The Global Church of the Nazarene Communication Network News in Leawood, Kansas, United States "This week in the Church of the Nazarene..." Volume 1634 for Friday, 26 August 2016
Italy, Eurasia Region
Much of Pescara del Tronto was flattened by the earthquake (Getty Images photo).
A 6.2-magnitude earthquake leveled the town of Accumoli in central Italy and destroyed about three-quarters of the homes in nearby Amatrice Wednesday morning, according to BBC News. CNN reported Friday that the death toll hit 250.
The Church of the Nazarene's Italy District is currently holding its family camp in Assisi.
"Our district family camp started on Tuesday the 23rd just 100 kilometers from the epicenter of the quake," said Daniel Fink, Italy district superintendent. "The building where the camp is taking place started to shake at 3:36 a.m. From that time on, nobody went back to sleep."
Despite the sleepless night, no one was injured.
"We found out from TV and news about the extent of the damages caused by the quake," Fink said. "We are so sorry and express solidarity, participating in the pain of those families of the victims of this natural disaster that happened in our nation. We pray for those injured and for those that have lost their homes. We pray for those that are working and are trying to save lives from under the rubble. We hope that the number of victims won’t grow."
Rescue workers continue to conduct relief efforts.
"The Army and the Civil Protection have said that nobody should go near the cities that are victims of the quakes," Fink said. "Roads must be kept free so that rescue teams can do their jobs. At the moment they have asked people to donate blood of all types. The authorities and official associations have not yet communicated what type of help we can give."
Prayer is requested for those who have lost loved ones, as well as local residents and rescue workers as they search for and rescue survivors and treat the wounded.
The Church of the Nazarene officially entered Italy in 1948. There are at least seven organized Nazarene churches in the country. The closest church is located in Rome, approximately 140 kilometers from the earthquake.[Church of the Nazarene Eurasia Region] Read more
Ann Arbor, Michigan
Prayer is requested for Michigan District Superintendent John Seaman, who was recently diagnosed with a malignant brain tumor.
Seaman was hospitalized last week in Tennessee while visiting family. He has since returned home to Michigan.
The following comments were released Thursday by John's wife, Linda:
"Last Friday morning, the children and I were gathered around [John's] bed when I told John that he had been diagnosed with a malignant brain tumor. Suddenly, he began quoting an old poem he'd learned years ago: "We may not know when we'll go or where we'll go from this familiar scene, but Christ is here and Christ is there and all the way between; and though we go from all we know to some dim, vast unknown, though late we stay or soon we go, we shall not go alone!"
"... We are overwhelmed by your love and fervent prayers and know for a certainty that whatever lies ahead, "we shall not go alone!"
The Seamans continue to meet with doctors and specialists, and often John will pray for them after their appointments. He is scheduled for surgery August 31. John was elected superintendent of the Michigan District in 2003. Prior to serving as district superintendent, he and Linda served as missionaries to Martinique and Côte d'Ivoire from 1976 to 2003. He is also a member of the Church of the Nazarene's General Board. Read more-------
Rio de Janiero, Brazil
Silvia Lana, an assistant at the Southeast Paulista District Office, carries the Olympic torch.
Two Church of the Nazarene members in Brazil were chosen to carry the torch to the 2016 Olympic Games.
The torch is a symbol of unity among the nations and was carried from Olympia, Greece, to Rio de Janiero, Brazil, over a three-month period prior to the start of the games August 5.
More than 80,000 stories were received, and Lana's was among the 1,700 selected.
Sandra and Luiz came to know Jesus before they married and their lives were transformed. Today they are church leaders involved in a ministry through which God has shown them as an effective evangelism tool.
The Olympics concluded August 21.
Jordan Mageo, a former Point Loma Nazarene University student, competed in the women's 100-meter dash. She was not able to advance past the preliminaries, finishing with a time of 13.72, but enjoyed her experience.
"What an honor to be representing American Samoa in Rio," Mageo wrote on her Facebook page. "I feel incredibly blessed by everyone's support and can't say thank you enough. Shoutout to Jesus for being so good even when I'm so undeserving of His goodness."[Church of the Nazarene South America Region] Read more
Church of the Nazarene Mesoamerica Region
Nearly 200 district youth gathered at a shopping mall for Sivar Circus.
