Wednesday, August 24, 2016

The California-Pacific Conference of The United Methodist Church in Pasadena, California, United States "Cal-Pac Note (Aug '16 - 3)" "Coming up in September and October..." for Wednesday, 24 August 2016

The California-Pacific Conference of The United Methodist Church in Pasadena, California, United States "Cal-Pac Note (Aug '16 - 3)" "Coming up in September and October..." for Wednesday, 24 August 2016

  • World Communion Sunday 2016 – On October 2, 2016, will you give generously on World Communion Sunday to make education and vocational impact possible for more students
Welcome to the World Communion Sunday Pastor and Leader’s Kit. We have assembled a collection of resources that you can download to promote this Special Sunday in your church. This kit has everything you need to empower your congregation to give generously.
Click here to find World Communion Sunday preaching helps.
Worship Resources
Children's Sermons:
World Communion Sunday
Take Two Tablets
God Is With Us
Litany for World Communion Sunday
Global Greetings
One With Us: A World Wide Communion Sunday Meditation
These Things We Share
A Dozen Ways to Promote &
Celebrate World Communion Sunday
PDF Format
JPEG Format
Facebook Images<

Downloadable Resources
2016 Bulletin Inserts 
2016 8 1/2 x 11 Poster 
2016 Mini Poster
General Board of Global Ministries AUDIO ONLY Podcasts
Podcast with Kiyulchung Part 1
Podcast with Kiyulchung Part 2
Podcast with Francis Acqua Part 1
Podcast with Francis Acqua Part 2
Find answers to your questions about World Communion Sunday at
Check out 2016 World Communion Sunday gifts status at
For general information about World Communion Sunday go to
  • Strength for the Journey 2016 (San Diego & Hawaii) - A 6-day summer retreat for persons living with HIV/AIDS is coming to San Diego and Hawaii. Take a look!
Strength for the Journey 2016 (San Diego)
September 12, 2016 - 12:00 AM
Camp Cedar Glen

A Retreat for Persons Living with HIV/AIDS
Strength for the Journey is a five-day summer retreatproviding a safe, caring and healing community. The week includes activities to nourish the mind, body and soul, so that participants may return home with renewed strength and spirit.
Strength for the Journey 2016 (Hawaii)
September 18, 2016 -
Camp Mokuleiʻa

A Retreat for Persons Living with HIV/AIDS
Strength for the Journey is a five-day summer retreat providing a safe, caring and healing community. The week includes activities to nourish the mind, body and soul, so that participants may return home with renewed strength and spirit.
  • Watershed Discipleship Workshop (Eco-Justice Collective) - w/ Ched Myers, an interactive workshop exploring intersections of the seminary, the streets, and the soil.
Theological Education: Watershed Discipleship Workshop (Eco-Justice Collective)
September 17, 2016 - 09:00 AM
Belmont Heights UMC
Watershed Discipleship Workshop with Ched Myers, author of Binding the Strongman.
September 17: 9AM to 12PM
Belmont Heights UMC (Long Beach, CA)
REGISTER NOW West District Fall Lay 2016 Servant Ministry School
October 1, 2016 -
Gardena, CA 90249
The West District Lay Servant Ministries Committee is presenting their semi-annual District LSM School.
Both the Basic, foundation course for all Lay Servants, and four Advanced Classes will be offered on Saturdays.
  • October 1, 2016 8:30 AM to 1 PM
  • October 8, 2016 8:30 AM to 1 PM
  • October 15, 2016 8:30 AM to 1 PM
See the brochure for registration info.
  • Residency in Ministry 2016 (Board of Ordained Ministry) - Preparing You for Full Connection and Ordination in the United Methodist Church. The Residency In Ministry Program (RIM) consists of three intensive continuing educational training events per year in ministerial responsibilities.
Residency In Ministry – 2016 Healthy Congregations
November 29, 2016 -
Holy Spirit Retreat Center

