I have put my Spirit on him;
he will bring justice to the Goyim.
2 He will not cry or shout;
no one will hear his voice in the streets.
3 He will not snap off a broken reed
or snuff out a smoldering wick.
He will bring forth justice according to truth;
4 he will not weaken or be crushed
until he has established justice on the earth,
and the coastlands wait for his Torah.”
5 Thus says God, Adonai,
who created the heavens and spread them out,
who stretched out the earth and all that grows from it,
who gives breath to the people on it
and spirit to those who walk on it:
6 “I, Adonai, called you righteously,
I took hold of you by the hand,
I shaped you and made you a covenant for the people,
to be a light for the Goyim,
7 so that you can open blind eyes,
free the prisoners from confinement,
those living in darkness from the dungeon.
8 I am Adonai; that is my name.
I yield my glory to no one else,
nor my praise to any idol.
9 See how the former predictions come true;
and now new things do I declare —
before they sprout I tell you about them.”
who created the heavens and spread them out,
who stretched out the earth and all that grows from it,
who gives breath to the people on it
and spirit to those who walk on it:
6 “I, Adonai, called you righteously,
I took hold of you by the hand,
I shaped you and made you a covenant for the people,
to be a light for the Goyim,
7 so that you can open blind eyes,
free the prisoners from confinement,
those living in darkness from the dungeon.
8 I am Adonai; that is my name.
I yield my glory to no one else,
nor my praise to any idol.
9 See how the former predictions come true;
and now new things do I declare —
before they sprout I tell you about them.”
"An Inexhaustible Resource" by Duane Brush - Isaiah 42:1-9
In June of 2016 Matt and Melissa Graves endured the greatest horror any parent can imagine. While visiting a Florida resort heir two-year old son, Lane, was snatched from ankle deep water by an alligator. Despite their valiant attempts to rescue the child he was pulled under water.
Many quickly pointed out that the man-made lagoon where this tragedy unfolded had few signs warning visitors of the danger from wildlife. A liability lawsuit seemed to be the likely outcome. However, just over a month later, the couple issued a statement. They acknowledged the ongoing anguish of the loss of their son and told of their desire to create a foundation in his name. They concluded, “In addition to the foundation, we will solely be focused on the future health of our family and will not be pursuing a lawsuit against [the resort owners].”*
Mercy focuses on health and healing rather than retribution and rights. Those who give mercy discover it is an inexhaustible resource: The more given, the more received.
*www.washingtonpost.com/news/post-nation/wp/2016/07/20/broken-parents-wont-sue-disney-over-the-alligator-attack-that-left-their-toddler-dead/?utm_term=.f598841923d7 (Accessed July 2016).
In June of 2016 Matt and Melissa Graves endured the greatest horror any parent can imagine. While visiting a Florida resort heir two-year old son, Lane, was snatched from ankle deep water by an alligator. Despite their valiant attempts to rescue the child he was pulled under water.
Many quickly pointed out that the man-made lagoon where this tragedy unfolded had few signs warning visitors of the danger from wildlife. A liability lawsuit seemed to be the likely outcome. However, just over a month later, the couple issued a statement. They acknowledged the ongoing anguish of the loss of their son and told of their desire to create a foundation in his name. They concluded, “In addition to the foundation, we will solely be focused on the future health of our family and will not be pursuing a lawsuit against [the resort owners].”*
Mercy focuses on health and healing rather than retribution and rights. Those who give mercy discover it is an inexhaustible resource: The more given, the more received.
*www.washingtonpost.com/news/post-nation/wp/2016/07/20/broken-parents-wont-sue-disney-over-the-alligator-attack-that-left-their-toddler-dead/?utm_term=.f598841923d7 (Accessed July 2016).
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