorot - Perek 5, Bechorot Bechorot - Perek 6, Bechorot Bechorot - Perek 7
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As the entirety of the sun is reflected in every glistening droplet of water, so is the entirety of life reflected in your individual lifetime.
And in each of your years, you pass through the entirety of your life.
And in every day of your life you are born, live your life through, and pass on from this world.
All your life lies in the hands of today.
[Torat Menachem 5748, page 573.]
Sechirut - Chapter 2
1 The three laws that the Torah states with regard to the four watchmen apply only with regard to movable property that is not consecrated and which belongs to a Jew.
This is derived from Exodus 22:6,9, which mentions: "money or articles and any animal." This excludes landed property and slaves, for they are equated with landed property. And it excludes promissory notes, for they themselves are not money.
And consecrated property is excluded, for ibid.:6 states: "When a person will give to his colleague." And this also excludes property owned by gentiles. Accordingly, our Sages stated: An unpaid watchman need not take an oath with regard to claims involving slaves, promissory notes, landed property and consecrated property. Similarly, a paid watchman or a renter need not pay if they are destroyed. If the watchman performed a kinyan confirming his responsibility for such articles, he is responsible for them.אשלשה דינין האמורין בתורה בארבעה השומרין אינן אלא במטלטלין של ישראל ושל הדיוט שנאמר כסף או כלים וכל בהמה יצאו קרקעות ויצאו העבדים שהוקשו לקרקעות ויצאו השטרות שאין גופן ממון ויצאו הקדשות שנא' כי יתן איש אל רעהו ויצאו נכסי עכו"ם מכאן אמרו חכמים העבדים והשטרות והקרקעות וההקדשות ש"ח שלהן אינו נשבע ונושא שכר או שוכר אינו משלם ואם קנו מידו חייב באחריותן:
This is derived from Exodus 22:6,9, which mentions: "money or articles and any animal." This excludes landed property and slaves, for they are equated with landed property. And it excludes promissory notes, for they themselves are not money.
And consecrated property is excluded, for ibid.:6 states: "When a person will give to his colleague." And this also excludes property owned by gentiles. Accordingly, our Sages stated: An unpaid watchman need not take an oath with regard to claims involving slaves, promissory notes, landed property and consecrated property. Similarly, a paid watchman or a renter need not pay if they are destroyed. If the watchman performed a kinyan confirming his responsibility for such articles, he is responsible for them.אשלשה דינין האמורין בתורה בארבעה השומרין אינן אלא במטלטלין של ישראל ושל הדיוט שנאמר כסף או כלים וכל בהמה יצאו קרקעות ויצאו העבדים שהוקשו לקרקעות ויצאו השטרות שאין גופן ממון ויצאו הקדשות שנא' כי יתן איש אל רעהו ויצאו נכסי עכו"ם מכאן אמרו חכמים העבדים והשטרות והקרקעות וההקדשות ש"ח שלהן אינו נשבע ונושא שכר או שוכר אינו משלם ואם קנו מידו חייב באחריותן:
2 Our Sages ordained that the oaths required of watchmen should be taken with regard to consecrated property in the same manner as required by the Torah with regard to other property so that people should not deal lightly with consecrated property.בותקנו חכמים שנשבעין על ההקדשות שבועת השומרין כעין של תורה כדי שלא יזלזלו בהקדשות:
3 It appears to me that a watchman who was negligent with regard to the care of slaves and the like is obligated to make restitution. For he is freed of responsibility with regard to slaves, landed property and promissory notes -only for the obligations stemming from theft, loss, death and the like. For if he was an unpaid watchman for movable property, and it was stolen or lost, he would be required to take an oath; but for slaves, landed property and promissory notes, he is not required to take an oath. Similarly, if he was a paid watchman, he would be required to make restitution for movable property that was stolen or lost, but for these he is freed of liability. If, however, he was negligent, he is required to make restitution. For everyone who is negligent is considered to be one who damages property, and there is no difference between the laws applying to a person who damages landed property and one who damages movable property.
This is a true judgment, as those who understand will see, and this is the appropriate way to rule. Similarly, my teachers issued the following rulings with regard to a person who entrusts his vine to a sharecropper or to a watchman and stipulates that he dig, prune or dust it from his own resources. If the watchman is negligent and does not perform the required task, he is liable as if he destroyed it with his hands. Similarly, he is liable in all instances where he causes a loss through his actions.גיראה לי שאם פשע השומר בעבדים וכיוצא בהן חייב לשלם שאינו פטור בעבדים וקרקעות ושטרות אלא מדין גניבה ואבידה ומתה וכיוצא בהן שאם היה ש"ח על מטלטלין ונגנבו או אבדו ישבע ובעבדים וקרקעות ושטרות פטור משבועה וכן אם היה שומר שכר שמשלם גניבה ואבידה במטלטלין פטור מלשלם באלו אבל אם פשע בה חייב לשלם שכל הפושע מזיק הוא ואין הפרש בין דין המזיק קרקע לדין המזיק מטלטלין ודין אמת הוא זה למבינים וכן ראוי לדון וכן הורו רבותי שהמוסר כרמו לשומר בין באריסות בין בשמירות חנם והתנה עמו שיחפור או יזמור או יאבק משלו ופשע ולא עשה חייב כמי שהפסיד בידים וכן כל כיוצא בזה שהפסיד בידים חייב על כל פנים:
This is a true judgment, as those who understand will see, and this is the appropriate way to rule. Similarly, my teachers issued the following rulings with regard to a person who entrusts his vine to a sharecropper or to a watchman and stipulates that he dig, prune or dust it from his own resources. If the watchman is negligent and does not perform the required task, he is liable as if he destroyed it with his hands. Similarly, he is liable in all instances where he causes a loss through his actions.גיראה לי שאם פשע השומר בעבדים וכיוצא בהן חייב לשלם שאינו פטור בעבדים וקרקעות ושטרות אלא מדין גניבה ואבידה ומתה וכיוצא בהן שאם היה ש"ח על מטלטלין ונגנבו או אבדו ישבע ובעבדים וקרקעות ושטרות פטור משבועה וכן אם היה שומר שכר שמשלם גניבה ואבידה במטלטלין פטור מלשלם באלו אבל אם פשע בה חייב לשלם שכל הפושע מזיק הוא ואין הפרש בין דין המזיק קרקע לדין המזיק מטלטלין ודין אמת הוא זה למבינים וכן ראוי לדון וכן הורו רבותי שהמוסר כרמו לשומר בין באריסות בין בשמירות חנם והתנה עמו שיחפור או יזמור או יאבק משלו ופשע ולא עשה חייב כמי שהפסיד בידים וכן כל כיוצא בזה שהפסיד בידים חייב על כל פנים:
4 When a person entrusts produce that is growing on land - even grapes that are ready to be harvested - to a colleague to watch, they are considered to be landed property with regard to the laws of watchman.דהמוסר לחבירו דבר המחובר לקרקע לשמור אפילו היו ענבים העומדות להבצר הרי הן כקרקע בדין השומרין:
5 The following principle applies if a person entrusts consecrated property to a watchman and then redeems it, and so it is no longer consecrated at the time the owner takes it from the watchman, or he lends it to a person when it was not consecrated and then consecrates it while it is in the borrower's possession, or a gentile entrusts property and then converts. In all these situations, the laws of watchmen do not apply, unless the article was not consecrated property and belonged to a Jew from the beginning of the time the article was entrusted until the conclusion of that period.ההפקיד הקדש ואח"כ פדהו והרי הוא חולין בעת שנטלו מיד השומר או שהשאילו חולין ואחר כך הקדיש והוא ביד השואל וכן עכו"ם שהפקיד ואחר כך נתגייר כל אלו אין בהן כל דיני השומרין עד שתהיה תחלתן וסופן נכסי הדיוט ונכסי ישראל:
6 The laws applying to borrowers apply equally to men and to women. This applies if the woman is the owner of the entrusted article, or an article was entrusted to her care.ואחד האיש ואחד האשה בדין השומרין בין שהיה הדבר השמור של אשה או שהיה ביד האשה:
7 When a minor entrusts an article to an adult or lends it to him, the adult must take the oaths required of a watchman to the minor. My teachers ruled that the adult is not taking the oath because of the claim of the minor in which instance, the oath would not be required. For an oath is never taken with regard to a claim made by a minor. The rationale is that all the oaths taken by watchmen are taken because of an indefinite claim.זקטן שהפקיד ביד גדול או השאילו הרי זה הגדול נשבע שבועת השומרים לקטן הורו רבותי שאין זה נשבע בטענת הקטן כדי שנאמר אין נשבעין על טענת קטן שכל השומרין שבועתן שבועת שמא היא:
8 Just as our Sages ordained that a purchaser must finalize his acquisition of an article through meshichah; so, too, they ordained that a watchman's responsibility for an article is established through meshichah.
