The school year is about to start, and this year, my son will begin Kindergarten. The summer has been full, so the reality of the changes coming to our life is only beginning to hit me. We have new rules to learn, a new school community to get to know, supplies to buy, schedules to learn and more.
Some of you are at different stages: with kids going off to college, or starting school yourself. Or, perhaps you're just noticing all the First Day of School pictures other people have been posting online.
On an occasion like this, it's helpful to remember that our Christian tradition comes with its own rules and schedules, too. Sometimes, they match up easily with the expectations of our bigger culture, and sometimes they are out of sync. I hesitate to focus on these rules and expectations too much, because the biggest message of our gospel is that we're not saved by our adherence to rules or our accomplishments, but by grace. But to ignore the rules altogether is to miss out of the life-changing reality that comes when we claim a grace that's so amazing: it makes us live differently.
In preparation for Sunday, I invite you to consider some of the people who have been role models for you in your life of faith. Who have been the people you've watched, whose lives you hoped to imitate in some way? It's the ways we live our lives that allow us to show our faith to others.
Grace and peace,[Pastor Molly Vetter]
Sunday, August 28
Hebrews 13:1-8, 15-16
"New Rules"
Scripture Text: Hebrews 13:1 Let brotherly friendship continue; 2 but don’t forget to be friendly to outsiders; for in so doing, some people, without knowing it, have entertained angels. 3 Remember those in prison and being mistreated, as if you were in prison with them and undergoing their torture yourselves.
4 Marriage is honorable in every respect; and, in particular, sex within marriage is pure. But God will indeed punish fornicators and adulterers.
5 Keep your lives free from the love of money; and be satisfied with what you have; for God himself has said, “I will never fail you or abandon you.”[Hebrews 13:5 Deuteronomy 31:6] 6 Therefore, we say with confidence,
“Adonai is my helper; I will not be afraid —
what can a human being do to me?”[Hebrews 13:6 Psalm 118:6]
7 Remember your leaders, those who spoke God’s message to you. Reflect on the results of their way of life, and imitate their trust — 8 Yeshua the Messiah is the same yesterday, today and forever.
15 Through him, therefore, let us offer God a sacrifice of praise continually.[Hebrews 13:15 Leviticus 7:12; 22:29; Psalms 50:14, 23; 107:22; 116:17; 2 Chronicles 29:31] For this is the natural product of lips that acknowledge his name.
16 But don’t forget doing good and sharing with others, for with such sacrifices God is well pleased.
John Wesley's Notes-Commentary for Hebrews 13:1-8, 15-16
Verse 1
[1] Let brotherly love continue.
Brotherly love is explained in the following verses.
Verse 2
[2] Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.
Some — Abraham and Lot.
Have entertained angels unawares — So may an unknown guest, even now, be of more worth than he appears, and may have angels attending him, though unseen. Genesis 18:2; Genesis 19:1.
Verse 3
[3] Remember them that are in bonds, as bound with them; and them which suffer adversity, as being yourselves also in the body.
Remember — In your prayers, and by your help.
Them that are in bonds, as being bound with them — Seeing ye are members one of another.
And them that suffer, as being yourselves in the body — And consequently liable to the same.
Verse 4
[4] Marriage is honourable in all, and the bed undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge.
Marriage is honourable in, or for all sorts of men, clergy as well as laity: though the Romanists teach otherwise.
And the bed undefiled — Consistent with the highest purity; though many spiritual writers, so called, say it is only licensed whoredom.
But whoremongers and adulterers God will judge — Though they frequently escape the sentence of men.
Verse 5
[5] Let your conversation be without covetousness; and be content with such things as ye have: for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.
He — God.
Hath said — To all believers, in saying it to Jacob, Joshua, and Solomon. Genesis 28:15; Joshua 1:5; 1 Chronicles 28:20.
Verse 6
[6] So that we may boldly say, The Lord is my helper, and I will not fear what man shall do unto me.
Psalms 118:6.
Verse 7
[7] Remember them which have the rule over you, who have spoken unto you the word of God: whose faith follow, considering the end of their conversation.
Remember them — Who are now with God, considering the happy end of their conversation on earth.
Verse 8
[8] Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.
