Happy New Year! 2014 for our Trinity family has been a year of amazing celebrations - our mortgage burning may be at the top of the list; it's also been a year of losing dear friends, members of our family. Life is this strange alchemy of joy and sorrow, highs and lows, and there seem to be constants: the God in whom we live and move and have our being, family, friends and church who help sustain us, and the strong assurances of our Faith that "all will be well, and all will be well." Hold on to God who holds on to you; Abide in Jesus as He abides in you, as you transition from this year to the next. Let's move into 2015 with the confidence of one of my heroes, E. Stanley Jones, who quotes II Corinthians 1:19-20: "The divine 'yes' has at last sounded in Him, for in Jesus is the 'yes' that affirms all the promises of God." This Sunday, January 4, will be extra special as we will be celebrating the John Wesley Covenant Service, an important way to begin the new year. We'll be giving you a gift we've created for this Sunday and this year; it's called: "Eight Helps to Faithful Discipleship." We will also be thanking those who served on our Administrative Committees in 2014, and dedicating those who are serving in 2015. Please find the complete list of the elected leaders and committee members who will be serving in various administrative capacities here. This will also be the Sunday we launch our Sermon Series on John Wesley; he's someone who has greatly influenced our faith and life together, now we'll be learning more about him and why and how God used him and his brother Charles to transform England! Lots of things will be starting up soon in the new year as you can see below. I highlight especially our Men's Retreat, Saturday, January 31, hoping all the men of Trinity will attend! We as the staff of Trinity are honored and blessed to have served alongside you in 2014, and look forward to an amazing and God inspired New Year!
Blessings, Dan |
Quick Links | Upcoming Events (12/30 - 1/11) |
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Worship This Week
Friday: Rev. Cliff Patrick Sunday: Dr. Dan Johnson
| 31 (noon) - 2 | Trinity Offices Closed 9 | ALERT, 10:30 (Bible Study) 11:45 (Program/Lunch) 9 | Parents Night Out, 5:30 - 8:30. RSVP by 1/7 |
A Word from Rev. Esther
Once again, there will be no 6:35 service in the chapel or Coffee Talk this week. We'll meet again January 7. See you in the new year. Love and prayers!
A Word from Rev. Aaron Rev. Aaron's blog About New Year's Eve, it's been said that an optimist stays up until midnight to see the new year in and a pessimist stays up to make sure the old year leaves. Call it optimism or pessimism, this week I look forward to closing the 2014 chapter of my life and welcoming the beginning of the 2015 chapter and all that God has in store. I thought it appropriate that the Old Testament lectionary reading for January 1, 2015 is "The Aaronic Blessing." I share it with you as a prayerful blessing for the new year:
"The LORD bless you and keep you. The LORD make his face shine on you and be gracious to you. The LORD lift up his face to you and grant you peace." (Numbers 6:24-26, CEB) |
Music & Worship Arts
- Spring Rejoice!, our musical group that meets on Wednesdays from 2 - 4pm for children who are currently in Kindergarten - 5th grade begins January 14th. Online registration is open. For more information please contactSusan Kovi.
- The new Sonlight Director Position Description is located on our website. This position will require a very special person, so please (a) pray with us for this person and (b) feel free to share with anyone you think might be interested. We are receiving applications through Dec. 31.
- The mission box this week supports Take Stock in Children which provides low-income youth/students the opportunity to escape the cycle of poverty through education. They offer students college scholarships, volunteer mentors and hope for a better life. The comprehensive program start in middle school, continues through high school and includes the student's transition into college. Please check out their website for more information.
- As you begin to start making those New Year's resolutions why don't you consider joining Trinity on one of our many Mission opportunities?
- January 21 - 28: Our Sister Church in Cienfuegos, Cuba
- February 28 - March 7: Spring Appalachia Service Project (ASP)
- March 21-28: Guatemala with Porch de Salomon
- April 18 - 25: Haiti/Servants In Faith (building the 9 houses with the money raised by 2014 VBS children)
- June 27 - July 4: Jamaica/CSI Ministries (building trip)
- July 18-25: Youth Appalachia Service Project/SIFAT
- September 19-26: Guatemala/Living Water
- October: Malawi with Y-Malawi
- Happy New Year! Wishing all of you a fun, safe new year's celebration. We love you and can't wait to see you in 2015!
- This Sunday is KICKOFF! Get ready for a Super Hero Luau with lots of food, fun, and SUPER activities. (Get it?) Kickoff runs from 5:30 - 8:30 PM in the Youth Building, cost is $8. We can't wait to see you there!