When a person tells a colleague: "Watch an article for me," and he tells him: "Place it down in front of me," he is an unpaid watchman. If he tells him: "Place it down before yourself," or "Place it down" without saying anything else, or tells him: "My house is before you," he is neither a paid watchman nor is an unpaid watchman, nor is he obligated to take an oath at all. The owner of the article may, however, have a ban of ostracism issued applying to anyone who took his article and did not return it to its owner. Similar principles apply in all analogous situations.
Whenever a person entrusts, lends or rents an article to a colleague, the same laws apply whether or not the transfer was observed by witnesses. When the watchman himself admits that he served as a watchman, or he borrowed the article, he is required to take the oath required of watchmen. We do not employ the principle of miggo to absolve a person of the responsibility for an oath, but only to free him of the responsibility to make restitution.
Even if the article that was borrowed, entrusted or rented was worth only a p'rutah, the watchman is required to take an oath concerning it. None of the watchmen are required to admit to a portion of the plaintiff's claim before being required to take the oath.חכדרך שתקנו חכמים משיכה בלקוחות כך תקנו משיכה בשומרין האומר לחבירו שמור לי זה ואמר לו הנח לפני הרי זה ש"ח אמר לו הנח לפניך או הנח סתם או שאמר לו הרי הבית לפניך אינו לא ש"ח ולא שומר שכר ואינו חייב שבועה כלל אבל מחרים על מי שלקח הפקדון שלו ולא יחזירו לבעליו וכן כל כיוצא בזה אחד המפקיד או המשאיל או המשכיר את חבירו בעדים או שלא בעדים דין אחד יש להן כיון שהודה זה מפי עצמו ששמר לו או ששאל ממנו הרי זה נשבע שבועת השומרין שאין אומרים מיגו לפוטרו משבועה אלא לפוטרו מלשלם אפילו היה הדבר השאול או המופקד או המושכר שוה פרוטה הרי זה השומר נשבע עליו ואין אחד מן השומרים צריך להודייה במקצת:
When a person tells a colleague: "Watch an article for me," and he tells him: "Place it down in front of me," he is an unpaid watchman. If he tells him: "Place it down before yourself," or "Place it down" without saying anything else, or tells him: "My house is before you," he is neither a paid watchman nor is an unpaid watchman, nor is he obligated to take an oath at all. The owner of the article may, however, have a ban of ostracism issued applying to anyone who took his article and did not return it to its owner. Similar principles apply in all analogous situations.
Whenever a person entrusts, lends or rents an article to a colleague, the same laws apply whether or not the transfer was observed by witnesses. When the watchman himself admits that he served as a watchman, or he borrowed the article, he is required to take the oath required of watchmen. We do not employ the principle of miggo to absolve a person of the responsibility for an oath, but only to free him of the responsibility to make restitution.
Even if the article that was borrowed, entrusted or rented was worth only a p'rutah, the watchman is required to take an oath concerning it. None of the watchmen are required to admit to a portion of the plaintiff's claim before being required to take the oath.חכדרך שתקנו חכמים משיכה בלקוחות כך תקנו משיכה בשומרין האומר לחבירו שמור לי זה ואמר לו הנח לפני הרי זה ש"ח אמר לו הנח לפניך או הנח סתם או שאמר לו הרי הבית לפניך אינו לא ש"ח ולא שומר שכר ואינו חייב שבועה כלל אבל מחרים על מי שלקח הפקדון שלו ולא יחזירו לבעליו וכן כל כיוצא בזה אחד המפקיד או המשאיל או המשכיר את חבירו בעדים או שלא בעדים דין אחד יש להן כיון שהודה זה מפי עצמו ששמר לו או ששאל ממנו הרי זה נשבע שבועת השומרין שאין אומרים מיגו לפוטרו משבועה אלא לפוטרו מלשלם אפילו היה הדבר השאול או המופקד או המושכר שוה פרוטה הרי זה השומר נשבע עליו ואין אחד מן השומרים צריך להודייה במקצת:
9 An unpaid watchman may make a stipulation to be freed of the responsibility to take an oath, and a borrower may make a stipulation to be freed of the responsibility to make restitution. Similarly, the owner of the entrusted object may make a stipulation that an unpaid watchman, a paid watchman or a borrower will be liable in all situations as a borrower is. This is acceptable, for any stipulation regarding money or an oath that involves money that is agreed upon by both principals is binding. Neither a kinyan to affirm it nor witnesses are required.טמתנה שומר חנם להיות פטור משבועה והשואל להיות פטור מלשלם וכן מתנה בעל הפקדון על ש"ח או נושא שכר ושוכר להיות חייבין בכל כשואל שכל תנאי בממון או בשבועות של ממון קיים וא"צ קניין ולא עדים:
10 When the owner claims that there was a stipulation made requiring the watchman to undertake more responsibility, and the watchman denies that such a stipulation was made, the watchman must take the oath required of a watchman, and on the basis of the principle of gilgul sh'vuah he must includein his oath that there was no stipulation involved.יטען זה שהיה שם תנאי והשומר אומר לא היה שם תנאי נשבע השומר שבועת השומרין ומגלגל בה שלא היה שם תנאי:
11 If the owner of an object claims that he entrusted it to a watchman, and the watchman answers that he said merely: "Place the article down before yourself," and thus never became obligated as a watchman, the defendant is required to take a sh'vuat hesseft that this was the manner in which he received the article. He should include in his oath that he did not use it for his own purposes, destroy it with his own hands or cause it to be destroyed in a manner that would obligate him to make restitution.יאטען שהפקיד אצלו וזה אומר לא אמרתי אלא הנח לפניך ולא נעשיתי לו שומר נשבע היסת שלא קבלו אלא בדרך זו וכולל בשבועתו שלא שלח בו יד ולא אבדו בידים ולא בגרם שגרם לו שיהיה חייב לשלם:
12 If the owner of an object claims: "I lent it to you," "I rented it to you," or "I entrusted it to you," and the defendant responds: "This never took place," or "That is true, but I returned it to you, and my responsibility was concluded. There is no obligation between us at all," the defendant must take a sh'vuat hesset. He is then freed of responsibility.
When does this apply? When the watchman's responsibility is not recorded in a legal document. If, however, a legal document recorded that the article was entrusted, rented or lent, and the watchman claims that he returned the article, he must affirm his statement with an oath taken while holding a sacred article. The rationale for this ruling is that since an unpaid watchman could claim that the article was stolen or lost, and a borrower could claim that it died because he was working with it, his word is accepted when he says he returned it. But just as if he claimed that it was destroyed by forces beyond his control, he would have been required to take a Scriptural oath while holding a sacred article; so, too, when he claims to have returned it, he is required to take an oath resembling a Scriptural oath. The rationale is that the plaintiff has a legal document recording that the article was entrusted.
When does the above apply? When the watchman could have claimed that the article was destroyed by forces beyond his control without having to bring proof of his claim. If, however, he would have to bring proof of his claim, as will be explained, his word is not accepted if he claims that he returned the article. Instead, the plaintiff in possession of the legal document should take an oath while holding a sacred article that the watchman did not return anything to him. The watchman is then required to make restitution.
