(Bold Items - Latest News)
New Well Brings Hope to Liberia Community
Italy Struck by Deadly Earthquake
El Salvador Youth Reach Urban Center Through Sivar Circus
South America:
Brazil Nazarenes carry torch in 2016 Olympic Games
USA / Canada:
National Black Nazarene Conference Leaves Attendees Encouraged About Future
TEACH 2016 Focuses on Discipleship
Moving Ministers: July 2016
Nazarenes in the News
MNU Professor to Assist US Paralympic Swim Team in Rio
MVNU GPS Program Offering Free Tutoring Service
NNU-Engaging in international Mission Work
ANU-My Soul Longs For You!
ONU Saving Energy in Campus Dining Hall
Trevecca Alumnus Named President of Asia-Pacific Nazarene Theological Seminary
Stories Volume 2 - 2016 Now Available
Church of the Nazarene on Social Media
NCM Magazine Summer 2016 Edition
Lay leaders: July 2016
Nazarene Essentials Available in 18 Eurasia Languages
BGS Calls for Time of Reflection as Thank Offering Approaches
General Assembly 2017 Website Now Available
GMC Employment Opportunities
Global Praise Reports and Prayer Requests
Longtime Scottish Missionary Doctor Samuel Hynd Remembered
Retired Missionary Larry Faul Passes Away
Michigan Pastor Chuck Fowler Passes Away
Tribute to Manuel Filimao Tsambe Chambo
In Memoriam
Engage Magazine:
Drama Club Helps Roma Children and Bulgarian Adults Build Trust
NMI Highlight
USA / Canada:
National Black Nazarene Conference Leaves Attendees Encouraged About Future
TEACH 2016 Focuses on Discipleship
Moving Ministers: July 2016
Nazarenes in the News
MNU Professor to Assist US Paralympic Swim Team in Rio
MVNU GPS Program Offering Free Tutoring Service
NNU-Engaging in international Mission Work
ANU-My Soul Longs For You!
ONU Saving Energy in Campus Dining Hall
Trevecca Alumnus Named President of Asia-Pacific Nazarene Theological Seminary
Stories Volume 2 - 2016 Now Available
Church of the Nazarene on Social Media
NCM Magazine Summer 2016 Edition
Lay leaders: July 2016
Nazarene Essentials Available in 18 Eurasia Languages
BGS Calls for Time of Reflection as Thank Offering Approaches
General Assembly 2017 Website Now Available
GMC Employment Opportunities
Global Praise Reports and Prayer Requests
Longtime Scottish Missionary Doctor Samuel Hynd Remembered
Retired Missionary Larry Faul Passes Away
Michigan Pastor Chuck Fowler Passes Away
Tribute to Manuel Filimao Tsambe Chambo
In Memoriam
Engage Magazine:
Drama Club Helps Roma Children and Bulgarian Adults Build Trust
NMI Highlight
Prayer is perhaps the greatest earthly privilege we as Christians are given: communion with God. In simplest terms, prayer is speaking with God. In prayer we give our lives up to God-letting Him know everything that is in us, even when we lack eloquence or well-crafted words. We praise, mourn, repent, rage, break, and seek. Whatever form the conversation may take, we find comfort in knowing God is always going to be with us.
Prayer is a place of solidarity. Just as Jesus bore our burdens on His cross, we can bear the burdens of others, laying them before the Father in prayer. Prayer is not only for ourselves-prayer is unselfish, allowing the body of Christ to join in one voice of praise, thanksgiving, or petition to our Lord Jesus Christ.
NMI gathers believers together for prayer in the local church, linking us to our brothers and sisters in Christ across the globe. Is this still your focus as an NMI leader?
Prayer should be the focus of each and every Christian. As we prioritize prayer personally, we can better lead our family, church, business, or team.
Questions? Comments? Click Here.
"Are You a Wise Leader?"
"Four Key Indicators of Wisdom"The word leader is almost always modified by an adjective. We talk about becoming great leaders or visionary leaders or effective leaders or relational leaders, and all of those are worthy goals.
Here's one type of leader that we don't hear as much about but that we should all try to become: a wise leader.
