The God Pause Daily Devotional from The Luther Seminary in Saint Paul, Minnesota, United States for Wednesday, 7 November 2018 - Hebrews 9:24-28
Hebrews 9:24 For the Messiah has entered a Holiest Place which is not man-made and merely a copy of the true one, but into heaven itself, in order to appear now on our behalf in the very presence of God.
25 Further, he did not enter heaven to offer himself over and over again, like the cohen hagadol who enters the Holiest Place year after year with blood that is not his own; 26 for then he would have had to suffer death many times — from the founding of the universe on. But as it is, he has appeared once at the end of the ages in order to do away with sin through the sacrifice of himself. 27 Just as human beings have to die once, but after this comes judgment, 28 so also the Messiah, having been offered once to bear the sins of many,[Hebrews 9:28 Isaiah 53:12] will appear a second time, not to deal with sin, but to deliver those who are eagerly waiting for him. (Complete Jewish Bible).
Did you know that people are imperfect? Personally, my life seems to be living proof of this. Imperfections can feel frustrating and limiting. There are so many moments, even entire days or lengths of time, when we feel like we are not enough. Then we take a step back and remember that God lives within each of us. Remember back in Sunday school when you were told that Jesus is in your heart? While the Sunday school crafts might be gone, the message is the same: Christ lives in you. Passages like this one in Hebrews remind us that, far beyond what humans are capable of, God is enough. When faced with challenges or human limitations, how much stronger would you feel if you looked at yourself in the mirror and reminded yourself: God is in me, so I am enough. Loving God, we lay our imperfections before you, and pray that you take away our sin, pain and brokenness. Live in us, work in us, so that with your help, we might be enough. In Jesus' name. Amen.
Emily Martin, '17
Associate Pastor, Cambridge Lutheran Church, Cambridge, Minn. |
The Luther Seminary
2481 Como Avenue
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55108, United States
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