Kansas City, Missouri, United States First Church of the Nazarene Weekly E-Newsletter & Weekly Prayer Update for Friday, 1 August 2014
Kansas City First Church of the Nazarene: Upcoming EventsBlessing Bags
Last Sunday night, over 25 people came to help pack our Blessing Bags. These bags will be available in the sanctuary foyer this weekend. Please help yourself to these bags, as we pass them out to those in our community who are in need!
Next week...
Kansas City District Assembly
The Kansas City District Assembly & Conventions for 2014 will take place on August 5-7. Plan now to be a part of these special events and services with other Nazarenes from the Kansas City area! For a full listing of scheduled events, please use this link: Assembly Schedule.
If you have been elected to serve as a delegate to either the NMI Convention, or the District Assembly, and find that you are now unable to serve, please contact the church office (816.942.9022 or kcfc@kcfc.org) as soon as possible so that an alternate can be contacted.
Next Sunday, August 10, at 6:00pm we will gather in the Westside Room to celebrate the ordination of Roland Tedder & Audrey Landers at the KC District Assembly. The ordination service will take place on Thursday, April 7 at 7:00pm at Olathe College Church.
Nazarene University Scholarships
If you are interested in receiving a First Church scholarship to a Nazarene University, please submit the following in writing to Linda Wilkerson (lwilkerson@kcfc.org) by August 15: your name, the name of your Nazarene University, and your student ID number. If you are interested in donating to the scholarship fund, please make checks to "KCFC" with "scholarship" in the memo line.
Mark Your Calendars...
All-Church Picnic
Mark your calendars for an end of summer picnic on August 23 at 6:00pm in the gym! All are invited to join in this time of fellowship together, sponsored by PrimeTime ministries. During this event, we will be recognizing all educators in our congregation. Tickets are $5 for adults; children 12 and under are free. Tickets will be available in the foyer Sunday, August 3rd! More information to come!
New Book Study
Beginning August 13, Keith Fitzsimmons will be facilitating a new book study on Wednesday nights at 6:30pm in the Southside Room. The group will be studying Max Lucado's "God's Story, Your Story: When His Becomes Yours". On August 13, the group will meet for more information and distribution of books. Contact Keith Fitzsimmons for more information!
Youth Quizzing
The 2014-2015 teen Bible quizzing season will be beginning later this month! This year, our teens will be studying the book of Acts. To kick-off the year, all teens in 7th-12th grades are invited to test out teen quizzing at a retreat in the youth room on August 8-9! More information has been mailed to youth parents. Contact Phil Parke to RSVP or to learn more.
Ongoing Events
Wednesday Nights
There will be NO midweek meals during the summer months. Friends & Food will resume on August 13.
This Wednesday's Schedule:
-There will be no Wednesday night activities at First Church this week, due to the KC District Assembly at Olathe College Church-
If you have lost a spouse, child, family member, or friend you have probably found that there are not many people who understand the deep hurt that you feel. KC First's GriefShare group meets on Saturdays at 10:00am to pray, discuss, and watch videos on relevant topics.
To find out about upcoming sessions, or to register for the next set of sessions, please contact Linda Wilkerson (lwilkerson@kcfc.org).
Young Adult "Encounter"
Every Thursday night, our young adult group meets at 7:30pm in the youth room for an intentional time of prayer, fellowship, and Bible study. Contact Danny Quanstrom or Audrey Landers (alanders@kcfc.org) for more information!
Men's Prayer Breakfast
Gentlemen, before beginning your Friday each week, enjoy a complimentary continental breakfast with a group of First Church men. We meet every Friday at 6:30am in the church atrium. Every first Friday of the month, we serve a hot breakfast. Contact Chip Kraft for more information.
Our Mission: to make Christ-like disciples
Do not worry about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.(Philippians 4:6, NRSV)
Kansas City First Church of the Nazarene: Weekly Prayer Update
New & Updated
Gretchen Bieber; Jerry Lambert; and Roy Ruschhaupt.
Continue to Pray For...
Ronald Alexander (father of Ronda Bonifield); arah Andrews; Traci Gage Ash; Virginia Bible; Jim Borgeson; Carolyn & Clarence Fraley (Steve Fraley's parents); Georgetta Gage; Sheri & Michael Kochendorfer (family of Daniel Hofferbert); Brian Kutash (Barb Leatherman's brother-in-law); Cora Logsdon (Kathy Cagg's mother); John McCoy; Glenn McDonald; Jim Miner; Joyce Parke (Phil Parke's mother); Bea Pinkerton; Millie White (mother of Joni Real); and Carol Zuberer (Lynn Bogart's mother).
Our Homebound
Ocena Allen; Elaine Anzalone; Jean Burnes; Dick & Louise Cole; Barbara Gulley; Andress Kernick; Cora Logsdon; Cleona McGuire; Mary Pauley; James Viani; and Rita Ulrickson.
Our Missionaries & Military Personnel
Kindra Bible: Extreme Nazarene in Ecuador
Barry & Charlie Carney: Paraguay & Bolivia
Daryll & Verna Stanton: Africa Nazarene University
Stephane & Sandra Tibi: Africa Middle Field
Zach Bailey; Matt MacPherson; and Nathan Morgan.
Also Remember...
Families who are in financial crisis,
Those looking for jobs,
Those facing upcoming surgeries,
Those who are traveling
Praying Together as a Family
The Prayer Chapel located on the West side of the sanctuary is always open for prayer. You are also welcome to gather in the sanctuary for a time of prayer every Sunday morning from 8am-9am.
Every Friday morning at 6:30am, a group of men meets at First Church for a time of sharing and prayer together over breakfast.
On the first Saturday of the month, a group of ladies meet at the Panera at 103rd & State Line for a time of fellowship and prayer.
Please call the church office for more information.
Kansas City First Church of the Nazarene
11811 State Line Rd
Kansas City, Missouri 64114
Kansas City First Church of the Nazarene
11811 State Line Road
Kansas City. MO 64114 United States
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