Solomon is a great example of a wise leader. Wisdom was the particular gift he requested from God, and it was granted. While we hear much more about the leadership traits of his famous father, King David, it was Solomon who built the Temple and expanded ancient Israel's borders to their furthest point.
What defines a wise leader? Here are four key indicators.
We often zero in on one or two key markers of success, such as increased revenue or market share. That can create tunnel vision, even in a good leader.
1. A wise leader is able to see the whole picture and balance the relative value of things like revenue, productivity, morale, and public perception.
Wisdom means seeing the whole picture.
The surest sign of a failing organization is that the leader grasps for short-term results at the expense of long-term health.
2. A wise leader looks for long-range outcomes, often sacrificing short-term gain to produce them.
Wisdom means working toward a larger goal.
The term reasonable risks may seem oxymoronic, but it's not. Foolish leaders will either take reckless risks hoping for a big payout, or avoid risks altogether. Either strategy will fail eventually.
3. A wise leader realizes that all progress involves risks, so he or she is willing to take them. However, this leader carefully evaluates the possible gain from success versus the possible impact of failure on the organization.
Wisdom means taking occasional leaps of faith.
4. A wise leader makes frequent deposits. Foolish leaders make only withdrawals from their accounts-finances, team morale, brand equity, personal health. That leads to the eventual bankruptcy of the leader, the team, or the organization.
A wise leader makes frequent deposits in the well-being of every key "account" so there is strength to draw from when needed.
Wisdom means giving more than you take.[Stan Toler]
Share The Story!
Kudjip, Papua New Guinea: Nine years ago, I left the world of U.S. Family Practice and became a Missionary Physician. As a Missionary Physician I care for patients and administer treatment in ways that I would never have done if I was still in the U.S. Diagnosing and treating cancer are some of those things that I do now, that I wouldn’t be doing if I was still in North America.
One of the hard parts about caring for patients with cancer in Papua New Guinea is that our options for treatment are limited. We have about six basic drugs that we can give, but we have to balance the doses we give with our ability to support someone whose immune system is weakened. Along with chemotherapy, we have surgery and at times radiation. We hope and pray that the combination of the three will be enough for our patients, but way too often it isn’t. Outside of a surgical cure, we rarely get cures in patients with cancer.
Topias is working to beat those odds. Topias came in almost two years ago with an abdominal mass. It was initially too large for surgery, so we gave him chemotherapy, suspecting he had lymphoma. Thankfully, the chemo shrunk it down to a size that was small enough for surgery. After surgery, the biopsy came back as a Wilm’s tumor, a tumor of the kidney found in kids and one of the most responsive to chemotherapy. We altered our chemotherapy a little bit and thankful Topias continues to do well.
He is usually happy when he comes inside to be seen, but still cries when Aunti Letti (what he calls me – where he got that name I don’t know) and Dr. Bill do ultrasounds to look for any sign of the mass returning. So far, we haven’t been able to find any recurrence of the mass and are very thankful. We hope Topias, the youngest of 5 boys in his family, grows up to go to school, get married and have kids of his own. Until then, we will keep checking him for recurrence and thanking God for the one who has made it (at least for now), the one who has survived cancer despite our limitations, and we will keep praying for others to make it as well.
Prayer Focus:
- Please continue to pray for Topias and the some 63,000+ patients who come through the doors of Kudjip Nazarene Hospital each year. That God would use the hands and lives of our medical teams to represent the character of Christ as a means of grace. Pray that through this experience, these patients would come to a personal knowledge of the one true Great Physician!
- Pray for the team members. As mentioned, they see many cases where the outcomes are not what they would desire. This is so very difficult for the physician, nurse, chaplain, caretaker, whose calling it is to be a “healer” when even with their best efforts…physical healing is elusive. Pray that they would be protected against “compassion fatigue.”
- Pray for the finances of Nazarene Health Ministries. These have been very challenging days due to budget cuts in the amounts contributed to healthcare from the government.
Feature image: Topias in his mother’s arms, and his brother.
Prayer Requested - Today - For John Seaman. Please...Pray...Share...Pray Again!
Michigan District: Update from Linda Seaman for John and family.
