Wednesday, November 7, 2018

The Reflecting God: Devotions for Holy Living from The Foundry Publishing of the Global Church of the Nazarene in Kansas City, Missouri, United States "Loyalty" by Stefanie Hendrickson for Wednesday, 7 November 2018 RG110718 with Scripture Joshua 1:10-18

The Reflecting God: Devotions for Holy Living from The Foundry Publishing of the Global Church of the Nazarene in Kansas City, Missouri, United States "Loyalty" by Stefanie Hendrickson for Wednesday, 7 November 2018 RG110718 with Scripture Joshua 1:10-18

Joshua 1:10 Y’hoshua instructed the officials of the people 11 to go through the camp and order the people, “Prepare provisions, because in three days you will cross this Yarden to go in and take possession of the land Adonai your God is giving you.”
12 To the Re’uveni, the Gadi and the half-tribe of M’nasheh Y’hoshua said, 13 “Remember what Moshe the servant of Adonaiordered you: ‘Adonai your God has let you rest and will give you this land.’ 14 Your wives, your little ones and your livestock will stay in the land Moshe gave you on the east side of the Yarden; but you are to cross over armed as a fighting force ahead of your brothers, to help them; 15 until Adonai allows your brothers to rest, as he has allowed you; and they too have taken possession of the land Adonai your God is giving them. At that point, you will return to the land which is yours and possess it, the land Moshe the servant of Adonai gave you in ‘Ever-HaYarden to the east, toward the sunrise.”
16 They answered Y’hoshua, “We will do everything you have ordered us to do, and we will go wherever you send us. 17 Just as we listened to everything Moshe said, so will we listen to you. Only may Adonai your God be with you as he was with Moshe. 18 If anyone rebels against your order and doesn’t heed what you say in every detail of your order, he will be put to death. Just be strong, be bold!” (Complete Jewish Bible).
Customer loyalty is an important part of business. Think about a store or company that you have been a patron for months or years. What makes you continue to visit these establishments? Is it habit, or have you found yourself feeling a bit loyal to the brand or employees? With the development of loyalty cards, reward points, and incentive programs, businesses are seeking to attract loyal customers.
The Reubenites, the Gadites and the half-tribe of Manasseh were given their own land east of the Jordan—a place to call their home. Moses, when he gave them this land, asked one thing: that those able to fight go with the Israelites and help them. Now Joshua was leading and he called upon these people to remember the deal. Would they remain loyal and help? Yes!
In fact, this group not only remained loyal to the agreement, they demanded loyalty to Joshua’s leadership. Being leader isn’t a given and being followed even if you are leader isn’t a given. In a time when we tend to question all authority, God calls us to loyalty to his leading. Today think of a way you can show your support to those God has place in your life.
Hymn for Today: "It's Just Like His Great Love" by Edna R. Worrell
  1. 1. A friend I have called Jesus, Whose love is strong and true,
    And never fails howe’er ’tis tried, no matter what I do;
    I sinned against this love of His, but when I knelt to pray,
    Confessing all my guilt to Him, the sin-clouds rolled away.
    • Refrain:
      It’s just like Jesus to roll the clouds away,
      It’s just like Jesus to keep me day by day,
      It’s just like Jesus all along the way,
      It’s just like His great love.
  2. 2. Sometimes when clouds of trouble bedim the sky above,
    I cannot see my Savior’s face, and doubt His wondrous love;
    But He, from heaven’s mercy seat, beholding my despair,
    In pity bursts the clouds between, and shows me He is there.
  3. Refrain:
    It’s just like Jesus to roll the clouds away,
    It’s just like Jesus to keep me day by day,
    It’s just like Jesus all along the way,
    It’s just like His great love.
  4. 3. When sorrow’s clouds o’ertake me, and break upon my head,
    When life seems worse than useless, and I were better dead;
    I take my grief to Jesus then, nor do I go in vain,
    For heav’nly hope He gives that cheers like sunshine after rain.
  5. Refrain:
    It’s just like Jesus to roll the clouds away,
    It’s just like Jesus to keep me day by day,
    It’s just like Jesus all along the way,
    It’s just like His great love.
  6. 4. Oh, I could sing forever of Jesus’ love divine,
    Of all His care and tenderness for this poor life of mine;
    His love is in and over all, and wind and waves obey,
    When Jesus whispers, “Peace, be still!” and rolls the clouds away.
  7. Refrain:
    It’s just like Jesus to roll the clouds away,
    It’s just like Jesus to keep me day by day,
    It’s just like Jesus all along the way,
    It’s just like His great love.
  8. Thought for Today:  Commit your way to Adonai;
  9. trust in him, and he will act.
    He will make your vindication shine forth like light,
    the justice of your cause like the noonday sun.
     (Psalm 37:5-6).
  10. Please pray: For the teams showing JESUS film in Mesoamerica.
  11. ***

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