There is no other instance where a defendant is obligated to take an oath while holding a sacred article because he could have used another argument, except a watchman against whom a legal document serves as evidence. Whenever any other defendant is obligated an opportunity to take an oath, because he could have used another argument, all that is involved is a sh'vuat hesset.יבזה אומר השאלתיך או השכרתיך או הפקדתיך והלה אומר לא היו דברים מעולם או שאמר כן היה אבל החזרתי לך ונסתלקה השמירה ולא נשארה בינינו תביעה הרי הנתבע נשבע שבועת היסת ונפטר במה דברים אמורים כשלא היה שם שטר אבל אם הפקיד או השכיר או השאיל בשטר ואמר לו החזרתי לך הרי השומר נשבע בנקיטת חפץ מתוך שיכול לומר ש"ח שנגנב או אבד והשואל מתה בשעת מלאכה נאמן לומר החזרתי וכשם שאם טען שנאנס נשבע מן התורה בנקיטת חפץ כך אם טען החזרתי ישבע כעין של תורה הואיל ויש שם שטר ביד התובע בד"א כשהיה השומר יכול לטעון ולומר נאנסו ולא נצריך אותו להביא ראייה על טענתו אבל אם היה חייב להביא ראייה על טענתו כמו שיתבאר אינו נאמן לומר החזרתי אלא ישבע בעל השטר בנקיטת חפץ שלא החזיר לו וישלם אין לך מי שנשבע מתוך שיכול לומר כך וכך וישבע בנקיטת חפץ אלא זה השומר בלבד שיש עליו שטר אבל שאר כל הנשבעין בדין מתוך שיכול לומר אינן נשבעין אלא היסת:
When does this apply? When the watchman's responsibility is not recorded in a legal document. If, however, a legal document recorded that the article was entrusted, rented or lent, and the watchman claims that he returned the article, he must affirm his statement with an oath taken while holding a sacred article. The rationale for this ruling is that since an unpaid watchman could claim that the article was stolen or lost, and a borrower could claim that it died because he was working with it, his word is accepted when he says he returned it. But just as if he claimed that it was destroyed by forces beyond his control, he would have been required to take a Scriptural oath while holding a sacred article; so, too, when he claims to have returned it, he is required to take an oath resembling a Scriptural oath. The rationale is that the plaintiff has a legal document recording that the article was entrusted.
When does the above apply? When the watchman could have claimed that the article was destroyed by forces beyond his control without having to bring proof of his claim. If, however, he would have to bring proof of his claim, as will be explained, his word is not accepted if he claims that he returned the article. Instead, the plaintiff in possession of the legal document should take an oath while holding a sacred article that the watchman did not return anything to him. The watchman is then required to make restitution.
There is no other instance where a defendant is obligated to take an oath while holding a sacred article because he could have used another argument, except a watchman against whom a legal document serves as evidence. Whenever any other defendant is obligated an opportunity to take an oath, because he could have used another argument, all that is involved is a sh'vuat hesset.יבזה אומר השאלתיך או השכרתיך או הפקדתיך והלה אומר לא היו דברים מעולם או שאמר כן היה אבל החזרתי לך ונסתלקה השמירה ולא נשארה בינינו תביעה הרי הנתבע נשבע שבועת היסת ונפטר במה דברים אמורים כשלא היה שם שטר אבל אם הפקיד או השכיר או השאיל בשטר ואמר לו החזרתי לך הרי השומר נשבע בנקיטת חפץ מתוך שיכול לומר ש"ח שנגנב או אבד והשואל מתה בשעת מלאכה נאמן לומר החזרתי וכשם שאם טען שנאנס נשבע מן התורה בנקיטת חפץ כך אם טען החזרתי ישבע כעין של תורה הואיל ויש שם שטר ביד התובע בד"א כשהיה השומר יכול לטעון ולומר נאנסו ולא נצריך אותו להביא ראייה על טענתו אבל אם היה חייב להביא ראייה על טענתו כמו שיתבאר אינו נאמן לומר החזרתי אלא ישבע בעל השטר בנקיטת חפץ שלא החזיר לו וישלם אין לך מי שנשבע מתוך שיכול לומר כך וכך וישבע בנקיטת חפץ אלא זה השומר בלבד שיש עליו שטר אבל שאר כל הנשבעין בדין מתוך שיכול לומר אינן נשבעין אלא היסת:
• 3 Chapters: Bechorot Bechorot - Perek 5, Bechorot Bechorot - Perek 6, Bechorot Bechorot - Perek 7
English Text | Hebrew Text |
Bechorot - Perek 5
1 The following laws apply when a sheep that had not given birth before gives birth to two males. Even if both of their heads emerged at the same time, it is impossible that one did not emerge before the other. Since it is not known which emerged first, the priest should take the weaker one and the second one is a firstborn of doubtful status.1
If one of them died, the priest does not receive anything, for the living offspring is of doubtful status and we follow the principle: "When one desires to expropriate property from a colleague, the burden of proof is on him." Similarly, if the mother gave birth to a male and a female, the male is of doubtful status, for perhaps the female emerged first. Therefore the priest does not receive anything, for when one desires to expropriate property from a colleague, the burden of proof is on him.ארחל שלא בכרה וילדה שני זכרים אפילו יצאו שני ראשיהן כאחד אי אפשר שלא קדם אחד הואיל ואין ידוע אי זה מהם יצא ראשון הכהן נוטל את הכחוש והשני ספק בכור מת אחד מהן אין לכהן כלום שזה החי ספק הוא והמוציא מחבירו עליו הראיה וכן אם ילדה זכר ונקבה הרי הזכר ספק שמא הנקבה יצאת תחלה לפיכך אין לכהן כלום שהמוציא מחבירו עליו הראיה:
If one of them died, the priest does not receive anything, for the living offspring is of doubtful status and we follow the principle: "When one desires to expropriate property from a colleague, the burden of proof is on him." Similarly, if the mother gave birth to a male and a female, the male is of doubtful status, for perhaps the female emerged first. Therefore the priest does not receive anything, for when one desires to expropriate property from a colleague, the burden of proof is on him.ארחל שלא בכרה וילדה שני זכרים אפילו יצאו שני ראשיהן כאחד אי אפשר שלא קדם אחד הואיל ואין ידוע אי זה מהם יצא ראשון הכהן נוטל את הכחוש והשני ספק בכור מת אחד מהן אין לכהן כלום שזה החי ספק הוא והמוציא מחבירו עליו הראיה וכן אם ילדה זכר ונקבה הרי הזכר ספק שמא הנקבה יצאת תחלה לפיכך אין לכהן כלום שהמוציא מחבירו עליו הראיה:
2 When there are two sheep that have not given birth previously and they give birth to two males, they are both given to the priest. If they gave birth to a male and a female and they become intermingled, the male is given to the priest. If they gave birth to two males and a female, the priest may take the weaker one. If one of them died, the priest does not receive anything. The rationale is that the male that is alive is a firstborn of doubtful status and when one desires to expropriate property from a colleague, the burden of proof is on him.
If the two sheep gave birth to two females and a male or two males and two females the males are firstborn of doubtful status. For it is possible to say that the female was born first and then the male. Hence the priest does not receive anything, because when one desires to expropriate property from a colleague, the burden of proof is on him.
If one of the sheep had given birth beforehand and one had not, should they give birth to two males and they become intermingled, they are both firstborn of doubtful status and the priest may take the weaker one. If one dies, the priest does not receive anything, for the living offspring is of doubtful status. Similarly, if the two sheep give birth to a male and a female and it is not known which gave birth to which, the priest does not receive anything, for the male is of doubtful status.בשתי רחלות שלא בכרו וילדו שני זכרים שניהן לכהן זכר ונקבה הזכר לכהן שני זכרים ונקבה הכהן נוטל את הכחוש והשני ספק בכור ואם מת אחד מהן אין לכהן כלום שזה הזכר החי ספק בכור הוא והמוציא מחבירו עליו הראיה ילדו שתי נקבות וזכר או שני זכרים ושתי נקבות הרי הזכרים ספק בכור שאני אומר שמא הנקבה נולדה תחלה ואח"כ הזכר לפיכך אין כאן לכהן כלום שהמוציא מחבירו עליו הראיה אחת בכרה ואחת שלא בכרה וילדו לו שני זכרים אחד לו ואחד לכהן וכל אחד מהן ספק בכור והכהן נוטל את הכחוש מת אחד מהן אין כאן לכהן כלום שזה החי ספק הוא וכן אם ילדו זכר ונקבה אין כאן לכהן כלום שזה הזכר ספק בכור הוא:
If the two sheep gave birth to two females and a male or two males and two females the males are firstborn of doubtful status. For it is possible to say that the female was born first and then the male. Hence the priest does not receive anything, because when one desires to expropriate property from a colleague, the burden of proof is on him.
