Friday, August 1, 2014

Kansas City, Missouri, United States - The United Methodist Church of the Resurrection Downtown with Weekly eNote from Pastor Scott Chrostek for Friday, 1 August 2014

Kansas City, Missouri, United States - The United Methodist Church of the Resurrection Downtown with Weekly eNote from Pastor Scott Chrostek for Friday, 1 August 2014
Good Friday Morning RezDowntowners!
It’s great to be able to write you so early on a Friday morning, but to be perfectly honest, I cannot believe that it is already August!  In spite of the fact that this summer is flying by, I trust that this email reaches you in good health and great spirits!  It has been quite the week here in downtown Kansas City.  Between President Obama, Justin Timberlake and the ever-increasing KC Streetcar construction, it’s been difficult to get around, but it has been so exciting.  We’ve had lots of visitors, a ton of you have returned school supplies and uniforms.  You have made this a great week in mission and ministry.  Thank you, thank you, thank you!
I’m excited to write you this week to invite you to join me in worship this weekend as we continue our focus on Samuel.  This week we’ll be talking specifically about ‘trust’ and where we place our trust.  Trust is the currency that seems to make all the difference in the world, but rarely do we spend time to focus on it, especially in times of trouble or trial.  This weekend, our study on Samuel will push us to ask the question of “Where do we place our trust?”  We’ll talk about that in terms of not simply hearing, but really listening.  I hope you’ll join me as we wrestle with that question together. 
In the meantime, here are some ways to get connected to the life of this community:
Deadline for School Supplies this Sunday, August 3rd.
Neighborhood Network – Gathering this Wednesday, August 6th.
Volunteer Celebration – Tuesday, September 2nd.
KidsCOR Leader for Large Group Needed!
Want to get involved as an Usher?
Young Adult Social Event – August 13th at 7:00pm at Winstead’s.
RezLife Middle School getting started!
Partner School Volunteer Opportunities
Have You Finished Shopping for School Supplies? It’s not too late to return your donations! We’re so grateful for your overwhelming response in taking all the bags/supply lists. Just bring them to worship services this weekend! Or feel free to drop them by our office at 1508 Grand during our office hours: Monday – Thursday, 8:30 am – 4 pm.
This is Your Chance to Build Community in Your Own Neighborhood! No matter where you are in the city, there’s someone who attends Resurrection that probably lives near you. Join us Wednesday, August 6, at 7 pm at 1522 McGee for some neighborhood networking based on zip codes. We are hoping to help folks connect with others who live in their area. We will be offering childcare so bring your kids, infants – 5th grade. Please register to attend at For questions, contact
Save the Date for our “Love to Serve” Volunteer Celebration: Tuesday, Sept. 2, 7 pm. Join us to celebrate our current volunteers and welcome new ones. Volunteers make all the ministries happen and are a blessing to the church. This will be an evening for “thank yous” and community building! Join us to hear from Pastor Scott, meet the team leaders, have some fun, enjoy treats and get an awesome t-shirt! If you currently volunteer or you’ve been considering taking this step, we’d love to have you there. Please let us know you’re coming at Contact:
KiDSCOR Leader for Large Group Needed! We need your help just once a month, leading the littlest ones in our community as they gather for singing and storytelling at the 9 am and/or the 10:45 am service (20 minutes per session). Mister Justin leads the singing. The class curriculum provides you with all the information needed. The only requirements are to love kids and be able to talk loud! Contact:
Are You an Usher or would you like to be one? Either way, please attend an upcoming usher training session. The usher team is a vital aspect of our worship services, helping us to welcome all to our church every single weekend. If you currently serve or are interested in serving as an usher, choose one of these training sessions to attend: Tuesday, Aug. 5, 6:30 pm, or Wednesday, Aug. 20, 6:30 pm. Both will take place in the Sanctuary at 1522 McGee. Contact:
Young Adult Social Event! Wednesday, Aug. 13, at 7 pm. Join us for a dinner night out at Winstead’s near the Plaza (101 Emanuel Cleaver II Blvd.). The Young & UnProfessionals (YUP’s) are looking to build a social community among young adults 19-35ish, so come out and join in the fun! Contact Kyle Goebel and Jackie Thomas at for more information.
RezLife Middle School (grades 5-8) programming is coming! We never thought this would be possible at this campus – but it is coming to fruition. An informational meeting with treats will be Sunday, Aug. 17, at 10:45 am at 1508 Grand, 2nd floor. Come join the leaders of this group to learn more about this exciting adventure that will begin this fall. Contact with any questions.
Partner School Opportunity – We have two on-going volunteer opportunities at Wendell Phillips, our partner school, this coming school year:
Two volunteers needed each Friday, 9-11 am in the Tiger Shop, a spirit store at the school where students use earned “behavior bucks” to buy products. To help out one, two, three or all four Fridays, sign up at
Small groups can “adopt a teacher.” Pray daily for a teacher’s guidance and support, send encouraging notes and cards once a month and send additional cards or notes to recognize them for birthdays and at holidays.
If your group is interested in either of these opportunities, contact
I am so blessed to be a part of this community and I am so proud to serve Christ with you in this city.  I am so thankful to be a part of such a dynamic and life-giving community of people like you.  I'm looking forward to seeing you in worship this weekend, but until then, have a great and God-filled weekend! 
Grace and Peace,
Congregational Care and Support
If you need pastoral care, call 816-979-1330 or for after hours emergencies, 816-875-0267.
To submit a prayer request, contact
Connect and follow us:
For more information:
Visit our website

1522 McGee Street
Kansas City, MO 64108 United States
(816) 979-1330
Reverend Scott M. Chrostek, Campus Pastor

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