Men may die; but Jesus Christ, yea, and his gospel, is the same from everlasting to everlasting.
Verse 15
[15] By him therefore let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually, that is, the fruit of our lips giving thanks to his name.
The sacrifice — The altar is mentioned, Hebrews 13:10; now the sacrifices: 1. Praise; 2. Beneficence; with both of which God is well pleased.
Blessing of the Backpacks
8:30am in Epworth Lounge
10:30am in the Sanctuary
Special Music: Guest musician Aleta Braxton will sing "In This Very Room," and "From a Distance."
"In This Very Room" by Third Day
1. In this very room there's quite enough love for one like me,
And in this very room there's quite enough joy for one like me,
And there's quite enough hope and quite enough power to chase away any gloom,
For Jesus, Lord Jesus ... is in this very room.
2. And in this very room there's quite enough love for all of us,
And in this very room there's quite enough joy for all of us,
And there's quite enough hope and quite enough power to chase away any gloom,
For Jesus, Lord Jesus ... is in this very room.
3. In this very room there's quite enough love for all the world,
And in this very room there's quite enough joy for all the world,
And there's quite enough hope and quite enough power to chase away any gloom,
For Jesus, Lord Jesus ... is in this very room.
"From a Distance" by Third Day
1. The world looks blue and green
And the snow capped mountains white
From a distance
The ocean meets the stream
And the eagle takes to flight
2. From a distance
There is harmony
And it echoes through the land
Its the voice of hope
Its the voice of peace
Its the voice of every man
3. From a distance
We all have enough
And no one is in need
And there are no guns, no bombs and no disease
No hungry mouths to feed
From a Distance
We are instruments
Marching in a common band
Playing songs of hope
Playing songs of peace
They are the songs of every man
Chorus. God is watching us
God is watching us
God is watching us
From a distance
4. From a distance
You look like my friend
Even though we are at war
From a distance
I just cannot comprehend
What all this fightings for
From a distance
There is harmony
And it echoes through the land
And its the hope of hopes
Its the love of loves
Its the heart of every man
Chorus. God is watching us
God is watching us
God is watching us
From a distance
Chorus. God is watching us
God is watching us
God is watching us
From a distance
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News From Our Members
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The Lay Looker by Bob Peterson
Bob Peterson's popular column for the Mainsail has found new life, online! Read his view from the pews about church life and community news. You'll enjoy keeping up with the many good things happening in our congregation!
Thursday, August 25, 2016 by Bob Peterson
Comments (0)
Last Sunday our worship service was enhanced by the McCandless family who not only sang "Shall We Gather at the River," but also sang during the offertory. Of course we hear Rick singin the choir regularly, but it is quite special when Kathy and three of their children sing together. The a capella was just as good as their accompanied rendition.
Speaking of music, for many Sundays this year we have been privileged to hear guitar improvisations by Gaku Murata during Communion. He usually selects a familiar hymn and then begins incredible creative embellishments, always staying within the musical chords. His performances are unique and beautiful to hear.
This coming Labor Day weekend, September 3, 4 and 5 will find Paul Caldwell and his volunteers staffing the parking lot in 2-hour shifts. Saturday, Sunday and Monday produce great income from this fundraiser which helps our budget and with enough help, it's an easy job. Contact him or the office to find out more. It is another valuable service for our church.
Read Columns from our former Lay Leader, Johnna Kosnoff, here!
Coming at Church
Blessing of the Backpacks:
Sunday, August 28 in worship
Bring your schoolbags and backpacks to worship on Sunday, August 28, and we will share in a "Blessing of the Backpacks" during worship. Kids and students of all ages are invite to participate, as we pray for students, teachers, administrators and aids at the start of a new school year.
We will share a Blessing of the Backpacks during both the 8:30 and 10:30 worship services!
UMW All-Circle Potluck Tonight:
Thursday, August 25 at 6:30pm
Our UMW invites everyone to join them for the annual All-Circle Potluck on August 25 in Epworth Lounge. This year, we will hear from Nina Dooley, about her work with the nonprofit LINC Housing based in Long Beach that builds and owns affordable apartments. LINC’s Welcome Home program provides basic housewares for residents who arrive with very few possessions.