San Salvador, El SalvadorNearly 200 young adults from the Church of the Nazarene's El Salvador Central District gathered July 31 at a popular mall in San Salvador for their first urban evangelism event, Sivar Circus (Sivar is a nickname for the city of San Salvador). The youth spread the message of salvation in different ways, including street theater, acoustic music at bus stops, food distribution, and the collection of prayer requests symbolically lifted to heaven through the release of multicolored balloons.
Kessia Portillo, communications director for Nazarene Youth International on the El Salvador Central District, said the first creative evangelism effort of the year was a success.
"It is impossible to define the number of people who directly or indirectly were reached through Sivar Circus," she said. "For some it was the beginning of an adventure with God, drawing attention to their hearts; for others, the activity was the perfect time to seal a commitment with God."
Portillo also said the evangelism event helped the youth make "God’s love a fact, beyond memorized words."[Church of the Nazarene Mesoamerica Region] Read more
College View, Liberia
College View is a newly established community in Sanniquellie in Nimba county on the Church of the Nazarene's Liberia Central District. College View became accessible in 2011 and gained its name from the Nimba County Community College, the only government-formed institution of higher education in the Nimba province. The town of College View only has one road that leads to it, limiting its accessibility for a population of 10,000 people, which has been growing rapidly in recent years.
Like most new and growing areas in Liberia, the town lacks roads, schools, clinics, and potable water. However, this new area has two major churches, and one of them is the Church of the Nazarene.
College View suffers a water crisis every dry season. A standard borehole that goes down about 50 to 75 feet to access an aquifer only supplies water during the rainy season and costs US$100. The water, however, is not drinkable. Digging a well that would access potable water from a hand pump costs at least $1,000, and the cost has made it difficult for a family or community to dig such a well.
The people of College View get their water from two private pumps that both run dry during the winter, leaving residents with no option but to fetch water from the community college's hand pumps, which also run dry. The security agents at the college sell the water for 50¢ (U.S.) per 20 liters. Since the dry season lasts from December through April, large families have to use more money — between US$50 and US$100 for the four months — to get water for drinking, cleaning, washing, cooking, and bathing. In addition to the cost, fetching water is the job of women and school-aged children, who must wake up early to fetch the water and arrive late to school.
"During the dry season, I usually went to school very late because I had to fetch water from the college about 20 minutes walk from my house," said Layti, a local student.
In July, World Hope, in partnership with Nazarene Compassionate Ministries, was able to drill a well down 167 feet that has brought clean, potable water for the first time for the people of this community.
The community has taken ownership of this project by helping with drilling and monitoring. There is also a committee in place to care for and maintain the pump. The community chairman, Chief Peter Vonleh, describes the hand pump project as a great relief given the community, adding, "We will do everything to maintain the pump and keep it running."
Madam Louban, chairlady elected for the hand pump, told women in the community there is a need for the women to take full responsibility of the water pump because they and their children are the primary users of the pump.
Some in the community have noted the number of people using the pump and have expressed concern that the well will run dry. Engineers have confirmed that the pump was drilled into a porous aquifer that will never run out of water, no matter what season of the year. The community has placed open and closing times on the pump to keep the pump from being damaged, not because of the water supply.
Madam Cooper Duo, who donated the land on which the pump sits, said the impact of the project is beyond significant.
"We have suffered water crisis over the years, and we need to maintain this God-given opportunity so that our children don't start suffering again," she said.
The community of College View is thankful for this gift of water and hope for their community.[Church of the Nazarene Africa Region via Out of Africa] Read more
The Cameroon flag is a vertical tricolor of green, red and yellow, defaced with a five-pointed star in its center. The center stripe is thought to stand for unity: red is the colour of unity, and the star is referred to as "the star of unity." The yellow stands for the sun and also the savannas in the northern part of the country, while the green is for the forests in the southern part of Cameroon.
Since September 1, 2009, the Church of the Nazarene's Global Ministry Center (GMC) proudly flies a flag each week of one of the many nations in which the denomination is present in ministry. Leaders were invited to send a national flag to be flown at the GMC alongside the flag of the United States*. The national flags rotate weekly, and photos of them raised are sent to the church leaders of that country.
This week: Cameroon
The Church of the Nazarene officially entered Cameroon in 1999.
