Monday, August 3, 2015

News from Congresswoman Susan Davis for Monday, 3 August 2015 August 2015 E-News Report

News from Congresswoman Susan Davis for Monday, 3 August 2015 August 2015 E-News Report

August 2015 E-News Report
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Dear Friends,
The August District Work Period is underway! I am looking forward to meeting with groups in San Diego about federal issues impacting our region, holding community events, and touring a range of businesses and organizations. While I am regularly back in San Diego, having more time in August to meet with constituents is time I truly value. Please see below for information on two upcoming public events in San Diego and read about what I have been working on since my last E-News report.
Once the District Work Period ends, Congress will have a long list of issues to tackle in Washington. Among the topics to be discussed on the House floor are critical funding measures to keep the federal government operating, passage of the National Defense Authorization Act, and debate over the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action negotiated between the United States, China, France, Germany, Russia, the United Kingdom, and Iran. Whether I’m working in San Diego or voting on important measures in Washington, you can always contact me to let me know your opinion on federal issues and, if you are a constituent, request assistance with a federal agency.
Warm Regards,

Upcoming Events - Retirement Security and Grants Workshop
Please join me for two upcoming events! The first, our Retirement Security Forum, will feature a discussion with experts on Social Security and Medicare and information on these programs. Next, please join Congressman Peters and me at our Grants Workshop for the Arts and Humanities, which will bring together speakers to discuss funding opportunities for arts organizations, as well as provide a review of the federal grant application process for the arts and humanities. Please see below for additional information about our two upcoming events. I hope to see you there!
Retirement Security Forum
Wednesday, August 5, 2015 – 5:45 pm
Time: 5:45 pm Registration | 6:00 pm Program
Location: Bankers Hill, The San Diego Indoor Sports Club, 3030 Front Street, San Diego, CA 92103-5516
Parking: Free parking available in front of the building.
Space is limited, so please click here to RSVP or call my office at 619-280-5353.
Grants Workshop for the Arts and Humanities
Tuesday, August 11, 2015 – 9:30 am
Time: 9:30 am Registration | 10:00 am Program
Location: The Old Globe Karen and Donald Cohn Education Center in Hattox Hall, 1363 Old Globe Way, San Diego, CA 92101-1696
Parking: Free parking available throughout Balboa Park.
Space is limited, so please click here to RSVP or call my office at 619-280-5353.
Welcoming Mark Zambon – Veterans Community Representative

I have recently hired Mr. Mark Zambon as our Veterans Community Representative in San Diego. Mark joins my staff on Adams Avenue as part of the Wounded Warrior Fellowship program administered by the Chief Administrative Officer of the House of Representatives. Mark comes to our office after eleven years of service as a Marine bomb disposal technician with six combat tours and two Purple Hearts. His issue portfolio includes working with veterans' and active duty service member requests for assistance with federal agencies, U.S. Customs and Immigration Services, and serving the communities of Golden Hill, University Heights, Uptown, Mission Valley and El Cajon. I know Mark also sees his role as representing all Americans who have been wounded or given their lives in defense of our country. Please say hello to Mark (seen above with a young brain cancer survivor) if you see him in the community! ​
Federal Aid to Expand Sweetwater Drinking Water Facility

Increasing sources of reliable drinking water and our region’s water independence must be a priority. California is in the grips of a historic drought and improving our water infrastructure will be key to surviving this drought and any future water shortages. That is why I was pleased to recently announce a $5.2 million federal grant for the Sweetwater Authority to expand a desalination facility. The grant from the Department of the Interior will go toward increasing the desalination capabilities of the Richard A. Reynolds Desalination Facility from 3,600 acre-feet per year (AFY) of water to 8,000 AFY.
The water produced by the facility provides drinking water to residents of Bonita, Chula Vista and National City. The City of San Diego is partnering with the Sweetwater Authority in the expansion and will receive half of the water produced. In March, I led a letter also signed by Reps. Duncan Hunter, Scott Peters and Juan Vargas to the Department of the Interior urging the federal grant funding be awarded to Sweetwater.
Receiving the National Parks Conservation Award

