Monday, August 3, 2015

Daily Devotions from Lutheran Hour Ministries by Pastor Ken Klaus, Speaker Emeritus of The Lutheran Hour in Saint Louis, Missouri, United States "Dangerous by Association" for Tuesday, 4 August 2015

Daily Devotions from Lutheran Hour Ministries by Pastor Ken Klaus, Speaker Emeritus of The Lutheran Hour in Saint Louis, Missouri, United States "Dangerous by Association" for Tuesday, 4 August 2015 

(Jesus said) "Watch and pray that you may not enter into temptation. The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak."[Matthew 26:41]
A fellow like myself, living in Texas, generally gets to see armadillos two ways:
1. Lying alongside or on the road in a more-or-less pancaked position.
2. Stuffed and lying on their backs holding and, supposedly, drinking from a beer bottle.
Either way you look at them, stuffed or flattened, the armadillo is not the Lord's most beautiful bit of handiwork. On the other hand, the shy, nocturnal armadillo is not the kind of beastie, which brings terror to the dreams of little children.
Their seeming innocence does not mean you should pick up an armadillo, pet it, or give one to your children for a pet. That's because, while the armadillo itself may be peaceful enough, a high percentage of them carry the bacteria which gives people leprosy. That's right, armadillo bacteria can give you that illness which struck fear in the hearts of all who lived in Bible times.
Now, just so you understand, an armadillo may be safe, but the bacteria it brings with it, isn't.
As I read through Scripture, I see the same kind of thing happens in the lives of God's people. The Hebrews often found the Canaanite girls to be attractive. That's not a bad thing. The bad came when those women, now wives or girlfriends, introduced false gods into the home.
That's why God told His people to stay away from those girls; stay away from those false gods.
We might say the same thing today. Think about it. The Internet isn't a bad thing; television isn't a bad thing; a secular education isn't a bad thing, but many of these seemingly innocuous gifts can bring with them some pretty nasty, corrupting stuff.
This is why the Lord Jesus told us to pray and ask the Heavenly Father to keep us from being seduced by temptations. It is also why the Savior thought it important to include a petition in the Lord's Prayer wherein God's people ask for the wisdom and strength to avoid evil temptations.
As Jesus said, "Truly, the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak."
Now I don't know what is your temptation of choice. Everybody has their own particular sin, which tugs on them. I do know, in honor to the Lord who has sent His Son to earn forgiveness and win salvation for us, the wise Christian will give their temptations and -- especially the seemingly innocent ones -- a wide berth.
THE PRAYER: Dear Lord, Heavenly Father, the world and Satan have made it their business to tailor make a temptation, which appeals to me. In my weakness, protect me, guide me, and deliver me, so my life may glorify the risen Savior, who shed His blood so I might be saved. This I ask in Jesus' Name. Amen.
In Christ I remain His servant and yours,

Pastor Ken Klaus
Speaker Emeritus of The Lutheran Hour®
Lutheran Hour Ministries
Through the Bible in a Year
Today Read:
Psalms 123:(0) A song of ascents:
(1) I raise my eyes to you,
whose throne is in heaven.
2 As a servant looks to the hand of his master,
or a slave-girl to the hand of her mistress,
so our eyes turn to Adonai our God,
until he has mercy on us.
3 Have mercy on us, Adonai, have mercy;
for we have had our fill of contempt,
4 more than our fill of scorn from the complacent
and contempt from the arrogant.
124:(0) A song of ascents. By David:
(1) If Adonai hadn’t been for us —
let Isra’el repeat it —
2 If Adonai hadn’t been for us
when people rose to attack us,
3 then, when their anger blazed against us,
they would have swallowed us alive!
4 Then the water would have engulfed us,
the torrent would have swept over us.
5 Yes, the raging water
would have swept right over us.
6 Blessed be Adonai, who did not leave us
to be a prey for their teeth!
7 We escaped like a bird from the hunter’s trap;
the trap is broken, and we have escaped.
8 Our help is in the name of Adonai,
the maker of heaven and earth.
125:(0) A song of ascents:
(1) Those who trust in Adonai
are like Mount Tziyon,
which cannot be moved
but remains forever.
2 Yerushalayim!
Mountains all around it!
Thus Adonai is around his people
henceforth and forever.
3 For the scepter of wickedness
will not rule the inheritance of the righteous,
so that the righteous will not themselves
turn their hands to evil.
4 Do good, Adonai, to the good,
to those upright in their hearts.
5 But as for those who turn aside
to their own crooked ways,
may Adonai turn them away,
along with those who do evil.
Shalom on Isra’el!
2 Thessalonians 3:1 Finally, brothers, pray for us that the Lord’s message may spread rapidly and receive honor, just as it did with you; 2 and that we may be rescued from wicked and evil people, for not everyone has trust. 3 But the Lord is worthy of trust; he will make you firm and guard you from the Evil One. 4 Yes, united with the Lord we are confident about you, that you are doing the things we are telling you to do, and that you will keep on doing them. 5 May the Lord direct your hearts into God’s love and the perseverance which the Messiah gives.
6 Now, in the name of the Lord Yeshua the Messiah we command you, brothers, to stay away from any brother who is leading a life of idleness, a life not in keeping with the tradition you received from us. 7 For you yourselves know how you must imitate us, that we were not idle when we were among you. 8 We did not accept anyone’s food without paying; on the contrary, we labored and toiled, day and night, working so as not to be a burden to any of you. 9 It was not that we hadn’t the right to be supported, but so that we could make ourselves an example to imitate. 10 For even when we were with you, we gave you this command: if someone won’t work, he shouldn’t eat! 11 We hear that some of you are leading a life of idleness — not busy working, just busybodies! 12 We command such people — and in union with the Lord Yeshua the Messiah we urge them — to settle down, get to work, and earn their own living. 13 And you brothers who are doing what is good, don’t slack off! 14 Furthermore, if anyone does not obey what we are saying in this letter, take note of him and have nothing to do with him, so that he will be ashamed. 15 But don’t consider him an enemy; on the contrary, confront him as a brother and try to help him change.
16 Now may the Lord of shalom himself give you shalom always in all ways. The Lord be with all of you.
17 The greeting in my own handwriting: From Sha’ul. This is the mark of genuineness in every letter, this is what my handwriting looks like.
18 The grace of our Lord Yeshua the Messiah be with you all.
The Lutheran Hour
660 Mason Ridge Center Drive
St. Louis, Missouri 63141 United States

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