Children's Ministry
Elizabeth Jones
- THANK YOU to all who participated in our Children's Christmas Eve Service!
- Parent's Night Out: Join us as we "break the ice and jump into the New Year" at our next Parent's Night Out onFriday, Jan. 9th from 5:30-8:30. Our themed Parent's Night Out will be a fabulous night of dinner and "Frozen" activities for all ages, 12 months through 5th grade! Cost is $12 per child with a $30 cap per family. Please registeronline by Wednesday, Jan. 7th.
- Would you like your child baptized? Baptism is one of the two sacraments in the United Methodist Church. All parents are asked to participate in a Baptism Orientation prior to the baptism of their child. The next Baptism Orientation will be held Sunday, January 11th, at 11:00am in the Children's Ministries Office (Room E108).
- Spring CHEERS begins January 14th. On-line registration is open for all NEW registrants (those who didn't attend in the fall.)
- Spring Rejoice!, our musical group that meets on Wednesdays from 2 - 4pm for children who are currently in Kindergarten - 5th grade begins January 14th. Online registration is open. For more information please contactSusan Kovi.
- Would you like to volunteer in Children's Ministries? If so, we would love to hear from you! There are so many fun and meaningful events with which you can help - Sunday School, CHEERS and CHEERS Cherubs, special events and more! Contact Brian for more information!
- The Children's Ministries Office will be closed this week; however, we will be available by phone or email. We will resume our normal office hours on Sunday, January 4th.
- Upward football & cheerleading sign-up forms are in! They can be found at the front desk or online. Evaluations will be at Trinity on January 11th, 18th, and February 1st between 2:00 and 4:00 PM. Beginning February 2nd, registration cost will increase.
- Coffee with the Pastors: If you would like to join Trinity the way to do it is through Coffee with the Pastors. It is a casual gathering in which you'll learn more about the United Methodist Church, who we are at Trinity, and what is expected of members. The next coffee is Sunday, January 11 at 11 am in room 210. Register here for Coffee with the Pastors. We would love to meet you and to welcome you into the membership of our church! For more information, please contact Carmen Nelson (416.3004) or Rev. Esther Rodríguez (416.3033).
- The first ALERT meeting of 2015 will be on Friday, January 9th. Start your new year with this vibrant community group (23 area churches represented) with Bible study at 10.30 in the Worship Center and Program and Lunch at11:45.
- Wednesday Night Dinners - Family, Food & Fellowship kick off, January 14 with a FREE Spaghetti Dinner!
- Financial Peace University: 9-week course on Thursdays, January 15 - March 12, 6:30 - 8:30 pm, in room 222. We all need a plan for our money. Financial Peace University (FPU) is that plan! It teaches God's ways of handling money. Through video teaching, class discussions, and interactive small group activities, FPU presents biblical, practical steps to get from where you are to where you have dreamed you could be. This plan will show you how to get rid of debt, manage your money, spend and save wisely, and much more! Register here.
- Invitation to Genesis: 10-week course on Sundays, January 18 - March 22, 4 - 5:30 pm. The book of Genesis is not just a study of creation, but a look at the story of beginnings. The story of the Creation of the world only covers two chapters of a 50-chapter book. They are only the beginning of a rich and formative history of our relationship with God. Listen afresh to the witness of this opening book of the Hebrew Bible and discover a clearer understanding of God's purpose in creating and forming a people. The cost of the participant's book is $8. Books are available at the Trinity Bookstore or on the first day of class. Register here.
- Trinity's Men's Retreat - Love, Laughter, Lies and Legacy, Saturday, January 31 from 7:45 am-12:00 pm in the Youth Building. Join us for great speakers, special fellowship, and exceptional food. Guys - you owe to the ones you love to be here; it's going to be great! Both breakfast and lunch will be served. Donations are accepted for both meals.
- Ministry Tables: If you want to use a table in the worship center on Sunday mornings to promote your ministry, contact David Leonard with your requested dates.
- The Marriage Course: Come enjoy a "Valentine's Date Night" as we launch The Marriage Course. The course is for any couple, together from 1 to 61 years and strong or struggling. A strong, loving, and lifelong relationship doesn't happen by chance. Come learn now to make your marriage even better. The Special Valentine's Dinner is February 10th, followed by 7 Tuesdays thru April 7th, 6-8:30 PM in the Trinity Banquet Hall. Course Fee: $20 per Couple for Valentine's Dinner or $150 per Couple for all 8 Weeks, including Dinners & Workbooks. Payment online or by check to TUMC. Free Child Care & Meals provided for Children (Age 1 Yr. - 5th Grade) by RSVP. Register online, byemail or by phone (371-4092).