Click here to find out what new household items you can donate to support "Welcome Home."
Memorial Service: Mary Emerson
A Celebration of Life for
Florence Mary Emerson
January 6, 1921 - April 7, 2016Friday, August 26 at 11am
Her family also invites you to a lunch reception afterwards, in Epworth Lounge.
Sunday School's Back: Sept 11
Sunday School and Church R Us is back beginning September 11th! Stay tuned for more details!
Volunteers wanted! Interested in teaching Sunday School? Email Risa!
Mark your calendars for Sept 16th! It's the return of Parents' Night Out!
Drop off your children (Toddlers-5th Grade) at church for three hours of programming, starting at 5pm.
The evening costs $20.00 for first child ($10 for second, $5 for third or more). Parents get a night out, and the children finding time for fellowship at church. It is a fun night for all!
Fall Get-Together: Sunday, Sept 11
from 9:15-10:30am
To kick off the fall ministry season, we invite you to a Sunday ministry fair, with food combinations that are better together, and ways to be involved in the life and ministry of our church. Find out more about how you can be involved in the work of this community!
All ages are welcome. Free breakfast food provided, and lots of opportunities for you to jump in.
Ministry leaders: make sure to reserve a table at the Get-Together, so you can save about your work and invite others to be a part of it! Contact Ernie in the church office to make sure you're on the list!
Coming this Fall: Better TogetherIt's a church theme, a sermon series and more! All fall, we will be celebrating how we're Better Together, remembering how God works in the lives of communities and in our relationships. As the writer of Ecclesiastes said, "And though one might prevail against another, two will withstand one. A threefold cord is not quickly broken." (Ecclesiastes 4:12)
It goes much deeper, too--we come to know about God because of the people in whom we have seen God at work. Our faith and love make sense when we live them out with other people here on earth.
There's much more to say, and we hope you'll be a part of this whole meaningful season.
Book Club: Our next book is a work of fiction titled "The Language of Flowers: A Novel" by Vanessa Diffenbaugh. We will meet Tuesday, September 27 at 7pm in May Day Parlor.
More info online; email Ann or Laura.
Youth Group Resumes Sept 18!
Summer's almost over, and we've got a few fun events left, but regular, Sunday afternoon youth group resumes on Sept 18th!
Our youth group normally meets in the youth room from 3-5pm on Sunday afternoons for games, prayer, music, Bible study, and community. Oy, what a community!
Choir Rehearsals moving to Thursdays nights!Our choir will be back on Sunday, September 11, and regular rehearsals are moving to Thursday evenings! Join the choir for rehearsal each Thursday, starting September 8, from 7:30 to 9pm in the Choir Room. Contact Jim Raycroft for more info.
Did You Know:
Online Directory & Online GivingDid you know we have an online church directory, which you can access from mobile devices, tablets or home? AND, that you can use to make online donations to the church? For more information contact the church office and sign in to OnRealm!
Annual Church Golf Tournament:
Saturday, October 15
Join us on Saturday, October 15 for a First United Methodist Church of Redondo Beach Golf Tournament!
We will be playing at a local course, Alondra Park Golf Course and the tournament is a four person scramble. It's a great opportunity to invite friends and neighbors to join your foursome. (You may register as an individual or a foursome.; $80 per player) Tee times will begin at 10 a.m.
click here for more info and to reserve your spot
Read Columns from our former Lay Leader, Johnna Kosnoff, here!
Coming at Church
Blessing of the Backpacks:
Sunday, August 28 in worship
We will share a Blessing of the Backpacks during both the 8:30 and 10:30 worship services!
UMW All-Circle Potluck Tonight:
Thursday, August 25 at 6:30pm
Click here to find out what new household items you can donate to support "Welcome Home."
A Celebration of Life for
Florence Mary Emerson
January 6, 1921 - April 7, 2016Friday, August 26 at 11am
Her family also invites you to a lunch reception afterwards, in Epworth Lounge.
Sunday School and Church R Us is back beginning September 11th! Stay tuned for more details!
Volunteers wanted! Interested in teaching Sunday School? Email Risa!