If one of the sheep had given birth beforehand and one had not, should they give birth to two males and they become intermingled, they are both firstborn of doubtful status and the priest may take the weaker one. If one dies, the priest does not receive anything, for the living offspring is of doubtful status. Similarly, if the two sheep give birth to a male and a female and it is not known which gave birth to which, the priest does not receive anything, for the male is of doubtful status.בשתי רחלות שלא בכרו וילדו שני זכרים שניהן לכהן זכר ונקבה הזכר לכהן שני זכרים ונקבה הכהן נוטל את הכחוש והשני ספק בכור ואם מת אחד מהן אין לכהן כלום שזה הזכר החי ספק בכור הוא והמוציא מחבירו עליו הראיה ילדו שתי נקבות וזכר או שני זכרים ושתי נקבות הרי הזכרים ספק בכור שאני אומר שמא הנקבה נולדה תחלה ואח"כ הזכר לפיכך אין כאן לכהן כלום שהמוציא מחבירו עליו הראיה אחת בכרה ואחת שלא בכרה וילדו לו שני זכרים אחד לו ואחד לכהן וכל אחד מהן ספק בכור והכהן נוטל את הכחוש מת אחד מהן אין כאן לכהן כלום שזה החי ספק הוא וכן אם ילדו זכר ונקבה אין כאן לכהן כלום שזה הזכר ספק בכור הוא:
3 Whenever a firstborn is of doubtful status, the law is that it should be allowed to pasture until it becomes blemished and then it may be eaten by its owner. If a priest takes possession of it, it is not expropriated from him. He must partake of it only after it becomes blemished. He may not offer it as a sacrifice, for only an offspring that is definitely a firstborn is offered as a sacrifice, lest one slaughter an ordinary animal in the Temple Courtyard.גכל בכור שהוא ספק דינו שירעה עד שיפול בו מום ויאכל לבעליו ואם תפשו הכהן אין מוציאין אותו מידו ואוכל אותו במומו אבל אינו מקריבו שאין מקריב לעולם אלא בכור ודאי שמא ישחוט חולין בעזרה:
4 When a person had both animals that had given birth before and animals that had not given birth before in his herd and they both gave birth while no one was present. If the owner entered and found those who had given birth previously giving suck to females and those who had not given birth previously giving suck to males, we do not suspect that the offspring of one went to another to suck and the offspring of the other went to the first. Instead, we follow the presumption that every animal is giving suck to its own offspring.דמי שהיה בעדרו מבכרות ושאינן מבכרות וילדו ואין שם אדם ונכנס ומצא את המבכרות מניקות נקבות ואת שאינן מבכרות מניקות זכרים אינו חושש שמא בנה של זו בא לו אצל זו ובנה של זו בא לו אצל זו אלא הרי הדבר בחזקתו שכל אחת מניקה בנה:
5 When two individuals entrusted male animals - one a firstborn and one an ordinary animal - with a shepherd and one of the animals died, the shepherd may leave the second animal between them and depart. This animal is considered a firstborn of doubtful status and should be divided between the two owners, because neither can identify his animal.השנים שהפקידו שני זכרים אצל הרועה האחד בכור והשני פשוט ומת אחד מהן מניח הרועה השני ביניהן ומסתלק והרי הוא ספק בכור ושניהן חולקין אותו שאין אחד מהן מכיר את שלו:
6 When a person entrusts a firstborn animal to another person who placed it together with his own ordinary animal and then one of them died, but they do not know which one, we follow the principle: When one desires to expropriate property from a colleague, the burden of proof is on him. The animal is considered a firstborn of doubtful status.
Even if a priest who is a shepherd leaves his firstborn animal in a person's courtyard together with that person's ordinary animal, should one of them die, we follow the principle: When one desires to expropriate property from a colleague, the burden of proof is on him. We may not expropriate property from a person's courtyard unless there is substantial proof, for it is with the consent of the owner of the firstborn that it was placed together with the ordinary animal belonging to the other person.והפקיד בכור אצל בעל הבית והניחו בעל הבית עם פשוט שלו ומת אחד מהן ואין ידוע איזהו המוציא מחבירו עליו הראיה והרי הוא ספק בכור ואפילו רועה כהן שהניח בכורו בחצר בעל הבית עם פשוט של בעל הבית ומת אחד מהן המוציא מחבירו עליו הראיה ואין מוציאין מחצר בעל הבית אלא בראיה שהרי מדעת בעל הבכור הניחו עמו הפשוט של בעל הבית:
Even if a priest who is a shepherd leaves his firstborn animal in a person's courtyard together with that person's ordinary animal, should one of them die, we follow the principle: When one desires to expropriate property from a colleague, the burden of proof is on him. We may not expropriate property from a person's courtyard unless there is substantial proof, for it is with the consent of the owner of the firstborn that it was placed together with the ordinary animal belonging to the other person.והפקיד בכור אצל בעל הבית והניחו בעל הבית עם פשוט שלו ומת אחד מהן ואין ידוע איזהו המוציא מחבירו עליו הראיה והרי הוא ספק בכור ואפילו רועה כהן שהניח בכורו בחצר בעל הבית עם פשוט של בעל הבית ומת אחד מהן המוציא מחבירו עליו הראיה ואין מוציאין מחצר בעל הבית אלא בראיה שהרי מדעת בעל הבכור הניחו עמו הפשוט של בעל הבית:
7 Israelites are not suspect to cause blemishes to firstborn animals. Therefore the word of an Israelite is accepted if he states: "This is a firstborn of doubtful status." We inspect the blemish and permit him to partake of the animal if it is blemished.זלא נחשדו ישראל על הבכורות לפיכך נאמן הישראל לומר זה ספק בכור הוא ורואין לו מומו ואוכל אותו במומו:
8 Whenever a consecrated animal received a permanent blemish before it was consecrated and was later redeemed, its offspring are governed by the requirements of the firstborn. If they received a temporary blemish before they were consecrated or they were consecrated while unblemished and received a permanent blemish and were then redeemed, their offspring are exempt from the requirements of the firstborn. The rationale is that they did not become ordinary animals in all respects, as indicated by the fact that they are forbidden to be shorn and work is forbidden to be performed with them, as we explained in Hilchot Me'ilah.חכל הקדשים שקדם להם מום קבוע להקדשן ונפדו חייבין בבכורה ואם קדם מום עובר להקדשן או שהקדישן תמימים ואחר כך נולד להם מום קבוע ונפדו פטורין מן הבכורה שהרי לא יצאו לחולין לכל דבר מפני שהן אסורין בגיזה ועבודה כמו שביארנו בהלכות מעילה:
9 When a person purchases an animal with money from the second tithesin Jerusalem, its offspring is obligated in the requirements of the firstborn.If, however, a person purchases an animal with the produce of the Sabbatical year,their offspring are exempt from the requirements of the firstborn. The rationale is that one is not allowed to perform commercial activity with the produce of the Sabbatical year, for concerning that, Leviticus 25:6 states: "to partake of it." Implied is that license is granted "to partake of it" and not to perform commercial activity with it. And if its offspring were obligated in the requirements of the firstborn, it is considered as if he would be performing commercial activity with a firstborn, because it is released from the category of the produce of the Sabbatical year.