- Volunteers Needed: The Marriage Course starts February 10th and we need help with setting-up & décor, assisting in Kitchen, serving meals/dessert, cleaning-up, washing/folding table clothes, loaning card tables, music, and possibly helping Child Care Staff watch over children. This is FUN & you don't have to be married to be a Volunteer, but you do have to be encouraging to those who are. Orientation planned for Jan. 25 3-5:30 PM. Contact Sharon & Earl McDow, (371-4092).
- Are you looking to join a Sunday School class in the New Year? Many of our groups will be starting new studies on Sunday, January 4. Click here for a complete listing of all of our adult groups or contact Kim at 416-3074.
- Misty Mornings Sunday School class (9:40 am; rm E207) will begin reading the book The Way to Heaven by Steve Harper; January 4. Books are available at the Trinity Bookstore for $10.
- Family Business Sunday School class (11 am; rm E203) will begin reading the book Who is this Man? by John Ortberg; January 4. Books are available at the Trinity Bookstore for $13.
- Blooming: A course in Self-Cultivation begins Sunday, January 4 (11 am; rm E224). This is a 12 week study focusing on what makes each person genuinely experience contentment, appreciation of who they are right now, and the many gifts they possess. For more information contact Larkin Kieffer.
- Tuesday Morning Moms will begin a new study Twelve Women of the Bible by Lysa TerKeurst and Elisa Morgan on January 6; 9:30 - 11:30; rm E203. Study guides are available at the Trinity Bookstore (or on the first day of class) for $10. Childcare is available.
- Caregiver Support Group: Meet every Monday from 7 pm-8:30pm (E225). Contact: Mary Steinwandt or call 214-662-4869.
- Are you experiencing the holiday blues? The joy of the holidays can turn into a time of painful loneliness and emptiness for those who have suffered a loss or who are going through a difficult time. Our Stephen Ministers are ready to provide confidential, one-to-one Christian care. They will listen, care, encourage, pray with and for you, and support you through the holidays and as long as you need. If you or someone you know is hurting, call Kay Walker at 336-2006 or Tom Sklens at 384-1807.
General Announcements
- The Trinity Bookstore will have limited hours during New Years. Please contact Kim (416.3074) if you would like to schedule a specific time to stop by.
- Check out the art display case on the 2nd floor of the Education Building to see Jeff Tennants' collection of Nativity Sets, a dozen sets from around the community and around the world. Jeff and Jack Brown have also created a new outdoor nativity scene (and a record amount of sawdust) that will debut on December 15th! While on the 2nd floor don't forget the current art show, Trinity's Photo Journey, on display until the end of the year.
- Trinity member, Carter Nute, will teach the AARP Smart Driver Course in a one day session in E222 on January 5th. This classroom refresher for motorists age 50 and older is offered for a modest fee and you do not have to be an AARP member to register for the class. For course registration call Mrs. Lynda LeGrow at (352) 333-3036
- Sunday Morning Altar Flowers - If you wish to reserve the Worship Center altar flowers in honor or memory of someone or to the Glory of God, please contact Tammy.
Bible Studies
- Women Growing in Faith, Tuesdays, 6:30-8:30, E232
- Tuesday Morning Moms, Tuesdays, 9:30-11:30, E203
- Bible Study with Rev. Cliff Patrick, Tuesdays 7 pm, E207
- Men's Prayer and Bible Study, Wednesdays, 7 am, E232
- Wednesday Morning Pastor's Bible Study, Wednesdays, 9:15, Chapel
- Exploring Jesus' Teachings, Thursdays, 10:30, E226
- Life Changing Gathering with Rev. Marvin Celso, Sundays, 3:30 - 5:00 pm, E225
- Weekly Prayer Group, Thursdays, 7pm, Chapel
- Dan Johnson's Daily Scripture Email is available upon request
Family Matters
If you are celebrating your 80th, 90th or 90+ birthday and would like it announced in the Tuesday Word and/or the bulletin, contact Kelly Ping.
Christian Love & Sympathy is extended to Anna Moo on the recent passing of her parents, Dr. And Mrs. Cripe. The Celebration of Life service for Ruth Erickson will be this Friday, January 2, at 2:00 in the chapel.
Trinity United Methodist Church 4000 NW 53rd Ave | Gainesville, Florida 32653 United States 352.376.6615 TrinityGNV.org Office Hours: Monday - Thursday, 8:30 am - 4:00 pm | Friday, 8:30 am - 1:30 pm |
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