2018 - Saint James United Methodist Church in Kansas City, Missouri, United States
Upcoming X-citing Worship, Faith Development, Congregational Care, Compassionate Outreach, Next Generation Ministries and Community News
Upcoming X-citing Worship, Faith Development, Congregational Care, Compassionate Outreach, Next Generation Ministries and Community News
Sunday Worship. We would love to see you in worship, Sunday at 9a in the Paseo Sanctuary and 11:30a in the Worship Center. Worshipers at the 11:30a celebration can wear casual clothing and enjoy their own beverages in the Worship Center at the Paseo Campus. Worship celebration begins at 10:30a at the RenaissanceSanctuary. *You can also join us online Sundays for a live stream of the worship celebrations and watch previous worship celebrations by clicking here.
Dr. Cleaver, Guest Preacher
Seven Last Words, Friday, Mar 30
Trinity Temple, 11922 Food Lane, Gdvw, MO 64030
Service begins at Noon
The Sanctuary for Lent 2018 contains brief readings for each day of the season including a brief scripture reading, a short devotion, and a breath prayer to prepare each of your members to experience the joy of the Resurrection. We are currently sold out but recommend purchasing a digital copy for $1.29 from Cokesbury by clicking here.
Access to Kidz Kingdom is limited to volunteers and parents dropping off children Sundays between the hours of 8:30a - 1:00p and Wednesdays between 6:30p - 8p. Parents will check in children at the Great Hall and Administrative entrances to Kidz Kingdom. Members needing to access the Fellowship Hall or kitchen should enter through the exterior doors on Paseo, or use the south stairwell adjacent to the Worship Center.
Committed to Christ is a church-wide discipleship journey with the potential to transform every household and the church itself. For this reason we want our entire congregation to get in on this transformational experience.
To further support you in your commitment St. James is offering a six-session growth group opportunity. Growth Groups give you a chance to meet and network with members of the St. James Community who have decided to be more committed to Christ in 2018. Groups, meet at various times and locations. For more information about choosing which group works for you, fill out the form on our website click here or contact:
Pastor Danniel Quinn
Director of Authentic Faith Development
816-444-5588 x68236
Saturday, April 21, 2018 | 10am - 12pm
Renaissance Campus - Fellowship Hall
7205 Longview Rd, Kansas City, MO 64134
Wednesday Night Live.
Bible Study resumes Wednesday, April 4, @ 7p. Please read 1 Samuel 1-3 for the week's study.
Renaissance Campus
Kids Zone Activities
We've taken Tuesday nights to a new level with multiple opportunities to learn the Word of God.
Bible Study Tuesday
6:00p-6:30p Fellowship & Food
6:30p-7:30p Journey thru Leviticus
6:30p-7:40p Kids Zone Fun & Faith
7:00p-7:40p Encountering the Bible thru theme
St. James is holding a Spring Carnival this Saturday, March 24 at the Renaissance Campus. MORE VOLUNTEERS are needed to make the carnival happen! We need your help from 9am-3pm. This is a great opportunity to serve the Hickman Mills community. We have approximately 20 games/activities that need set-up and supervision.
If you cannot commit to set-up or supervise you can still participate by donating candy and/or cupcakes.
Sign up to volunteer
Senior Fitness & Bible Study. Join us at the Paseo Campus Wednesdays from 11a-11:30a for light to moderate exercise done from the comfort of a chair! A trained fitness expert will guide you through exercises that help strengthen your body. Then, stay for Bible Study from 11:30a -12:30p and get strengthened in the spirit! Feel free to bring a dish and join us during the potluck lunch following our study time.
Adult Sunday School. There are three adult classes offered at the Paseo Campus. Classes for Men, Women and Mixed Adults are held at 10:30a on the 2nd floor.
Christian Sympathy is extended to the families of Peggy A. Robinson, mother of Robert Wakefield; Deborah Bryant, sister of Barbara Grimmett and aunt of Matthew Grimmett; and Thomas E. Garrett, uncle of Irene Garrett(Craig) Watson.
GriefShare. GriefShare Support Group Sessions will begin on Thursday, April 5, 2018 at 6p for 12 weeks. You may contact Rosalyn Wilson at 816-753-5998 or at wgmn1969@att.net for additional information or to express a desire to participate. We look forward to your participation.
Prayer Time. Join us on the Prayer Line every Tuesday and Thursday from 12p-1p. Dial: 530-881-1212, code 293680996.
Compassionate Care. When you experience illness, the death of a loved one or if you would like prayer, we want to know so that we may provide compassion, encouragement and comfort during life's challenges. Please call the church office at 816-444-5588 or, after hours, the Care on Call phone at 816-286-6048.
Volunteer opportunities available at St. James UMC!