Cameroon had a population of 23,739,218 in 2015. Located on the Africa Region, Cameroon has not yet reported any Churches of the Nazarene. For more information about the Africa Region, visit
* = The weekly highlighted flag is raised on the middle of three poles in compliance with U.S. government protocols. It flies to the left of the GMC host-nation United States flag, which flies above the host-state flag of Kansas. The Christian flag flies on the third pole.The Global Ministry Center is the mission and service hub of the Church of the Nazarene. Read more
Mexico, Mesoamerica Region
The Mexico South Border District recently completed the fourth year of Project Paul, a mission development and church planting strategy inspired by the Apostle Paul.
As part of Project Paul, a group of volunteer missionaries restarts organized churches, consolidates mission-type churches, or responds to specific challenges encountered in an area where the gospel or the Church of the Nazarene has not yet arrived — all in a 21-day period.
This year five volunteer missionaries worked alongside leaders and youth from four missions to hold Maximum Mission events, free medical consultations, haircuts, and other outreach activities from July 18 to August 7. The volunteers also completed a health center after construction was suspended for several years due to lack of resources. The team also rebuilt the roof of a house where a man lives with his sick children, and the man reconciled with the Lord. Throughout the project, 130 people were visited, and 30 of them made decisions to follow Jesus. Several young adults who assisted with the project received a confirmation of their call to ministry.
Project Paul is led by Miriam Olivera, project coordinator, and Juan Carlos Estrada, evangelism coordinator. The volunteers missionaries, David Velasco from the Mexico South District, Edgar Santiago from the Mexico Gulf District, and Alison Cardona, Guadalupe Lopez, and Elia Mendoza from the South Border District, worked with Pastor A. Quiroga from the Cinco de May mission, Miriam Zepeda from the Canada mission, Andrea Lopez from the Gate of Heaven mission, and Ari Tercero from the Metapa mission.
Through the volunteers' work, it is expected that the missions can be organized into mission-type churches.
"We thank God for the people who were part of this project," Andrea Lopez said. "It has been a great blessing to the communities of the Mexico South Border District."[Church of the Nazarene Mesoamerica Region] Read more
South America
São Raimundo Nonato, Brazil
Brazil mission team brings water to remote community
Seven volunteers from the Church of the Nazarene's Paulista South East and Londrina districts in Brazil traveled to Lagoa dos Prazeres for “Manifestar – Sertão 2016,” a mission trip led by Pastor Felipe Fulanetto with the assistance of the local Church of the Nazarene and the Nazarene Welfare Association, represented by Pastor Mardonio Almeida.
The São Raimundo Nonato region of Brazil is a semi-arid area known for its water challenges, so the team planned to drill a well in the area.
Seven volunteers from the Church of the Nazarene's Paulista South East and Londrina districts in Brazil traveled to Lagoa dos Prazeres for “Manifestar – Sertão 2016,” a mission trip led by Pastor Felipe Fulanetto with the assistance of the local Church of the Nazarene and the Nazarene Welfare Association, represented by Pastor Mardonio Almeida.
The São Raimundo Nonato region of Brazil is a semi-arid area known for its water challenges, so the team planned to drill a well in the area.
Today was one of the most important days of my life and ministry. "Yesterday we drilled 80 meters to open the artesian well in the Quilombola community and no water came out. It was a mixture of sadness and gratefulness to God: sad to see an anxious people and not get water; grateful for the goodness and faithfulness of God even in adversity. When we made the decision not to continue, I called everyone together and read Habakkuk 3:17-19, which shows joy even in the midst of problems. However, as the psalmist says: "Those who sow with tears will reap with songs of joy" (126:5).
Today we made the difficult decision to try again, even knowing how much it would cost. After more than five hours of drilling, 60 meters without water, four dry crevices, and lots of dust and sand, our God proved faithful: water gushed in abundance. To see the faces of each person, happy and shouting with joy, was invaluable. I myself started to celebrate, crying and screaming and jumping in the water, covered with mud.
There was a 90 percent possibility that the water would be brackish (containing salt), but as our Lord doesn’t do anything half-way, the water is drinkable and excellent! The people that were there took the water — still muddy — and carried to the elders in their homes to drink."
Pastor Marco Antonio de Almeida of the Ebenezer Church of the Nazarene in Campinas brought words of blessing and challenge for the local church during the time of evangelism in the villages. Many made the decision to follow Jesus and gave themselves actively to the ministry.
