Daily Scripture: John 6:16-21 In the evening his disciples went down to the sea, got in the boat, and headed back across the water to Capernaum. It had grown quite dark and Jesus had not yet returned. A huge wind blew up, churning the sea. They were maybe three or four miles out when they saw Jesus walking on the sea, quite near the boat. They were scared senseless, but he reassured them, “It’s me. It’s all right. Don’t be afraid.” So they took him on board. In no time they reached land—the exact spot they were headed to.
Reflection Questions:
In several places in John’s gospel, Jesus referred to himself with the Greek version of the divine Hebrew name YHWH, which meant something like “I am that I am” (cf. Exodus 3:13- 14). One key instance came when his disciples were in a small boat caught in a ferocious wind and rainstorm lashing the Sea of Galilee. Jesus told them that, because he was the great “I AM,” they did not need to be afraid.
• Scholar N. T. Wright noted that the story of Jesus walking on water can be a metaphor for our journey through life. Many times life’s waters get rough, and a strong wind is blowing. Yet in the midst of the rough waters Jesus is there, even walking on water to help and comfort you. When have you faced "rough waters"? How did Jesus help you “reach the land” on the other side?
• When Jesus said, “It’s me”, he was using the same words in Greek as “I Am,” God’s Old Testament name. Scholar Myron Augsberger writes, “The primary meaning is that Jesus as Lord of creation can be present in the lives of people in this material world.” In what parts of your life do you need Christ’s comforting, calming presence today? How confident are you that he can and will be with you?
Prayer: Lord Jesus, at times my fears distract me and hide you from me. Remind me that your love and salvation are always in reach, even when I feel as though I’m sinking. Amen.
Insight from Angela LaVallie
During a worship time once, a small group and I were lead through a guided meditation exercise to help us to focus on just being with Jesus. We were asked to picture ourselves in a peaceful, comfortable space (for me, it was a porch swing looking out toward the Grand Canyon) with Jesus sitting next to us. We were to hold that vision of just being with Jesus for an extended time – maybe ten minutes. We were to choose a word representing what we needed from Jesus at that time (I chose sustainer), and any time our mind wandered, we were to use that word to bring us back to where we were sitting with Jesus.
This was a great exercise to learn to just be in the presence of Jesus. I have also used this practice a few times when I have felt nervous, anxious, or overwhelmed. It is easy to know with your head that Christ is with you, but it’s helpful for me to be able to picture him sitting there next to me – on a porch swing at the Grand Canyon, in the passenger seat of my car, in my room when I’m lying in bed worried about something late at night, wherever.
I haven’t had any major “rough waters” in my life, but I think knowing Christ is present with me in the little things will help me to believe he is there with when I need him in the big things.
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