2 Peter 1:1 From: Shim‘on Kefa, a slave and emissary of Yeshua the Messiah
To: Those who, through the righteousness of our God and of our Deliverer Yeshua the Messiah, have been given the same kind of trust as ours:
2 May grace and shalom be yours in full measure, as you come to a full knowledge of God and Yeshua our Lord.
3 God’s power has given us everything we need for life and godliness, through our knowing the One who called us to his own glory and goodness. 4 By these he has given us valuable and superlatively great promises, so that through them you might come to share in God’s nature and escape the corruption which evil desires have brought into the world.
5 For this very reason, try your hardest to furnish your faith with goodness, goodness with knowledge, 6 knowledge with self-control, self-control with perseverance, perseverance with godliness, 7 godliness with brotherly affection, and brotherly affection with love. 8 For if you have these qualities in abundance, they keep you from being barren and unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Yeshua the Messiah. 9 Indeed, whoever lacks them is blind, so shortsighted that he forgets that his past sins have been washed away. 10 Therefore, brothers, try even harder to make your being called and chosen a certainty. For if you keep doing this, you will never stumble. 11 Thus you will be generously supplied with everything you need to enter the eternal Kingdom of our Lord and Deliverer, Yeshua the Messiah.
"Living Christ’s Grace Today" by Author: Michael PalmerFor so many people, their greatest fear as a Christ-follower is to fall short of the “Pearly Gates.” Many fear that Christ’s invitation will, because of a verbal slip or careless act on their part, cause them to find themselves on the outside looking in. In our attempts to not slip up and to remain “on the inside” we board up within the walls of our churches and our homes refusing to associate with those on the outside, hoping their sin will not infect us.
This belief that sin is a communicable disease causes us to forget that we are the product of God’s powerful, life-altering, world-shaking grace. When we come into contact with this work of grace, we cannot help but find our hearts changed. Our inward bent now begins to be directed outside of ourselves.
It's through this change, from selfish to selfless, that the Kingdom moves from generation to generation. It's when people see Christ-followers growth, in goodness, grace, self-control, and love, that they want to belong. In the end, our greatest fear should not be that we will miss out on heaven; rather, our fear should be that others will miss out by our refusal to live out this grace.
Hymn for Today: "Jesus Is Calling" by Fanny J. Crosby
1. Jesus is tenderly calling thee home,
Calling today, calling today;
Why from the sunshine of love wilt thou roam
Farther and farther away?
Calling today,
Calling today;
Jesus is calling,
Is tenderly calling today.
2. Jesus is calling the weary to rest,
Calling today, calling today;
Bring Him thy burden and thou shalt be blest;
He will not turn thee away.
Calling today,
Calling today;
Jesus is calling,
Is tenderly calling today.
3. Jesus is waiting; O come to Him now,
Waiting today, waiting today;
Come with thy sins; at His feet lowly bow;
Come and no longer delay.
Calling today,
Calling today;
Jesus is calling,
Is tenderly calling today.
4. Jesus is pleading; O list to His voice,
Hear Him today, hear Him today;
They who believe on His name shall rejoice;
Quickly arise and away.
Calling today,
Calling today;
Jesus is calling,
Is tenderly calling today.
"20 On the contrary, I announced first in Dammesek, then in Yerushalayim and throughout Y’hudah, and also to the Goyim, that they should turn from their sins to God and then do deeds consistent with that repentance." [Paul before King
Agrippa in Acts 26:20].
Please pray:
Please pray:
That many people in Tanzania will come to know Yeshua the Messiah and receive the fullness of the Holy Spirit.
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