Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Richmond Hill, Ontario. Canada - L'Arche Canada Foundation Daily Thought with Jean Vanier for Tuesday, 10 June 2014 "Saying Yes"

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Richmond Hill, Ontario. Canada - L'Arche Canada Foundation Daily Thought with Jean Vanier for Tuesday, 10 June 2014 "Saying Yes"
[Our] 'yes' to life may initially be a passive 'yes', born of lassitude and of regrets, but it can eventually become a 'yes' of openness, of acceptance, a 'yes' of joy. This 'yes' to life, which springs from the deepest part of us, is not a naïve or idealistic 'yes'’; it is not saying yes to a dream or illusion. It is a 'yes' to our deepest self, a 'yes' to our past, to our body, to our family, a 'yes' to our inner storms, our winters, our pain; a 'yes' also to the beauty of life, to sunshine, to fresh air, to running water, to children's faces, to the song of birds. It is the 'yes, to our destiny and our growth. It is the 'yes' to our own true beauty, even if, at certain times, we cannot see it.(Jean Vanier, Seeing Beyond Depression, page 47)

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