MRI – Thurs., Aug. 25, 2016 8:52 PM
“Last Friday morning, the children and I were gathered around his bed when I told John that he had been diagnosed with a malignant brain tumor. Suddenly, he began quoting an old poem he’d learned years ago:
“We may not know when we’ll go or where we’ll go from this familiar scene, but Christ is here and Christ is there and all the way between; and though we go from all we know to some dim, vast unknown, though late we stay or soon we go,we shall not go alone!”
It was not exactly what we were expecting his reaction to be, but we should have known! He has lived his life with this assurance, and it is clearly unwavering even in these unexpected circumstances.
We met with the neuro-oncologist and neurosurgeon today. We are returning at 6 am for another MRI, and surgery is scheduled for Wednesday of next week. Because it appears this tumor originated in the brain, there is no way to determine what this “mass,” as the neuro-surgeon called it, is until they remove it and test it. At the end of our appointment with Dr. Harvey-Jumper, John quoted the poem again, then prayed for the doctor and his nurse-practitioner. Of course, he did.
We ended our morning sensing that we needed to ask you to pray tonight for a miracle.
Our prayer is that the MRI tomorrow will be clear with no sign of any abnormalities. I originally suggested that we should pray that it shows “nothing,” but John didn’t think that sounded right! Thankfully, his sense of humor remains intact! Will you join us tonight in praying for that very specific miracle?
We have always said that we want what God wants, and that has not changed. From our viewpoint, though, the world is a better place with John Seaman in it, and it is our deepest desire that God heal and restore him completely…for our sakes and for the sake of the Kingdom for which he has lived his life so joyfully and wholeheartedly.
We are overwhelmed by your love and fervent prayers and know for a certainty that whatever lies ahead, “we shall not go alone!”
-Linda for John and the family”
John was elected superintendent of the Michigan District in 2003. Prior to serving as district superintendent, he and his wife, Linda, served as missionaries to Martinique and Côte d’Ivoire from 1976 to 2003.
Please visit the Michigan District Facebook Page for more updates.[Download Prayer Requested - Today - For John Seaman. Please...Pray...Share...Pray Again! as PDF]
Philippine Nazarene College Target of Burglary
La Trinidad, Benguet, Philippines: Hearts are heavy today as the news has come from Philippine Nazarene College (PNC), that sometime during the evening/morning of Friday, August 19, to Saturday, August 20, unknown subjects made forced entry into the school.
Searching for finger prints
Computers were removed from computer lab
Investigators from the Philippine National Police, La Trinidad Criminal unit, and Scene Of the Crime Operatives (SOCO) from Benguet Provincial Crime Lab were on scene in the early morning hours.
“I know this incident is another hurdle we have to overcome, the cost of which is even beyond the capacity of the school again [to] face. Thankfully, there was no one whose life was endangered. We covet your prayers,” Rev. Mark Eugenio, PNC President.
The loss was estimated at around 200,000 PhP (approx. $4,400 USD).
Prayer Requests:
- Please be in prayer for those who lost valuables in the burglary. Personal as well as school computers were removed.
- Pray for those investigating the crime that they would have wisdom in following up leads.
- Pray for those who committed the crime, that they would have a change of heart and return the items taken.
- Pray for the school staff as they will face the challenge of working through recovery of documents and replacement of the computers and equipment that were stolen.
In Christchurch NZ, Job and Ministry Opportunities Coincide!
New Zealand: It was a normal lunchtime in the city of Christchurch New Zealand on February 22, 2011. Suddenly a 6.3-magnitude earthquake struck. The devastation to the city centre was huge and 183 people died. Many people left the city. Many houses, factories and commercial buildings have had to be rebuilt.
Five years have passed and the city is still recovering and rebuilding. The Church of the Nazarene in Avonside was damaged but the congregation was able to continue meeting in the church hall. Now the sanctuary is being strengthened and will soon be reopened to the public. It is the only Nazarene church in the beautiful scenic South Island of New Zealand.
Are there Nazarenes who would like to come and work in Christchurch and at the same time help in restarting the church? We have a small congregation but we need help. Would you like to give 2 – 5 years living and working in New Zealand and at the same time help to develop youth and children’s ministry? We need musicians, worship leaders, intercessors, small group leaders and the like.
Get the chance to earn a living and experience a new life in New Zealand, doing all of these while serving God and his people! For more information and a list of opportunities, click here.