Drop off your children (Toddlers-5th Grade) at church for three hours of programming, starting at 5pm.
The evening costs $20.00 for first child ($10 for second, $5 for third or more). Parents get a night out, and the children finding time for fellowship at church. It is a fun night for all!
Fall Get-Together: Sunday, Sept 11
from 9:15-10:30am
To kick off the fall ministry season, we invite you to a Sunday ministry fair, with food combinations that are better together, and ways to be involved in the life and ministry of our church. Find out more about how you can be involved in the work of this community!
All ages are welcome. Free breakfast food provided, and lots of opportunities for you to jump in.
It goes much deeper, too--we come to know about God because of the people in whom we have seen God at work. Our faith and love make sense when we live them out with other people here on earth.
There's much more to say, and we hope you'll be a part of this whole meaningful season.
More info online; email Ann or Laura.
Summer's almost over, and we've got a few fun events left, but regular, Sunday afternoon youth group resumes on Sept 18th!
Our youth group normally meets in the youth room from 3-5pm on Sunday afternoons for games, prayer, music, Bible study, and community. Oy, what a community!
Online Directory & Online GivingDid you know we have an online church directory, which you can access from mobile devices, tablets or home? AND, that you can use to make online donations to the church? For more information contact the church office and sign in to OnRealm!
Annual Church Golf Tournament:
Saturday, October 15
We will be playing at a local course, Alondra Park Golf Course and the tournament is a four person scramble. It's a great opportunity to invite friends and neighbors to join your foursome. (You may register as an individual or a foursome.; $80 per player) Tee times will begin at 10 a.m.
click here for more info and to reserve your spot
Parking Lot Fundraiser Labor Day Weekend!
We will rent out the parking lot to “beach-goers” for the holiday weekend. We could use some volunteers to work the lot Saturday (9/3), Sunday afternoon (9/4) and Monday (9/5). Please contact Paul Caldwell to sign up for a two hour shift. Men, women, and youth are welcome. Email Paul to help!
Men's Breakfast: Our next breakfast is Monday, September 5, at 7AM. Coco's Restaurant, 18120 Hawthorne Blvd. (Hawthorne and 182nd). All men of the church and their friends are welcome to join us for fellowship.
20/30 group: This young adult group is a casual gathering of people in their 20's and 30's looking to connect with other young adults who attend the same church. Contact Amanda Kuczun for info on upcoming events!
Men's Breakfast: Our next breakfast is Monday, September 5, at 7AM. Coco's Restaurant, 18120 Hawthorne Blvd. (Hawthorne and 182nd). All men of the church and their friends are welcome to join us for fellowship.
20/30 group: This young adult group is a casual gathering of people in their 20's and 30's looking to connect with other young adults who attend the same church. Contact Amanda Kuczun for info on upcoming events!
Prayer Quilt Ministry: Know someone in need of prayer? You can sponsor a free prayer quilt for them. Next Quilt Workshop: Friday, September 9, 10am-noon.--if you haven't tried quilt-making, this is a great easy way to begin. More information is online.
Meals and More: Did you know that we have a ministry that organizes meals and other assistance for church folks in times of need? In the past, we've helped arrange rides to medical appointments, meals for people recovering from surgery, and more. Leila Grantz coordinates this ministry, using online sign-up tools. If you want to be a part of the group that she emails when there is an opportunity to help, or if you know someone who's in need of a little help, please contact the church office or Leila.
LemonAID for Imagine No Malaria: Brooke Miller
Thank you to Brooke Miller for continuing the mission of our Surf Shack VBS. Brooke hosted her own lemonade stand to help fight malaria. She set up shop on the Hermosa Beach Strand and raised $70--enough to fund 7 life-saving treatments! Way to go, Brooke!
This Week: Children, Youth & Adults
Nursery (6 weeks+): The Nursery is open during both services, for ages 6 weeks to 6 yrs old. Located right off of the parking lot across from Epworth Lounge. Any questions email the Nursery Coordinator: Adriana Hwang
Children's Ministry (age 3 - 3rd Grade) & Church R Us (Grades 4 & 5): Bring your backpacks or school bags to worship for Blessing of the Backpacks! Kids will be with us in worship today.