We already explained in Hilchot Ma'achalot Assurot that it is forbidden to perform commercial activity with substances that are forbidden to be eaten. And we already explained in Hilchot Terumot that it is forbidden to perform commercial activity with terumot. Similarly, it is forbidden to perform commercial activity with the firstborn even though it is permitted to sell them in the manner explained above.טהלוקח בהמה ממעות מעשר שני בירושלים חייבת בבכורה אבל הלוקח בהמה מפירות שביעית הרי זו פטורה מן הבכורה לפי שאינו רשאי לעשות סחורה בפירות שביעית שהרי נאמר בה לאכלה לאכלה ולא לסחורה ואם תהיה חייבת בבכורה הרי זה משתכר בבכור שהרי יצא מתורת פירות שביעית וכבר ביארנו בהלכות מאכלות אסורות שאסור לעשות סחורה בדברים האסורים באכילה וכן ביארנו בתרומות שאסור לעשות סחורה בתרומות וכן אסור לעשות סחורה בבכורות אף על פי שמותר למוכרן על דרך שביארנו:
We already explained in Hilchot Ma'achalot Assurot that it is forbidden to perform commercial activity with substances that are forbidden to be eaten. And we already explained in Hilchot Terumot that it is forbidden to perform commercial activity with terumot. Similarly, it is forbidden to perform commercial activity with the firstborn even though it is permitted to sell them in the manner explained above.טהלוקח בהמה ממעות מעשר שני בירושלים חייבת בבכורה אבל הלוקח בהמה מפירות שביעית הרי זו פטורה מן הבכורה לפי שאינו רשאי לעשות סחורה בפירות שביעית שהרי נאמר בה לאכלה לאכלה ולא לסחורה ואם תהיה חייבת בבכורה הרי זה משתכר בבכור שהרי יצא מתורת פירות שביעית וכבר ביארנו בהלכות מאכלות אסורות שאסור לעשות סחורה בדברים האסורים באכילה וכן ביארנו בתרומות שאסור לעשות סחורה בתרומות וכן אסור לעשות סחורה בבכורות אף על פי שמותר למוכרן על דרך שביארנו:
10 If a person purchased a firstborn for a wedding feast for his son or for a festival and he did not need it, it is permitted to sell it.ילקח בכור למשתה בנו או לרגל ולא צריך לו מותר למוכרו:
11 We do not evaluate unblemished firstborn animals for Israelites, but we do evaluate blemished firstborn. We evaluate unblemished firstborn animals for priests in the present age, because ultimately, they will be eaten after they are blemished. Needless to say, we evaluate blemished animals for them.יאאין שמין בכורות תמימים לישראל אבל שמין להן בכורות בעלי מומין ושמין בכורות תמימים לכהנים בזמן הזה שהן עומדין להאכל במומן ואין צריך לומר ששמין להן בעלי מומים:
Bechorot - Perek 6
1 It is a positive commandment to separate one out of every ten kosher animals, which are born to a person each year. This mitzvah applies only to cattle and sheep, as Leviticus 27:32 states: "All the tithes of your cattle and sheep...."אמצות עשה להפריש אחד מעשרה מכל בהמות טהורות שיולדו לאדם בכל שנה ושנה ואין מצוה זו נוהגת אלא בבקר וצאן בלבד שנאמר וכל מעשר בקר וצאן וגו':
2 The tithing of animals applies with regard to ordinary animals, but not to consecrated ones. It applies in Eretz Yisrael and in the Diaspora, in the era that the Temple was standing and in the era when the Temple is not standing. Nevertheless, our Sages forbade tithing animals in the present era and ordained that they should be tithed only when the Temple is standing. This is a decree, lest the consecrated animal be eaten when it is unblemished and thus one will be violating a transgression punishable by karet: slaughtering consecrated animals outside the Temple Courtyard. If one transgressed and tithed in the present era, the animal is designated as a tithe offering and should be eaten after it contracts a disqualifying blemish.במעשר בהמה נוהג בחולין אבל לא במוקדשין ונוהג בארץ ובחוצה לארץ בפני הבית ושלא בפני הבית אבל חכמים אסרו לעשר בהמה בזמן הזה ותקנו שאין מעשרין אלא בפני הבית גזירה שמא יאכלהו תמים ונמצא בא לידי איסור כרת שהוא שחיטת קדשים בחוץ ואם עבר ועשה בזמן הזה הרי זה מעשר ויאכל במומו:
3 All are obligated in the tithing of their animals: priests, Levites, and Israelites.גהכל חייבין במעשר בהמה כהנים לויים וישראלים:
4 The laws applying to a tithe offering of an animal are that it should be slaughtered in the Temple Courtyard and its blood cast in one heave towards the Altar's base. Its organs and fats are offered on the altar's pyre and the remainder of the meat is eaten by the owner in Jerusalem like other sacrifices of a lesser degree of sanctity. The priests do not receive any portion of it. Instead, it is given to its owner in its entirety, like the Paschal sacrifice.
If it was blemished, whether it became blemished after it was designated or it was blemished when it was set aside, it may be eaten in any place.דודין מעשר בהמה שיהיה נשחט בעזרה וזורקין את דמו זריקה אחת כנגד היסוד ומקטירין אימוריו ושאר הבשר נאכל לבעלים בירושלים כשאר קדשים קלים ואין לכהנים בו כלום אלא כולו לבעלים כפסח ואם היה בעל מום בין שנפל בו מום בין שהפרישו בתחלה במומו הרי זה נאכל בכ"מ:
If it was blemished, whether it became blemished after it was designated or it was blemished when it was set aside, it may be eaten in any place.דודין מעשר בהמה שיהיה נשחט בעזרה וזורקין את דמו זריקה אחת כנגד היסוד ומקטירין אימוריו ושאר הבשר נאכל לבעלים בירושלים כשאר קדשים קלים ואין לכהנים בו כלום אלא כולו לבעלים כפסח ואם היה בעל מום בין שנפל בו מום בין שהפרישו בתחלה במומו הרי זה נאכל בכ"מ:
5 It is forbidden to sell an animal designated as a tithe offering when it is unblemished, for Leviticus 27:33 states with regard to it: "It shall not be redeemed." According to the Oral Tradition, the phrase "It shall not be redeemed" also implies a prohibition against selling it; it is neither redeemed, nor sold at all.