Please pray for Christchurch as they continue to rebuild their city. Pray for our fellow Nazarenes as they display resilience, hope and faith in the Lord during this time.[Submitted by: Neville Bartle]
Feature Image by Photographer: P. Stalder (English user page) / P. Stalder (deutsche Benutzerseite) – Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=2543660[Download In Christchurch NZ, Job and Ministry Opportunities Coincide! as PDF]
Most Up-to-Date Prayer Requests & Praise Reports for the Global Church - Prayer Mobilization Line.
Philippine Nazarene College Target of Burglary!
La Trinidad, Benguet, Philippines
The doors to several of the offices in the administrative building, including the computer lab, were forcibly opened, and several computers, monitors, and other items were removed.
Investigators from the Philippine National Police, La Trinidad Criminal unit, and Scene Of the Crime Operatives (SOCO) from Benguet Provincial Crime Lab were on scene in the early morning hours.
"I know this incident is another hurdle we have to overcome, the cost of which is even beyond the capacity of the school again [to] face. Thankfully, there was no one whose life was endangered. We covet your prayers," Rev. Mark Eugenio, PNC President.
The loss was estimated at around 200,000 PhP (approx. $4,400 USD).
Click here for the rest of the story and specific prayer points!
Prayer Requested - Today - For John Seaman. Please...Pray...Share...Pray Again!
Michigan District
Linda Writes: "We have always said that we want what God wants, and that has not changed. From our viewpoint, though, the world is a better place with John Seaman in it, and it is our deepest desire that God heal and restore him completely...for our sakes and for the sake of the Kingdom for which he has lived his life so joyfully and wholeheartedly.
We are overwhelmed by your love and fervent prayers and know for a certainty that whatever lies ahead, "we shall not go alone!"
-Linda for John and the family"
- Todd Aebischer, Former Nazarene Mission Air Pilot.
John was elected superintendent of the Michigan District in 2003. Prior to serving as district superintendent, he and his wife, Linda, served as missionaries to Martinique and Côte d'Ivoire from 1976 to 2003.
Please visit the Michigan District Facebook Page for more updates.
Click here for the full update and prayer request!
Youth Ministry All Fired Up as Java-Bali Indonesia District NYI Holds Annual Conference
The conference was an amazing time of mutual encouragement and youth discipleship. Older youth counseled, gave guidance and encouragement to their younger peers.
Participants enjoyed vibrant services, how-to workshops, presentations and times of sharing on human sexuality issues. On one of the days during the conference, participants fanned out to surrounding neighborhoods to clean trash from the roadsides.
Click here to read about the reaction of the neighborhood leader to the service these young people gave!
The One...Battling to Beat the Odds
Kudjip, Papua New Guinea
Walk with Dr. Erin Meier as she takes you on a journey through the differences in what she did as a family physician in the US, versus a doctor in Papua New Guinea. Dr. Erin explains how limited medicines make the treatment of cancer challenging, but how Topias is the one...battling to beat the odds.
She and all the doctors, nurses and staff face great challenges and yet, God continues to work through them and heals in many ways.
Read through the ways you can pray for them and commit to praying fervently for these great needs, and the lives of those they touch daily!
Click here to read about little Topias and his fight against cancer!
No, the Safest Place Isn't the Center of God's Will
Re-printed here with permission from Craig Greenfield
It's important not to misunderstand the phrase!
Corrie ten Boom, a Dutch Christian who was imprisoned for helping Jews escape the Nazis, coined the famous phrase, "The safest place is in the center of God's will."
Sadly, we've twisted a phrase that came out of great suffering into a Christian cliché-misunderstood to mean that we are somehow "bullet-proof" if we are obediently following Jesus.
Corrie ten Boom knew what it meant to follow Jesus into dangerous circumstances and suffer the consequences. She and her family were responsible for rescuing nearly 800 Jews through an underground network of safe houses.
But just after midnight on February 28, 1944, the Gestapo burst into the ten Boom house and arrested the whole family.
Craig goes on to share some of Corrie's story and the price she and her family paid. He also expresses how we sometimes talk about self care - but really self-care is meant to sustain us in the battle, not become an excuse to avoid the battle. He shares stories from his own life, serving in a slum in a SE Asian nation.