For a video about the trip, visit the South America Region's Facebook page.[Church of the Nazarene South America Region] Read more
Orlando, Florida
From Bronx, New York, to New Orleans, Louisiana, and Miami, Florida, to Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, Nazarenes from far and near attended the 2016 National Black Nazarene Conference.
The event, themed Renew – Revive – Refresh, took place July 27 to 31 in Orlando, Florida. More than 700 people attended, including general superintendents Jerry D. Porter and Eugénio R. Duarte, 20 USA/Canada Region district superintendents, and more than 60 multicultural pastors and ethnic facilitators from 20 cultural groups.
The conference celebrated the uniqueness of the Nazarene Black church experience with music, preaching, and workshops aimed at equipping and encouraging Nazarenes to reach their peers with the message of Christ. It presented an opportunity for people from a variety of cultural backgrounds to experience Nazarene worship in an “Afrocentric” style with a blend of African-American and Caribbean-American singing and preaching.
Speakers for the event, which included a multicultural leaders track and workshops to address issues confronting the Black community, featured Dianne Adams-Bonner, John Wright, Lamar Davis, Victor Price, and Bishop Darryl Starnes.
General Superintendent Emeritus Stan Toler led a leadership seminar called The Five Star Church, while former USA/Canada Mission Strategy Director Tom Nees led a workshop dealing with contextual issues that affect the Black conference, efforts by denominational leaders to increase the presence and influence of Blacks in the church, and how the Church of the Nazarene can attract Blacks and include them in every level of leadership.
Attendees, some who have been with the church for 50 years, reported that they left with a sense of urgency and optimism concerning the emphasis the denomination has placed on increasing Black leadership. Others were encouraged about the future and excited about new initiatives, such as the new Center for Black Leadership, a collaborative effort of the USA/Canada Multicultural Ministries Office and Nazarene Theological Seminary. The center is led by Charles Tillman, Black Ministries facilitator and pastor of Richmond, Virginia, Woodville Church of the Nazarene. Tillman also led the Black Strategic Readiness Team and organized the Planning Committee for this conference.
The team is in the early planning stages for a summer 2018 National Black Nazarene Conference in a city to be named.
To download resources from the conference, click here.[USA/Canada Multicultural Ministries] Read more
Nazarenes in the News is a compilation of online news articles featuring Nazarene churches or church members.
Members from Tulsa Hills Church of the Nazarene traveled to Louisiana to assist with flood relief.
Oklahoma church members assist Louisiana flood victims
Tulsa, Oklahoma
(KJRH, August 25) Members of the Tulsa Hills Church of the Nazarene traveled to Baton Rouge, Louisiana, to lend their hand to flood victims.
The group of men is helping clear homes of debris and make repairs.
Pastor Jim Thornton said it's in the church's DNA to help out.
For the rest of the story, click here.
South Central Ohio District raises funds for West Africa, West Virginia
(NCN News submissions) Churches on the Church of the Nazarenes South Central Ohio District rallied around two causes this summer.
The first project began in March during missionary zone rallies on the district. Missionary Tim Eby spoke about the work God is doing in West Africa, showing a video about pastors and lay leaders using motorcycles to take God’s Word to areas that are difficult to reach. These pastors and lay leaders take the JESUS Film in a backpack along with hand-held solar units downloaded with teaching materials in their native language.
District Superintendent Trevor Johnston challenged churches to raise funds to purchase 10 motorcycles at $2,000 each.
"God moved the hearts of the people in a phenomenal way and they responded by raising nearly $39,000," said Carol Lee Carpenter, Nazarene Missions International president for the South Central Ohio District. "That is 18 plus motorcycles for pastors and lay leaders! We can envision the Word of God riding the winds of West Africa and bringing the good news of hope and salvation."
For the rest of the story, click here.
South Carolina church hosts football Sunday
Sumter, South Carolina
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<iframe width="640" height="360" style="border-width:0" src="§ion=home"></iframe>[Compiled by NCN News] Read more
Olathe, KansasChris Crawford, MidAmerica Nazarene University assistant professor and director of the university's athletic training program, is the lead medical provider for the U.S. Paralympic Swimming Team at the summer games in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.Chris Crawford demonstrates taping techniques for a shoulder injury during a class at MNU.