It appears to me that when one sells an animal designated as a tithe offering, the sale is of no consequence and the animal is not acquired by the purchaser. For this reason, the seller is not liable for lashes like one who sells property designated as a dedication offering to the priests, in which instance, the purchaser does not acquire it, or like one who sells a female captive, as will be explained in its place.המעשר בהמה אסור למוכרו כשהוא תמים שנאמר בו לא יגאל מפי השמועה למדו שזה שנאמר לא יגאל אף איסור מכירה במשמע שאין נגאל ואינו נמכר כלל ויראה לי שהמוכר מעשר לא עשה כלום ולא קנה לוקח ולפיכך אינו לוקה כמוכר חרמי כהנים שלא קנה לוקח וכמוכר יפת תואר כמו שיתבאר במקומו:
It appears to me that when one sells an animal designated as a tithe offering, the sale is of no consequence and the animal is not acquired by the purchaser. For this reason, the seller is not liable for lashes like one who sells property designated as a dedication offering to the priests, in which instance, the purchaser does not acquire it, or like one who sells a female captive, as will be explained in its place.המעשר בהמה אסור למוכרו כשהוא תמים שנאמר בו לא יגאל מפי השמועה למדו שזה שנאמר לא יגאל אף איסור מכירה במשמע שאין נגאל ואינו נמכר כלל ויראה לי שהמוכר מעשר לא עשה כלום ולא קנה לוקח ולפיכך אינו לוקה כמוכר חרמי כהנים שלא קנה לוקח וכמוכר יפת תואר כמו שיתבאר במקומו:
6 According to Rabbinic Law, it is forbidden to sell an animal designated as a tithe offering when it is blemished and even when it is slaughtered. This is a decree, lest one sell such an animal when it is alive. For this reason, we may not weigh one portion against another, as is done when weighing portions of a firstborn animal, because it appears as if he is selling it.ומדברי סופרים שאסור למוכרו בעל מום ואפילו שחוט גזירה שמא ימכרנו חי לפיכך אין שוקלין מנה כנגד מנה במעשר כדרך ששוקלין בבכור מפני שהוא נראה כמוכר:
7 An animal designated as a tithe offering that belongs to orphans is permitted to be sold in an ordinary manner after being slaughtered when blemished. To prevent the orphans from suffering a loss, our Sages did not uphold their decree in this instance.זומעשר בהמה של יתומים שנשחט במומו מותר למוכרו כדרכו מפני השבת אבידה ליתומים לא גזרו עליו:
8 When an animal designated as a tithe offering is slaughtered when blemished, it is permitted to sell its fats, sinews, hide, and bones. Only the sale of its meat was prohibited. If one included the price for its meat together with the price for its hide, fats, and sinews and sold everything in a collective price, the sale is permitted. If the price of the bones was high and he included the price of the meat in the price of the bones, it is permitted.חמעשר בהמה שנשחט במומו מותר למכור חלבו וגידיו ועורו ועצמותיו ולא אסרו למכור אלא בשרו בלבד ואם הבליע דמי הבשר בדמי העור והחלב והגידין ומכר הכל בהבלעה מותר ואם היו דמי העצמות יקרים והבליע דמי הבשר בדמי העצמות מותר:
9 Anyone's word is accepted with regard to the blemishes of animals designated as tithe offerings if he says: "This blemish came about on its own accord; it was not brought about intentionally." Even the statements of those individuals whose word is not accepted with regard to the blemishes of a firstborn animal are accepted with regard to an animal designated as a tithe offering. Moreover, a person may inspect the blemishes of his animals designated as tithe offerings and permit their slaughter if he is an expert. The rationale for these leniencies is that if a person desired, he could have blemished every animal in his flock and then tithed them. Thus from the outset, the tithed animal would be blemished.טהכל נאמנים על מומי מעשר לומר מום זה מאליו בא ולא נעשה לדעת ואפילו אלו שאינן נאמנים על הבכור נאמנים על המעשר ורואה אדם מומי מעשר שלו ומתירו אם היה מומחה שאם ירצה יטיל מום בכל עדרו ואחר כך יעשר ונמצא המעשר בעל מום מתחלתו:
10 When a person purchases lambs that were born this year or they were given to him as a present, he is not obligated to tithe them. The obligation applies only when the animals are born in his domain. Accordingly, if partners enter into a partnership with regard to animals: one brings 100 and the other brings 100 and they have them intermingle and own them jointly, these 200 are exempt from the requirement to tithe. The rationale is that each of the lambs is considered as having been sold. Similarly, if brothers inherit lambs in their first year of life from their father, they are exempt from the requirement to tithe.
The offspring born to the partners or the brothers after the partnership was established, by contrast, from their jointly owned animals are obligated to be tithed. Similarly, if a partnership was established with money or brothers purchased animals from the funds of the estate, the offspring born afterwards are obligated to be tithed, for they were born in their domain and they are considered as one person.
If the brothers and the partners divided their property after animals were born to them in their joint domain and then reestablished their partnership, the animals born previously are exempt from the requirement to tithe. The rationale is that when the assets of the partnership or the estate were divided, everything is considered as having been sold and animals that are sold are exempt. And when the partnership was reestablished, no new offspring was born to them afterwards. Even though they divided kids for kids and lambs for lambs, and even if they divided them by tens, they are all exempt from the tithes and considered as having been purchased.יהלוקח טלאים שנולדו בשנה זו או שנתנו לו במתנה הרי הם פטורים מן המעשר עד שיולדו ברשותו לפיכך השותפין שנשתתפו בבהמות והביא זה מאה טלאים וזה מאה טלאים וערבום ונשתתפו בהן הרי המאתים פטורים מן המעשר שכל טלה מהן כמכור וכן האחים שירשו טלאים מאביהם הרי הן פטורין מן המעשר אבל הנולדים להם בשותפות לאחר מכאן מאלו הבהמות בין לשותפין בין לאחים חייבין במעשר וכן אם היו שותפין במעות וקנו בהמות ממעות השותפות והאחים שקנו בהמות ממעות הירושה הרי הנולדים מהם לאחר מכאן חייבין במעשר שהרי ברשותן נולדו והרי הן כאיש אחד חלקו האחים והשותפין אחר שנולדו להן הבהמות ברשותן וחזרו ונשתתפו הרי אלו פטורין מן המעשר שבשעה שחלקו נעשו הכל לקוחין והלקוח פטור וכשחזרו ונשתתפו הרי נשתתפו בבהמות ועדיין לא ילדו להן ברשותן אחר שיתוף זה השני ואע"פשחלקו גדיים כנגד גדיים וטלאים כנגד טלאים ועשרה כנגד עשרה הכל פטורין מן המעשר והרי הן כלקוחין:
The offspring born to the partners or the brothers after the partnership was established, by contrast, from their jointly owned animals are obligated to be tithed. Similarly, if a partnership was established with money or brothers purchased animals from the funds of the estate, the offspring born afterwards are obligated to be tithed, for they were born in their domain and they are considered as one person.
If the brothers and the partners divided their property after animals were born to them in their joint domain and then reestablished their partnership, the animals born previously are exempt from the requirement to tithe. The rationale is that when the assets of the partnership or the estate were divided, everything is considered as having been sold and animals that are sold are exempt. And when the partnership was reestablished, no new offspring was born to them afterwards. Even though they divided kids for kids and lambs for lambs, and even if they divided them by tens, they are all exempt from the tithes and considered as having been purchased.יהלוקח טלאים שנולדו בשנה זו או שנתנו לו במתנה הרי הם פטורים מן המעשר עד שיולדו ברשותו לפיכך השותפין שנשתתפו בבהמות והביא זה מאה טלאים וזה מאה טלאים וערבום ונשתתפו בהן הרי המאתים פטורים מן המעשר שכל טלה מהן כמכור וכן האחים שירשו טלאים מאביהם הרי הן פטורין מן המעשר אבל הנולדים להם בשותפות לאחר מכאן מאלו הבהמות בין לשותפין בין לאחים חייבין במעשר וכן אם היו שותפין במעות וקנו בהמות ממעות השותפות והאחים שקנו בהמות ממעות הירושה הרי הנולדים מהם לאחר מכאן חייבין במעשר שהרי ברשותן נולדו והרי הן כאיש אחד חלקו האחים והשותפין אחר שנולדו להן הבהמות ברשותן וחזרו ונשתתפו הרי אלו פטורין מן המעשר שבשעה שחלקו נעשו הכל לקוחין והלקוח פטור וכשחזרו ונשתתפו הרי נשתתפו בבהמות ועדיין לא ילדו להן ברשותן אחר שיתוף זה השני ואע"פשחלקו גדיים כנגד גדיים וטלאים כנגד טלאים ועשרה כנגד עשרה הכל פטורין מן המעשר והרי הן כלקוחין:
11 When brothers and partners divided the financial assets of the partnership, but did not divide the animals, the animals are obligated to be tithed, for they are not considered as having been purchased yet. If, however, the animals of the partnership were divided even though the financial assets were not, the offspring are exempt.יאהאחין והשותפין שחלקו בכספים ולא חלקו בבהמה חייבין במעשר שעדיין לא נעשו הבהמות לקוחין אבל אם חלקו הבהמות אע"פ שעדיין לא חלקו הכספים הרי אלו פטורין:
12 When a person purchases ten unborn fetuses in their mother's womb,they all enter the corral for tithing, for they were born in his domain.יבהלוקח עשרה עוברים במעי אמן כולן נכנסין לדיר להתעשר שהרי ברשותו נולדו:
13 When a priest received ten newborn animals because of the return of property stolen from a convert, they are exempt from the tithes. The rationale is that the priestly presents are comparable to ordinary presents. And we already explainedthat when one gives a present, it is exempt from the tithes.יגכהן שנפלו לו עשר בהמות בגזל הגר פטורים מן המעשר שמתנות כהונה מתנות הם וכבר ביארנו שהנותן מתנה פטור מן המעשר:
14 All the animals in one's herd are brought into the corral for tithing,whether they are unblemished or blemished, even those which are forbidden to be offered on the altar with the exception of hybrids, animals that are tereifah,born through Caesarian section, or "lacking in age." For all of these are exempt from the tithes.