Congress has a moral obligation to sustain and preserve our national parks for generations to come. That is why I am truly honored to receive the Friend of the National Parks Award from the nonpartisan National Parks Conservation Association (NPCA). I want to extend my sincere appreciation to the NPCA for its dedication and contribution to our national parks.
This year, NPCA tracked votes for three national park-related votes in the Senate and five in the House of Representatives. To receive the award, senators needed to vote in favor of national parks on at least two scored bills and representatives had to score at least three bills. I am proud to have scored 100% on the NPCA Scorecard for the 113th Congress.
Cosponsoring Comprehensive LGBT Anti-Discrimination Bill - H.R. 3185
While this has certainly been a historic year for equality, there are still areas where LGBT Americans face discrimination. Freedom and equality are America’s founding principles, and we should always strive to live up to those ideals. That is why I joined as an original cosponsor to introduce a sweeping LGBT anti-discrimination bill. The Equality Act, H.R. 3185, extends full anti-discrimination protections for employment, education, housing, credit, federal funding, public accommodations, and jury service. The language on jury service comes from the Juror Non-Discrimination Act, legislation I introduced this Congress to prohibit a person from being removed from a jury because of sexual orientation or gender identity.
Supporting the 21st Century Cures Act

I voted for the 21st Century Cures Act (H.R. 6) to provide nearly $9 billion in mandatory funding for the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to encourage biomedical innovation and research into new treatments and cures. The House approved H.R. 6 on a strong bipartisan vote of 344-77. Medical research has always been a beacon of hope for patients and their families. That beacon will burn a bit brighter if we can send this bill to the president’s desk, who has expressed his support for the bill.
The bill creates the NIH and Cures Innovation Fund to deliver $8.75 billion over the next five years and directs the money toward high-risk, high-reward research. It will also push the best-trained and best-equipped biomedical workforce to compete with the rest of the world (I am pictured above during my recent visit to the La Jolla Institute for Allergy and Immunology to discuss the importance of NIH funding). Adding to that competitive strength, H.R. 6 encourages greater diversity by supporting efforts to bring more women and minorities into the bioscience fields.
Supporting Increased Overtime Pay
I applaud the President’s recent announcement that the Department of Labor will propose extending overtime pay protections to nearly 5 million salaried American workers, including more than 400,000 in California. This proposal would increase the current overtime protection threshold, guaranteeing overtime pay to most salaried workers earning less than an estimated $50,440 per year. This move by the Department of Labor will mean more income for hardworking families and the dignity of knowing that their work is valued. We should build on this proposal and pass a minimum wage increase, equal pay protections, and paid family leave for workers.
The salary threshold for overtime pay for American workers has been changed only twice in the last 40 years and now covers far fewer workers due to inflation. Currently, only workers making less than $23,660 per year – a wage below the poverty threshold for a family of four – are guaranteed overtime pay. This proposal updates the overtime rules to ensure that millions more Americans who work over 40 hours per week will receive the overtime pay they deserve.
Interested in an Internship?

Another incredible crop of summer interns are in my district office! Thanks for wanting to learn about your government and help serve the people of the 53rd! Interns gain valuable legislative and public service experience by assisting with constituent inquiries, public events, casework, and other special projects. Internships require a minimum of 10 hours per week and qualify for credit at some schools. If you are interested in interning in the San Diego office, please submit a resume and cover letter If you are interested in an internship in my Washington office, please submit a resume and cover letter to
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U.S. House of Representatives
1214 Longworth House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515 United States
Phone: (202) 225-2040
Fax: (202) 225-2948 2700 Adams Avenue
Suite 102
San Diego, California 92116 United States
Phone: (619) 280-5353
Fax: (619) 280-5311 


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