The U.S. Paralympic Swimming Team will compete with 176 other countries in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and a MidAmerica Nazarene University professor will assist the team. Chris Crawford, assistant professor and director of the university's athletic training program, is the swim team's lead medical provider for the summer games, September 7 to 18.
The 4,500 athletes in the Paralympic Games will compete in 528 medal events in 22 sports, utilizing the same venues as the Olympic games, including Athlete’s Village. Crawford and another athletic trainer will work with 31 swimmers on the U.S. team. Currently, 25 of the athletes are ranked in the top 10 in the world across 89 events.
Crawford has extensive experience with the team, having served on the medical staff for the 2014 Pan Pacific Para-Swimming Championships in Pasadena, California, as head athletic trainer for the 2015 International Paralympic Committee Swimming World Championships in Glasgow, Scotland, and head athletic trainer for the 2015 ParaPan American Games in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. He has volunteered with the U.S. Olympic and Paralympic Committees since 2013.
A member of the MNU faculty since 2013, Crawford has 16 years of experience in athletic training for many sports and in all kinds of settings. He teaches classes in the athletic training, pre-physical therapy, and pre-occupational therapy programs at MNU.
Crawford, other staff members, and athletes will be in Houston, Texas, for training camp from August 26 to September 1 before leaving for Rio de Janeiro September 2.[MidAmerica Nazarene University] Read more
The following is a weekly listing of Nazarene ministers and leaders who recently went home to be with the Lord. Notices were received August 22-26, 2016.
Susanna "Olga" Coetzer, 96, of Upington, South Africa, passed away August 17. She was a retired missionary, serving in South Africa. She was preceded in death by her husband, retired missionary Jacobus Coetzer, who passed away in 2003.
Ruth DeLong, 88, of Las Cruces, New Mexico, passed away August 7. She was a retired minister, serving in Arizona and Colorado. She was preceded in death by her first husband, Willard DeLong Sr., in 2010 and her second husband, Charles Bowman, in 2014.
Richard Hudson, 65, of Graham, Washington, passed away August 20. He was a retired minister, serving in Ohio and Washington. He is survived by his wife, Peggy Hudson.
Samuella "Sammy" Lepter, 66, of Nashville, Tennessee, passed away August 14. She was the wife of educator J. Douglas Lepter, who serves at Trevecca Nazarene University.
Stanley Meek, 84, of Yukon, Oklahoma, passed away August 22. He was a retired minister, serving in Kansas, Texas, Missouri, and Oklahoma. He is survived by his wife, Patricia Meek.
Paul Miller, 84, of Oak Harbor, Washington, passed away August 26. He was a minister, serving in California. He was also the former director of Nazarene Publishing House's Lillenas Drama Resources and of the Department of Youth at the Church of the Nazarene's International Headquarters. More information will be posted as it is made available.
Dorothy Willits, 99, of Mount Vernon, Ohio, passed away August 23. She was a lifelong member of Mount Vernon First Church of the Nazarene. She was preceded in death by her husband, Wilfred Willits.
For previous editions of In Memoriam, see the "Passings" section by clicking here.
Note: Please join us in prayer for the families who have lost loved ones. Click on names for full stories, funeral information, local online obituaries, and/or guest books (if available). To submit an entry of a minister or church leader, send to[Compiled by NCN News] Read more
Human Resources
People are our most valued resource. Our committed employees are involved in "Making Christlike Disciples in the Nations" in 159 world areas.
The Global Ministry Center Human Resources Office professionals strive to deliver the highest possible service to our employees, and are responsible for the recruitment, placement and retention of qualified individuals to staff the ministry and administrative positions of the GMC. The many employee services include compensation and benefit administration, payroll, employment, employee relations, training, counseling, organizational communication and events, and workplace programs.
*Volunteer opportunities for GMC ministries are available now. Email for details.
Employment Opportunities
Financial Services — Senior Administrative Assistant (Full time)
Office: Financial Services
Ministry: Administration
Title: Senior Administrative Assistant
Description: This position works under the direction of the general treasurer/financial officer and provides administrative and clerical support to the general treasurer/financial officer, the Nazarene Financial Services administrative director/Donor Services manager, and the Global Treasury Services administrative director/controller (as directed).