Similarly, an animal whose mother died or was slaughtered when it was born should not be tithed. These concepts are part of the Oral Tradition.ידהכל נכנסין לדיר להתעשר בין תמימים בין בעלי מומין וכל איסורי מזבח חוץ מן הכלאים והטריפה ויוצא דופן ומחוסר זמן שכל אלו פטורין מן המעשר וכן היתום שמתה אמו או נשחטה עם לידתו אינו מתעשר ודברים אלו מפי השמועה הם:
Similarly, an animal whose mother died or was slaughtered when it was born should not be tithed. These concepts are part of the Oral Tradition.ידהכל נכנסין לדיר להתעשר בין תמימים בין בעלי מומין וכל איסורי מזבח חוץ מן הכלאים והטריפה ויוצא דופן ומחוסר זמן שכל אלו פטורין מן המעשר וכן היתום שמתה אמו או נשחטה עם לידתו אינו מתעשר ודברים אלו מפי השמועה הם:
15 A purchaser is not exempt from the obligation to tithe unless he purchased the animals after they were fit to be tithed. Therefore one who purchases lambs in the seven days after their birth, is obligated to tithe them when the time comes.Since an animal that is "lacking in age" is not fit to be tithed, it is as if he purchased a fetus and it was born in his domain.טואין הלוקח פטור אלא אם כן נלקח אחר שנראה להתעשר לפיכך הלוקח טלאים בתוך שבעת ימי הלידה כשיגיע זמנם חייב לעשרן שכיון שאין מחוסר זמן ראוי להתעשר הרי זה כמי שלקח עוברים ונולדו ברשותו:
16 Whenever there is a doubt whether an animal is obligated to be tithed or exempt from being tithed, it is exempt from being tithed. Therefore when an orphaned lamb, a purchased one, or the like becomes intermingled with other lambs, they are all exempt from the tithes, because the status of each one of them is in doubt.טזכל בהמה שהיא ספק אם בת מעשר היא או אינה בת מעשר הרי היא פטורה מן המעשר לפיכך טלאים שנתערב בהן יתום או לוקח וכיוצא בהן הרי כולן פטורין מן המעשר שכל אחד מהן ספק הוא:
Bechorot - Perek 7
1 When a person possesses ten lambs and he separates one as the tithes or he possesses 100 and he separates ten as the tithes, these are not tithes. What, instead, should he do? He should gather all of the lambs or all of the calves born that year in a corral. He then makes a small entrance so that two cannot emerge at the same time. He positions their mothers outside the corral and they bleat so that the lambs will hear their voices and leave the corral to meet them. This is necessary, as implied by Leviticus 27:32 which states: "all that passes beneath the staff," i.e., they must pass on their own initiative; one should not remove them by hand.
As they leave the corral one by one, the owner begins to count them with a staff: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine. The tenth animal that departs, whether male or female, whether unblemished or blemished, should be painted with red paint, and the owner should say: "This is the tithe."
If he did not paint the animals designated as the tithes with red paint, did not count them with a staff, or counted them while they are lying down or standing, the tithing takes effect. Since he counted them ten by ten and consecrated the tenth, it is considered a tithe.אמי שהיו לו עשרה טלאים והפריש אחד מעשרה היו לו מאה והפריש עשרה למעשר אין אלו מעשר אלא כיצד עושה כונס כל הטלאים או כל העגלים לדיר ועושה לו פתח קטן כדי שלא יצאו שנים כאחד ואמותיהן מעמיד מבחוץ והן גועות שישמעו הטלאים קולן ויצאו מן הדיר לקראתן שנאמר כל אשר יעבור תחת השבט שיעבור מעצמו ולא שיוציאו בידו וכשיצאו מן הדיר זה אחר זה מתחיל ומונה אותן בשבט: א' ב' ג' ד' ה' ו' ז' ח' ט' והיוצא עשירי בין זכר בין נקבה בין תמים בין בעל מום סוקרו בסקרא ואומר הרי זה מעשר לא סקרו בסקרא ולא מנאן בשבט או שמנאן רבוצים או עומדים הרי אלו מעשר הואיל ומנאם עשרה עשרה וקידש עשירי הרי זה מעשר:
As they leave the corral one by one, the owner begins to count them with a staff: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine. The tenth animal that departs, whether male or female, whether unblemished or blemished, should be painted with red paint, and the owner should say: "This is the tithe."
If he did not paint the animals designated as the tithes with red paint, did not count them with a staff, or counted them while they are lying down or standing, the tithing takes effect. Since he counted them ten by ten and consecrated the tenth, it is considered a tithe.אמי שהיו לו עשרה טלאים והפריש אחד מעשרה היו לו מאה והפריש עשרה למעשר אין אלו מעשר אלא כיצד עושה כונס כל הטלאים או כל העגלים לדיר ועושה לו פתח קטן כדי שלא יצאו שנים כאחד ואמותיהן מעמיד מבחוץ והן גועות שישמעו הטלאים קולן ויצאו מן הדיר לקראתן שנאמר כל אשר יעבור תחת השבט שיעבור מעצמו ולא שיוציאו בידו וכשיצאו מן הדיר זה אחר זה מתחיל ומונה אותן בשבט: א' ב' ג' ד' ה' ו' ז' ח' ט' והיוצא עשירי בין זכר בין נקבה בין תמים בין בעל מום סוקרו בסקרא ואומר הרי זה מעשר לא סקרו בסקרא ולא מנאן בשבט או שמנאן רבוצים או עומדים הרי אלו מעשר הואיל ומנאם עשרה עשרה וקידש עשירי הרי זה מעשר:
2 It is not necessary to collect every animal born in a person's domain to one corral. Instead, the reckoning is made for every herd alone. If a person owned five lambs in Jerusalem and five in Acre, they are not combined into a single herd. Instead, they are all exempt from the tithes.
What is the distance required to be between two herds for them to be combined? Sixteen mil.באין צריך לצרף כל בהמה שנולדה ברשותו לדיר אחד אלא מצרף כל עדר ועדר לבדו היו לו חמשה טלאים בירושלים וחמשה טלאים בעכו אין מצטרפין וכולן פטורין מן המעשר וכמה יהיה בין אלו לאלו ויצטרפו ששה עשר מיל:
What is the distance required to be between two herds for them to be combined? Sixteen mil.באין צריך לצרף כל בהמה שנולדה ברשותו לדיר אחד אלא מצרף כל עדר ועדר לבדו היו לו חמשה טלאים בירושלים וחמשה טלאים בעכו אין מצטרפין וכולן פטורין מן המעשר וכמה יהיה בין אלו לאלו ויצטרפו ששה עשר מיל:
3 If there are three herds and there are sixteen mil between each one, the three are combined. What is implied? There were nine on one side, nine on the other side, and one in the center, all three herds are brought into the corral together to be tithed.גהיו שלשה עדרים בין כל אחד ואחד ששה עשר מיל הרי שלשתן מצטרפין כיצד היה תשעה מכאן ותשעה מכאן ואחד באמצע הרי שלשתן נכנסין לדיר להתעשר:
4 Tithes are not taken from sheep for cattle, nor from cattle for sheep. One must, however, tithe sheep for goats and goats for sheep. This is derived from Leviticus 27:32: "All the tithes of your cattle and tzon." Implied is that all light, domesticated animals are included as one category, for they are both referred to with the term seh and they are like one species.דאין מעשרין מן הצאן על הבקר ולא מן הבקר על הצאן אבל מעשרין מן הכבשים על העזים ומן העזים על הכבשים שנאמר וכל מעשר בקר וצאן משמע כל צאן אחד ששניהם נקראים שה והרי הם כמין אחד:
5 We do not tithe animals born in one year with animals born in another year just as we do not tithe the crops from the new year for the crops from the past year nor the crops from the past year for the crops of the new year, as Deuteronomy 14:22: "Which are produced by the field year for year."