Volunteers are needed for different ministries, do you need community service hours for school, college credit or interested in serving? Sign-ups are available at the Welcome tables at each campus! We will match your passion with a ministry needs such as:
Alan and Austin Campbell St. James Acolyte Scholarship
Applicants must be a graduating high school senior, active member of any combination of St. James UMC ministries for 2 years; and an acolyte member for at least 2 years during their membership at St. James.
For additional information or questions, please contact Rachelle Hyder at hyder60@icloud.com.
Deadline March 31, 2018
Acolytes Needed. Children ages 4-10 are invited to "sing and serve" as light celebrants during our 9a worship celebration. Contact Angela Baker at abswac@gmail.com for more information
Support Girl Scout Troop 3335 - Girl Scout Cookies now available until March 25!
Time: After 9a and 11:30a Sunday Worship Services
6:45p - 8:15p Wednesday Bible Study
Location: St. James United Methodist Church - Paseo Campus
Cost?: $4/box and Gluten-Free Trios $5/box
Contact Host: Rhiannon Sampson, gsksmotroop3335@gmail.com or (913) 206-2101.
Bettylu's Closet is not currently accepting ANY donations. Please consider giving your donations to the Salvation Army, D.A.V., City Thrift or Hope Faith Ministries. We will keep you informed when we will resume our mission, thank you! If you have any questions feel free to contact the church office 816 444-5588.
St. James is inviting the Blue Hills community to the north parking lot (55th & Wayne Ave) for a cookout and Easter Egg Hunt Saturday, March 31 at 12:00 p.m. It is a tremendous effort that takes a great deal of support and is a wonderful way to connect with our community and to share Christ. We are expecting 400 people.
We need 1,500 Easter eggs filled with treats and toys before 10:00 am, Saturday, March 31, 2018. We also need volunteers to welcome guests, supervise the inflatables, prepare food, set-up, clean-up, and do face painting.
This is a wonderful opportunity to exemplify God’s radical hospitality, provide care for, and to connect more deeply with our community. Click on the link below to see how you can serve.
Sign up to volunteer
He is Risen
Performance Date: 4/1/2018
Rehearsal dates & times: 9:00 am - 11:30 am Sat 3/17,24,31/2018
Time: 10:30 am
Location: Main Sanctuary at the Paseo
Cost: Free
Contact Host: rhiannon.sampson76@gmail.com
St. James UMC A Flat Orchestra participated in the Kansas City St. Patrick's Day Parade and won third place in the band and drill team category. Thank you for all of the people who worked so hard to make this event a success! Special thanks to Yvette Richards and Terry Snelling of Terry Snelling Construction Company who helped to make it all happen!
The University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff (UAPB) Vesper Choir is coming to town!!
Scheduled performances are as follows:
Saturday, March 24
Pleasant Green Missionary Baptist Church 6PM
2910 E. 30th St.
Kansas City, MO 64128
Sunday, March 25
Concord Fortress of Hope Church
Guest choir during 8AM and 10AM church services
11050 W. Longview Pkwy
Kansas City, MO 64134
Sunday, March 25
Friendship Baptist Church at 3PM
3530 Chelsea Drive
Kansas City, Missouri 64128

"Care & Nurture of the Membership" Saint James United Methodist Church in Kansas City Missouri United States for Friday, 23 March 2018
(Renaissance Campus)
Care and Nurture Notice
Peggy A. Robinson, mother of Robert Wakefield, passed. Service arrangements are as follows:
Saturday, March 31, 2018
Visitation: 9:00am
Service: 11:00am
St. James United Methodist Church
Renaissance Campus
7205 Longview Road
Kansas City, Missouri 64134, United States
Condolences may be sent to:
Robert Wakefield
7305 E. 108th Terrace
Kansas City, Missouri 64134, United States
Seven Last Words, Friday, Mar 30
Trinity Temple, 11922 Food Lane, Gdvw, MO 64030
Service begins at Noon
Access to Kidz Kingdom is limited to volunteers and parents dropping off children Sundays between the hours of 8:30a - 1:00p and Wednesdays between 6:30p - 8p. Parents will check in children at the Great Hall and Administrative entrances to Kidz Kingdom. Members needing to access the Fellowship Hall or kitchen should enter through the exterior doors on Paseo, or use the south stairwell adjacent to the Worship Center.
To further support you in your commitment St. James is offering a six-session growth group opportunity. Growth Groups give you a chance to meet and network with members of the St. James Community who have decided to be more committed to Christ in 2018. Groups, meet at various times and locations. For more information about choosing which group works for you, fill out the form on our website click here or contact:
Pastor Danniel Quinn
Director of Authentic Faith Development
816-444-5588 x68236
Renaissance Campus - Fellowship Hall
7205 Longview Rd, Kansas City, MO 64134
Bible Study resumes Wednesday, April 4, @ 7p. Please read 1 Samuel 1-3 for the week's study.