General Superintendents’ Office — Administrative Assistant (Full time)
Office: General Superintendents’ Office
Title: Administrative Assistant
Description: This position provides administrative support for the General Superintendents’ Office, including travel expense reconciliation, proofreading of correspondence, and credential processing. It also assists with preparation of the annual office budget and monthly reports, as well as events as needed.
Global Mission Office — Social Media and Digital Content Manager (Part-time)
Office: Global Mission
Ministry: Nazarene Compassionate Ministries
Title: Social Media and Digital Content Manager
Description: This position works under the oversight of the director of development and communications manager and is responsible for the execution of social media marketing and communications plans, including developing and executing a comprehensive social media strategy to increase visibility, traffic, engagement, and constituent support. Applicant must have the ability to create excellent content and think strategically about how social media fits within an overall business/ministry marketing strategy.
USA/Canada Regional Office — Program Assistant(Part-time)
Office: Global Mission
Ministry: USA/Canada Regional Office
Title: Program Assistant
Description: This position provides office assistance and customer support for Multicultural Literature/Casa Nazarena de Publicaciones (ML/CNP) with the goal of continuing effective service to Nazarene constituency and other clients.
To obtain additional information, please call 913-577-0500 and ask for Human Resources.
Location of our Positions
The GMC is the administrative hub for the Church of the Nazarene denominational ministries in 159 world areas. The GMC is conveniently located in Lenexa, Kansas, with easy access to I-35 and I-435 and within short driving distance to Kansas City International airport. All GMC positions report to this location.
Our Non-Discrimination Policy
The Church of the Nazarene Global Ministry Center offers equal employment opportunity to all persons regardless of age, color, national origin, citizenship status, disability, race, religion, creed, sex, or veteran status. The Global Ministry Center is an “at will” employer.
Our Faith-Based Organization
We are a faith-based organization. Acceptance of our Christian Code of Conduct is required and membership in the Church of the Nazarene is required for certain positions. The GMC and applicable remote work sites are smoke-, alcohol-, and drug-free Christian workplaces.
Application Processing
Our Human Resources Office receives and processes many employment applications annually for a limited number of positions. While we regret that we cannot respond to each applicant, we do contact those individuals possessing the skills, education/training, and experience that best match the requirements of the open position for which the application was submitted.
An application must be completed by all applicants and an application must be completed for each position for which one wishes to be considered. Applications are retained for one year. Resumés are not necessary for entry-level positions, but they are preferred for professional level positions.
Applying for Employment with the GMC
Application forms may be requested by calling 913-577-0500, emailing, or obtained in person from Human Resources at the Church of the Nazarene Global Ministry Center, 17001 Prairie Star Parkway, Lenexa, Kansas, 66220, Monday through Friday from 8:00 to 4:30 U.S. Central Time. Completed applications may be mailed or emailed to the attention of the Human Resources Office. Read more
The Church of the Nazarene's Stories DVD series connects churches around the world through the personal accounts of Nazarenes from diverse backgrounds.
This resource, formerly known as the World Mission DVD, is delivered three times a year through an email newsletter. The videos are a collaborative effort between regional communications offices and Global Ministry Center communications personnel and are available to view or download online at
Volume 2 — 2016
Sharing the Gospel for Generations
Hear the inspiring origin story of the San Juan Chamelco Church of the Nazarene, one of the oldest Nazarene churches in Guatemala. Church members explain how they survived persecution to grow the church.
God Will Provide
Pastor Valeri Munelski tells how his congregation in Montana, Bulgaria, was blessed in a way they never imagined possible, especially in a city opposed to Christianity.
A God of Miracles
Brazil native Silvia Rodrigues recounts her near-death experience that led to the miracle of healing and a life of hope in the Lord.
A Love Story for Us All
Christine Hung shares how a Bible study at her church in California, USA, brought unique renewal and spiritual vitality to a diverse group of believers.
Salt & Light
Sam Tamayo explains how he returned to God after experiencing a near-fatal accident and the death of his father. Sam now uses motocross as a ministry to reach others in the Philippines for the Kingdom.
Prepare the Way: The Church
Pastors and church leaders talk about how to be the church Jesus wants and how that is demonstrated in their ministries throughout the Africa Region.
To subscribe to the Stories email, send a message to Read more
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17001 Prairie Star Parkway
Lenexa, Kansas 66220, United States
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