We've had a great year here at the National Alliance for Caregiving. Here's some highlights:
- Raised global awareness of caregiving with 10 countries, including the U.S., through the International Alliance of Carer Organizations
- Empowered over 90 state and local caregiving coalitions through our quarterly webinar series and annual conference
- Led a national conversation on caregiving and technology with 22 expertsfrom the technology and aging sectors, followed by conversations with the White House, and the Senate Special Committee on Aging
- Distributed 8 mini-grants to state coalitions to identify Caregiving Championsand host events on creating better workplaces for family caregivers
- Published 3 key reports: Catalyzing Technology to Support Family Caregiving; From Plan to Practice: Implementing NAPA in Your State; and Growing Your Coalition: What to Do After You've Planted the Seed
As a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, all funding we receive goes to research, innovation, and advocacy to support the work of family caregiving.
Wrap up your year with a contribution to our work! Your donation is tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. Donate via PayPal here: http://bit.ly/careGive or by mail using this form.
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