Preparing You for Full Connection and Ordination in the United Methodist Church
The Residency In Ministry Program (RIM) consists of three intensive continuing educational training events per year in ministerial responsibilities.
  • Laying Foundation: Ten Acts of Leadership for Every New Pastor
  • 2016 Healthy Congregations
  • Financial Stewardship
DOWNLOAD BROCHURE Church Growth for the Mid-Size Congregation
October 14, 2016 - 05:00 PM / 09:00 PM
Laguna Country UMC
With Rev. David H. Bridgman
How do we strengthen and grow our mid-size churches? Come and learn from a leader who has done this in multiple churches (and is currently starting a new faith community!).
Friday, Oct. 14 – 5PM to 9PM
Saturday, Oct. 15 – 9AM to 3PM
Registration Fee is $199 per team (up to 4 members)
$50 per additional member
Limit to 75 people
Light meal provided Oct. 14.
Light breakfast and lunch on Oct. 15 (please add line for dietary restrictions/needs).
Lodging not included.
Contact for any questions.
Nearby hotels:
Ayres (.5 miles from church, $159) –
Laguna Hills Lodge (1 mile, $109-149) –
Holiday Inn (2.5 mile, $104-$153) –
Best Western (2.5 miles, $110-$155) –
Courtyard Marriot (2.5 miles, $123-$199) –
Quality Inn & Suites (2.5 miles, $89-$159) –
Comfort Inn (2.5 miles, $89-$215) –
  • Campamento Familiar 2016 - All families are invited to the annual Campamento Familiar/ Family Camp 2016 time to bond and enjoy each other’s company in the name of our Father and Savior Jesus Christ.
Campamento Familiar 2016
September 3, 2016 -
All families are invited to the annual Campamento Familiar/ Family Camp 2016.
The event will take place from September 3rd-5th at United Methodist Camp Colby. We would like to take this time to bond and enjoy each other’s company in the name of our Father and Savior Jesus Christ. Our weekend will be filled with Sunday prayer, delicious food, arts n’ crafts, sports and many other fun activities. The participation fee is one day for $50.00 or all three days as follows: $70.00 Adult (Ages 12+) and $35.00/Child (Ages 3-11). Children 0-2 years of age are Free! Registration is required online via the button below. For more information, please contact Jackie Vazquez at (562)319-3862 or through email at The registration deadline is Monday, August 29, 2016. Any registrations made after this date will be charged a late fee of $25.00.
Me da alegría saludarles en el nombre de nuestro Señor y Salvador Jesucristo. Por este medio me complace invitarles a participar este 3 al 5 de septiembre 2016 a nuestro Campamento Familiar 2016 en “Colby Camp Retreat Center”. Durante este tiempo hemos pedido y seguiremos pidiendo al Señor que nos bendiga abundantemente para tener convivencia, rica comida, estudio de la palabra y mucha diversión para toda la familia. Déjeme explicarle lo que estamos planeando para nuestro tiempo juntos. Tendremos culto el domingo, con dos tiempos para estudiar la palabra. Esto nos dará la oportunidad de tener un poco de esparcimiento y diversión. Habrá tiempo para jugar futbol, nadar, caminar al aire libre y hacer manualidades. El costo de registro por un día será de $50.00. El costo de tres días por adulto es de $70.00 (Edades 12+), niños $35.00 (Edades 3-11) y niños de las edades 0-3 son Gratis.
Así que los animo a que invite y traiga a toda la familia; Abuelitos, adultos, jóvenes, adolescentes y niños. Para registrarse llene su inscripción en línea- Si no tiene acceso al Internet o si tiene alguna pregunta no dude en llamarle directamente a Jackie Vazquez encargada del registro al (562)319-3862 o por correo electrónico (la inscripción se cierra el lunes 29 de agosto) Registros hechos después del 29 de agosto tendrán un cargo por demora de $25.00 extra.
  • Accessibility Grant 2016 - Churches often need help to raise money for accessibility projects or to start an inclusive program. This grant is designed to provide seed money or to help when fund-raising is falling short of the goal.
Accessibility Grants Now Available!
Improving the accessibility of your church buildings can be expensive. So can training your Sunday School teachers and staff!
Churches often need help to raise money for accessibility projects or to start an inclusive program. This grant is designed to provide seed money or to help when fund-raising is falling short of the goal.
Please contact Sharon McCart (, Chair of the DisAbility Task Force, if you would like an application or if you have any questions.
Completed applications are due Oct. 1.
  • Peace with Justice Grant 2016 - For local churches, agencies, and community organizations within Cal-Pac that carry out the mission of the Conference Peace with Justice Committee.
Apply Now for the 2016 Peace with Justice Grant
Financial grants are offered to local churches, agencies, and community organizations located within the boundaries of the California-Pacific Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church that carry out the mission of the Conference Peace with Justice Committee.
REMEMBER: All key events and initiatives are always posted at
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Inspiring the world as passionate followers of Jesus Christ so all may experience God's life-giving love...
Our mailing address is:
The California-Pacific Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church
110 South Euclid Avenue
Pasadena, California 91101, United States

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