Youth Ministry (6th-12th grade):
Friday night, Sept 2nd, we're having a Lock-In at church!
-Nope!! No Middle School Sunday School until Sept 11th!
-Youth Group (3-5pm)? Nah, son. Regular Youth Group resumes Sept 18th!
Adult Sunday School: Bible Study and Discussion in May Day Parlor. Sunday mornings from 9:30-10:15am. Led by Helen Stockwell.
Thursday Pastor's Bible Study:Thursday mornings from 11:00-noon, in May Day Parlor. All are welcome.
United Methodist News & EventsOur congregation is a part of the El Tordondo Mission Area, in the West District of theCalifornia-Pacific Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church.
You are invited to join area United Methodists for the West District Episcopal Welcome for our new Bishop Grant J. Hagiya, and our new West District Superintendent Welcome for Rev. Mark M. Nakagawa on Saturday - September 10, 2017 from 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM at Rolling Hills UMC (26438 Crenshaw Blvd, Rolling Hills Estates, CA 90274). Childcare will be available--RSVP with child's name and age.
First United Methodist Church of Redondo Beach
Meals and More: Did you know that we have a ministry that organizes meals and other assistance for church folks in times of need? In the past, we've helped arrange rides to medical appointments, meals for people recovering from surgery, and more. Leila Grantz coordinates this ministry, using online sign-up tools. If you want to be a part of the group that she emails when there is an opportunity to help, or if you know someone who's in need of a little help, please contact the church office or Leila.
Thank you to Brooke Miller for continuing the mission of our Surf Shack VBS. Brooke hosted her own lemonade stand to help fight malaria. She set up shop on the Hermosa Beach Strand and raised $70--enough to fund 7 life-saving treatments! Way to go, Brooke!
This Week: Children, Youth & Adults
Nursery (6 weeks+): The Nursery is open during both services, for ages 6 weeks to 6 yrs old. Located right off of the parking lot across from Epworth Lounge. Any questions email the Nursery Coordinator: Adriana Hwang
Children's Ministry (age 3 - 3rd Grade) & Church R Us (Grades 4 & 5): Bring your backpacks or school bags to worship for Blessing of the Backpacks! Kids will be with us in worship today.
Youth Ministry (6th-12th grade):
Friday night, Sept 2nd, we're having a Lock-In at church!
-Nope!! No Middle School Sunday School until Sept 11th!
-Youth Group (3-5pm)? Nah, son. Regular Youth Group resumes Sept 18th!
Adult Sunday School: Bible Study and Discussion in May Day Parlor. Sunday mornings from 9:30-10:15am. Led by Helen Stockwell.
Thursday Pastor's Bible Study:Thursday mornings from 11:00-noon, in May Day Parlor. All are welcome.
United Methodist News & EventsOur congregation is a part of the El Tordondo Mission Area, in the West District of theCalifornia-Pacific Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church.
You are invited to join area United Methodists for the West District Episcopal Welcome for our new Bishop Grant J. Hagiya, and our new West District Superintendent Welcome for Rev. Mark M. Nakagawa on Saturday - September 10, 2017 from 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM at Rolling Hills UMC (26438 Crenshaw Blvd, Rolling Hills Estates, CA 90274). Childcare will be available--RSVP with child's name and age.
First United Methodist Church of Redondo Beach
243 South Broadway
Redondo Beach, California 90277, United States
310-372-8445 main
310-372-8445 main
310-372-5696 fax
Ongoing Ministries
Ongoing Ministries

Free Meal on Wednesday NightsOffering food and friendship to those in need, every Wednesday night since 1992. More info here.
Shared Bread is running low on their supply of desserts. Would you consider buying or baking a dessert for our Shared Bread program? Homemade treats are treasured by our guests – but a cheesecake from Costco or cupcakes from Ralphs would be wonderful. Please wrap desserts tightly and mark for Shared Bread. Deliver Sunday through Wednesday to the church kitchen (or the office if kitchen is closed.)
Thanks for your sweet caring.
Hailing from Marietta, Georgia, Third Day is a Christian rock band formed at YMCA Camp High Harbour in 1991 by high-schoolers Mac Powell and Mark Lee. The name Third Day is a reference to Jesus’ resurrection on the third day after crucifixion. ...