It appears to me that if one tithed animals from one year for animals of another year, the tithing is binding because of the severity of consecrated animals. For the Torah did not explicitly emphasize that the tithing of animals must be from the same year.האין מעשרים מן הנולדים בשנה זו על הנולדים בשנה אחרת כשם שאין מעשרין בזרע הארץ מן החדש על הישן ולא מן הישן על החדש שנאמר היוצא השדה שנה שנה ויראה לי שאם עישר בהמה משנה על שנה הרי זה מעשר מפני חומרת הקדשים שהרי לא הקפידה תורה על מעשר בהמה בפירוש שיהיה שנה שנה:
It appears to me that if one tithed animals from one year for animals of another year, the tithing is binding because of the severity of consecrated animals. For the Torah did not explicitly emphasize that the tithing of animals must be from the same year.האין מעשרים מן הנולדים בשנה זו על הנולדים בשנה אחרת כשם שאין מעשרין בזרע הארץ מן החדש על הישן ולא מן הישן על החדש שנאמר היוצא השדה שנה שנה ויראה לי שאם עישר בהמה משנה על שנה הרי זה מעשר מפני חומרת הקדשים שהרי לא הקפידה תורה על מעשר בהמה בפירוש שיהיה שנה שנה:
6 All of the offspring born from the first of Tishrei until the twenty-ninth of Elul are combined and are tithed for each other. If five lambs are born on the twenty-ninth of Elul and five on the first of Tishrei of the following year, they are not combined. If an animal gave birth to offspring in its first year of life, it and its daughter should be brought into the corral together to be tithed.וכל הנולדים באחד בתשרי עד עשרים ותשעה באלול מצטרפין ומעשרין מאלו על אלו נולדו חמשה טלאים בעשרים ותשעה באלול וחמשה באחד בתשרי אין מצטרפין ילדו תולדות בתוך שנתן הרי היא ובתה נכנסים לדיר להתעשר:
7 The lambs which are born are not like tevel from which one may not eat until one tithes as explained in its place. Instead, one may sell or slaughter all the offspring one desires until one tithes. Then animal designated as the tithe offering will be consecrated and must be eaten according to law, as explained above.זאין הטלאים הנולדים כמו הטבל שאסור לאכול ממנו עד שיעשר כמו שביארנו במקומו אלא מותר למכור ולשחוט כל מה שירצה עד שיעשר ויהיה המעשר קדש ויאכל כהלכתו כמו שביארנו:
8 Our Sages established three fixed times for the tithing of one's animals.When one of these dates arrives, it is forbidden for a person to sell or slaughter the offspring of his animals until he tithes. If he slaughters, the meat is permitted.
These are the three dates: the fifteenth day before the Paschal sacrifice, the fifteenth day before Shavuot, and the fifteenth day before Sukkot. Each of these times is called a "threshing floor" for the tithing of animals. Thus the "threshing floor" for the tithing of animals is on the last day of the month of Adar, on the thirty-fifth day of the Counting of the Omer, and on the last day of the month of Elul.
Why were the "threshing floors" established on these dates? So that the animals would be available to the festive pilgrims. For even though it is permitted to sell animal offspring before they were tithed, as we explained, the people would refrain from selling them until they would tithe them and perform the mitzvah.חקבעו חכמים שלשה זמנים בשנה למעשר בהמה ומשיגיע זמן מהן אסור לו למכור או לשחוט עד שיעשר ואם שחט הרי זה מותר ואלו הן השלשה זמנים: ביום חמשה עשר קודם הפסח וביום חמשה עשר קודם עצרת וביום חמשה עשר קודם החג וכל זמן מאלו נקרא גורן מעשר בהמה נמצאת אומר שהגרנות של מעשר בהמה ביום אחרון מחדש אדר וביום שלשים וחמשה מספירת העומר וביום אחרון מחדש אלול ולמה קבעו הגרנות בימים אלו כדי שתהיינה הבהמות מצויות לעולי רגלים שאף על פי שמותר למכור קודם שיעשר כמו שביארנו היו נמנעים למכור עד שיעשרו ויעשו המצוה:
These are the three dates: the fifteenth day before the Paschal sacrifice, the fifteenth day before Shavuot, and the fifteenth day before Sukkot. Each of these times is called a "threshing floor" for the tithing of animals. Thus the "threshing floor" for the tithing of animals is on the last day of the month of Adar, on the thirty-fifth day of the Counting of the Omer, and on the last day of the month of Elul.
Why were the "threshing floors" established on these dates? So that the animals would be available to the festive pilgrims. For even though it is permitted to sell animal offspring before they were tithed, as we explained, the people would refrain from selling them until they would tithe them and perform the mitzvah.חקבעו חכמים שלשה זמנים בשנה למעשר בהמה ומשיגיע זמן מהן אסור לו למכור או לשחוט עד שיעשר ואם שחט הרי זה מותר ואלו הן השלשה זמנים: ביום חמשה עשר קודם הפסח וביום חמשה עשר קודם עצרת וביום חמשה עשר קודם החג וכל זמן מאלו נקרא גורן מעשר בהמה נמצאת אומר שהגרנות של מעשר בהמה ביום אחרון מחדש אדר וביום שלשים וחמשה מספירת העומר וביום אחרון מחדש אלול ולמה קבעו הגרנות בימים אלו כדי שתהיינה הבהמות מצויות לעולי רגלים שאף על פי שמותר למכור קודם שיעשר כמו שביארנו היו נמנעים למכור עד שיעשרו ויעשו המצוה:
9 When a person brought all his sheep or cattle into a corral and began to sanctify the tenth animal that departs until there remained less than ten in the corral, those should be left for the next "threshing floor" and they are joined together with those born and tithed and all are collected in one "threshing floor." Even though one knows that some will remain in the corral, he is obligated to bring them all into the corral and the remainder will be left over.טהכניס כל הצאן או הבקר לדיר והתחיל למנות ולקדש עשירי עד שנשארו בתוך הדיר פחות מעשרה הרי זה מניחן לגורן אחר והן מצטרפין לאלו שיולדו ויתעשרו הכל בגורן אחד ואף על פי שהוא יודע שאלו ישארו במניין חייב להכניס הכל לדיר והנשאר ישאר: Hayom Yom:
"Today's Day"
Tuesday Nissan 29, 14th day of the omer 5703
Torah lessons: Chumash: K'doshim, Shlishi with Rashi.
Tehillim: 140-144.
Tanya: A great and more (p. 233)...will become nature. (p. 235).
The Introduction to "Likutei Torah On Three Parshiot" is the maamar which begins, "To understand the matter of the G-dly soul; it is written, You shall not eat ..."1. This maamar was originally said by the Alter Rebbe to the Tzemach Tzedek. The Tzemach Tzedek repeated the maamar in the Alter Rebbe's presence, who then said to him, "Nu, and the flavoring?" The Tzemach Tzedek then wrote a transcript of the maamar with parenthetical notes. The Alter Rebbe reviewed and corrected the transcript and ordered that the parenthetical notes be entered as part of the body of the maamar text.
At my father's suggestion this maamar was selected to serve as an introduction to the "Likutei Torah (On Three Parshiot," of the Rebbe Maharash).
1. Vayikra 19:26.
Daily Thought
A Year in a Day Tuesday Nissan 29, 14th day of the omer 5703
Torah lessons: Chumash: K'doshim, Shlishi with Rashi.
Tehillim: 140-144.
Tanya: A great and more (p. 233)...will become nature. (p. 235).
The Introduction to "Likutei Torah On Three Parshiot" is the maamar which begins, "To understand the matter of the G-dly soul; it is written, You shall not eat ..."1. This maamar was originally said by the Alter Rebbe to the Tzemach Tzedek. The Tzemach Tzedek repeated the maamar in the Alter Rebbe's presence, who then said to him, "Nu, and the flavoring?" The Tzemach Tzedek then wrote a transcript of the maamar with parenthetical notes. The Alter Rebbe reviewed and corrected the transcript and ordered that the parenthetical notes be entered as part of the body of the maamar text.
At my father's suggestion this maamar was selected to serve as an introduction to the "Likutei Torah (On Three Parshiot," of the Rebbe Maharash).
1. Vayikra 19:26.
Daily Thought
As the entirety of the sun is reflected in every glistening droplet of water, so is the entirety of life reflected in your individual lifetime.
And in each of your years, you pass through the entirety of your life.
And in every day of your life you are born, live your life through, and pass on from this world.
All your life lies in the hands of today.
[Torat Menachem 5748, page 573.]
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