Saturday, August 2, 2014

Saint Paul, Minnesota, United States - Lutherna Seminary's God Pause "Moved by the Promise" for Saturday, 2 August 2014 "I Received the Living God" ELW 477

Saint Paul, Minnesota, United States - Lutherna Seminary's God Pause "Moved by the Promise" for Saturday, 2 August 2014 "I Received the Living God" ELW 477
I received the living God,
and my heart is full of joy.
I received the living God,
and my heart is full of joy.
1. Jesus said: I am the bread,
kneaded long to give you life;
you who will partake of me
need not ever fear to die.
I received the living God,
and my heart is full of joy.
I received the living God,
and my heart is full of joy.
2. Jesus said: I am the way,
and my Father longs for you;
so I come to bring you home
to be one with us anew.
I received the living God,
and my heart is full of joy.
I received the living God,
and my heart is full of joy.
3. Jesus said: I am the truth;
come and follow close to me.
You will know me in your heart,
and my word shall make you free.
I received the living God,
and my heart is full of joy.
I received the living God,
and my heart is full of joy.
4. Jesus said: I am the life,
far from whom no thing can grow,
but receive this living bread,
and my Spirit you shall know.
I received the living God,
and my heart is full of joy.
I received the living God,
and my heart is full of joy.
With one exception, our family does not make our own bread. The exception? That wonderful, Norwegian flatbread called lefse! We delight in every step of the process, not simply because of the end product but because it is so much fun to make. Lefse brings our family together, and together we find joy. How much more joy do we find, then, when we gather around the Lord's table to receive the gift of Jesus—the Lord of heaven and earth found in, with, and under the bread and the wine. The One who is the way, the truth, and the life has been kneaded into what we most need. On the rare occasions when I am not presiding at worship, I delight to take that slow walk up the aisle, waiting for Jesus to be put into my hands. As he comes to you this week, may your joyful heart delight.
God of goodness, we find joy in receiving you. Grant us faith to trust that you are present for us. Work your way ever more deeply into our hearts. We thank you for the foretaste of the feast to come! Amen.
David R. Lyle
Pastor, St. Peter's Lutheran Church, Pawleys Island, S.C. 
Master of Divinity , 2002

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