Sunday, September 30, 2018

Mount Carmel Church of the Nazarene Today's Sermon: "Pigs and Pearls" from Matthew 7:6 with Pastor Jeremy Peugh for Sunday, 30 September 2018.

Mount Carmel Church of the Nazarene Today's Sermon: "Pigs and Pearls" from Matthew 7:6 with Pastor Jeremy Peugh for Sunday, 30 September 2018.
Matthew 7:6 “Don’t give to dogs what is holy, and don’t throw your pearls to the pigs. If you do, they may trample them under their feet, then turn and attack you. (Complete Jewish Bible).
Too often we either miss or misunderstand this text.
Too often people have a spiritual disability while people with physical disabilities are more spiritual or closer to Jesus than others with no physical disabilities. 
As in the Gospel text from today's lectionary text about do not hinder a child to come Jesus or do keep an intellectual impaired child from God.
No one has ever taught or modeled the worth and dignity of every person and the universal command to love all people with the depth, clarity, and urgency of Jesus Christ. 
We reach people not with pearls, but with the food of Jesus where they are.
Part of love is not just knowing what to  say; it is knowing when to say it and (maybe more importantly) knowing when not to say it.
People who different than you cannot be forced into our box because they come to Jesus in their ways not our ways. Our pearl may not be like their pearl.
Everyone has faults especially me so we are not look at otger peop e's fault.
We live by our hesrt not our mine and knowledge we have, but how we love from our heart as Jesus does.
Listen carefully to what others what to hear not what we want to say.
Too much expectation of someone 
Now the point of Jesus' teaching here on the pearl and the pig is not, "Do not confront." It's not, "Do not set boundaries, ." It's not, "Do not enforce consequences." Jesus' point is do not force your wisdom on a non-receptive person.
Create a heart being transformed to live heart to heart.
Remember God loves every human being.
Many people worldwide reject God, but God still gives to them but mostly His love unconditionally.
Train up a child in the way they should go, they will never depart from this training.
Maybe asking, have yiu thought about   ...
An example of Tony Dungy and his son to eat correctly, but it took the son's own coach to teach him to eat correctly.
This about children needing five adults other than their parents go strongly with children who are intellectually impaired.
The teaching children is even more important with children with intellectual impairments. 
Lord Jesus, with this message we have to look at people with impairments with Jesus' eyes with all unconditional love.
Asking God to allow me to speak the way Jesus would speak espeacially people with impairments. 
Pray and sending forth to live Jesus in word and deed.

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