Don't miss this encouraging article aimed at helping us see God in the midst of the storms!
24th Global Nazarene Youth International Convention - Deadline Approaching!
Regional Announcement
Each month leading up to the Global NYI Convention, we are highlighting various aspects of the convention to help delegates prepare. The focus of this highlight is on resolutions.
One aspect of the Global NYI Convention is to consider resolutions to amend the NYI Charter and/or the Global Ministry Plan. All NYI delegates should become familiar with section 810.404 of the Global Ministry Plan in order to understand the role and process of resolutions. Because the local, district, and regional ministry plan templates can each be amended through other processes, only resolutions to amend the Charter or Global NYI Ministry Plan are considered.
Click here to read the 10 important things to know about resolutions and be informed.
Breathing Deep - Stress 101 (Part 1)
Member Care
What is it?
Clenched teeth... sleepless nights... tight muscles... headaches... conflict... worry.... All of these are ways that Stress makes its appearance in our lives.... But WHAT IS IT?
Technically, stress is what our body does automatically when we think we are being threatened or a high demand is being placed on us. And often we don't even realize this is what's going on. Some definitions indicate that this response is triggered anytime we are faced with change. Stress is not the situation that causes the response, rather it is our response.
The threat may be a physical threat or it can happen when we feel threatened emotionally, relationally, in our authority, or even if our opinions or values are being threatened. The demand may come from a good situation as in important life events such as weddings or trips, as well as difficult situations, such as transitions or grief.
Stress is basically the body's automatic Fight-or-Flight response and when it is triggered, a series of chain reactions take place in our body as a result of the release of specific chemicals and hormones into our brain and body. Among these, are cortisol, adrenaline and noradrenaline.
When these chemicals are released, there are some pretty amazing physical things that start to take place automatically.
Click here to read what those physical things are and what we can do about it.
- Pub Church, APNTS New President, Nazarene in Rio Olympics, Retired Educator Passes Away!
Download now - click here
N. America Regional Work & Witness Conferences Just 3 Weeks Away!
"Then the Lord said to him, "What is that in your hand?" "A staff," he replied."[Exodus 4:2 - NIV]
This question is just as relevant for us today as it was more than 2,000 years ago. What is in our hands? How can we place our God-given gifts, passions, skills, and abilities, back into His hands to be used for His Glory?
Invite someone to come with you! Ask just about anyone who has engaged in Work and Witness and they will tell you, that it is one of the most transformational things they have done!
Click here for more information and for the link to register!
New Mobile Application Connects The Word With You...And Your Heart!
Does engaging the Word of God truly lead to life transformation?
The Center for Bible Engagement has surveyed more than 200,000 people, ages 8-80, across 20 countries, 75 denominations and most major religions.
APNaz Connect is the Asia-Pacific Region's Mobile Application to help you and those whom you are discipling, actively engage the Word! An included spiritual assessment will customize the app to deliver scriptures that speak to you personally. Sign up for a specialized devotional track on a topic of interest like Anger, Worry, When Life Hurts, Growing Spiritually, Engaging the Scriptures, and more.
Take a moment and find out what the Power of 4 Effect is and how to download the app by clicking here!
General Assembly Just One Year Away. Will You Help Us? We Need to Hear from You!
Regional Announcement
The denomination's 29th General Assembly and Conventions are 21-30 June 2017 in Indianapolis, Indiana, USA.
To submit your thoughts and ideas
click here!
APNTS Career Opportunities
Asia-Pacific Nazarene Theological Seminary
Are you wishing you could send a copy of a previous newsletter to a friend? Be sure to check out the Around The Region Weekly Newsletter Archive.
Click here to find out more about the Archive.
This newsletter is a ministry of your Asia-Pacific Regional Communications Office. Please submit questions or comments to: Regional Communications Coordinator
Connie Aebischer - Editor - Around the Region News
Writers: Ingrid Kiper, Laurice Maggay
World Mission Communications Asia-Pacific
Ortigas Avenue Extension
Taytay, Rizal, Philippines
Around the Region is released each week on Saturday. If you have news to share, please forward to our office by Friday at noon (PHT).
Strategic Partners Ltd, Ortigas Avenue Extension, Kaytikling, Taytay, Rizal, Manila 1920 Philippines
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