Kids Zone Activities
We've taken Tuesday nights to a new level with multiple opportunities to learn the Word of God.
Bible Study Tuesday
6:00p-6:30p Fellowship & Food
6:30p-7:30p Journey thru Leviticus
6:30p-7:40p Kids Zone Fun & Faith
7:00p-7:40p Encountering the Bible thru theme
If you cannot commit to set-up or supervise you can still participate by donating candy and/or cupcakes.
Sign up to volunteer
Adult Sunday School. There are three adult classes offered at the Paseo Campus. Classes for Men, Women and Mixed Adults are held at 10:30a on the 2nd floor.
Christian Sympathy is extended to the families of Peggy A. Robinson, mother of Robert Wakefield; Deborah Bryant, sister of Barbara Grimmett and aunt of Matthew Grimmett; and Thomas E. Garrett, uncle of Irene Garrett(Craig) Watson.
Prayer Time. Join us on the Prayer Line every Tuesday and Thursday from 12p-1p. Dial: 530-881-1212, code 293680996.
Compassionate Care. When you experience illness, the death of a loved one or if you would like prayer, we want to know so that we may provide compassion, encouragement and comfort during life's challenges. Please call the church office at 816-444-5588 or, after hours, the Care on Call phone at 816-286-6048.
Volunteers are needed for different ministries, do you need community service hours for school, college credit or interested in serving? Sign-ups are available at the Welcome tables at each campus! We will match your passion with a ministry needs such as:
- Ushers
- Van Driver
- Audio/Visual and Sound
- Parking Lot Greeters
- Welcome Station
- Children and Youth Ministries
- Graphic Designer
Applicants must be a graduating high school senior, active member of any combination of St. James UMC ministries for 2 years; and an acolyte member for at least 2 years during their membership at St. James.
For additional information or questions, please contact Rachelle Hyder at hyder60@icloud.com.
Deadline March 31, 2018
Acolytes Needed. Children ages 4-10 are invited to "sing and serve" as light celebrants during our 9a worship celebration. Contact Angela Baker at abswac@gmail.com for more information
Time: After 9a and 11:30a Sunday Worship Services
6:45p - 8:15p Wednesday Bible Study
Location: St. James United Methodist Church - Paseo Campus
Cost?: $4/box and Gluten-Free Trios $5/box
Contact Host: Rhiannon Sampson, gsksmotroop3335@gmail.com or (913) 206-2101.
St. James is inviting the Blue Hills community to the north parking lot (55th & Wayne Ave) for a cookout and Easter Egg Hunt Saturday, March 31 at 12:00 p.m. It is a tremendous effort that takes a great deal of support and is a wonderful way to connect with our community and to share Christ. We are expecting 400 people.
We need 1,500 Easter eggs filled with treats and toys before 10:00 am, Saturday, March 31, 2018. We also need volunteers to welcome guests, supervise the inflatables, prepare food, set-up, clean-up, and do face painting.
This is a wonderful opportunity to exemplify God’s radical hospitality, provide care for, and to connect more deeply with our community. Click on the link below to see how you can serve.
Sign up to volunteer
Performance Date: 4/1/2018
Rehearsal dates & times: 9:00 am - 11:30 am Sat 3/17,24,31/2018
Time: 10:30 am
Location: Main Sanctuary at the Paseo
Cost: Free
Contact Host: rhiannon.sampson76@gmail.com
The University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff (UAPB) Vesper Choir is coming to town!!
Saturday, March 24
Pleasant Green Missionary Baptist Church 6PM
2910 E. 30th St.
Kansas City, MO 64128
Sunday, March 25
Concord Fortress of Hope Church
Guest choir during 8AM and 10AM church services
11050 W. Longview Pkwy
Kansas City, MO 64134
Sunday, March 25
Friendship Baptist Church at 3PM
3530 Chelsea Drive
Kansas City, Missouri 64128
"Care & Nurture of the Membership" Saint James United Methodist Church in Kansas City Missouri United States for Friday, 23 March 2018
Care and Nurture of the Membership
"Do not let your hearts be troubled. Believe in God, believe also in me. In my Father's house there are many dwelling places. If it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you?" (John 14:1-2)(Renaissance Campus)
Care and Nurture Notice
Peggy A. Robinson, mother of Robert Wakefield, passed. Service arrangements are as follows:
Saturday, March 31, 2018
Visitation: 9:00am
Service: 11:00am
St. James United Methodist Church
Renaissance Campus
7205 Longview Road
Kansas City, Missouri 64134, United States
Condolences may be sent to:
Robert Wakefield
7305 E. 108th Terrace
Kansas City, Missouri 64134, United States
Saint James United Methodist Church
Copyright © 2018 St. James United Methodist Church, All rights reserved.
Our mailing address is:
Saint James United Methodist Church
5540 Wayne Avenue
Kansas City, Missouri 64110,United States
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