I hope this email finds you well.
During this Passover season, God has continued to remind me of the importance and significance of Passover and why we celebrate it. I think too often, many of us take it for granted.
That is why I felt moved to email you. The redemptive and powerful story that Jesus Christ fulfilled at Passover is not just a story, but a reminder of our new life in Him. And we are called to share that message with those who don’t know Jesus as their Messiah. That, my friend, is far too important to ignore or take for granted.
Passover is the most celebrated Jewish holiday of all in Jewish communities around the world. But many Jewish people have never made the connection between the blood of the lamb in Egypt and the Lamb of God, our Savior Jesus.
Passover presents a perfect opportunity for us to connect with many unsaved Jewish people. It is at Passover Seders where fellow Jews come to understand for the very first time how Jesus fulfilled the Passover.
This is why I am asking for your help. During this Passover season, we give our evangelizing efforts, at Jews for Jesus, a powerful boost. We focus our ministry work on reaching more Jewish people with Jesus through the powerful message of Christ in the Passover.
Would you consider helping us by giving a special gift to Jews for Jesus?
If you take seriously the command to tell others about life through faith in Jesus, please consider giving to Jews for Jesus so we can share the gospel message with more Jewish people who need it most. Here is a donation link where you can give your donation: JewsforJesus.org/PassoverEvangelism
Thank you for your support and your desire to see more people come to know Jesus as their Messiah this Passover season.
Your brother in Him,
Jews for Jesus
60 Haight Street
San Francisco, California 94102, United States
Phone: 415-864-2600
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