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1. O day full of grace, which we behold,
to us from the sea ascending;
you over the earth your reign unfold,
good cheer to all mortals lending,
that children of light in every clime
may prove that the night is ending!
The importance of Sunday rest, worship and delight is to help us know and trust God's grace every day. When Luther wrote his Small Catechism, he emphasized in the meanings of the Lord's Prayer that God's gifts come to us without our prayer. I would add they come often without our knowing or even noticing.
Let the day open us to all that God gives in creation: food, drink, clothing, breathtaking beauty and incomprehensible power, inexhaustible newness.
Let the day open us to all that God gives in Jesus: the living promise that God is with us; the gracious power to trust forgiveness above and around and through our wrongs; the healing and hope that lifts us in new beginnings and calls us to lift one another.
Let the day open us to all that God gives in the Spirit: splendid arrays of gifts in communities and neighborhoods and churches; and the promise that God calls, gathers and unites all these gifts for the sake of hope and new life.
We pray today that grace comes and that we be aware of it, grateful for it and willing to share it Amen.
Paul Rohde, '82
Campus Pastor, Augustana University, Sioux Falls, S.D.
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