In This Very Room is considered to be one of the all-time “Top 10” modern Christian songs. ...
From A Distance was written in 1987 by American singer-songwriter Julie Gold, who was working as a secretary for Home Box Office and writing songs in her spare time. ...
Our musical guest this week is Aleta Braxton. ...
Read more about our music here!
Music Notes by Jim Raycroft
Music Director, Jim Raycroft, will
share upcoming worship music
selections and a little bit of history, too.
Jim Raycroft
Thursday, August 25, 2016 - Music Notes by Jim Raycroft

Hailing from Marietta, Georgia, Third Day is a Christian rock band formed at YMCA Camp High Harbour in 1991 by high-schoolers Mac Powell and Mark Lee. The name Third Day is a reference to Jesus’ resurrection on the third day after crucifixion. Over the years, like most bands, they had several different musicians playing with them and released their first independent album, Long Time Forgotten, in 1994. In 1995, they signed a contract with Reunion Records and released their second album Third Day in 1996. That year they were nominated for a Dove Award for New Artist of the Year and their video Consuming Fire won a Billboard Music Award for Best Christian Video. In 2004, they released their seventh album Wire, toured the U.S. and Europe, collaborated on Mel Gibson’s film The Passion of the Christ, played at the Republican National Convention and were featured on 60 Minutes. Their hit single, Soul on Fire, is from their album Lead Us Back – Songs Of Worship of 2015, and spent 19 weeks on theBillboard charts, peaking at No. 2 on Hot Christian Songs and No. 3 on Christian Digital Songs.
In This Very Room is considered to be one of the all-time “Top 10” modern Christian songs. It was written by Los Angeles-based composer Ron Harris, who, at the time, was music director for Carol Lawrence. Over coffee at Starbucks one day, he told me the story of how he was on the road with Carol, and had been away from home for over a month. He was in New Orleans, and had just gotten off a one hour phone call to his wife. He was sitting on the bed of his hotel room, feeling lonely and miserable, and, looking around at the walls of the room, suddenly came to the realization that there was more to the room than just the 4 walls. Pulling out his electronic keyboard, he began writing a melody to the words that had popped into his head - “In this very room there’s quite enough love for one like me….” It’s been performed as a solo, as a choral work, with piano, with orchestra, a cappella, and to date, is known to have been sung in the Upper Room – the room generally accepted to be the room where the Last Supper took place – at least twice.
From A Distance was written in 1987 by American singer-songwriter Julie Gold, who was working as a secretary for Home Box Office and writing songs in her spare time. It was recorded initially by Nanci Griffith in 1987 on her album Lone Star State Of Mind. It was also recorded by Judy Collins in 1989 and by the Byrds in 1990. But it wasn’t until it was recorded by Bette Midler in 1990 that it became a commercial hit. It went to #1 on the Adult Contemporary chart, peaked at #2 on Billboard’s Hot 100 and went on to win a Grammy for Song of the Year in 1991.
Our musical guest this week is Aleta Braxton. I met Aleta in the fall of 1983, when I was a member of Disneyland’s Dickens Carolers and she was the leader. We carpooled to Anaheim a lot that season and have been friends and colleagues ever since. She performed in LA Opera's 1986 inaugural production of Otello, has appeared in more than 130 productions and was a soloist in Porgy and Bess and Oklahoma. She toured as a soloist with the Roger Wagner Chorale and McNeil Jubilee Singers and has sung with the LA Master Chorale for 30 seasons as a chorister and soloist. Her long list of film soundtracks include The Jungle Book, Frozen, Creed, Amistad and TV appearances such as Malcom in the Middle, The Crazy Ones, Transparent andGlee. Ms. Braxton has also directed productions for Lyric Opera of Los Angeles including the West Coast premiere of Wagner's first opera Die Feen. She has sung on recordings for Disney and LA Master Chorale as well as recordings with Christina Aguilera and Barbra Streisand. In addition to singing, Ms. Braxton performs voice-overs and teaches workshops. She is currently the choir director for New Hope Lutheran Church in Agoura Hills and is on the cantoring staff at St. Charles Borromeo in North Hollywood.
