Update from CBI's Family Israel Trip!
During our CBI Family Israel Trip, Rabbi Kahn will be emailing us reflections from our members.
Today's reflection was prepared by Eve Bressler...
CBI Israel Trip Update
Monday, December 29, 2014 - 7 Tevet, 5775
Prepared By: Eve Bressler
For almost two years, my husband Steve and I have held the date for our daughter Reann's Bat Mitzvah, March 7, 2015, her 13th birthday. This is how it works, as we just had out oldest daughter's simcha in February. I have heard from friends that various families chose to forgo the American three day celebration and instead embark to Israel for their kids Bar/Bat Mitzvah. Why, I wondered? What is the significance to the soon to be adult? Won't they be missing out on fun with their friends?
Rabbi Kahn approached us about Reann becoming a Bat Mitzvah during our CBI trip to Israel while in Jerusalem on December 29 (today). She was excited for the opportunity and needless to say we agreed.
Entering through the Dung Gate of the Old City, we were greeted with music of bongo drums, shofar and the oboe combined with singing and dancing while Reann walked under a Chuppah. The mood was joyous and festive. We made our way to Robinson's Arch, which was the gate closest to the Temple Mount at the Western Wall. This was the section of the wall that survived the second Temple destruction over 2,000 years ago. The Wall which Israel was able to access to after the Six Day War in 1967, and the Wall in which my daughter would speak to Adonai, G-d. The very idea that we as a congregation didn't have to face East because we were in the right spot, that the morning was sunny and temperature perfect, and we were all together joined in worship at this most sacred location for a wonderful simcha brought it 'home' for me.
Renan will have her scheduled Bat Mitzvah date on March 7th. However, as she reads Torah, I know I will reflect back on this day with fond memory and having realized the significance of becoming a Bat Mitzvah in Israel.
CBI Israel Trip Update
December 30, 2014 - 9 Tevet, 5775
Prepared By: Carol Seidberg
Rabbi Kahn, my husband Ken and I shared an extraordinary afternoon with Rabbi Daniel Gordis, Co Founder, Senior Vice President and Distinguished Fellow at Shalem College, Jerusalem. Shalem is the only liberal arts college in Israel.
We toured the campus and discussed the differences and advantages of being a graduate of Shalem. Rabbi Gordis believes that the course of study will create the Israeli leaders of the future, having a broad background in the liberal arts. His vision for the College is both inspiring and absolutely critical for the future of the State of Israel.
Over lunch Rabbi Gordis shared his viewpoints regarding the upcoming Israeli elections, the parties and personalities; the problems created by the American Jewish philanthropist Sheldon Adelson's free daily newspaper of which we had previously been made aware by the editor-in-chief of the daily newspaper, Yedioth Ahronoth; the issues involving Arab Christians; Arab - Israeli politics and the future of a two-state solution.
This experience was a highlight for us having read several of Rabbi Gordis' books and articles, including his recently published "gold - standard" book about Menachem Begin. The opportunity to spend time with him was a rare educational and personal encounter.
Also, our meeting resulted in a dialogue between Rabbi Kahn and Rabbi Gordis on future collaborative endeavors between our own CBI community and Shalem College. We are looking forward to seeing Rabbi Kahn's vision becoming a reality.
Ken and I have been to Israel many times but traveling with Rabbi Kahn has been a very different trip. The mixture of sightseeing with political, spiritual and educational opportunities has been outstanding |
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