Thanks for your sweet caring.
In This Very Room is considered to be one of the all-time “Top 10” modern Christian songs. ...
From A Distance was written in 1987 by American singer-songwriter Julie Gold, who was working as a secretary for Home Box Office and writing songs in her spare time. ...
Our musical guest this week is Aleta Braxton. ...
Read more about our music here!
Music Notes by Jim Raycroft
share upcoming worship music
selections and a little bit of history, too.
Jim Raycroft
Thursday, August 25, 2016 - Music Notes by Jim Raycroft
In This Very Room is considered to be one of the all-time “Top 10” modern Christian songs. It was written by Los Angeles-based composer Ron Harris, who, at the time, was music director for Carol Lawrence. Over coffee at Starbucks one day, he told me the story of how he was on the road with Carol, and had been away from home for over a month. He was in New Orleans, and had just gotten off a one hour phone call to his wife. He was sitting on the bed of his hotel room, feeling lonely and miserable, and, looking around at the walls of the room, suddenly came to the realization that there was more to the room than just the 4 walls. Pulling out his electronic keyboard, he began writing a melody to the words that had popped into his head - “In this very room there’s quite enough love for one like me….” It’s been performed as a solo, as a choral work, with piano, with orchestra, a cappella, and to date, is known to have been sung in the Upper Room – the room generally accepted to be the room where the Last Supper took place – at least twice.
From A Distance was written in 1987 by American singer-songwriter Julie Gold, who was working as a secretary for Home Box Office and writing songs in her spare time. It was recorded initially by Nanci Griffith in 1987 on her album Lone Star State Of Mind. It was also recorded by Judy Collins in 1989 and by the Byrds in 1990. But it wasn’t until it was recorded by Bette Midler in 1990 that it became a commercial hit. It went to #1 on the Adult Contemporary chart, peaked at #2 on Billboard’s Hot 100 and went on to win a Grammy for Song of the Year in 1991.
Our musical guest this week is Aleta Braxton. I met Aleta in the fall of 1983, when I was a member of Disneyland’s Dickens Carolers and she was the leader. We carpooled to Anaheim a lot that season and have been friends and colleagues ever since. She performed in LA Opera's 1986 inaugural production of Otello, has appeared in more than 130 productions and was a soloist in Porgy and Bess and Oklahoma. She toured as a soloist with the Roger Wagner Chorale and McNeil Jubilee Singers and has sung with the LA Master Chorale for 30 seasons as a chorister and soloist. Her long list of film soundtracks include The Jungle Book, Frozen, Creed, Amistad and TV appearances such as Malcom in the Middle, The Crazy Ones, Transparent andGlee. Ms. Braxton has also directed productions for Lyric Opera of Los Angeles including the West Coast premiere of Wagner's first opera Die Feen. She has sung on recordings for Disney and LA Master Chorale as well as recordings with Christina Aguilera and Barbra Streisand. In addition to singing, Ms. Braxton performs voice-overs and teaches workshops. She is currently the choir director for New Hope Lutheran Church in Agoura Hills and is on the cantoring staff at St. Charles Borromeo in North Hollywood.
We have many spots to fill for liturgists on Sunday mornings. The following link will take you the sign up. Please check it out.
Sunday Worship Liturgist Sign Up
Parking Reminder: If you are able, we encourage you to park at the Wells Fargo bank on Sunday mornings, and walk across the street, reserving the parking lot for those with mobility challenges or for new visitors. We also have a bike rack on the patio. Thanks for your consideration.
Hearing Assistance Devices are available on Sunday mornings. Just ask for one at the audio/video booth in the sanctuary.
Connect with us

First United Methodist Church
Sunday Worship Liturgist Sign Up
Parking Reminder: If you are able, we encourage you to park at the Wells Fargo bank on Sunday mornings, and walk across the street, reserving the parking lot for those with mobility challenges or for new visitors. We also have a bike rack on the patio. Thanks for your consideration.
Hearing Assistance Devices are available on Sunday mornings. Just ask for one at the audio/video booth in the sanctuary.
Connect with us
First United Methodist Church
243 South Broadway
Redondo Beach, California 90277, United States
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